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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090180-1 CLASSIFICATION CON?IDNNTIpL CENTRAL INTEL{GEN~~~YI FOREIGN DGCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS sua,lECr HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspaper WHERE PUBLISHED Moscow DATE PUBLISHED 5 - 11 Sep 1952 LANGUAGE Russian ?TIDY 0I ITt lOYT(MI~ ID O( Dtf lllT ( ? ? iY0.1![DYI (?(DM YII SOURCE Sotsialieticheskove 2emledelive. DATE DIST..~[{ Oct 1952 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. THIS IS UNEVALUATED IIJFORMATION 5 September 1952 On 4 September, hot weather prevailed in the European USSR, the Kuban', Moldavia, southern Ukraine, and Rostov Oblast, The weather was comparatively hot in the rest oP the European USSR, except in northern Belorussia, Latvia, and the northern region, xhere it was cool. Noon temperatures were 29 de- grees all degrees centigrad] in Krasnodar, 28 in Simferopol' and Voroshilov- grad, 26 in Kishinev, Odessa, and Rostov-on-Don, 2I+ in Dnepropetrovsk and Sta- lingrad, 23 in Kuybyshev and Kazanl,?20??21 in Sverdlovsk, Chkalov Voronezh, Kursk, Orel, Moscow, Kiev, and Lvov, and 18 in Kirov. Temperatures in the northern European USSR ranged between 14 and 16 Pagrees, On 4 3aptEmber, rains fell during the first half of the day in most of the Baltic republics, the northern half of Belorussia, and some areas of the central regions. Very warm weather prevailed in Novosibirsk Oblast and Aitny Kray, where temperatures varied betxeen 26 and 27 degrees. Temperatures dropped considerably in Central Asia, as compared crith pre- vious days. Noon temperatures were 20 degrees above zero in Tashkent and 25 in Stalingrad and Ashkhabad, 6 September 1952 ~ 5 September, cloudy, cool weather with considerable wind and local rains prevailed in the northern half of the European USSR. It became con- siderably cooler in the northern half of the centr?S zone. Slightly cloudy, dry weather occurred in the snuthern and southeastern regions, with daytime temperatures ranging betxeen 25 end 30 degrees and night temperatures vary_ ing between 15 and 20 degrees is the south, and between 6 and 10 degrees in the southeast. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090180-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090180-1 Noon temperatures xere 13 degrees above zero in Arkhangelsk, Petrozavodsk, and Vologda, 14 in Leningrad, Minsk, and Moscox, 16 in Riga and Syktyvkar, 17 in Kirov and Ufa, and 19 in Gor'kiy and Chkalov. Daytime temperatures were 22 in Sverdlovsk, 24 in Tambov and Ku~?byshev, 24 in Saratov, 28 in Dnepropetrovsk and Voroshilovgrad, 30 in Krasnodar, and 31 in Tbilisi. On 4 September, heavy rains, with 15 'to 27 millimeters of precipitation locally in a 24-hour period, fell in Latvia and Tambov and Kirov oblasts. Quite heavy rains Pell also in Belorussia and the Middle Volga Region. Showers with thenPiratohalP oPethecdayedrainshPelluin the northvestern5regioasband locally is the xestern central regions. Recent rains in the Volga Region have moistened the ground xel], and have created very favorab]e conditions for the groxth of winter crops. .Dense sprout- ing oP winter crops has taken place in the southern portion of the central cher- nozem zone and in Saratov and Stalingrad oblasts. Warm xeather prevailed almost everywhere in Western Siberia. Noon tempera- tures were 20 degrees in Tobol'ak and Omsk, 24 in Novosibirsk, and 25 in Barnaul. 9 September 1952 On 8 September, very warm weather prevailed in most of the European USSR, xhile in the south, for the most part, it was hot and dry. Noon temperatures were 33 degrees above zero in Simferopol', 31 in Kishi- nev and Krasnodar, 30 in Rostov-on-Don, Voroshilovgrad, Dnepropetrovsk, and Kiev, 29 in Kursk, Voronezh, Tambov, and Stalingrad, 26 in Orel and Moscow, 24-25 in Gor'kiy and Kirov, and 18-20 in Syktyvkar, Sverdlovsk, Ufa, and Chka- lov. Daytime temperatures ranged between 14 and 16 degrees in Vologda, Lenin- grad, Minsk, and L'vor?, and between 10 and 12 degrees in Riga and Arkhangelsk. On 8 September, rains fell during the first half of the day 1n most of northern Belorussia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Velikiye Luki Oblast. Rains fell locall;f in the remaining regions and republics of the northwest and also in the extreme western r]kraine. Daytime temperatures in Western Siberia dropped somewhat, as compared with previous days. Temperatures also dropped in Kazakhstan. Ir. Barnaul, the teaperature was 22 degrees, as compared with 25 on previous deys; it was 20 degrees in Novosibirsk and Krasnoyars;:, and 18 degrees in Cms}:. In Central Aaia, temperatures were 23 degrees at Tashkent, 25 in the Staliuabad area, and 28 in Aslilctiabad. l0 September 1952 On 9 September, the weather in the USSR showed little change frog previous days. Very warm, dry weather prevailed almost everywhere ~n the central, south- ern, and eastern regions ~f the European USSR. It was overcast and cool is the northern and x?stein regions. Noun temperatures were 10-12 degrees above zero in Arkhargel's's, Petroza- vodsk, Leningrad, Riga, Velikiye Luki, Minsk, ,end Lvov, 17 in Kiev, 21-23 iv Volegda, Kirov, Sverdlovsk, Ufa, Kuybyshev, and Cbkalov, and 24-26 in hfoscow, Orel, Gor'kiy, }tiursk, Saratov, the Kishinev area, and Odessa, 27 in Tambov and Voronezh, 28 in Stalingrad and Krasnodar, 30 in Voroshilovgrad, 1 in Rostov- on-Don, and 32 in Dnepropetrovsk, 3 Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090180-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090180-1 r ~ 9 September, rain fell during the first half of the day in most of the western Ukraine, Balt'c republics, and in the northern European USSR. Temperatures in Siberia generally ranged between 17 and 19 degrees; ap- proximately the same temperature range was recorded in the Far East. 11 September 1952 On 10 September, during the first half of the day, rains fell in most of the extreme northwestern Ukraine and ad,~acent regions of Belorussia, the Karelo-Finnish SSR, and some areas of Arlshangel'ak Oblast. Rains of a thunder- storm-like nature fell ir. acme areas of the western Ukraine, and the central and northwestern regions. Aa during previous days, it was very warm in most of the European USSR; it was hot in the south and especially in the southeast. Cool weather prevailed almost everywhere in the western. and northern regions. ftoon temperatures were 3c^ degrees in Krasnodar, 2g_3U de~?ees in Stalin- grad, Rostov-on-Don, Voroshilovgrad, Dnepropetrovsk, and Odessa, 28 in Voronezh, Sverdlovsk, KirovKuand~Kishine0,e21ain MoscowvendSKievGol6kin~Syktyvkar,Ul4~in VoloRda, Velikiye Luki, and Lvov, 12-13 in Leningrad and Riga, 11 in Minsk, and 9-10 degrees in Petrozavodsk and Arkhangelsk. Weather conditions favored crop growth in moat plsces. Early winter crops have entered the bushing stage in mauy areas. The weather became generally cooler in Western Siberia and in Eastern Siberia around Chita, t,?here noon tem- peratures did not exceed 13-1~t degrees. It was 11 degrees ir. the Novosibirsk area. As on the day before, temperatures in the Irkutsk area atci the Far East were 17-18 degrees. Quiie heavy rains fell in some cress of Western Siberia and the Far East. Temperatures ranged betueen 2!E and 26 degrees almost everywhere in southern Kazakhstan and Central Asia, Generally dry weather favored harvesting of cotton, cucurbits, and grapes. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090180-1