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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100274-5 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENC Y N E INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED USSR DATE PUBLISHED 7 Aug - 1 Oct 1952 LANGUAGE Russian COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Economic; Technological T01r 0010I10T 1OITArl10 IIICIgAflo 1111Q~I1 Tor IAno1AL Airing or T0C 01lr00 1TArr1 -RII1 T11 IgollU Or 111901111 AO ro I. 1. c.. rI AIO 11.01 ?101010. Irr T4III4rlo. o0 rxr hOwnol or I4 coArion Io ANT IAWIO TO AI oCAIr0o0I1ro 111100 a no? 1111110 O LAW. rlRO0ocno, 01 roll x010 .1 rlo0111I1o. Newspapers as indicated. CD NO, DATE OF DATE DIST.'.O Jan 1953 NO. OF PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION MORE DIESEL IN NEW OVIET PLAN- DEFECTS-MpgUCKS CTRICSTRACTJR PRO SK T10N LACK DIESELS FOR HEAVY TRUCKS -- Minsk, Sovetskaya Delorussiya, 26 Sep 52 The production of heavy-duty trucks is being held up by a shortage of die- eel engines. With an adequate supply of diesel engines, the Minsk Automobile Plant could reach its planned capacity in 1953. USSR automobile plants should organize diesel engine production in the same general manner as the Yaroslavl' Automobile Plant. The Minsk Automobile Plant could organize the output of diesel engines, since facilitieo for this type of production were provided for when the plant's foundry and other shops were built. The plant could increase its capacity 60 percent by increasing the degree of mechanization and improving technological methods. Storage battery plants, industrial rubber products plantF, and metal proo- ucts plants should be built in the Belorussian SSR during the new Five-Year Plan. The number of abrasives and tool plants is altogether insufficient, causing a bottleneck in the machine-building industry. Thus, an expansion of the abra. sives ar. tool industry is called for The cedure to anotbtrprprevenesent utilization of machine etools anndtequfrm one ipment. enterprise Minsk Automobile Plant has 250 idle machine tools which could be utilized at other enterprises, but under the present regulations, a transfer of this equipment re- quires the special authorization of the CornL~11 of Ministers USSR. The ;ransfer of idle equipment from one enterprise to another should be placed in the Lands of republic, and in some ewes, oblact planning organizations to assure full utilization. The Minsk Automobile Plant's heavy machinery shop hen promised Lo fulfill its 11-month plan by 5 October 1952. -- V. D. Mayboroda, director, Minsk Auto- mobile Plant Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100274-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100274-5 Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, 17 Sep 52 The Minsk Automobile Plant has completed its 10-month plan for building dump trucks ahead of schedule. ZIS PLANT TO BUILD DIESEL TRUCKS -- Moscow, Moskovskaya Pravda, 17 Sep 52 In 1952, the Moscow Automobile Plant imeni Stalin will increase its gross output considerably in comparison with 1950. The plant now fills all orders for new products which were not produced or were produced only in very small quantities prior to 1950. The plant has increased bus production four t-mes and spare-parts production 22 percent over 1950 output. In 1952, the plant has ex- ceeded its 8 month plans for gross production and labor productivity. The new Five-Year Plan calls for accelerated output of heavy-duty trucks, especially diesel-engine trucks. The plant has already designed a diesel en- gine which can be used on 4-ton trucks very efficiently. -- K. V. Vlasov, di- rector, Moscow Automobile Plant imeni Stalin Moscow, Moskovskaya Pravda, 17 Sep 52 Smolin, chief designer of the Moscow Automobile Plant, considers it essen- tial to provide for the production of medium-power diesel-engine vehicles in the ue.r Five-Year Plan. Such vehicles use half as much fuel as other types. They also use a lower grade of fuel. -- V. I. Prokhorov, secretary, Moscow City Committee Moscow, Vecberny,ya Moskva, 15 Sep 52 The Moscow Automobile Plant promised to fulfill its 9-month plan by 25 Sep- tember 1952 and to produce a large number of motor vehicles and at least 6,500 bicycles above the plan. Assembly shop No 6 has already comr'eted the subas- sembly of more than 5,000 bicycles. Moscow, M'skovskaya Pravda, 30 oep 52 Workers of the Moscow Automobile f''_ant hava prcaised to reduce the amount of ferrous rolled stock necessary for the production of each ZIS-150 truck by 35 kilograms and for each ZIS-151 truck, by 50 kilograms. Plant pressmen have already saved 385 tons of metal and have promised to save an additional 13C tons by the end of 1952. Workers in the cast-iron foundry promised to save 450 tons of cast iron in 1952. New designs for ZIS-151 truck parts will save 500 grams of rolled steel stock per vehicle. CONTINUE OUPPUT OF DEFECTIVE MOSKVICH CARS -- Moscow, Trud, 21 Sep 52 The Ministry of Automobile and Tractor Industry failed to respond to re- ports that the quality of production dropped wh-n ter. nica;. ine7ection aas re- placed by personal insp.,,:tion at the Moscow Small Displacement Automobile Plan;, 100-W-24674 describes the defec?oive outpa;?i1' plant]. As a result, parts were installed in autos without being inspected, Ft:d hundreds of deft-,:ti7j vich cars soon pile.. up at Ih~.'plant. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100274-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100274-5 The ministry finally investigated the situation, and in August directed the plant to eliminate defects on cars produced in June and July and to deliver them to the sales department. But defects were only temporarily eliminated, and more than 200 Moskvich cars produced in August and September have defects in the en- gine and rear axle. Production quality has dropped, and hundreds of dies made in the tool and die shop are not usable. Car bodies have numerous defects, and leaks are found In main brake cylinders of MOs Vich automobiles now coming off the assem'.,ly line. The liquidated Division of Technical Ccntrol has been partially reestab- lished in a number of the plant's shops, but only formally. Responsibilities for technical control have been assigned to personnel who have no knowledge of automobile production. As a result, technical control at the plant is ineffec- tive. FULFILLS PLAN AHEAD OF SCHEDULE -- Moscow, PrRvda, 1 Oct 52 The Gor'kiy Automobile Plant imeni V. M. Molotov has completed its plans for the first 9 months of 1.952 as follows: commodity production on 20 September, gross production on 23 September, and truck and automobile production on 27 Sep- tember. The plant produced hundreds of trucks and automobiles above the plan. COMPLETES PLAN; TO PRODUCE ELECTRIC TRACTORS -- Moscow, Gudok, 7 Aug 52 The Kharkov Tractor Plant imeni Ordzhonikidze completed its plan for the first 6 months of 1952 and turned out dozens of above-plsm DT-54 diesel tractors. Riga, Sovetskaya Latviya, 17 Sep 52 Besides increasing the output of diesel tractors daily, the Kharkov Trac- tor Plant is organizing the production of electric tractors. BUILD EXPERIMENTAL ELECTRIC TRACTOR -- Yerevan, Kommunist, 18 Sep 52 The Yerevan Electrical Machint--Building Plant, in cooperation with .h^ Yere- van Avtodetal' Plant, has built an experimental electric tractor., CCNFIDEIIP'IAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100274-5