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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700110586-8 r- CENTRAL INTELLIGEN^5 AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS COUNTRY China SUBJECT Economic; Transportation - Aighway HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED Peiping, Tientsin DATE PUBLISHED 25 Jan - 22 Feb 1953 LANGUAGE Chinese x xlD.x ?rl Ox ?1I[[r1x0 lxl un . , , Dll rxIDYXI1lD tr?rt1+t.ITxlx rxi Y[?x1.0 o Il[ I fliil D.It 1 ?.D rr ?. D x Y.t. c00[. ?t ?YfxO[D. r .?+ x'ttlDx 0. .tVl' nox or m coxrt.n ro a .uurr [ .. .? + .uto rato. It raerlurm .r u.. rxur..DDYCn e+ o. nn .a.xo Is r.Dxn nlD. REPORT CD NO. DATE OF DATE DIST. ~$ Jun 1953 NO. OF PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION TRANSPORT DIFFICULTIES IN PEIPING; FAVORABLE RESULTS OF TRUCK-TRAILER TESTS ~ummary: In the fall of 1952, the Peiping authorities adopted various measures to solve traffic problems resulting from the nu- :eerous building programs under way. In early 1953, the government established a Cent:nl Office to control the production, marketing, and delivery of all building materials and supplies. Anticipating an increased demand on local transportation facil- ities, the authorities in Sian and Lan-chow purchased additional motor trucks, and organized mechanized and animal-drawn vehicles inte operating units for greater efficiency. Successful tests have been made in Tientsin to use truck-trailer combinations to increase transport capacity and to reduce costs and the rate of gasoline consumption PEIPINO CONSOLIDATED TRANSPORT OFFICE -- Peiping, Jen-min Jih-pao, 8 Feb 53 Peiping (Hsin-hua) -- Lack of foresight and appropriate action on the part of Peiping authorities resulted in confusion and exasperating delays in transport soon after the lsunching of the basic construction program in Peiping in the fall of 1952. The Peiping Municipal Transport Company found itself faced with ten times as much business as it could handle with the means at its disposal.. At one time in October, an accumulation of over 700,000 tons of building materials and supplies was awaiting transport to the various building protects sites. The above amount was exclusive of coal, food and other daily necessities. Interruptions of building operations were accompanied by great financial losses. For example, in the scramble among the contractors to get delivery of materials, the charges for the delivery of bricks from Ma-this-kou to s point near the Hsuan-wu iden increased from 65 yuan to 100 yuan per brick. DISTRIBUTION eclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700110586-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700110586-8 In viex of the urgency and all-embracing nature of the problem, the Mu- nicipal Finance and Economic Committee organized a Consolidated Transport Office. It also established priorities, regulated charges, and centralized assignment of transport tasks to the operators of transport facilities. Motor trucks and animal-drawn vehicles were brought it from Tientsin, Tsinan, and places as far axay as Tsingtao. The laissez-faire system of unregulated transport arrangements xas largely abandoned. Certain transport facilities were designated for regular service in the delivery of food supplies and daily necessities for the public at large, and others were designated for particular products such as sand, lime, bricks,, tile, and cement; structural steel, lumber; machines and installations equipment. The committee directed its attention to such matters as promptness and speed oP loading and unloading, and the dumping or piling of materials on the work site to impede, ae little as possible, the movement of vehicles. Other measures included; requiring persons seeking transport service to make written application to the Consolidated Transport Office, issuing cer- tificates of transport assignments to truckers, and providing to the latter street maps showing tha locations of sources of supply, the destinations for delivery, and the best connecting routes. The rather hasty arrangements made in the fall oY 1952 were considered inadequate to cope with the situation in 1953? Under orders of the Central Government, the new Central Office for the control of supply and delivery of sll building materials and supplies will function under the direct supervi- sion of the Municipal Fins.nce and Economic Committee. Nine units will be represented in it; they are mainly state-owned agencies engaged in production, marketing, and transportation operations. NORTHWE_?T IMPROVES TRANSPORT' FACILITIES -- Peiping, Jen-min Jih-pao, 25 Jan 53 (Hain-huaj -- The transportation authorities of Sian and Lan-chow have substantially !.accessed and improved their transport facilities to aid basic construction in the Northwest. As for equipment, the Northwest Engineering and Construction Office at Sian has ordered 80 motor trucks and 50 horse- drawn rubber-tired carts. These new vehicles, together with both publicly and privately owned vehicles, including hand carts, numbering over 5,000, are being organized into companies and smaller units for convenience of man- agement. The neu Sian West railway station, which is now being built to expedite the handling of expanding traffic, will soon be opened for use. Fifteen lo- cal transportation posts have been established, The Sian depot for construc- tion materials of the Commodity Control Bureau, Northwest Department of Fi- nance, has laid tracks for a private spur connecting Its yards with the rail- way . In Lan-thou, 1,1C0 publicly and privately owned motor trucks have been organized into 20 transport co~apanies under the direction of the local trans- portation committee and the state-owned?Transport Company. As auxiliary to the modern type of transport vehicles, the Kansu Provincial Consolidated Transport Company has organized into operating units the large niunber of an- imal- and man-drawn carts which are to be found in the outskirts of the city. TIENTSIN TRUCK-TRAILER TESTS FAVORABLE -- Tientsin Jih-pao, 22 Feb 53 Early tests made by the Tientsin Motor Transport Company, which was for- merly the Tientsin headquarters of the state-owned Hua-psi (North China) Transport Company, have shown that, generally speaking, it is advantageous to employ truck-trailer combinations for highway freight transportation, as sug- gested by a Soviet adviser. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700110586=8~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700110586-8 Beginning in mid-November 1952 and running until 6 December, tests were made on the highway between Tientsin and Peiping in which a trailer carrying a load of 1~ tons xas attached to a 10-wheel 5-ton GMC truck with a load of 4~ tons. Ten roundtrips, covering 2,065 kilometers, were made, and the fol- lowing advantages notede 1. Increased hauling and earning capacity. 'the attachment of s trailer utilizes the latent power of the truck engine to increase the hauling capac- ity of men and equipment by aboirt 37.5 percent. The conclusion was drawn that, under similar conditions, a truck-trailer combination had a hauling ca- pacity of 4,230 ton-kilometers per month greater than that of the truck alone. This would mean, at the usual sca)_e of ?ranspert charges, an increase in earnings of 90 million yuan in one year. 2. Lower transport costs. On the Tientsin-Peiping road, the cost of transport by a 10-wheel GMC truck without a trailer was 1.,4?6,50 yuan per ton-kilometer. The same truck with a trailer could loner the cost per ton- kilometer to 1192.110 yuan. This is a reduction of about 19.25 percent. 3. Saving in gasoline consumption. The same truck, with a normal load and xithout-e trailer, could cover an average distance of 10.84 kilometers on one gallon of gasoline; that"is, with consumption of gas gt'the rate of 0.077 liters per ton-kilometer. The test showed that xit~~l~d,;~railer, it could cover;practically'thg same,.dlstance (10 kilometers) pe; gallon of gas, which ie consumption of gas at the?rater ofr.0 063,11tera psi ton-kilometer, This ia:a reduction, of .about 1~ pe`rc~n~?~~;-$ff~'~tste,ot~~uel'consumption. On e hilly road,''such, as between Peipil7#~ $nd~Ch''eng-lte; Jeboly she rate of iliel consumption for a truck:trailer c'bmbinatiori'is''gbout 0~. b''Ti~eYr~"per ton- aT ,..,, . kilometer; which still is' lee?` ~trian"'~liat' oY?~tlie;'truok aloha bii a' level road. As a result of the conclusions reached from the test, 38 trailers were procured and put into use. For safety, a device which connects the brakes of the trailer with the truck brake pedal has been installed on all of the truck-trailer combinations. Tests have also Shawn that a loaded truck and trailer can go up a 20 percent grade, travel at an average speed of 30 kilo- meters per hour on a level road, and turn sharp corners without difficulty. - 3' - RESTftICTED STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700110586-8~