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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090288-2 STATE ARMY CLASSIFICATIONCONFn, F I L CENT ~ L RAL INTE LIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. OU TRY SUBJECT Ge DAT ographic - Weather conditions INF E OF ORMATION 1952 HOW PUBLISHED D WHERE PUBLISHED M Eco ai oe nomic - Crop conditions DAT ly newspaper -Tw NO. E DIST. $ r OF PAGES Oct 1952 3 DATE PUBLISHED 1 9 - 25 Sep 1952 LANGUAGE SUP REP PLEMENT TO ORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION USSR WEATRIIt AND CROF INFORMATION, 17 - 24 SEPTEMBER 1952 19 September 1952 On 18 September, it became much warmer in most of the USSR. Masses of cold air shifted from the central regions to the Urals and the western regions of Siberia and Kazakh SSR. Noon temperatures were 4 degrees fall. degrees are given in centigrade7 above zero in Ufa and Chkalov, 6 in Kirov, and 7 in Sverdlovsk. Daytime tem- peratures were 10 degrees above zero in Arkhangelsk, 12 in Vologda, Gor'kiy, and Minsk, 13 in Leningrad, 14 in Riga, 15 in Tambov, Voronezh, and Saratov, lb in Moscow, Stalingrad, and Rostov on the Don, 17 in Voroshilovgrad, 18 in Dnepropetrovsk, 19 in Simferopol' and Krasnodar, and 20 in Yerevan. On 17 September, quite heavy rains fell in Georgia, Groznenskaya Oblast, and the Urals. Light rains fell in most of the northern and central regions of the European USSR. During the first 12 hours of 18 September, rains fell only in the Urals and locally in the northeastern regions. Iii Western Siberia, cool weather was accompanied by heavy rains and strong winds. Noon temperatures were 7 degrees above zero in Tobol'sk, 10 in Krasno- yarsk, and 13 in Omsk, Novosibirsk, and Barnaul. Warm weather prevailed in Eastern Siberia. Very warm, dry weather with daytime temperatures ranging between 23 and 28 degrees was recorded in most of Kazakh SSR and Central Asia. It became cooler in the northern portion of Kazakh SSR. Daytime temperatures were 5 de- grees above zero in Aktyubinsk, 13 in Akmolinsk, and 14 in Semipalatinsk. 20 September 1952 On 19 September, moderately warm, cloudy weather prevailed in most of the European USSR. Light rains fell locally in the western Ukraine, Belorussia, and the Baltic republics. It became much warmer in the Northern Caucasus, Cr'tea, and southern Ukraine. 13 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090288-2 50X1-HUMJ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090288-2 Noon temperatures were 26 degrees above zero in Krasnodar, 24 in Simfero- pol', Odessa, and Kishinev, 22 to Yerevan, 21 in Dnepropetrovsk, 20 in Voro- shilovgrad and Rostov on the Don, 17 in Lvov, 16 in Voronezh, 15 in Tambov, Saratov, Kuybyshev, and Gor'kiy, 14 in Moscow, 13 in Minsk, Riga, and Leningrad, and 12 in Arkhangelsk and Kazan'. It was cold and rain fell in the Urals. Daytime temperatures were 9 de- g rees above zero In Chkalov and Kirov, and 5 In Sverdlovsk. On 18 September, heavy tha 248 millimeterins fell ofeprsouthern ecipitation lfall hlocalllyy in moistening a 24-hour the period lin Chel- yabinskaya Oblast. On 18 September, light rains were also recorded in the Mid- dle Volga Region, Baltic republics, Belorussia, and western Ukraine. During the first 12 hours of 19 September, the weather was dry in most of the central, southern, and southeastern regions of the European USSR. Cool weather with rain prevailed in Western Siberia and Kazakh SSR. Day- time temperatures were 6 degrees above zero in Aktyubinsk and Akmolinsk, 8 in Omsk and Alma-Ata, 10 in Novosibirsk, and 12 in Semipalatinsk. It became L.uch cooler in Central Asia. 21 September 1952 On 20 September, moderately warm, rainy weather pr^vailed in the western and central regions of the European USSR. It was very warm and dry in the southern and eastern Ukraine, Crimea, Caucasus, and Lower Volga Region. It be- came much warmer in the central chernozem zone and the Middle Volga Region. Noon temperatures were 27 degrees in Simferopol' 24 in Odessa, Dneprope- trovsk, and Fostov on the Don, 22 In Voi shinev, 19 in Saratov, Kuybyshev, and Kazan',o17 in ,Tambov, and 16 inlOrel. Daytime temperatures were 14 degrees above zero in Gor'kiy, 12 in Chkalov, 11 in Moscow, 10 in Leningrad and Arkhangelsk, 9 in Kirov, and 8 in Sverdlovsk. On 19 September, heavy rains, totaling more than 10 millimeters of pre- cipitaticn in a 24-hour period, fell locally in the western Ukraine and in Kurskaya Oblast. tight rains fell in Belorussia and the northwestern regions of the European USSR. During the first 12 hours of 20 September, heavy rains fell in the central regions and the westerr. Ukraine. Warm weather prevailing in the southern regions of the European USSR is favoring the growth of winter crops. Winter crops have entered the bushing stage in most areas of the Ukraine. The condition of sown crops is good. Cold, rainy weather prevailed in Western Siberia. Daytime temperatures war`, c degrees above zero in Yobol'sk, and 6 degrees in Novosibirsk. 23 September 1952 On 22 September, comparatively warm weather prevailed in the Crimea and the Kuban Temperatures at 1300 were 19 degrees above zero in Krasnodar, 21 in Simferopol', and 30 in Yerevan. It was cold in most of the European USSR. Daytime temperatures were around 15 degrees in the Ukraine, 12 in Kursk, Kuy- byshev, and Chkalov, 11 in Minsk and Oor'kiy, 9 in Moscow, 7 in Leningrad, and 5 in Kirov. On 21 September, rain fell in almost all the European USSR except the Ukraine and the Transcaucesus. More than 10-15 millimeters of precipitation fell in many areas, including the portion of the Volga Region, east or the river. During the day on 22 September, rain was observed in the Baltic re- publics and Leningradskaya, Novgorodskaya, Fskovskaya, and Velikolukskaya ob- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090288-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090288-2 F Winter crops are developing normally everywhere. Crops sown prior to 10 September are sprouting. The earliest sown crops have en'.'!red the bushing stage; locally, they have already reached the three-leaf stage. Cold weather prevailed in Western Siberia with daytime temperatures be- tween 10 and 12 degrees. Rain fell in Omskaya Oblast. On 21 September, rain fell almost everywhere except the eastern Ural area. Conditions for the de- velopment of winter crops have improved considerably in the steppe regions, and they have been good in the rest of the territory up to the present. Daytime temperatures in Central Asia ranged between 20 and 25 degrees. 24 September 1952 On 23 September, cool weather prevailed in the European USSR. During the night, frosts occurred in western Kazakh SSR, the Middle Volga Region, and also locally in the Lower Volga Region. During the morning, light rains fell in the Baltic republics, Belorussia, and some areas of the western central re- gions of the European USSR. Daytime temperatures were around 10 degrees above zero is the central and northern regions, 15-17 in the Ukraine and Lower Volga Region, and 20 degrees in the Crimea. On 22 September, heavy rains fell in Stavropol'skiy Kray and Astrakhan- skaya Oblast, favoring the growth of winter crops and pasture grass. On 23 Sep- tember, conditions almcst everywhere were favorable for field work, especially for the harvest of potatoes and sugar beets. On 22 September, rain fell almost everywhere in Siberia from the Urals to the Baykal region. Dry weather with considerable variations in temperature prevailed in Ka- zakh SSR and Central Asia. 25 September 1952 On 24 September, cool but, for the most part, dry weather prevailed in the European USSR. During the morning, showers were observed in the southern por- tion of Belorussia, western Ukraine, and, locally, in the Volga Region west of the river. Morning temperatures were 5 degrees above zero almost everywhere except in the southeast, where they rose to 10 degrees. During the day, considerable cloudiness was recorded. Temperatures at 1300 hours were 6 degrees above zero in Leningrad, 7 in Minsk, 8 in Kazan', 9 in Moscow, Orel, and Saratov, 10 in Kiev, and 15 in Kishinev, Dnepropetrovsk, Rostov on the Don, and Krasnodar. Cool weather with daytime temperatures ranging between 12 and 14 degrees prevailed in Western Siberia. On 23 September, rains fell in Tyumenskaya, Om- skaya, and Tomskaya oblasts. Little frost was observed. Winter crops are de- veloping normally. Mostly dry and comparatively warm weather prevailed in most of Kazakh SSR and Central. Asia. Daytime temperatures were 20 degrees above zero in Alma-Ata, 22 in Tashkent and Dzhambul, 25 in Stalinabad, and 30 in Ashkhabad. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090288-2