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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100081-9 CENTRACFIF LLIGN MN& INFORMATION FROM 1 Q. eIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS COUNTRY Bulgaria SUBJECT Sociological - Bulgarian-Soviet friendship, Biographic Russian-language instruction HOW PUBLISHED Biweekly newspaper WHERE PUBLISHED Sofia DATE PUBLISHED 31 Aug 1952 LANGUAGE Bulgarian or ,e~'oa. o nuu~'. a ,xc.uxuo or oe, n, .., ..nom. una? or n, mxnxr,'.. o. r ,.. m x.u,.a a .... Is,o . .eovnIyu? o _ ....nnm. REPORT CD NO. DATE OF INFORMATION 1952 DATE DIST. 0-9 Dec 1952 NO. OF PAGES 4 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. CONFERENCE Ce_THE BULGARIAN-SOVIET rFRIENDSHIP7 SOCIETIES In accordance with the decision taken at the July plenary session of the Central Council of the SBSD (Union of Bulgarian-Soviet LFriendshi] Societies), a national conference on the public study of the Russian language outside of school was held 16 August 1952 in Sofia at the Cultural Center of Bulgarian- Soviet Friendship. Attending the conference as delegates were representatives of the political and mass organizations of the secretaries of all the okoliya councils of the Bulgarian-Soviet ffriendshig7 Society throughout the country, okoliya and city methodologists and instructors in Russian-language courses, and outstanding students in these courses. The following persons were appointed to the working presidium at the plenary session: Dr Mincho Neychev, member of the Politburo of the TsKna BKP Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party), Minister of Foreign Affairs, and president of the executive committee of the Central Council of the SBSD; Demur Yanev, Minister of Pubic Education; V.A. Perov and A.'A. Rovnyakov, the representatives of VOKS (All Union Organizations for Cultural Ties With Foreign Countries; in Bulgaria; }Mikhail Manev, Secretary general of the Central Council of the SBSD; Todor Genchev, Paaayot Gindev, and Petko Ivanov, the secretaries of the Central Council of the SBSD; Vasil Mikhaylov, head of the Russian-language section of the Central Council of the SBSD; Slav Zakhariev, member of the Permanent Body of the National Council of the OF (Fatherland Front). Also, Nayden Nikolov, representative of the Central Council of Trade Unions; Shela Avramova, from the Central Committee of DSNM (Dimitrov Union of Peoples Youth); Izidor Levi, of the Central Council of the SNCh (Union of People's Reading Rooms); Iliya Dinev, member of the Central Council of DOSO (Volunteer Organization for Defense Cooperation); Ivan Shishkov, member of the Central Council of the BChK (Bulgarian Red Cross); Kiril Lazarov, member of the Executive Committee of CSTPZK (General Union of Artisan Pro ductioL and Labor Copartnerships); Asher Valadzhi, member of the VKFS (Supreme Committee for Physical Culture and Sports); Svetozar Tor:ov, from MNO (Ministry of National Defense). NAVY IVTAIR Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100081-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100081-9 Also Ana Strashimirova, of the political administration of the Ministry of Transportation; A. Alexieva secretary of the City Council of the BSD (Bulgarian- Soviet ffriendahip7 Society] in Sofia; Iliya Lalov, head of the Russian-language section in the City Council of the BSD in Plovdiv; V. Kalaydzhiev, secretary of the Okoliya Council of the BSD in Devin; T. Vurbanov, secretary of the Okoliya Council of the BSD in Turnovo; E. Ganev, secretary of the Okoliya Council of the BSD in Kazanluk; I. Lyudmila Chankova, okoliya methodologist in Russian language in Ruse; Irina Demyanovich, coordinator of Russian classes In Stalin; St. Kova- chev, coordinator of Russian classes in Khaskovo Okoliya; B. Paskalev, instructor in Russian in Prc'vadiya; Yusuf Mustafov, student of Russian in Rogozche, Momchil- grad Okoliya; and Helena Lukanova, instructor in Russian in Sofia; Neno Drakov, student of Russian in Dryanovo, Kazanluk Okoliya. M. Reychev, chairman of the Executive Committee of the Central Council of the SBSD, opened the conference with a short welcoming speech. The Central Committee of the All-Jnion Communist Party (Bolshevik) and the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party were elected to the honorary presidium of the conference. FollowL.a the election of the honorary presidium, Mikhail Manev, secretary general of the Central Council of the SBSD, announced the order of the day for the conference: 1. Report: "The Work of Russian-Language Courses During the 1951 - 1952 School Year and Our Future Tasks," by Panayot Gindev. 2. Report: "The Basic Requirements of the Methodology in Teaching Russian," by V. Mikhaylov. After the order of the day had been announced, Panayot Gindev made his report. He stressed the significant accomplishments of the Russian-language courses, underscoring the fact that the constant guidance and concern of the party and the government and the energetic work of the SBSD, the instructors, and the students have made it possible during the 1951 - 1952 school year for the working people of Bulgaria in the Russian courses to learn Russian so that they now read Soviet newspapers and magazines with ease. The program was succesbfully completed by 2,709 classes, with 42,681 students, while 622 classes with 11,934 students completed te:. to 15 lessons. Gindev udded that the courses have become schools for Bulgarian-Soviet friendship, in which the students not only learn the Russian language, but also learn about the life and struggle of the Soviet people. The students are educated in the spirit of loyalty and devotion to Bulgarian-Soviet friendship, to their socialist fatherland, to the Soviet Union, to the All-Union Communist Party (Bolshevik) and to J. V. Stalin. Gindev went on to discuss the weaknesses which had been permitted in the Russian courses during the last school year and then outlined the principal tasks for the future: simultaneous and on-schedule organization and beginning of the new school year throughout the whole country; timely acquisition of all training aids; improvement of the qualifications of instructors; an increase in assistance and concrete supervision in study methods by the okoliya coordi- nators of Russian-language classes and also by the okollya councils of the BSD; and closer cooperatior with the other mass organizations. The report "The Basic Requirements of the Methodology in Teaching Russian" was read by V. Mikhaylov,, chief of the Russian-language section in the central council of the SBSD. The basic problems of methodology in teaching Russian and the role and place of the instructors and the methodologists in the teaching process were discussed and explained in the report. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100081-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100081-9 M1.khaylor added that the study of Russian in the courses sponsored by the SBSD is cm organized process of instruction. The instructors must pay special attention to the reading of Soviet newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, and books, as the e:udeuts thereby become better acquainted with Soviet life. The afternoon sees ion of the National Conference was conducted under the chairmanship of Demir Yanev, Minister of Public Education. A congratulatory telegram seat to the conference by the graduating members of the Sliven govern- ment course, second class, for instructors in the Russian language, was read to the delegates, and then more delegates made statements. Statements were made by the following delegates: Eacho Iv. Ganev, secre- tary of the Kazanluk Okoliya Council Cof the BS7; Stoyan Kovachev, methodologist in the Russian language at Chaskovo; Elera Aleksardrova, typesetter at the "G. Dimitrov" Fechatnitsa (Printing Shop) in Kolarovgrad; Dimitur Paskalev, teacher of a Russian-language course in Provadiya; Pruvka Naydenova, student of Russian and poultry specialist at the TKZS +,Farm Workers' Cooperative) at Vladimirovo, Mikhailovgrad Okoliya; Veska Stefanova Radulova, teacher at Colyanzi, Nikopol Okoliya; Vera Sianaka, director of Russian-language courses at the City Council of the BSD, Soria; Igor Viktozor, lecturer in Russian at Dimitrovo; Lyudmilla Chankova, methodologist and chief of the Russian-language section in the Okoliya Council of the BSD at Ruse; Tsvetana Radeva of Klimentovo, Turnovo Okoliya; Iliya Lalov, in charge of Russian-language courses at the Municipal Council of the BSD in Plovdiv; Rukie Sadukova, honor student in the Russian course in Nastan, Davin Okoliya, Also, Neno Drakov, honor student in the Russian course at Golyamo Dryanovo, Kazanluk Okollya; Isuf Aliev, leading student at Rogozche, Momchilgrad Okoliya; Vera Va?heva, coordinator of Russian classes sponsored by the City Council of the BSD in Svishtov; Todorka Tseklanina, student in Russian at Osikovo; Anka Dragieva, honor student in Russian at the TKZS at Svilengrad; Bozhana Georgieva, coordinator of Russian classes in the third dimitrov Rayon of the BSD, Sofia; Sergey Yuzefovich, coordinator Russian classes in Turnovo Okoliya; Maria Georgieva Kandoklieva, honor student at Frdino. Also, 'Hayden Nik. Kostov, director of the Russian-language course at Komatavo, Plovdiv Okoliya; Galina Tagamliteka, assistant in Russian at Sofia State University; Petranka Nikolova, shock worker at the "M. Topalov" DIP (State Industrial Enterprise) in Ruse; Mika Srebrova, outstanding student in the Russian-language course of the Okoliya Council of the BSD in Provadiya; Irina Demyanovich, methodologist at Stalin; Tsvetana Skachkova, teacher and director of the Russian course at the "Oboriehte" DIP in Faragyurishte; Stefan Dimitrov, secretary of the Okoliya Council of the BSD in Sliven; and Panayot Khristov, student and worker at the "17 partizani" DIP in Vidin. Slav Zakharie-r, member of the Permanent Body of the National Council of the Fatherland Front, and Nayden Nikolov of the Central Council of Trade- Unions pointed out the need for still closer cooperation between the organi- zations of the SBSD and those of the EOPO (Organization for Social-Political Unity) and the trade unions as a prerequisite for improvement of the work in the Russian-language courses. The delegates of the National Conference were greeted by the VOKS repre- sentative, Victor Aleksandrovich Perov, At the end, Panayot Gindev made a short summarizing speech and declar=d that the National Conference was the beginning of the agitation, explanatory, and organization work for establishing the Russian courses and opening the new 1952 - 1953 school year. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100081-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100081-9 The conference closed with a speech by Demir Yanev, Minister of Public Education: Re'said that the success achieved in the Russian-language courses ie,enconreging,but that the organization of work in the courses must be im- proved still more during the coming school year; that the finances for conduct- ing-'the courses must be improved; that the quality of the instructors' work must be raised; and that new efforts must be made to overcome difficulties and obstacles so that even better results can be achieved in the teaching of Russian. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100081-9