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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100422-0 COUNTRY SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE CLASSIFICATIfIN RESTRICTED SECURITY RPfATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS Economic - Coal mining Daily newspapers Prague 8, 12 Aug 1952 ... + r taro .Wrla .n.c n.. ..... .r.... or r.a u~no mm?? ., r,.ruur. or nn, of Lmno., ? o n.. or r,. ua. co..~ ., aao.o. i n r u.,nua a+ .n.~ snot ar m co.n.n ro o+ +murr n ., wr.ou:.o u REPORT CD NO. DATE OF DATE DIST. 3 FEB. 1953 NO. OF PAGES 4 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION REASONH FOR FA'TITRE jD MM yl,pp IN KLADNO COAL REGION OF CZECHOSLOVAKL4 HITS SLOW ::JTROWCTION OF NEW METHODS, -- Prague, Rude Pravo, 8 Aug 52 The nation's coal consumption increases daily. It produces more steel and needs more electrical energy, which is being more than adequately supplied by thermal electric power plnnts. The development of coal mining and miners' pro- ductivity, therefore. are the main prerequisites for successful expansion of the economy. The coal beds in the Kladno coal region are rich. They could supply all of the country-s needs. Rowever, some of the coal regions are not fulfilling the plan and thus are not assuring industry of an adequate supply of raw material. The Kledno region ranks second in importance in coal mining, the Ostrava region being first. With the exception of the Zapotocky, Ceskoslovenska Armada, and Gcttxald mines, none of the other mines J.D. this region is fulfilling the plan. The worst record is being made by the Ne,jed]y I'end II rpits 7 of the Gvoooda mines,, and Fierlinger I and II of the Benes mines, their production being a de- termining factor for the entire region. The fact that it is possible to fulfill the plan, even in the Kladno region, is best exemplified by the Gottwald mine in Svermov, near Kladno? whici, until April 1952, was in last place in the region. However, due to the hard work of the party organization at the mine, and that of the Communists in directing the enterprises the enterprise council, the technicians, and the miners, the mine's standing jumped from last to first place in the region. It was a difficult time for V. Turjanica, Pekrto, Frank, and the other miners of the Gottwald mine when, upon leaving the shift, they paused at the diagram on plan fulfillment, on which the curve indicating fulfillment fluctuated around the 90 percent mark. The miners would not reconcile themselves to this unsatisfactory conditionf oa the contrary, they were inspired to seek a remedy. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100422-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100422-0 At th" beginning of the fourth year of the Five-Year Plan, the miners of the Gottwald mine developed an extensive campaign for a pre-May Day competition, They pledged to fulfill the plan 101 percent before 1 May and, at the same time, in- vited workers throughout Prague Kraj to follow their example. The pledge and invitation mobilized not only the mine's personnel but also the other miners of the region. In March, at a meeting of the central committee of the enterprise party organi- zation, Turjanica spoke about the high performance of Soviet miners. Thu party organization, as a result, took the proper course when it authorized the Communists to make arrangements for a Stakhanovite school within the enterprise. In this school, the miners and technicians became acquainted with proved Soviet coal mining methods. The result was that a new work method was introduced ii. the mine, a method which best serves local conditions: mining in small layers with artificial roofs. The difference, as compared with the old method, is that instead of digging the coal out of the entire bed, a layer 2 meters thick is worked first on the upper portion of the bed, a wooden ceiling being laid on the remaining layers or coal, The wooden roof keeps out stones and the miners, thus protected against a cave-in, are able to mine cleanly and safely. The fire hazard is eliminated when all of the coal is extracted. Besides., this method increnars the-income of the enterprise, since it eliminates dynamiting for coal; a great deal of the pressure of stones is reduced, and the coal is more granular. The value of this type of coal is 50 percent greater. Despite these efforts, the Gottwald mine failed to fulfill its plan in the first quarter of the year because the mine was being worked in tl;te old way, that is, with pillars. According to this method of mining, the coal is mined along the entire section of the seam, which is 8 or more meters high. The pressure of rocks often causes a cave-in, making it impossible for the miners to do a thorough job, and pieces of coal remain which ignite when they come into con- tact with air, each fire necessitates the is. ation of the entire field; furthermore, a number of extraordinary precautions must then be taken and. new work areas must be found to replace those in the isolated field, The enterprise management worked out a detailed plan whereby mining in the sixth region was to have begun in April on two small layers. The enter- prise party organization made political preparations before mining in the new way was begun. The personnel director, Cermak, was at the forefront of the technicians during the installation of this new :pining method, and the Communist tech- nicians even managed to get the cooperation of Jiracek, the chief engineer, who at present directs he work connected with introduction of new methods through- out the en'?ire mina. In this manner it was possible to begin work in April in the small layers in three coal beds instead of just two, and the new method helped the miners to fulfill the plan 106 percent. Turjanica expended a great deal of effort to accomplish these wonderful results. He and his brigade achieved excellent results in quickly boring pas- sageways in the preparations for small layers. For his efforts he received the citation, For merit in construction." Furthermore, the Gottwald mine exceeded the plan requirements for May. Work in the small layers, however, requires preparatory work, so that the mining brigade, after it had completed its work in one bed, could immediately proceed to the next. However, the miners forgot about this. In June they rested on their laurels, the result being that by working in Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100422-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100422-0 the small layers they were ble to mine the coal at an accelerated rate but new layers of coal were not ready to be exploited when needed. The mining plan was fulfilled 102 percent in June, but it could have been exceeded by a much greater percentage. Although the miners and technicians of the Gottwald mine demonstrated the possibility of making up plan deficiencies, workers in other mines failed to follow their example, and they generally use the old system. The reason for poor plan fulfillment in the Kladno region is due, first to do not fight stubbornly enougn for tte adoption of new work methods. Basis or- ganization committees discuss plan fulfillment problems, but their decisions are not aimed at the main links in the chain, that is, at overcoming outmoded ideas At the well-known Zapotocky mine, even when plan requirements are exceeded, serious deficiencies crop up. The mine's branch organization failed to extend the new mining method throughout the mine, and failed to propagandize on the fact that two, "Order of the Republic" winners are working at the mine and are using the new methods. The Communists at the Neiedly I mine have also failed to install progressive work methods. This was revealed in a June meeting of the enterprise's party organization. The comrades spoke about initiating work in small layers. But bow was this to be done? First, the difficulties had to be considered; for example, the new method demands considerable preparatory work and financial outlay. Furthermore, even though the committee members knew about the favor- able results obtained in the Gottwald mine by working coal in small layers, they failed to neut? .line the unfavorable attitude regarding the new method. The result was that the new method was not adopted. The slow development of innovators' methoce is the kitdeM'rsgdon is the main, but not the only, obstacle to fulfillment of the Huai mining plan. The ICladno region is handicapped by the fact that the miners continue to observe the old-fashioned custom corcarning every fourth Saturday, at which tim there is a significant number of absences. In the Nejedly I mine, for instance, more than 11,000 tons of coal have been lost $!}is year because of absences on such Saturdays. Prime Minister Zapotocky, addressing the chairmen of enterprise party or- ganizations in the Prague regica on 6 June 1952, sharply criticized the high absentee. rate at the Nejedly mine; however, the comrades failed to derive an.- benefit from this criticism. Neither the party organization' at the mine, nor the okras party committee in Slane, took any corrective action. The mine's absentee rate failed to decrease; in fact, it reached 56 percent on Saturday, 12 July 1952, the daily plan at the mine being fulfilled only 4h percent. In the Kladno region, the fourth Saturdays represent a loss of many thou- sands of tons of coal. The government places the work of the miners in the most honored category. The Kladno miners must march steadily forward in the revolutionary tradition.-- J. Zaz rslicky Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100422-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100422-0 COAL M29ES WO 1C TB.ES SHIFTS -- Prague, Prace, 12 Aug 52 The brown coal mines in the Most area, in the North-Bohemian Brown'Coal-Basin, have c by to a three shift--24 hour--workday, in order to increase planned -- hav _ y 700,000 tons of brown coal and removal of earth by 3,200,000 cubic meters. So erlow is are already working around the clock and the remainder are expected Severe floods in May caused a deficit of some 470,000 cubic meters of earth, which has since been partially made up. An important aid in the operation of the mines is the reactivation of giant excavator No 52. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100422-0