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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700110006-1 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS REPORT CD NO. DATE OF COUNTRY Rumania SUBJECT Economic - Agriculture FLOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers; weekly, monthly periodicals WHERE PUBLISHED Vienna; Bucharest DATE PUBLISHED 15 Feb - Dec 1952 LANGUAvt German; Rumanian .T10.1COM,Mtl L. ,,. T . I L.n n,n. .. u. ,nt.LiaouL.J a'L~ 1 . 111 . . . . ..[ AGRICULTURAL GAINS IN RUMANIA -- Vienna, Nachrichten aus der Rumanischen Volks- republik, 15 Feb 52 In 1951, work was carried on to improve the soil on more than 1,000 hectares of land in the Dobruja. Wooded areas were planted with over 4 mil- lion seedlings for drought control and protection from dry winds. Double this work was planned for 1952. Vegetable raising increased, viniculture was introduced, and research continued on acclimatizing tropical fruits, such as lemons and oranges. During 1951, the Rumanian socialist sector of agriculture showed great gains. The area under cultivation was 130,000 hectares larger than in 1950. During the same period, crop yields increased as follows: wheat 58 percent, corn 29.7 percent, sunflower 147 percent, and sugar beets 126 percent. Some 50,000 hectares more than the amount called for in the winter planting plan were sown. The state farm in 1951 exceeded the 1950 yields by the following percentages: winter wheat 49, cotton 115, and sugar beets 112.5. Bucharest, Scanteia, 7 Nov 52 Important successes were achieved in the last few years in Rumanian agriculture even though climatic conditions were not favorable. Considerably larger areas were planted to industrial and oleaginous products. The wheat crop in 1951 exceeded peaks attained in 1938, but corn remained below the prewar, level. The ^rea planted to corn is smaller than before the war be- cause of the development of industrial crops. Bucharest, Scanteia, 20 Nov 52 In the past, raions inhabited by the German-Rumanian population were just as backward in agriculture as other sections of the country. In many communes of Mures and Trei-Scaune, wooden plows drawn by cows were the only STATE ARMY DATE DIST. S May 1953 NO. OF PAGES 4 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. CONFIDENTIAL DISTRIBUTION eclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08 _ CIA= RDP80-00809A000700110006-1 91 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700110006-1 r implements available. Under the new regime the government has given strong support to the small farmers and peasants of the Hungarian Autonomous Regiune, where the German minority lives, with a view to increasing production. In 1952, despite insufficient rainfall, collective farms in this area obtained average yields in harvests Vnich in the past were considered as record yields. This was made possible by the application of Soviet agricul- tural methods. For example, the collective in Miercurea Nirajului Commune harvested 1,400 kilograms of corn per hectare. Individual farmers, on the other hand, harvested only 700-800 kilograms of corn per hectare using old methods. The arable surface has also been increased in this area. Clearing and weeding has increased the arable area 2.01 percent 1950 -1952 and has per- mitted the creation of new ccllectives and TOE on the reclaimed land. New types of plants are now grown here. For example, the cultivation of sugar beets and perennial grasses was introduced. Corn with a shorter growing cycle was introduced in the mountain areas. Growth of flax was ex- tended. In 1950, flax covered 4,058 hectares; in 1952, 9,000 hectares. Chemical fertilizer is used on a large scale, especially for the cul- tivation of industrial plants. Marshland is being further cleared and re- claimed. The Soviet check-row system of planting is being used. NEW METHODS APPLIED TO RUMANIAN AGRICULTZ`3E -- Bucharest, Problems Economice, Dec 52 The Yarov method is applied at present in growing many plants at the experimental. stations of the ICAR (Institutul de Cercetari Agronomice Roman, Rumanian Institute for Agricultural Research), which studies Yarov constants for every plant (temperature, humidity, and grcwing days). The results obtained at the stations of ICAR with the Yarov methods of growing autumn wheat and barley, and of growing spring wheat and oats, show the great advantages derived from the application of this method. In 1949, the Baragan agricultural station had no autumn wheat harvest at all because of the drought in fall and spring of that year, while ICAR 15 wheat, treated by the Yarov method and sown in spring, gave a crop of 600 kilograms per hectare in spite of the drought. The same year, Cenad 395 autumn barley, treated by the Yarov method, gave an increase in harvest of 912 kilograms per hectare at the Lovrin station, Timisoara Regiune. Marquis spring wheat, yarovized, at the Sangiorgi.xl-de-Mures station, gave a harvest 10-12 percent greater than wheat not treated by the Yarov method. This method was also applied to cotton, corn, hemp, millet, groats, and soybeans, always with good results. The application of the Yarov method to cotton expedited its ripening and gave an increase of 15.6 percent at the Marc+.tlesti, 30.4 percent at the Branconi, and 58.8 percent at the Lovrin experimental stations. The application of this method and the creation of early-maturing types on the basis of Michurin principles will contribute to the increase of cot- 'con cultivation. The total production of cotton w:.ll be 700 percent greater 1955 than in 1950. ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700110006-1 AM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700110006-1 The pollenization method has also been applied with excellent results at the ICAR experimental stations, as well as in large-scale planting on col- lective and state farms. Considerable increases in production were obtained at Baneasa through additional pollenization; for corn the increase was 1,580 cobs per hectare, for sunflowers 380 kilograms per hectare. Through additional pollenization of lucerne, the seed harvest was in- creased almost 300 percent. Special attention is given at present in Rumania to the organization of territories, rotation of agricultural and fodder crops, fertilizer, land improvement, shelter belts, improvement of plants, raising of animals, and mechanization of agriculture. The application of the Yarov method has been studied since 1949 in five zonal stations of the ICAR: Marculesti, Studina, Lovrin, Targu-Frumos, and Campia Turzii. In 1950, studies were begun for the introduction of the method at the Murfatlar and Valului-Traian stations. SOVIET METHODS APPLIED ON RUMANIAN COLLECTIVE FARMS -- Bucharest, Vista Cap- italei, 6 Nov 52 The application of Soviet methods and teachings in Rumanian collective farming has been of great value. For some plants, such as wheat and barley, besides the good preparation of the soil and its fertilization, Soviet methods of sowing in check-rows 'ere used, and wheat and barley crops aver- aged over 2,000 kilograms per hectare. 30 DECEMBRIE-CONTESTI COLLECTIVE APPLIES NEW METHODS IN AGRICULTURE -- Bucharest, Viata Sindicala, 12 Nov 52 The 30 Decembrie-Contesti collective in Zimnicea Raion has 91 families as members. In addition to the usual vegetable and other crops, the collec- tive planted 12 hectares of cotton and 10 hectares f rice in the first year of existence of the collective. Since the peasants did not know how to choose the best seed or how to apply the best methods, they were not entirely successful. Nevertheless, they obtained a yield of 650 kilograms of cotton and 3,600 kilograms of rice per hectare. After a visit to the collective by a Soviet kolkhoz delegation in 1951, the peasants applied new methods in raising their usual crops. Using chemi- cal. fertilizer on soil on which cotton was to be planted, they obtained over 1,200 kilograms of cotton per hectare, or almost twice the 1950 per-hectare yield, on 40 hectares. The collectivists encountered difficulties at first in raising sunflower and rye. However, when artificial pollenization was introduced the produc- tion of sunflower and rye increased considerably, yielding up to 1,100 kilo- grams per hectare. Corn yields in 1951 were 3,200 kilograms per hectare, as compared to 800 in 1950.. By Soviet methods, rice was planted on soil without watering. Subsequently, water was introduced and then gradually drained off just be- fore ripening time. In this way 4,200 kilograms of rice per hectare were obtained in 1952. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA_RDP80-00809A000700110006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700110006-1 r - In view of these successes, many peasants requested permission to join the 30 Decembrie collective. MORE RUM 1.0 LAND TO BE ARABLE -- Bucharest, Vista Sindicala, 25 No" 52 In 1952, the volume of the entire agricultural production will be dou- bled as -against 1950; large tracts. of land that have been waste and barren will become arable. Through the Danube-Black Sea Canal, 120,000 hectares will be irrigated, and another 170,000 hectares will be reclaimed for agri- culture'by building of dams; new tractor stations will be set up. All this will bring more wealth and abundance into farmers' homes. STALIN REGIUNE PEASANTS ACHIEVE GOOD RESULTS -- Bucharest, Romania Libera, 23 Nov 52 Of the 22 state farms in Stalin Regiune, many have supplied in much larger quantities than the plan called for. Many collectives were set up, and requests for formation of , new ones are filed i:i constantly increasing numbers. Thanks to the work of the seven MPS, and to Soviet agricultural tech- nique, harvests were 30 to 40 percent oetter on collectives than on the in- dividual farms. E -i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700110006-11