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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 CLASSIFICATION RESTRICTED SECU_^-ITY INFORMATION CENTRP.L INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS CR RADIO BROADCASTS SUBJECT Economic - Communications Scientific - Electronics HOW DATE DIST. 3 / Aug 1953 PUBLISHED Irregular newspapers and monthly per odical DATE PUBLISHED 15 Mar 1950 - 11 Apr 1953 LANGUAGE rxr.. . ?..x.rr.,:....... r ... or rx. uxrrm ror..~sn rxrx u.xu.r.. o nn. of suno..~n. ^xo r ..r rx. us. coo.... .x...... ... + . I. ..... L.TIM 01 RI C.xTMb + ...IR W .. -0....... .box .. REPORT CD NO. DATE OF NO. OF PAGES 12 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. ORGANIZATION OF THE POLISH MINISTRY CF POSTAL AND TELEGRAPH CCMMUNICATIONS AND SUBORDINATE AM) AFFILIATED AGENCIES HE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 TEMPORARY ORGANIZATION OF THE 1?.INISTRY OF POSTAL AND TELEGRAPH COMMUNICATIONS -- Warsaw, Monitor Polski, No A-80, 14 Sep 51 Resolution No 625 of the Council of Ministers, dated 29 August 1951, set np the following temporary organization for the Ministry of Postal and Tele- graph Communications, retroactive to 1 August 1951. This resolution abolishec the law of 20 January 1950, which set up a temporary organization of the Minis- try of Postal and Telegraph Communications (Item 146 of Monitor Polski, No A-14, 1950). Organizational Subdivisions of the Ministry Office of the Minister Division of the President Divison for Cooperation Abroed Legal Division Independent Library Office Secret Council Division for Collated Plans Division for the Planning of Services Division for Reports and Statistics Division of Costa and Rates Department of Organization, Employment, and Wages Organization Division Employment Division Wage. Division Division for Work Norms and Work Competition Social Welfare Division STAT) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 STAT Personnel Division Appointments Division Independent Office of Personnel Records Financial Planning Division Financial Division Accounting Division Division of Accounting Systems j esolution No 280 of the Council of Ministers, dated 5 April 1952 (Item 479, Monitor Polski, No A-33, 26 April 1952), split the Financial Department as follows: Budget Division Financial Planning Division Division for Financing Investments and Major Repairs Division for Financing PPTT (Polska Poczta, Telegraf i Telefon; Polish Post, Telegraph, and Telephone) Independent Office of Insurance and International Money Orders Division of Accounting Systems Division of Financial Statements Dio:sion of Cost Accounting Division of Central Accounting for PPTT7 Division of Real Estate and Inventories Budget and Accounting Division Maintenance Division Division of Procurement Planning Division for Managing Materials independent Office for the Management of Paper Supplies Main Office Division of Technological Progress Division of Technological Innovations and Improvements Division of Traffic Safety Division of Collated Plans and Reports on Investments Division of Investments in Stations Division of Investments in Lines Division of New Telegraph and High Frequency Equipment Division of Postal Investments and Others Division for Technical Documentation Division for the Execution Zo-f Investment Plans? Division for the Procurement of Installations and Equipment Division of PAv Material Supplies for Investment Purposes RESTRICTED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 Division for Testing Telecommunicat'.ons Equipment Division c? Local Telepnone Facilities Division of Long-Distance Telephone Facilities Division of Telecommu.,cations Traffic Telegraph Division Radio Communications Traffic Division Radio Communications Facilities Division Radiotelephone Facilities Division Independent Office for Technical Reports Domestic Mail Division Foreign Mail Division Parcel Post Division Divisioa of Publications and Periodical Mail independent Division of Vocational Training abolished by Resolution No 280; replaced by Administration of Vocation Trainirg. See below7 Independent Division of Internal Control Independent Division for Automotive Vehicles Main Inspectorate of the Postal Guard /Resolution No 699a of the Council of Ministers, dated 29 September 1951 (Item 1280, Monitor Polski, No A-93, 10 November 1951), added the following: Central Administration for Nation-wide Radiofication (Centralny Zarzad Radiofonicacji Kraju)7 fResolutior. No 280 added the iollowing: Administration for Radio Stations (See 00-W-21819 for detailed organization.) Administration of Vocational Training Division of Plans and Programs Division of Schools Division of Courses and Continuation Courses Budget and Economics Division Independent Office for Manpower Independent Office for Workshops? The Minister of Postal and Telegraph communications will define the specific activities of departments, independent divisions, subordinate divi- sions, and i:.:.ependent offices. Secretariats within the Office of the Minister and within departments perform the following duties: (1) collate work plans and prepare over-all reports on the activities of the department (or dffice); (2) keep records of general directives ana maintain collections of official publications; (3) handle personnel and office matters of the department. -3- RESTRICTED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 ORGANI?ATION FOR RADIOFICATION OF POLAND -- Warsaw, Przeglad Pocztowy, Vol XV, No 12, Dec 51 Stanislaw Leszczynski, director of Central Administration for Nation-Wide Radiofication While Poland was being freed by the Soviet Army and the people's govern- ment was being set up, the first wired radio systems of Polskie Radio (Polish Radio) were organized in liberated cities, towns, and villages. The Poles in- troduced the new radiofication technique on the basis of Soviet example, with the technical assistance of the Soviet Army. As the rest of Poland was liber- ated, the network of stations for wire broadcasting increased consistently and rapilly. The Wydzial Budowy Radiowezlow (Division for the Construction of Wired Radio Systems) was created within the Dyrekcja Techniczna Polskiego Radia (Technical Directorate of the Polish Radio). Its objectives were to coordi- nate expansion in a planned manner, improve transmission of broadcasting over the wired radio systems, train a corps of specialists, and standardize the technical equipment. The Council of Ministe-s of the Provisional Government adopted a resolution in June 1945 to make radio accessible to all by covering the entire country with a radiofication network. In 1945i 306 wired radio centers were set up, with several public loud-speakers on streets and squares and a relatively insignificant number of residential loud-speaker- In the first stage it was intended to install a large number of wired radio systems to serve loud-speakers in public places. The next stage was to construct wire broadcasting networks in cities, to install residential loud- speakers, and to construct numerous local wired radio centers in the villages. At the end of 1946, the first long-range Three-Year Plan was drawn up for radiofication in Poland. This plan aimed at maximum expansion of wire broad- casting. The networks built during the first postwar years of heterogeneous materials were partially replaced. At the end of 1949, the total number of radic subscribers amounted to 1,228,406, of which 473,208 were subscribers for loud.-speakers. The organization of Polskie Radio underwent a transformation in line with the eypansion of radiofication. The Dzial Radiofonii. Przevodowei (Section for Wire Broadcasting) was created in 1947 within the Dyrekcja Naczelna (Chief Directorate) of Polskie Radio. The section became the Dyrekcja Radiofonii Przewodowej (Directorate for Wire Broadcasting) in July 1949. Tn 1950, the increasing problems of radiofication finally led to the reorganization of Polskie Radio and to the creation of the separate PPRK (Panetwowe Przedsiebiorstwo Radiofonizacii Kraju, State Enterprise for the Radiofication of Poland). In 1950, considerable progress was made in instal ng public address systems for public celebrations. Earlier, ti.e task was only a side line of Polskie Radio. Under the PPRK, its importance was fully appreciated and great progress was made in organization, technology, and equipment. During the Second World Congress of the Defenders of Peace at the Dom Slows Polskiego (Rouse of the Polish Word), a multilingual device was installed, enabling a person to listen to speeches in any of nine languages. Moreover, during the entire period that the congress was in session, six large ampli- fiers at squares and main streets of Warsaw, connected by lines to special apparatus in the Dom Slows Polskiego, transmitted the discussions or commen- taries on discussions of the congress. The short time in which to plan and set uv this equipment required personnel of the PPRK to work 92 hours without ~' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 a break. The Polish government awarded high honors to the Pclish installation crews, technicians, and engineers. However, public address systems are still inadequate, generally speaking, because of shortages of equipment and qualified personnel, since this is a new field. To provide adequate service for radio subscribers, the SOR (Stacja Obslugi Radiotechnicznej, Radio Technical Service Station) was organized in 1950. This was something entirely new. At present December 19517 there are 33 SOR's in operation in ell the vojewodztwo cities and in a few powiat cities. On 1 July 1951, the PPRK became part of the Ministry of Postal and Tele- graph Communications. In the present political and economic situation, radio is a powerful weapon of the party and government, reaching millions of people. It must counter the falsehoods of enemy propaganda with words of truth. The Dyrekcja Radiofonii Przewodowej is the instrument through which the consciousness of the Polish masses can be elevated and propaganda of the enemy can be neutralized. Radiofication will be able to fulfill its role better as its network ex- pends to include more villages and workers' settlements. In technical progress, 1952 will be a critical year in the objective to transmit programs without distortion or disturbances. These tasks will be fulfilled through the dedication of installation crews, many of whom, like rural mailmen, not only fulfill technical functions but also act as political agitators. BYLAWS OF THE INSTITUTE OF COMMUNICATIONS -- Warsaw, Monitor Polski, No A-1, Item 15, 14 Jan 53 Resolution No 1216 of the Council of Ministers, dated 27 December 1952, set up bylaw- for the Institute of Communications (Instytut Lacznosci). On the basis of Article 1 of the Law of 8 January 1951 on the formation of scientific research institutes for the needs of the national economy (Dzien- nik Ustaw, No 5, Item 38), and in accordance with Article 74 of the Law o 15 December 1951 on higher education and scientific research workers (Dziennik Ustaw, 1952, No 6, Item 38), the Council of Ministers resolves as t'ollows: Section 1 The bylaws specified in the enclosure to this resolution are applicable to the Institute of Communications created by the directive of the Minister of Postal and Telegraph Communications, dated 18 September 1951, on the formation of the Institute of Communications (Monitor Poiski, No A-91, Item 1261). fee The directive of the Minister of Postal and Telegraph Communications, dated 18 September 1951, on setting up bylaws of the Institute cf Communica- tions (Monitor Polski, No A-91, item 1262) is hereby abolished. A Section 3 The resolution is effective on the day of its publication. B. Bierut, Chairman of Council of Ministers STATJ STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 Enclosure to Resolution No 1216 of the Council of Ministers of 27 December 1952 (Item 15) Section 1 The Institute of Communications, hereinafter called the institute, created by the directive of the Minister of Postal and Telegraph Communications, dat:d 18 September 1951, on the formation of the Institute of Communications (Monitor Polski, No A-91, Item 1261), operates on the basis of the Law of 8 January 1 551 on t.e formation of scientific research institutes for the needs of the national economy (Dziennik Ustaw, No 5, Item 38) and in accordance with Article 74 of the Law of 15 December 1951 on higher education and scientific research workers (Dziennik Ustaw, 1952, No 6, item 38). Section 2 The institute is located in the capital city of Warsaw. Section 3 The institute is a legal person. Section 4 The supreme authority over the institute is vested in the Minister of Postal and Telegraph Communications, hereinafter culled the minister. Section 5 The institute is authorized to use the round seal with the state emblem in the center and the name of the institute around it. Section 6 The purpose of the institute is to plan, to organize, and to conduct theoretical scientific research and experiments in the field of radio and wire broadcasting facilities to improve technical efficiency. The special tasks of the institute are as follows: (1) To conduct theoretical and experimental scientific research in the operation of radir and wire broadcasting facilities and in the promotion of technical efficiency, and to supervise and coordinate such research projects in agreement with pertinent ministers. (2) To follow the progress of science, technology, telecommunications, and methodology in other countries, especially the USSR and the people's democ- racies, and to apply their achievements to Poland's needs. (3) To conduct theoretical and experimental research on new wire broad- casting facilities, including the development of laboratory models and the building of single copies and small series of units. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 STATI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 (4) To collaborate with industry in working out technical specifications for the production of telecommunications equipment. (5) To cooperate with all centers in the country using telecommunication and wire broadcasting facilities. (6) To prepare scientific documentation on radio and wire broadcasting problems. (7) To popularize radio and telecommunications science and to raise the qualifications of workers by organizing meetings, courses, and lectures; to establish close contact with the operations personnel; and to promote the rationalizers' and innovators' movement. (8) To prepare books, articles, technical instructions, etc., to serve telecommunications employees. Section 7 (1) The director is head of the institute and independently manages the activities of the institute for which he is responsible. (2) The director is aided by two deputies who have certain duties assigned to them for which they are responsible to the director. (4) The director or deputy director should be appointed from among inde- pendent jot requiring supervisioj scientific research workers. Section 8 The specific duties of the director are as follows: (1) To direct all scientific research work and organizational and adminis- trative work of the institute. (2) To submit proposed work plans and preliminary estimates of income and expenditures of the institute for evaluation by the Scientific Research Council. (3) To submit work plans and preliminary budget estimates for the ap- proval of the minister. (4) To call scientific conferences and conventions. (5) To submit to the minister quarterly and annual progress reports of the institute. Section 9 The Scientific. Research Council functions alongside of the institute. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 STATI Section 10 (1) The Scientific Research Council consists of a chairman; a deputy chairman; and eight members appointed for a period of 3 years by the Minister of Postal and Telegraph Communications, with the approval of the Chairman of the PKPG (Panstwowa Komisja Planowania vospodarczego, State Economic Planning C~mffiission) and of the Minister of Higher Education. They are chosen from among representatives of science and experts in the institute's field of competence and from among telecommunication workers' organizations. (2) The chairman of the council, the deputy chairman, and the members may be recalled before the expiration of their terms. Section 11 The specific duties of the scientific Research Council are as follows: (1) To initiate scientific research projects. (2) To pass judgment on the institute's work plans and preliminary budgets and to evaluate their execution. (3) To pass judgment on organizational matters of the institute. (4) To examine other pertinent matters at the request of the minister or on the recommendation of the council's chairman. Section 12 (1) Meetings of the Scientific Research Council are called by its chair- (2) The chairman must call at least two meetings of the Scientific Research Council during a calendar year. (3) In addition to the stipulation in (2) above. the chairman must call a meeting of the council (a) at the request of the minister; (b) at the request of the director of the institute; (c) on the recommendation of at least one half of the council's members. (4) The director of the institute or a deputy delegated by him parti- cipates in the council's meetings. Section 13 (1) Resolutions of the scientific Research Council are not valid unless the chairman or his deputy and at least one-half of the total number of members are present. (2) Resolutions are passed by a simple majority vote. In case of a tie, the chairman has the deciding vote. (3) The minister may invalidate a resolution of the council in its e0tirety or in part ex officio or on the motion of the institute's director. Section 14 Members of the Scientific Research Council are paid for attendance at meetings according to rates established by the minister, in agreement with the Minister of Finance. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 Section 15 (1) The organizational unite of the institute are divided'into scientific research and service units. (2) The scientific research units carry out the basic tasks of the insti- tute as-stipulated in Section 6 of this statute; the service units perform aux- iliary functions for the scientific research units, especially those functions pertaining to personnel, planning, budgeting and accounting, and maintenance. Section 16 (1) The institute consists of the following organizational units: Office of Senior Inspector of Manpower Secret Office Planning Branch Independent Budget and Accounting Section Independent Administrative and Maintenance Section Office of Standards Engineer Office of Engineer in Charge of Innovations Wire Broadcasting Research Laboratory (Zaklad Teletransmisji Przewodowej) Cable Research Laboratory (Zaklad Kablowy) Research Laboratory for Communications Engineering (Zaklad Techniki Laczenia) Research Laboratory for Amplifiers (Zaklad Urzadzen Zasi_ajacych) Branch Publishing Center (Dzialowy Osrodek Wydawniczy) Engineering Design Workshop (Warsztat Konstrukcyjny) Radio Communications Research Laboratory (Zaklad Radiokomunikacji) Surveying Research Laboratory (Zaklad Miernictwa) Television Research Laboratory t'Zaklad Telewizji) Electroacoustics Research Laboratory (Zaklad Llektroakustyki). (2) Branches and research laboratories are generally subdivided according to one-man positions or groups. (3) The Minister of Postal and Telegraph Communications, in agreement with the PKPG and the State Commission for Classified Personnel (Panstvowa Komisja Etatow), may subdivide branches and research laboratories into sections or workshops. Section 17 The budget of the institute is contained in the state budget (central budget) under the Ministry of Postal and Telegraph Communications. Section 18 (1) Commitments relative tc property rights or liabilities made in the name of the institute require the cocaeration of two authorized persons. N, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 (2) Persons authorized to make such commitments are: the director, the deputy director, and designated authorized representatives. The deputy direc- tor and the authorized representatives may act only within the limits of their authority. (3) The minister appoints and recalls authorized representatives and establishes the sphere of competence for the deputy director and the authorized representatives. He may also authorize the director to make independent e,m-? mitments in a specific sphere. All vouchers for cash or commodity transactions, and credit and cost accounting vouchers for the receipt or disbursement of cash or commodities, must be signed jointly by the director cr his authorized representative and by the senior accountant or person authorized by him. Section 20 Authorized representatives may be designated to perform certain specific or limited activities. They act jointly or separately within the limits of their competence. In granting power of attorney, the same procedure is followed as in making property or legal commitments of the institute. SET UP CVTRAL ADMINISTRATION OF COMMUNICATIONS SUPPLY -- Warsaw, Monitor Polski, No A-48, item 656, 6 Jun 52 Resolution No 442 of the Council of Ministers, dated 24 May 1952, creates the CZZL (Centralny Zarzad Zaopatrzenia Lacznosci, Central Administration of Communications Supply) in the Ministry of Postal and Telegraph Communications. To east,,- efficient functioning of supply in the agency of postal and tele- graph communications, to simplify and improve the management of supply services, and to improve the operatioc and field work, the Council of Ministers resolves the following: Section 1 The CZZL is hereby created within the Ministry of Postal and Telegraph Communications. Th- CZZL performs the following activities: (1) Planning, distribution, and matters related to procurement of materials, technical facilities, equipment, and inspection of their proper use in communications. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 1 (2) Supervision, coordination, and L-.neral manaGement of subordinate warehouses which are responsible for their own accounts, anC which were created by separate directives of the Minister of Postal and Telegraph Communications for the direct servicing of units and enterprises of the agency of postal and telegraph communications. Section 3 The specific sphere of activity and the internal organization of the CZZL vill be determined by the Minister of Postal and Telegraph Communications, in agreement with the PKPG. Section 4 The execution of this resolution and the scheduling of the commence- ment of operation of the CZZL is entrusted to the Minister of Postal and Telegraph Communications. Section 5 This resolution is effective on the day of its publicatz~n. T AND TRANSFER OF COt7MUNICATTIONS CATI Warsaw, Monitor Polski, No A-31, OF Apr 53 TELEGRAPH dated 2 Directive No 43 of the Chairman of the Councils of Ministers, transfer 24 the March 1953 (Item 400 in Monitor Polskl No A-31, 1953), in the Ministry of Postal and Telegraph Communications of some comnunir~i~fitraining centers of the CUSZ (centralny Urzad Szkolenia Zawodowego, Vocational Training), is given below: il of Minis U2 the 195fo oftrainingthe oftthe, dated 23 June e 1951, No 34, 1952), the CUSZ (Dziennik Ustaw, Iter X77, No 36, 1951, and Item 237, following is directed: Section 1 The Communications Training Center (Osrodek Szkolenia Lacznosci) of the CUSZ at Ulica Wolodyjowskiego No 3 in Bialystok and the Communications Training ed to Center of the CUSZ at Ulica SienlcieWicza No 58 in Lodz, are transferredet a the Ministry of Postal and Telegraph Communications as of 1 April 1953? hereinafter referred to as centers. Section 2 The Ministry of Postal and Telegraph Communications assumes responoi bility for such communications training at the centers as was previously conducted by the CUSZ. Section 3 1. The CUSZ will transfer ownership of real estate and equipment of the centers to the Ministry of Postal and Telegraph Communications in the manner and under the conditions specified by Directive No 135 of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, dated 18 August 1951 (Item 1135 in Monitor Polska, No A-?82, 1951), 2. The centers will occupy their present quarters. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 ! -E N D- - 12 - RESTRICTED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700130123-9 Section 4 The centers sill be financed by the CUSZ budget up to 31 May 1953. There- after, the centers will be financed by the Ministry of Postal and Telegraph Communications. Section 5 The directive is effective on the day of its publication and is retro- active to 24 March 1953. POLISH LAW CREATES THE STATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS COUNCIL -- Warsaw, Dziennik Ustaw, No 7, 15 Mar 50 The law dated 4 Febriary 1950 (Item 63 in Dziennik Ustaw, No 7, 1950), on the State Telecommunications Council (Panstvowa Rada Telekomunikacyjna), is given below: For ,he purpose of conducting a uniform telecommunications policy and coordinating the objectives of the various agencies in this field, the State Telecommunications Council is created by the Chairman of the PKPG. Article 2 A statute to be approved by the Council of Ministers and to be published in Monitcr Polski will define the organization aad the particular sphere of activity of the State Telecommunications Council. Article 3 The Minister of Postal and Telegraph Communications is the Chairman of the State Telecommunications Council. Article 4 The State Telecommunications Council will consist of a presidium and professional sections. The Presidium of the State Telecommunications Council will consist of a chairman and one representative of each of the following: PKPG, Minister of Postal and Telegraph Communications, Minister of National Defense, Minister of Public Security, Minister of Transportation, :Minister of Navigation, Minister of Heavy Industry, and the Central Board of Radio Broadcasting (Centralny Urzad Radiofonii). Article 6 Expenditures of the State Telecommunications Council are covered by the budget of the PKPG. Article 7 The execution of this law is entrusted to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers; the Chairman of the PKPG; and the ministers of Postal and Telegraph Communications, National Defense, Public Security, Transportation, Navigation, and Heavy Industry. Article 8 This law takes effect on the day of publication.