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a,I,~RCIF;+^g71nN COr'IF'~`~hTA'aAI. SiikiUHl`t`Y It11rOHMKTL'O,H Ci=PiTRAL 9NTEtLIGENCE kGEPiC;Y 3HFORMAT10lW FROM FiiRff63Pi LSOCUMEfd71B 9k RADSO DROAaGABFla e~ r:a. cas,+ti~r >~ ~'ifE`LISHED Dal acrwe ~n~c c+w,. ~' ...~ ~7a~ ~ papetra; noLYh7y SUlY.fECT n:,c2oaic - +~ iI'7~'Vt(MAtIVi2 ~~'icnl..ui'O, 60ViUg 4"9~SliSHEI~ Db'i'E NO. ~JF PAGES lE SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS !S UNE~~L~'RTEp !PlFORP~STION sQlJ~C~ ~cL`4p8por6 asul periodical F.e indicated. C.IQS OF g~~ )~~ AHD ~~atnxaa~ .r.~a_anit ~ ~xx assn ac~ca `L+"~! in parentheee9 refer to appended aourcee~ tabllalihed. S.a the. soutbeav, csatral, and northern regions, the 'fra7.e, .63beriu, mod'P'ar llaKn~t, CQaeidorpble aPfor~ has also bQea made to grax snbtrcpical plants in.aaty aotthete armae. IWre than go ~~~ioa tr?.?t trees and lgrae nueti.m^ or Sa.the poetvar poriod, about 300,000 hectares oZ nev orchards;oad beerg patr.~ee Lave:beea p9anted in kolkhoces, eovkhazes, individual holdie^n_ u~iA n p tractors (ia terms of 15=hor^^a~:~..~.tyo, aw,a:. 717,~uo combines (inaludl}~ , 58,006 eel8-prcryei73ed), and several million other mechiaes sad piecss oaf agKtip- men$ (iac3uding 316,000 tractor pions, 255,600 cultieatore, 320,500 :aaexa, and 52+900 thr~reaere). ?Froi 1945 to 1951, inclusive aQ'H of the U98R received morn tha al 0p0 l1GBR Croy laro~?eaea: geDO>wt Dated 1] v 1sMp ? Ia 7.95x,. ~@8 pertoraoed Wore than tiro thirds of all Work is so7.khozea, Sa- clud3~g.rsl~cat e11 ploving, 'j2 percent of all spring crop satins, and 82 per^ cent of ell gintar crisp Bovine;; thev harvested vi'th rnwhi n.. !,n ,.m...:~:... ....r._ , 0t+7ast. 6oS4ag of api~ed grains ie in general psvgreees a ?..?a,.orifi,._~.,,. pa ~eIC~ feat 7:afat;hetan. lad 8uv7iV^2iev phi^.5:.. 19;. ~CtBe ~~~ ~w ~a~ 't _1- CLAS.siP?tl;A:rION CORFIDBIPPTAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080031-7 i ~ ?iMyy. ,~I AMI'I N! i~ 7V1 !~ Fei Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080031-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080031-7 thn rre_... eA~ ~ d~,i~ ar orals n..~_ro bee he,.., ~_ ~t_e+.ea The pl_n ?ar se~-7..~'0! ::ri:o xhsat ~ s-coed by ,? xcrcea... T..: the ...,athea^ - pion its tine re eii.c a ri sine era dnt~ri -tike tusai at e. OSowi Y ~V Pa , p ~3 8z' ag ng ag nS of kok- aagyr, has also bean completed is the Ukraine. ~ ~ilpiing r~heest hsa ca*.ererl 'he bushing stage iu the Kuban' sad CrL'aea, is evrouting in the caa'tral cheraozsn none, and. is heading in Ta,ebtseint bblaet and am;thern Turknenia. The 1952 elan calla s'or anahani.2ed Wooing of 78 percont of r~li spring crops in the U@SR. Voluwr of t.^actor Bork by 2~IPS is koYkhozea le to be 38 mil]1on hectares greater than in 1$51. Cotton is sox being cultivated in Tadzhikistan, T,u?kmenia, and Uzbxkiotan. It is being thinned and cultivated in Kazakh tiSR; cultinatioa there in ful]y mechanized. A rainy aprirg in acuthera ,iazakhatan has s,.~plied the fielus there with adequate moisture, Sowing of auger beets is nearing completion is: L'PbP Oblast, where c0ffiAi:ic- tion seed-fertilizer ore being uaa3 widely ie: ic~lkhozca. Sowing of '~=seta eras completed by i May in Kharkov Oblast, and they are spruutiaga in the southern poation of the oblsat. PColkhozee in Baloruesie era completing sowing of ear],y epriag crops and have begun pleating of early potatoes. Potatoes are also being planted in Stav- ropol' %rqy and southern Khabarovsk Kray. Winteu gains bees entered the tube stage in the I7kraine, Eorthetrn Gnu- . cssus, and Roato+' Oblt-st, ere heading in Azerbaydzhan SSR, and are floaaring in Ttehkent OblaHt.(31 ' U98R Crop Progress P.e~ort Dated 28 M~ 1$52 Respite the late spring and uffiavarable weather condiiicna in some erase of the ll~c{A, spring sowing is being completed et a rapid rate. TSe Ukrainian, Sclaruasiaa, Moldavian, Kirgiz, and Uzbtlc republics, Rrssaa3ar, Stavropol', and PriseorekiS ]Drays, and Vcroaerle, Chal;~abinsk, iJl?yanavek, Chkalov, Oral, Tula, ' Syssaa?, Paaza, and ~7 other obla~a have successfully met the 1952 plea far sowing of spiked grain'cropa. Bowing of grain crepe is continuing iu the >(34) Sovi.n8 of spring crops in kolkhozos oY Lunin3r~. Oblast va~a u:~nstisfMc:tarv sad s1av.(35, 36) Percaatagan Yulfillmeat of the p3an for sowing of spring crops in these kolkhazes vac ae follows: .A7.1 Graica~and Spring A11 Grates and Legomee Whe:L Croce Legumes SJheat 3.7 6eO 4.2 27.4 42.5 43.E The N8r'yen-Affix (krkhengel'ek Oblas*,) Zonal ~= mien of the Institute oY polar Agriculture has beam doing goo3 work in the djveloprxat of tundra oleri- cu7ture. As of 20 May, cabbages and, tomatoes is hothouses were boil o th2vtted; veraelizetian of frost-resistant varieties aY potatoes had beta comFlateA. In 195', nacre thaw 1W kinds of flava:.ra will be grove in greenhausee; those include strcke,(Hatthiola), Haters (Aater),:aaeturtivma (Tropoeol~), and pansies (91o1m tricolas). S.emons and decorative plants are also being grc~~ i.- t':.? achoo3.s of the far north_i4) Kollthozea of Kalaga Oblast bane exceeded the plan far soraiag of spring vhsat.(37) . golkhosee of Veliklye Luki Oblast have completed oP ilea. Kol- khozes anS eovkhozea of Chelyabinsk Obi~,c ht+ee .at the pLap Yor sowing of grain and legume trope. They have slat ccmpleted sewing of annual and peren- nial graeaeb.(36) Pleatif`ul rainfall which hlla occurred generally in Kabarda ASSR is pra- moti,ng 'r.~e grosth sad dovelopmeat oP winter crops. Yn the steppe arses of the rol+ublia, where havo alternated with clear, suncpr weather, the crops had reached 'a height of ~-25 centi~etera and veto entoriag the tube stags ae of ~u ~r?(39) - Cotton vas sprouting generally in Dagestan PTiSR, em of 23 May, follaviag co~ioas rainfall during the nanth.(22) -8- CORFIDBRTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080031-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080031-7 ~,OOd lii~citar8a tare: ,eoRn $' the criaeeroes ~ethod.(40) ~'~ per-hectare yields fry areas au a wteole sown to the various crapo: stain c~ap8; Z00 pud; spring 'wheat, 105 pad; 9t1~0,r L~ECP.E, 170 qulnt~l5; potaxtoes, 144 ~?tat~xlu; Siber Plsz seed, 4.5 quintals; Plcoc Piber, 4.4 quintrais; and heap, 4.5 qui~at.~1e.441.) 8evkhozes end ko lchocea of the keay have pledged to harvest the ,ollcwing dvrigg-.the 146 - 1g50'F1ve-%ear Plan'perled.. In-195].; trffictor work by 1hT3 iat hol- ktiosex'd the ksray rose to a level 200 percent aver 1945, ea:?biae hmrveating 127 pEZCgtY'L. Hsrvicetir~ la aov Pul]y teachFinistd. TL+e tp11~1ng tnbti~ shows pescentags PulPii',,~_?*. a~ the l95'- plane Por spring 1~,0 59.3 58.8 44.0 112 s7. 53.7 5L.3 192:8 68.8 68.8 :~~.o T~.$ 126.7 59.0 io 42 91.7 io5:k 64.9 73.4 41.3 47.9 25.9 27.4 40.9 58.6 13.0 2.1 28.6 38.8 5.0 20.3 16.k 63'.2 10.8 2.7 101.4 107.$ 86.4 93.9 35.1 52.5. 14.2 .. 0.3 ?30.9 40.8 12.8 8.5 48.8 108.4 82.1 36.0 51.0 62.3 i7.1 7.7 35.2 44.5 ~ 14.9 0.7 32.x. 41.1 8.9 6.5 33.7 41.9 6.7 5.9 '43.i 58.6 18.6 12.0 62.1' 81.4 34.4 9.3 . j8.4 115.5 84.5 ~ 01.6 45.8 .55.4 .23.9 20.9' 95.5 106.2 66.4 86.3 83.9- 92.5 34.2 64.0 8^,2 104.3 2g.1 21:P, 68'.9 83.4 17.3 66 z 22:4 ~. 69.1 14.8 7.3 104.0. 108.1 87.7 99.6 81.5 102'.3 "sfi.8 11.4.. 81.7 ~ 103.7 39.1 44.4 61.9 110.7 84.6 %+a.5 .88.3 lao.o 31.4 39.1 73.9 88.5 30.8. .16.9 69:~ 82.9 14.1 32.9 69..8 83.7 14.5 30.5 8s .9 101.0 30.2 40..4 78:2 95.5 44.6 30.7 80.7 9-i.4 35.4 145 2 co~mi~r~r~. 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080031-7 p1otSAg a~ aoloir.R oY spring crops ?n ko]lthozes oP the republi ;: ?creaai.:.l Grasses ? i cd3,;: ' Rcat Cr~__ __ Ak,ol~nok 23.3 Attpnbisak `- 34.8 36~isE !~i-~atthdtsa 28.9 ? Qur!yav 36.7 ~; nrdi.~- lio.8 Kest ^.hetsan i6.6 ::i 27.0 xs~r-orbs; 164.2 '1CokcD~t~ 30.7 ~sata~ 23.3 I+avr~o~'E. 41:2 DPaartir "Laffi .23.7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700080031-7 ., C_-.....,.v.w__-.. __ b~id,vn 28 Apri1'amt the 1852 plan for sovi~ Qs grain sad legume crops 103.8 per- nanual grasseh 113.2,, sad easilsga sad fodder 8), catto~ 110 ? 9e~t 10y ccis2 (~ . , v . root"crops 101. Perennial grasc~a fowl bin soon oa 21,555 more hectares thsn i.n ...1951.01 $avkhozes c3 the Miniatxy of State ptrmB Kazakh ESfi nave set the 1952 pan goi' soaring oi'ap;;irg crops. *!oxe 'tren 70 percent of tho land soon had been pre- - parted: tlu3 pr8ceding faL' . All sowing Work vas fuli?v ecbanixad. 'Fl~~ arse. s:vn to'spring crv~rs in acv:;hozes vas Sn,~'b hectares greater than irx 1551. 8oxinga oP epriag wheat increased 47,E hsctazes, ensilage trope ono third, fader rcr~t rsops and cucurbits 4,0110 Piectsres. Poore than 130,000 hec- ,.mcJe Of grasses were sour. as field and foddxr rotation crops. Aa_a1 28 P~q,, elates xhcat +as ilove:Ping in thm southern portion ai the republic; coa3itica of the g;~aia vas goad. 7^ the nort8cra portion, sgrouts sere opyear'~ng av the ric'.A.^.(45) Sov~o9ee of bast finruhhstan Oblast ht3d exceedsd the plan 1'or roving of ear9''.grata sops by 22 1'Psy? AlmoOt 10,000 more hctctar?a of spring wheat vNa sous than last yemr.(46) Kalkhozed of iCaxakhstan have met tYit plan for sstuarino irrigation (limaanoye aC aheni~ej of meadava and ppsturea. Hy constructing mare than 3,ac~1 dams sad ditae aver and along moaataia and steppe,rivere, tl:~y veue able to retain su!- tieisnt flaom voter to irrigate morx them 1,200,000 hectares of mead:ve e