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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130430-8 ~ COUNTRY SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE CLASSIFICATIInnNN RESTRICTED SL'CURITY INFORMATIO:. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS Economic - Agriculture Irregular newspaper Prague 22 May - 23 Jul 1953 ,......... REPORT CD NO. DATE OF DATE DIST. .)-Sep 1953 NO. OF PAGES 5 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CZECHOSLOVAK DE TEES ON AGRICULTURE FMISFED w . ~2 FAY AND 23 : 1953 'ecrees pertaining to agriculture issued by various Ceechc- slovak Ministries and published by the Ministry of the Interior, are abstracted here as a report intended to present in concise and easily digestible form all essential provisions of the decreed. The date on which the decree was issued, or its effec- tive date, does not necessaril?' coincide with the date of publication. Numbers in parentheses refer to appended sources CROP DELIVERY Beekeepers Required to Deliver Honey 0 No 147, issued by the Ministry of Crop Purchase 18 May 1953, 2 pages, effective 25 May 1993. Requires beekeepers to deliver their honey to agencies of the Ministry of Crol Purchase. Deliveries are to be in direct proportion to the number of hive's owned. Outlines the prices to be paid and the quality standards to be met, as well as deadlines for delivery, and requires a rrnort on all acquisitions and losses of beehives.(l) STAT Sugar Allccation Increased in Exchange for Sugar Beet Delivery No 146, issued by the Ministry of Crop Purchase 21 May 1953, 1 page, effective 22 May 1953, through the end of the 1953 sugar beet season. CLASSIFICATION NAVY NSRB AIR FB1 DISTRIEUTION n Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130430-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130430-8 ? Gives details of changes made in previous legislation which allocated quantities of sugar to individuals who deliver sugar beet in accordance with the crop purchase program. Deliverers are permitted to purchase sugar at ratios set in proportion to the quantity of sugar beet they deliver to the state. Increases the amount of sugar which the deliverer of sugar beet may purchase, and adds that the sugar will be sold at controlled market prices flower than free market price7.(1) Conditions Under Which Farmers Who Fulfill Quotas May Purchase Goods No 157, issued by the Ministry of Crop Purchase 30 May 1953, 3 pages, effective 1 June 1953. Cites conditions under which farmers who have delivered their pre- scribed quotas of sugar beet, chicory, oleaginous seeds, flax, and hemp, and or who have successfully completed all preparatory work for the next phase of agricultural operations, are to be permitted to purchase con- sumer goods such as sugar, margarine, wool yarn, and yard goods, or such items as Portland cement, bricks, tiles, lime, wheat flour, etc. All such purchases can be r,,.^.3e at regulation discounts, listed in government mice indexes. Gives us...xyles of how a farmer cap benefit by this measure.(3) Quality Indexes Set For A ricultural Produce No 165, issued by the Ministry of Crop Purchase 5 June 1953, 12 pages, effective 15 June 1953. Gives quality indexes for deliveries of agricultural produce to crop.purchase depots. Covers such suujeet; as maaximu.u and minimum moisture conteau, submission of samples, and over-all quality of grains, rice, oleaginous seeds, hay and straw, and other related agricultural products. Entire subject is covered in detail and prices, fines, fees, etc. are discussed.(4) Conditions Specified for Contractual Production of Seed No 177, issued by the Ministry of Agxiculture 13 June 1953, 2 pages, effective 22 June 1953. Outlires the conditions for production (by contract) of seeds and seedlings for grains, legu:aes, oleaginous seeds, fibrous plants, clovers, grasses, potatoes, vegetables, flowers and seeds, and seedlings for two- year root crops.(7) Accounting Reorganized in Cooperatives No 185, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture 15 June 1953, 4 pages, effective 15 June 1953. s Outlines new organization of accounting services for unified agri- cultural cooperatives, emphasizing such items as the organization, duties, and rights of okres and kraj inspectors and auditors.(8) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130430-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130430-8 Produce Markets Established No 231, issued by the Ministry of Internal Trade 14 July 1953, 2 pages, effective 15 July 1953. Establishes farmers' markets for use of members of unified agricultural cooperatives, small and middle farmers, individual producers of food and related products, gatherers of forest fruits, etc. These persons may sell their surplus proauce (after regular delivery to the state has been made) at such markets, which will be equipped with stands, scales, supervisory personnel, etc. Produce map be sold co any, at a price agreed up'n between purchaser and seller.(11) Publish Law on Fishing No 170, issued by `he Ministry of Agriculture 8 June 1953, 4 pages, effective 1 June 1953. Contains fishing laws for Czechoslovakia, discussing such subjects as behavior while fishing, locations for fishing, fishing from boats, various fish which may and may not be landed, specifications for fishing. tackle, and other related subjects.(6) Measures to Protect Silk Worms No 149, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture 22 May 1953, one quarter page, effective 1 June 1953. Establishes a permanent protective season on the felling and uprooting, or otherwise damaging, of mulberry trees, to protect the mulberry silk worm so that cultivation of such worms can be increased.(2) Crop Purchase Prices Fixed for Products of 1953 Harvest No 154, issued by the Ministry of Crop Purchase 30 May 1953, 4 pages, effective 1 June 1953. Gives official prices payable to farmers for selected agricultural produce. Prices are Payable by agencies of the Ministry of Crop Purchase in return for deliveries of such commodities as cereals, legumes, hay, straw, sorghum straw, grapes, flax, hemp, sugar beet, chicory, empty poply seed pods, spices, and potatoes. To determine the new rate payable for such products, old prices are multiplied by 0.20 crowns.(3) Crop Purchase Prices Fixed for Fish, Animals, and Animal Products No 155, issued by the Ministry of Crop Purchase 30 May 1953, 3 pages, effective I June 1953. Wk -3- RESTRICTED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130430-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130430-8 Gives the official crop purchase prices payable to farmers for selected products, such as fattened cattle, calves, hogs, sheep, goats, horses, foals, rabbits, poultry, eggs, fresh water fish, game, sheep's wool, and milk. Instead of quoting prices for the :.hove commodities, the decree requires that old prices be multiplied by 0.20 crowns to determine the new price.(3) Prices Fixed for Milk and Dairy Products No 214, issued by the Ministry of Crop Purchase 13 July 1953, 12' pages, effective 1 July 1953? Gives official prices to be paid for deliveries of milk, butter, and cheese. Specifies the acceptable moisture content of cheese, etc-(9) Crop Purchase Prices Fixed for Hops and Other Crops No 215, issued by the Ministry of Crop Purchase 13 July 1953, 212 pages, effective 20 July 1953. Gives crop purchase prices to be paid for deliveries of hops, domestic tobacco, flax, and hemp, and specifications which products must meet to qualify for crop purchase.(9) Crop Purchase Prices Fixed for Fruit and Seedlings No 224, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture 11 July 1953, one half page, effective 22 July 1953. .Fixes crop purchase p"ices to be paid for deliveries of selected fruit and seedlings of domestic fruit trees, as well as retail prices for the same items.(10) Distribution of Binder Twine No 168, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture 8 June 1953, 2 pages,. effective 13 June 1953. Discusses details of the distribution of binder twine and the return of empty receptacles for the 1953 harvest season.(5) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130430-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130430-8 SOURCES 1. Prague, Uredni List, 22 May 53 2. Ibid., 27 May 53 3. Ibid., 30 May 53 4. Ibid., 12 Jun 53 5. Ibid., 13 Jun 53 6. Ibid., 15 Jun 53 7. Ibid., 20 Jun 53 8. Ibid., 25 Jun 53 9. Ibid., 16 Jul 53 10. Ibid., 18 Jul 53 11. Ibid., 23 Jul 53 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130430-8