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china SUBJECT Enosaonir. - Aarlcultuzr) HO ru'DLISF;ED uaily n wsoapcrs WHERE PUBLISHED C iro t)ATE PUBLISHED 9 &f:J - lb ,cam iA,+GUAGE toi> se REYUHJ CD NO. DATE OF DATE DIST, i 1952 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 19LE sLt P1P120DUCrIOH ROUGH B1 EP P. P'1T SYSTE?iI AHD SEED .?P~VA.. !'.bean r-k'n m?tuel aid team in Liangsi, consisting of 21 teabers, hem, as a result of experience and discussion, avolvea a system of accounting and classification of human and animal labor end the use of implements that makes it possible for each maffiber to contribute to the common effort according to hie ability and receive compensation accordingly. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Central Peoples Goveru- mant, recc ++i ins that .tat is an increasingly important crop in China, has issued a directive urging all authorities in vheat- g ing areas to promote better seed selection by conduatjr_- eo_. hibitiond ens distributing revarrs for high-production records. 0r'g',-niaction of peasants is to be stressed. Increased use of fertiliser and improved cultivation are also urged. The 1952 wheat harvest in Shantung reveals a 20-her ent in- crerae over 1951 production. Yields ran an average of :10 cattiee per w.m (one catty equals one and one-third pounds and oae mou equals one-sixth acre) with top yields of 600 to 800 cattiee per I=_ STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080264-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CLASSIF!CATION FJET1L0]Z~ i-,- , y F rR i`Y_ Taft r)G:-nmrr. INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS The Peiping government has declared four regional. areas to be locust-peril areas. The opening of the Euaag-yang irrigation look in Sulyuan Province provides for 1mmediete irrigation of $b0,000 non and great future eapeaalon. Airplane patrols for fire detection have been established in the Haing-an I4svutaiaa of the Jortheaat-7 1' I~he F (:ua3, aid teem) led by Oh'en I-k'o was 1951 iaar0si. From the beginning there was orga?_z In rderch s1IIP e, le eyrorg of account ig us t`= ~ s time war accomte~ as of the asp el-we as that Aa%--waents as to thee; of a work ajere ?. use arm the e ~luatiea nr ra,a 9+dva s concerned. The r -11:e of n l pay f irnleaente '..'arc c:.;ic t? 'o cii-rfereuliatio efficient was wade between ass wet after the labor and. the hest labor, , h`lf-tire labor or ireai and in.. A the buoy seaaoa are feu of rice one tooe s work was called s man-clay. I wages for one day, and one- L quB-Lack als 7.seas n, -?07 half t- w allcwe:i n an kept - ce ugoa. as -u= urMo season. records were ke mow were paid the --am. IIenhe pbnwed four mow and one who plo:,ad o, Vor!ers re ed to Join, omz people who being thence sati'iu they- would lose by bein Ireo in the group. , Cb en called n meeting to discuss the pay system. There were in the MAT. Of w ILOM three were half-time workers. After of varioua 21 scusis proposals, four classifications of work were decided upon and the wags for a day's work was set at from oa too of rice for ~ a the halt too for fourth clan No decision first class labor was made at this time lass to oaa- of r and use of icrpleme?nts. Mnn-labor was all. on a fflatarate acco ard to class. A later used1ng before the harvest set '' Ian onto acs ~ar.ir,r l e- Of labor within classes, y urienc ain f re ",veal of =cleat proper labor classification evaluation and and d record keepin i,ortant to the atCbilization of a . The Chl recorMAT d fin&A are very adopted a Plan which allowed for differentiation of seasons,kwork a 111y,,skill,55, and urnd*!"tj=. e Ulan 1. asp ?+-WZ ,, iy as Pollosrs R to carry 120 chin at a time; assignepe day; d value, able to spread it re value, , 100 poiints per d dayay. er . evenly and A spring-season, second-claws worker most be able to plow 2 m a and harrow 4 and to carry 100 cattier of fertilizer at a time; assigued value, 95 Points per day. Other classes were assigned wages in proportionate reduction as follows. A steer season, first-class worker must be able to plant 3 mow aad weed 3 MOU? TfiRse doing less are classified according to output. A harvest season, first-class worker must be able to harvest 5 piculs of rice per day. A second-class worker must be able to harvest !F piculs. 10 2-IsY 52 (U A MrAIiCBI MP-T L AID TEAL{ -? Nae..ch,aag, Hsin?-ni g-tsqua Pao, ncsr__cr..~ A third..ltyss worker must be able to harvest 3 Piculs. Winter seasons r-aa-_ C ae t~rea?0'n'd-cleoae xorktr, 0. ? A f iret?c].aae worker is paid one ton worker te+++a is the' a 95 eem. A itth-class worker is paid 0,6 tau pand a er ouily reference to a sixth clasJ. day. SOIDe , ~ ma are a a"3 having different abLitis sa,eoae feet .z -w JO?'m~ ?e aD.Le to --'_'o,,? n 4irsG-Cj"B WAsr be ot, earth ma-e per da?, carrying 120 sea able to i ties at Zonf ang a equals cubic l e1482 s assigned second-slag. status _ ? different 9_1,L kinds and harvest work, and first cl vs'p`Ibs work, third i+etar at02 kinds of work, ass on winter afraid of hard work, and able to work. Another man, only 30 or MsTI;ICW STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080264-9 .1s~1ICT7 40 cattier at a t vas reckoned third lass the year rornd, the difference in pay between first class and third cltcss wee set on one and a half aheng (ens sheng equals owe-tenth tou). This scale we; recognized by the members as ecnitable and on this basis it ;,ran easy to Paploy labor, Man with eye e*w' skill,^, rrceivod srecl.al trFN+,r. !t rkedt in the 4ields wan given nfirst-class ratieg, + Wa-annter who the grntT to do :arpeuter. c=ork he `n by cent he earrntt t tcile wa.s ally red the caca rate by the JIV,. if more outside, he turned that --it t ?IIa`-. vu b~i~ ror hhooalf a-hatcvcr he hatV4::f LIG ecracdsover that. toi7nw he did carpenter work for the MAT in repairing innples_nta etc,, he van paid the coo amount h-0 bas plaid for field work. Aeirs^1 labor and imple ,nt use were also evn_atuaily clncsificd. A irk sea, able to plow 3 mu or over, or to harrow 4 won or more is reckoned first class, These doing less are reck oned cccrndl Y ceos.oung stock and very old studs are reckoned third class, One hundred points are allowed for first clans, 90 points for second, and 80 point for third-class anira;s. One sheng /o-ao ehemg equals 1.035 liter] of rice is reckoned for each te_c pinta of labor credit. Print for implement use is scaled nn follc'rc tarv nt is reckoned by the years an irrigation pasp, one picul cf rice; a plow, 4 ton; a harrow, 4 tom; a transplanting harrow, 2 ton, A EMU boat is reckoned at 50 points per day. Payment for all implements is made at the e Of the Year. US KAX and repa , ir While they are in use, implements are the responsibility of payment for damage is made by the MAT. Ptnds for this Purpose are taken from the income from simplementary activities, The HAT accounting system has gradually, by review and discussion, been is is , a , simple, and satisfactory to of work that t~ an aawdaily record to every 3 days. A democratic system of rewards and penalties promotes a teals production, Ratings are given according to toof twork o edo in and the decision on the rating Is arrived at by ldem ocrand atiic amount of done, membership. First-class workers showing accomplishments ve the 10-de{y period may be given 50 extra poots for outstanding period. These procedures cer a have resulted in general eaticfaction cad oath -iaam on the Part ofallfimembers, CERTM GOVMMGW DIR Trpg ON WHEAT FECARCTI,:". -- Panting, Hopeh Jib-pao, 9 May 52 Ce aPe piing, 8 May (Hain-hum) -.. On 6 May, the Ministry of A6riculture of the People's Government issued a directive on the judging and selection of wheat need in preparation for high production in 1953. Since tiseat is recognized as an luereasingly important crop in China, all available measures to increase production are mandatory. A proper system of awards for good production will bbeeofstaid. The following activities should be carried out in wheat-pro- 1. Previous to the harvest season, publicize the wheat-production reward program to prcnote high Patriotic enthusiasm for the seed-judging Program, Set up norms for caaepariacn of patriotism, skills, appearance of crops in the fields, and yields. Select patriotic production models,. Select production key points and compile ssumoary statistics for the key points selected. Publicize the experiences of model wheat-production corkers to overcome the conservative eaawlaeeney of the many peasants who believe the zenith in production possi- bilities has already been reached. Reports of iaaestigatirm on key point production should be in the hands of the Ministry of Agriculture by mid-July. STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080264-9 Sanitized Corv Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080264-9 Zu collating prcd.'1 lion reports larea_ nr pro 3cn; r?1 Paooparati,' au speciandal mutual aid attention he to aPfopaeentagrizne3tl area 'ee=' santalcgas of organization in secur Stress the open training classes to train basic c ~ ~prod high pro ductithe Rgret to train the masses and arouse eancvsi0zsn for for high high Haw then h 'Od p uCtion i 1953 s. heads in "U'aESe the pa:wants in ,led selection. Piave. then select the tor;, +3d in the f11!ld berore hex vest, cv.d ica_t then is na+~_ _'__:?? 's` oa nood reed airr,_, the fudging the beat a - ..a. _oing or winter wheat Vheiens wore in pgeyrratIO- for the ),MO a randy been gained the , May here o salin in Dec, celcetion satiafrsctorily, (:n areaswhera~m ese revn an t to carry e a the progynn yield seeds sh3uld bo selected. Set up hi n or utal stations ham. on the heZcn e periaF;nta? fern for Plarnad sien e station with h i h- T;.e hgien ezperiMontal fern, the agricultural production cooperatives, and the M4tr~1 aid team.: 4 y1e1L seed. stations for should be asscciated in settin?rp t ae r1 ann earriecl oUt can 1pint effort in impjovc nt? of seed. ,gal auo_ the eu_cesc of the seed -.t*mro~_ Only such plans are -mat Pj?a3rara be assured. 3,, Arouse the merle io cut grass and green nanuru and than to Bather and cure all eons of n3nurea ve in pre for planting. 7ncressed use of fertilizer is the best wa urge paration for Pali wheat yield per unit of area, Prr_,.-ri ,_e r y to nremote i- revcc a._tLoriti_s hm,l,a decidedly i^- ^pfica, All Lraial fertilizer totbe rerply cooperatives to ace I" al umulata et 149 season, a to :met the dew during the wheat plant- 4. Suter crops should be handled aneditiouad tug of winter wheat, Winter wheat fields should be to make wV for the Plaut- Sell plenty of time to heat up in the sun and to stored early to give the. ra~? moisture from sumscr Vlrlyg,;P LhT ..- Tientsin Jih-pao, 1 Jun 52 The wheat harvest is over in S.haatu_g, and the results reveal a general iaerease of 20 percent over to Yield i= acscifately llo csttiec 51 production. c+sitiea per sou. Top yieldss rain aasse igh a :o0 the province per men. Weather conditions were genera good hirh as he Plowin to ono and the farmers made better use of selected s.oe tizdurIng er, the g and lntenalve cult1w-tion than heretofore, , apattzmureP1 , ,~itiva and attensive. The P~ti-phid measures c taken wgero SdaQtung is One of the chief centers of wheat production in the cotint The members of the 900,000 sgricultu?al, production cooperatives and mutual aid tatas ill the province the ~' teal i , workers on the loo state operated farms, and the entered into keen Competition in the harvest season with the re. salt that the season was considerably shortened. "Y10MOM pgCL S AREAS LOCUST IHFB a,&0 -- Pao-ting, Hopch Jih-pao, 9 tiny 52 The Ministry of Agriculture h at Peiping has declared North China, gaot G^IIt-l and S China 'have the Northwest locust-peril in all these areas have been instructed to lea m areas. The eu'Qut exteraInation campaigns. The infestation runs as h the as 49 pin of 4 ge and lanai to a square foot with 80 to 100 eggs high c 49 r a total ,000-5,000 potential locusts. to a pocket or a total RELm1CITa STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080264-9 A W L1.. B'u'll ' 1N 0. Dt.y -?- Tsingtao Jih-pao, 6 Jun 52 A Rea a-al-t 1,200 feet long, 12 feet high, and 50 feet thick as ereste3 in *day by Ooo farmers iu Ten3-Fang and. Ta-hv-t en 21 May -1952. Aanussil intro tion frill be thus averted onn88p0ino of land. ~[siv.-Et ^s .ik3,I;IGh1 i+^^.: LC-F. OPT-f' < `=?`~ _T..~u'Ztco Jih-1:3O. 1.5 Sus 52 2ts irrigationnlof k tin area J-obiluatlvy celebrated tip op.ni:Y; of t'.hv ea?'sl mntem -1.ll pera?t irrigation n iof ~ti4O,CCo ne+ 20 Di. 1expo Zoe to