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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090479-0 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION PLAN FA?TJJRES AT I GOW Mit~Y. ATUMOTI~E PLARTS IREFFIUIERCY AT Ar7T0 PLANT -- Mo-:ow, Perhr::yaya Moskva, 6 Aug 52 The Moscow Small Displacement A_*.emobil- fact fulfilled its Production assignments for 1951 and the first 6 mcnth3 of .9:2 ahead of schedule, and turned out many above-plan Mosk-rich auroncblles. In 1951, losses due to re- Jects were cut in halt as compared to 1950. Lobo: troductivity increased. Above-plan savings for the first 6 mooch; of 19r? exceeded 5 million rubles. However, the plant management has been : ;ctcg on its laurels and has not taken measures to prepare the plant fo the ,o,;rpat of a greater number of auto- mobiles. The July 1952 quota was 1,51 hose as g.:_at as the January 1952 quota, but the organizational and technical meaanr,-c .-,ereteary for steady production under this increased load were not taken. Bailin, the pleat's deputy director, and others responsible for material and technical sapplies, have worsened the supply situation. For example, the output of aatomobilee was recently held up 2 days bec,t'ase there was no rubber carpet. In the se.-ood quarter 1952, parti?a_arly i --.cly, there was an increase in the number of automobiles sent tack from fir,al Ia- ,lion owing to -various de- fects. In the past 1# years, five chtefe haw. be-r rcp.laced in the press shop and three in the engine and forge Shope. Labcr c.:_nocrr at the plant is still ex- cessive. The plant director rarely consults with Chop chiefs or visits the shops, and instproceduead of patiently along with people, he relies heavily on adminis- CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL STATE_ NAVY 1NSRR I ARMY -aTRiBUTIUII Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090479-0 CLASSIFICATION r~zC~NTjtt? tr' CENTRALE`INiELLIGEN#A NCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS COUNTRY SUBJECT Economic; Technological - Automotive industry HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED USSR DATE PUBLISHED 2 Jul - 10 Sep 1952 LANGUAGE Russian r.e..~?..r.~ '.xxur, ...,'w.ur,on xcc ru?o,Yn Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090479-0 The plant director and the Deputy Minister of the Automobile and Tractor Ind'iatry should make a quick decision about the construc for plant workers. Skoromokhin tion of more living space , assistant to the plant director, has been singled out for criticism because he took no active measures to improve living conditions. Moscow, Trud, 10 Aug 52 The back court of t-s Moscow Small Displacement Automobile Plant is filled with rusting, rotting Moskvich automobiles which came off the assembly line in February and March but were found defective in final tests. More and more auto- mobiles are coming off the assembly line with serious defects in engines, chassis, and transmissions, and by the end of July, there was no more room for them in the graveyard," as the back court 13 called, and so they now fill all the entrances to the finishing department. The plant von the Transferable Red Banner of the i.,1nistry of Automobile and Tractor Industry for the second quarter 1952, and, according to the report handed in to the ministry, rejects were reduced from 0.74 percent in the first quarter 1952 to 0.71 percent in the second quarter 1952. However, these average figures conceal the plant's real situation, which can be gauged more accurately by the number of complaints the plant receives about defective output. In January 1952, the plant received 36 complaints; in February, 41; in Warch, 47; in April, 78; and in July, even more. Most of the complants received lately have been about those units and parts which are marked with a personal inspection stamp, and hence have not been in- spected by the Division of Techni-al Control. Oa a number of cars, the bearings had not been adjusted and there was no lubricant in the front axle. On several cars put out in July, the doors were not weatherstripped on the bottom and the steering gear was not lubricated. All of these operations are performed by workers who have won the privilege of using their own personal inspection stamp. More than 1,000 workers at the plant now have personal inspection stamps, and the assembly shop has been put on the so-:ailed "self-inspection" system entirely. The controller checks only the final operation here, and that only so that he can fill out the necessary forms for the bookkeeping department. In the chassis shop, the operation of aesemoling the front suspension, the propeller abaft, and the rear axle reduction gears, as well as several other self-inspection in basis. department, but was he n was one transferred to another shop. recently Of 1,500 operations in the engine shop which reqcire full control, only 600 are checked by the Division of Technical Control. The rest are ona self- inspection basis and are checked only from time to time. As a result, in July, more than 1,400 defects had to be corrected in engines already mounted in automo- biles. The main engine testing department in this shop is on the self-inspection basis. For this very reason, 200-250 defective engines are removed from finished automobiles every month. On 18 July, the plant management instituted rigorous testing by the Division of Technical Control at the testing station, and rejects were reduced immediately. The quality of output is also bad in body shops No 1 and 2, in the press shop, and other shops. Defects are found in precisely those units which have not been checked by the Division of Technical Control. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090479-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090479-0 Introduction of the personal inspection stamp has technological rules and a lowering of led to violations of quality. Everybody at the vinced of this, but Yakovlev, the plant director, and plant th con- engineer, are apparently wait , instructions fr om svfrom acting ministry fore they organize strict technical for control special in the shops. the ministry be- Recently, Bulychey, chief of the finishing department, gent the editors of bile a copy of the letter he directed to Potapov, deputy minister of the Automo-Tractor stated that body shop No Industry, in which he described the disorder at the plant. He had to be welded and refinis dninctheefinishing department, out bodies that shop was turning out defective engines. As a result, there,ar and oretthaann 200ine care standing out in the open court yard waiting for new engines. Bulychevte letter reached the Ministry of Automobile and Tractor Industry on 28 July and was sent to the Complaints Sector headed by Chredina. Pota.,ov, to whom the letter was addressed, was on leave. On 2 August, the letter vas re- addressed to Deputy Minister Krylov, but as of 6 August. Krylov had not read it. Ten days have lapsed since this letter reached the ministry; meanwhile anti state practices continue at the plant. BREAKS PRODUCTION PLAN -- Minsk, Sovetskaya Belcrussiya, 15 Jul 52 The Minsk Automobile Plant exceeded its plan for commodity production for the first 6 months of 1952 and fulfilled its plan for raising labor productivity. However, the plant did not fulfill the plan for gross production. The percentage of rejects is still high, which increases the production cost of some products. Poor operation of the press shop is holding up the work of the entire plant. The chief technologist, chief designer, and chief engineer have been in- tolerant of criticism of their work, and workers who have criticized the manage- ment have been persecuted or relieved of their jobs. SHIPS TRUCKS, TRAILERS EARLY -- Tashkent, Pravda Vostoka, 26 Jul 52 The Minsk Automobile Plant shipped three MAZ-525 25-ton dump trucks to the Kuybyshev GES project, thus completing its 1952 plan for MAZ-525 trucks for the construction projects. The plant filled do order for MAZ-205 dump trucks for the Main Turkmen Canal project ahead of schedule. The plant has designed powerful scraper tractor trucks, 50-ton trailers, and 40-ton tipping trailers for the construction projects. IMPROVE DUMP TRUCKS; BUILD TRAILERS -- Kishinev, Sovetskaya Holdaviya, 25 Jul 52 The Minsk Automobile Plant has carried out 53 design and production changes to improve the quality of the MAZ-205 6-ton dump truck. The plant is already completing third quarter 1952 shipments of dump trucks and spare parts, and will start filling fourth quarter orders in August. The plant recently shipped MAZ-525-D scraper tractor trucks, used to haul 15 cubic-meter scrapers, to the construction projects for testing. An experi- mental model of the MAZ-5206 50-ton trailer, for use on the Kara-Kumy desert, has been built and is being tested at the plant. -- G.M. Kokin, Chief Designer, Minsk Automobile Plant -3- CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090479-0 50X1 -HUM 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090479-0 Moscow, Izvestiya, 7 Aug 52 The MAZ-525 25-ton dump trucks built by the Minsk Automobile. Plant, first used in constructing the Volga-Don Canal imeni V. I. Lenin, are now widely used at other projects. us The plant has already completed its 1952 quota for dump trucks for the con- struction of the )lain Turkmen Canal, and is building trucks for the Kuybyshev and Stalingrad us projects ahead of schedule. The heavy truck shop, which makes 25-ton dump trucks, has completed its 8-month plan. 1952 GOALS OF BELORUSSIAN PLANTS -- Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiaa, 13 Aug 52 Workers of the Belorussian SSR have assumed the following obligations for the remainder of 1952: Minsk Automobile Plant: To fulfill the 1952 gross production plan in its assigned products list by 26 December, to reduce labor consumption on basic out- p ut 10 percent beyond the plan, to raise labor productivity 2 percent above the plan, r educettheo for each of MAZouput one t 05 pernt by 80 kilo gd the plan, to compared to the established 1952 norms, and to save at least grams as lizing innovations and inventions. 7.5 million rubles by uti- Minsk Tractor Plant: To exceed the 1952 plan for gross production, to in- crease labor productivity one percent, to lower production costs 0.5 percent beyond the plan, to reduce labor consumption of basic parts of the KT-12 tractor by 25 percent, to reduce labor consumption of the KT-12 starting motor by 18 per- cent, to reduce la'.or consumption of the KD-35 diesel engine by 25 percent, and to facilitate early completion of the schedules for planning and preparing techno- logical equipment for the production of Belarus' wheel tractors. Motorcycle and Bicycle Plant: To fulfill the 1952 gross and commodity pro- duction plans by 26 December; to raise labor productivity 2 percent above the plan; to reduce labor consumption of the V-16 bicycle by 12 percent and of the M-lA motorcycle by 35 percent; to save, in 1952, metal and materials amounting to 7 percent of the consumption norm; to save, in 1952, no less than 1.5 million rubles by utilizing innovations; and to reduce production costs one percent be- yond the plan. WASTES METAL -- Moscow, Pravda, 2 Jul 52 In the first 5 months of 1952, the Yar03lavl' Automobile Plant wasted, in shavings and rejects, more then 100 tons of high-grade carbon and alloy steel, 27 tons of ferroally, 3 tons of lead, and 21 tone of rolled tubing. Half the metal is wasted in shavings in making piston pins, and 72 percent of the metal in making simple rivets. SHIP 10-TON DUMP TRUCKS -- Moscow, IzvestiYa, 5 Aug 52 The Yaroslavl' Automobile Plant shipped 45 10-ton dump trucks to the Kuyby- shev GES project ahead of schedule. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090479-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090479-0 PERlECT SUPERIOR TWO-CZCIS MINE -- Moscow, Pravda, 2 Aug 52 Petrusevich, doctor of technical sciences, read a report on the develop- ment of a new two-cycle gas engine for heavy trucks and buses at a session of the presidium of the Academy'of Science" USSR. He reported that the Institute of Machine Studies of the Academy of Sciences, together with designers of the Yaroslavl' Automobile Plant, has built a new model two-cycle gas engine that is superior to existing gas engines, uses local gas fuels, and improves the opera- ting qualities of heavy trucks. Tallin, Sovetskaya Estoniya, 14 Aug 52 tote Designers of the Yaroslavl' Automobile Plant, in cooperation With the Insti- 1(achine Studies, Academy of Sciences USSR, have developed a new two-cycle gas engine for heavy trucks and buses A. A. Malyahev, chief designer of the plant, states that the engine is superior to all previous engines of this kind and is even more powerful than a diesel engine. The engine will operate on local combustible gases, and can be used wherever gas-cylinder filling stations have been set up. cls, Thetplant in now running-in the fifth of these new engines. The first mod. and Yaroslavl'. heavy trucks and buses, successfully passed tests in Moscow SET UP NEW MACH1 -- Leningradskaya Pravda, 10 Sep 52 A 200-ton horizontal forging machine has been set up in forge shop No 1 of the Oor'kiy Automobile Plant imeni V. M. Molotov. The machine was built by the plant's machine repair department, which has built more than 500 units of press forging, casting, and machine equipment in the past 3 years. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090479-0