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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090052-3 r CLASS! ~l;"~T I~ i^I nr:,'!R i J'L,:. u~~=L~ C'1'Y I NFOFSL'~TiO:. CENTf,AL IhlTF.LUGE~, ;F AGF:P'CY ;., ,,;~ - INFORMATION FROG! ~~ . FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS Cp Np? COUNTRY china -? SUBJECT Politi . l HOW of lol Inl L-,. ca - Propagaoday.peace campaign WHERE PUBLISHED Peiping; Canton DATE PUBLISHED 6 Jun, 30 Aug 1952 fix Lflxaxi Lfxlax ...xal,.., .x xalo Txt Ux T[D l.x ilf.'fl x x ix[ ~[f xl.G ? ?i If x.. r rf[ f I x iff s ix[ [ V. . Lf TIOx fI I f COx 1[x }f Li iff lCl111ff li ixu 1; s`Dx1 ? !. ldVxlfllre x. ~.. ..._____. v Ix ux.ulxcf [xfox II GATE OF INFORMATION 1952 DATE DIST. 1 ~ Oct 1952 N0. OF PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT TO P,EPORT N0. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION ' NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE VICTORIES pRBgEQUISITE FOR.PEACE?, ACCORDING TO CSINFSE CCt?Af11NIST PROPAGANDA , Statements of two top-level Chinese Communists on the Peace Conference of Asian and Pacific Regions which have appeared in mainland newspapers have as- serted that the fight Por national independence is an integral part oP the Asian concept of peace. On 6 June 1952, Wu Yeo-taung, member of the Conmtittee of political and Le Affairs and member representing Christian Religious Circles of the Chinese Peo- ple's Political Consulative Conference, stated that all peoples of Asia will fight to break the yoke of colonialism. The statement was published in the Peiping Jen-mi._.~Jih-Pao in ao article on the resu~ts of the Preparatory Meet- ing of the Peace Conference for Asian and Pacific Regions. Wu, who is also president of the "Resist US-Aid Korea Three Self-Reforms Movement, China Church of Christ," stated in this feature -- ostensibly a devout expression of Asian peoples' desire for peace -_ that as a pacifist of 30 yesrs' standing he has; awakened from hie dreams of "pure love" and nonviolence to the realization that. peace must be fought for. The article exemplifies Communist semantics, i.e., Just as "democracy " means dictatorship," so "realization of peace" presupposes, in current nexspaper propaganda statements, "an Asian fight for independence." Wu's statement Ltrikes an interesting parallel with remarks made by Madame Sun Yat_aen in en article of peace in Asia which appeared in the 30 August 1952 issue of the Cantou Nan-fang Jih-nao. Madame Sun also holds that peace and national independence are coterminous in Asia. Quoting from her speech: "Peace is a concept with many aspects for the people of Asia and the Pacific. It means more than the absence of general war....To t}ie Asian and Pacific peoples, there- fore, peace and national independe;:ce are eo closely linked as to be Indistin- guishahle. Peace must be founded on the equality of all peoples and on mutually advantageous dealing between all nations. This is possible onl;; when each people runs its country xithout outside intervention, according to its own wishes and to its greatest benefit ,...This concept of peace is accept :d far and wide among the peoples of Asia and the pacific." STATE ARMY NSRB i FBI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090052-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090052-3 The full text of Wu Yao-tsung's article follouc: The curtain has fallen on the .Preparatory Meeting of the Peace Confe-ante for Asian and Pacific Regions. This meeting la not only vital to the peace of Asia, but also to the peace oi' the world. Tts future results will be far-reaching, I have fervent hope for this conference. Thirty years ago, I was a 1'anaticai pcifist. and t.rlsted the teachings of Jesus by interpreting his 'love your enemies' to t,e love without qualifications and that there never was to be resistance. I had forgotten Jesus' love for his motherland, his jealousy and hatred for 1+,s enemies, and his fierce struggle against the enemies of the people. I had already become a worsaipper of Gandhi's passive nonviolence. Wrier, I read cf his Scheme for propagation, I was equally moved by it. I immediately translated hi; works into Chinese. Within the Church of China there is an organization that works for world peace called 'R'he Fellowship of Reconcilat?on." Thirty years ago, I was its responsible leader in China. I fervently propagated *,he principles of "Pure Love' amongst the Christians of China I was deeply moved by the Prophet Isaiah's inspired writings on pe-,:e in the Old Testament, suet: as:'...and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.' Isaiah 2:4, "The wolf and the lion shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid and file calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead tlum, And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young arias shall lie down together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox; and tre swlcling chL'd shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his nand on the cockatrice's den.' Isaiah 11:6-8. That is a beautiful dre..m. Now 30 years afterward, I have been completely awakened from this daydreaming, But I have not given up my fervent hopes for the peace of the world. I understacd clearly that wor.Ld peace is a thing which must be fought for. In Apr ii 1949, I was in Prague end participated in the big and gloriour conferences of Prague and Paris for peace. In February 1951, I attended the First Executive Council for Wcr1d Peace in Berlin; and in November ~f the same year, Z attended the second meeting of the executive council in Vi- enna. In that last meeting, I saw the high determination of the leaders of the whole world for the protection o* peace in the democracies, From these meetings, I gradually developed a strong fei',h that aside from petty quarrels, mace is the thing most sought for by the people of the world -- therefore peace is a victory that can be fought for and won, During the peat 3 years, my livelihood has been in Neu China. I have per- sonally witnessed the Chinese peoples strong, unparalleled will to fight and tom- glorious unexcelled power to rebuild. In Liberated China, the people have rr>~eived a freedcm which they never had before. They have become a People's China. Because of this, I em happy beyond expression and Z sm proud. In the past, I had never dreamed of the future for China in which I now have faith. At this time, the U5, the leader of imperialism and deception, has not recog- nized Liberated China, which is the greatest event in this age.--The i15 not only does not recognize the delegates of hhe Chincae democracy and the Republic of China, but she continues to support the Kuomintang, which is without a way or a future, and is a deteriorating and defeated power. Ths US began the war of invasion in Korea, and has occupied our territory -- Taiwan -- threatening the tranquility of our nation. As a Chinese, my anger at the sins of the invasion by the imperialist i15 is greatly aroused. This aggressor is not only an enemy of the whole Chinese nation, but also is the enemy of the whole world which loves peace. As a Chris- tian, I feel a righteous indignation, because under the banner of the church, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090052-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090052-3 US impe~? invaded and corrupted the beautiful r_ame cf the church. It has sold the Prince of Puce whom we :rorahip and has made armaments and dollars, in- trigue and lust, to be Sts God. When I hear about the ferocious savagery of the US imperialists and their inhumanity toward the people of Korea ho love peace, and especially when I hear how the delegates of our Volunteer Army and Korean people's representatives on their return, accuse them, my heart is Pilled with hate -- and bums like furnace fire against ilia savag~~y of L6 imperialism. When I heard of the imperialist US germ warfare or. Korea and my country, as well se how US soldiers have foully killed and shed the blood of war prisoners at Kobe Do and at Pusan, I cannot understand how n government, or how the government of a nation that claims to be Christian, can sink to such inhuman levels -- despis- ing and destroying in this manner, US isiperixlism having committed these sins that cry to heaven, is still disrespectful and unwilling to admit them. Conse- quently, I am aware of imperialist US' brittleness and weaknese. Can the imperialist US's organizing and preparation of wide-scale warfare intimidate the people of China? Can the US intimidate the people of the whole world who love peace? It cannot: Definitely not: IYaring the past 2 years of the aggresai?.e warfare waged by the imperialist L5, the people of China under the glorious leadership oP,Chairman Mao and the C%P __ have they stoppe3 active preparation and construction? No: China, in its help to Korea, has even greater power for defeating the aggressive warfare of the imperialist US, and has the ability to increase that power even more. In addition, the campaigns to Resist US, Aid Korea, Land Reform, Suppression oP Counter-revolutionaries, Thought Reform, and the Three-Anti sad Five Anti, the Austerity and Production Increase campaigns have been the means for washing us clean from the filthiness of China's past history- For the great democratic peoples and their preparations for socialism, the strength of China cannot be destroyed. The foundations of the New China are built upon rock. Thus, China's people have already fought and won their victory. All peoples oP Asia and the Pacific regions will fight for it, The blessedness received by the Aew China -- and the greater blessings which she will receive -- shall be received by ell the peoples of Asia and the Pacific regions. The Asian couatriee that have been under imperialist oppression have broyen through and are arising. They will be breaking out of colonialism. The slaves and those who bear the yoke shall be released and restored to their original free state. They will not be satisfied to be enslaved and drawn into an imperialist war. They will arise and go hand in head with the peoples of the world who love peace. For their own happiness and for the protection of world peace, they will. fight to the end. People of the world who love peace have already established a front of steel Por ite protection which cannot be defeated. This front is day by day growing stronger. Day by day, people from the colonies -- people xho were slaves -- are being drawn from the carp to the imperialists to loin the countless peoples who love peace. Daly a small group of warmongers who, through warfare, hope t~ en- slave the whole world to reap for themselves the greater profits and more excel- lent status, resist the movement. Warfare is, for any people or nation -- their women and young especially -- a dreadful, loathesome, and crippling ruination. May the people of the whole world who-love peace -- the first among them being, of course, the peoples of Asia and the Pacific regions -- be no longar divided into nations or peoples, nor be divided by religions, faiths, or po'_itical thoughts, but more broadly, more intimately, more resolutely be united, fighting to secure the greater vic- tory -- peace for the whole world. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700090052-3 STAT