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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130497-5 CLASSIFICATION RESTRICTED SECURITY INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS COUNTRY China SUBJECT Economic; Sociological. - Agriculture, food supply, famine REPORT CD NO. DATE OF HOW DATE DIST. ZVSep 1953 PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED Peiping, Tientsin NO. OF PAGES 2 DATE PUBLISHED 31 May, 15 Jun 1953 LANGUAGE Chinese INFORMATION ON FAMINE RELIEF IN EAST CHINA Mu DOCD.LY CO.r?If ?II[CIIN M. .?nD.LL DIDDII or Tx[ V.R.O .T?TCh .IMI. M. Waa.. 01 Ullo.?a ?CT .D .... C.. 11 ?.D J. ?. ?....... In T??xLINno. o. 011 ..r.L?no. OF ITS Lo.TLrt 1. ?.l .?...^ To AN {Y?YTOObIID rOfo. Il rto .IIITID PT l?I. .IP.ODOCno. or THIN ..I. II .........D SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. L .-Imary: Since April, the Central People's Government has sent over 900,000 tons of food into famine stricken areas in Honan, Anhwei, Kiangsu, and Shantung. China is said to have enough food, but the problem is to get the food within reach of the hungry. Food supplies Plowing into East China famine areas for the past month have stabi- lized the market. Production and relief work are said to be progress- ingJ FOOD MD.STRY SPOKESMAN DISCU1SES RELIEF MEASURJ -- Peiping, Jen-min Jih-pao, 31 May 5s Since April 1553, the Central People's Government has sent over 900,000 tone of food into vhe famine stricken areas in Honan, Anhwei, Kiangsu, and Shantung, according to a spokesman of The Food Ministry. This food, added to that already on hand in the state companies, cooperatives, and peasants' homes, will tide the people over the present emergency, he said. Prices are remaining fairly stable. The present mobility of grain supplies contrasts favorably with conditions under the old regime, when grain was imported from the seaboard while stocks in Szechwan went to waste. Now the nation acts as a unitary organism in meeting its shortages. EDITORIAL CALLS FOR INTENSIFIED RELIEF EFFORTS -- Tientsin, Ta Kung Pao, 31 May 53 Our party and government have met with some success in leading a fight to save the lives of our people facing spring famine in certain areas. Farm work is being pushed and supplies of grain rushed in to save the lives of millions. RESTRICTED DISTRIBUTION STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130497-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130497-5 ~ However, to avoid an additional summer famine, we must intensify our efforts to aid these stricken people. The most pressing problem is to get the available food supplies within reach of the hungry. Our leaders must initiate plans for various steps to aid the stricken people. Methods of obtaining capital must be devised because capital is necessary to purchase and transport foodstuffs to the stricken areas and to help the suffering people feed their domestic animals. These must be tax alleviation in the famine areas. HAST CHINA E70?ANBS PRODUCTION RELIEF ACTIVITIES -- Peiping, Jen-min Jih-pao, 15 Jun 53 Thanks to good leadership, production and relief work are progressing side by side in the disaster areas of East China. From other parts of China grain has been shipped in to meet the emergency. Cadres have been sent out to aid the peasants to save the winter wheat and start new crops for the fall. Transporta- tion facilities have been mobilized to move in supplies promptly. At Pang-fou, crews have worked overtime to handle more than 20,000 tons of foodstuffs. Shantung has done about as well as last year. T'eng FPsien, one of the herd- hit districts in Shantung produced 70 percent of their usual crop. North Kiangsu will harvest about 50 percent of their norm. Relief activities have met the usual difficulties and the cadres have made mistakes; but, on the whole, relief and production are progressing. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130497-5