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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100398-8 CLASSIFICATION RESTRICTED SECURITY INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS COUNTRY Bulgaria SUBJECT Sociological - Education, schools, students Political HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED Sofia DATE ' PUBLISHED 7 - 11 Dec 1952 LANGUAGE Bulgarian rxu oocDtur cotnlxt urontnot urttn[t nt unom ovtxn or rnt uxlno ntm nnu rxt tutw or unox+n cm re t. I. c., n ~xD n,u ?nxotD, m ntuunlox of rxt ununot 0/ Iri DDxitxn Ix 1DT Y.1txn n Ax YxtYTMOnlli nttOt It IIO? xl DiitD ti uf. ttrtODYCnOx DI rM li IDtx It ItOMItIrr D. DATE DIST. ~~ Jan 1953 N0. OF PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. WOMEN IN BU1GARlAN POLITICAL LIFE; EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS, ERROLLMERT BUTGARIAN WOMEN IN PUBLIC OFFICES -- Sofia, Rabotnichesko Delo, 7 Dec 52 According to Teola Dragoycheva, Minis+,er of Posts, Telegraphs, rend Tele- phones, 56,032 women agitators and propagandists participated in the elections of lj May 1949 and 157,F59 in the elections of 18 December 1949. At present, women occupy the following high positions: ore is a minister rTsola Dragoycheva], one is an ambassador ~tela Blagoeva, Ambassador to Mos- cow], four are assistant ministers, and 38 are deputies to the People's As- riembly. During the first eicc?tions for people's soviets in 19119, a total of 37,000 deputies were elerced, including 5,646 wcmen. Five hundred women were appointed as court assessors and Judges. Half of the citizens participating in 11,000 election commissions, which includEd over 160,000 citizens, were womea. A total of 16,915 election commissions with 400,000 persona will be active during the elections of people's soviets on 14 December 1952, at which time, 60,000 men and women will be elected as workers' deputies in okrug, okoiiya, city, rayon, and village People's Soviets. Among the female candidates is IQagda Gineva, chief of the women's section of the Cent: al Committee of the BKP (Bulgarian Communist Party) and member of the Bureau of the National Council of the Fatherland Froni. Twelve women are nnw directors of enterprises, 15 are members of the Central Council of Trade Unions, 543 work in trade union committees, and 25,848 have other responsible Jnb6 in industry. About 500,000 women have ,joined field and livestock-raising brigades, 20,000 are zveno (group) leaders, 3,030 are members oY T.KZS (cooperative labor farm) administrations, 4,142 are leaders and workers in livestock-raising farms, an@ 758 are tractor drivers. DISTRIBUTION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100398-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100398-8 At prraent, there are 631 rural maternity centers is Bulgaria and 1,175 rural dispensaries for xomen and children. All okrug hospitals have children's xards. During the past years, thre,: sex children's clinics and ten children's sanatoriums vere opened. A pediatric research instituee xas also opened. By the end of 1951, there were 278 day nurseries with 882 nurses. Nox there are 42 Sunday nurseries xith ?,067 children and 1,137 half-day nurseries xith 48,048 children. There xere 3,460 seasonal nurseries in rural areas, with 4,760 nurses and 159,200 children at the end of 1951. PUBLIC EDUCATION IMPROyES __ Sofia, Rabotnichesko Delo, 10 Dec 52 According to Marin P. Geshkev, Assistant Minister of Public Education, dur- ing the 1951 - 1952 school year, only 8,000 children vere not in school, xhile during the 1952 - 1953 school year, only 0.5 percent of the children of school aBe vere not registered in some school. During the 192 - 1953 school year, there are X49 secondary schools in Bul- ~ria. OP these, 180 are edinnite pulni sredni obahtoobrazovatelni uchilishta vintteatterncon~lete secondary general-education schools), modeled after the So- P arty-six evening gymnasium preparatory schools and 47 evening gymnasiums are being opened. There are 1,637 kindergartens, xith 68,705 children. During 1952, there vere 3,572 summer or other seasonal kindergartens, xith 182,837 children. During the 1951 - 19,52 school year, there xere 279 vocational schools. At present, there are 1,057 Turkish schools vith 87,235 children. There is a Turk- ish Gymnasium in Kolarovgrad, a Turkish cooeducational secondary school in Mom- chilgrad, a Turkish gymnasium for girls in Ruse, and three Turkish teachera? schools, inrludino toe oue in Sofia. A Turkish department is being opened in the teachers' institute in Kolarvograd, and three Turkish departments are being added to Sofia University. There are also 12 Armenian and :.0 gypsy schools in Bulgaria. There are 24 teachers' schools and 10 teachers' institutes xn Bulgaria, pt present, 2,500 teachers are being trained for gymnasium preparatory schools. ^_hete are 84 homes Por 5,851 children without parents. 59,716 WORKERS! DEPUTIES REGISTERED -- Sofia, Otechestven Front, 10 Dec 52 According to Georgi Damyanov, President of the Presidium of the Pecple's Assembly, 59,716 candidates are registered Por the election of people's soviets of workers' deputies -- 48,396 men and 11,320 women. Of' the 59,716 candidates, 5,333 are blue-collar workers, 19,303 are white-collar workers, 23,680 are mem- bers of TKZS, 8,986 are private farmers, 881 are ariiaans, and i,73j are of miscellaneous professions. 8,514 SCHOOLS TN BULGARIA __ Snfie, Otechestven trout, 11 Der 52 There are 8,514 acheols iti Bulgaria, attended by 1,169,540 students, and there are 24,605 more teachers there nox than in 1944. The government has ^_- tablished 1,038 minority schc,nls in Bulgaria. There are 14 higher educational institutions in Bulgaria, with 36 faceltiea attended by 30,000 students. By the end of the 1951 - 1952 school yesr, 435,611 cltizena became literate, and by the end of 1953, illsteracy will be eliminated altcgecher. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100398-8