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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070105-6 COUNTRY SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE - PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE CLASSIFICATIONN CONFIDENTIAL SECUR IIF iiWION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS REPORT CD NO. USSR Economic - Agriculture Daily newspapers, monthly periodical DATE OF DATE DIST. I-A' Jun 1952 USSR NO. OF PAGE S 7 1 - 30 March 1952 Russian SUPPLEMENT REPORT NO. TO W9 WNNCNT CONTAM INTO ...Mo. 1VnrnIN ". NonONH ou ilt OF TNt -11. 8T.11. ....N .1 .1 ACT Y. I. ti.." 11 xo .1. U ...xoto. Ih TNAxtNlUlox Ot 1x1 ^trLLinox or In tt IN .xt NAxxnl TO AN OPOVtxoSIOCO T16ox N PN? NltlTID IT N. NVOOOOMOI or rxu rou a Ttoxumo. umbers in parentheses refer to appended sources In 1952, the total volume of tractor work performed by MPS will increase 11 percent, including increases in volume for specific types of work as follows: interrow working of cultivated trope 32 percent, harvest of grains with combines 21 percent, haying on meadows and pastures 47 percent, storage of ensilage 200 percent,, flax pulling 100 percent, beet digging 38 percent, and grubbing and clearing mea.ove almos. 100 percent, The amount of winter fallow plowed in the fall of 1952 will be larger than in 1951. Fastio-lar attention will be devoted to increasing the mechanization level in kolkbozes of the nonoheraozem region. In 1952, sowing of spring crops in kolkhozes of th._s regiox, will be C2 percent mechanized, sowing of winter crops 85 pereUnt, Lamest of gra_oe wi:;h combines 52 percent, and flax pulling ur to 60 percent.( l) Estonia,. SSR In 1951, the plan for peat procurement was fulfilled only 59 percent for the republic, and only 25 percent of the planned amount was applied to the fields as c4mp4at- ;2` Latvian SSR In 1951, L-clkhozes of the ae plane for yields and pro- curement of root and seed of rubber-beararg plants.(3) - 1 - CONFIDENTIAL DISTRIBUTION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070105-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070105-6 Lithuanian SSR The following table represents percent fulfillment of the 1952 tractor re- pair plan in MTS of the republic by oblasts: Oblast 5 Mar 4) 15 Mar (5) 25 Mar (6) Klaypeda 74.5 81.5 88.8 Vil'nyus 68.3 75.7 81.5 Shyaulyay 67.8 76.3 84.4 Kaunas 67.1 76.7 87.4 There are now 120 MTS in the republic, and 12 more will be established in 1952.(7) Belorussian SSR In 1951, kolkhozes of the republic increased their sown area 23.6 percent, including increases of 24 percent for grains, 22 percent for potatoes, and 17 percent for industrial crops. In 1951, the total sown area in kolkhozes of Poles ye Oblast was 101.4 percent of 1940. In 1951, the total sown area in Polotak Oblast increased 16.9 percent over 1950.(8) In 1951, sovkhozes of the republic fulfilled the plan for sowing silage crops, annual and perennial grasses, and root crops by 109 percent. The area sown to grains by sovkhozes was considerably extended.(9) The following table represents percent fulfillment of the 1951 - 1952 fall-winter plan for tractor repair by oblasts of the republic: Oblast 5 Mar (10) 15 Mar (11) 25 Mar GDmel 84.1 89.0 94.1 Pinsk 83.1 88.6 92.0 Poles'ye 80.8 88.8 93.1 Bres:, 80.3 87.0 89.8 Mogilev 77.3 82.0 87.7 Grodno 76.7 81.5 87.9 Pol.otek 76.3 79.1 81.7 Baranovi-chi 75.5 82.8 89.1 Bobruysk 74.8 80.9 85.0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070105-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070105-6 Oblast 5 Mar 10 15 Mar (11) 25 Mar (8) Molodechno 73.9 84.2 88.2 Vitebsk 73.6 77.0 81.8 Minsk 71.8 77.8 83.9 The following table represents percent fulfillment of the 1952 spring plan for application of local fertil.'.zers to kolkhoz fields by oblasts of the re- public: i Mar (12) 10 Mar (13) 20 Mar (14) Oblast Manure Peat Manure Peat Manure Peat Polotsk 38.7 44.0 50.3 70.6 60.3 94.5 Baranovichi 34.0 55.2 46.9 74.6 56.3 97.7 Gomel' 32,1 47.3 39.8 61.7 48.3 74.9 Minsk 31.8 45.3 40.2 66.9 47.4 84.5 Pinsk 31.2 23.4 40.3 32.3 51.8 67.9 Vitebsk 30.3 30.0 36.0 41.0 41.2 42.9 Mogilev 28.9 27.6 35.7 36.6 42.1 44.3 Bobruysk 28.6 49.5 35.1 61.8 41.5 72.1 Brest 28.1 34.5 36.6 45.5 50,7 59.4 Poles'ye 21.4 34.1 26.6 40.6 33.3 50.2 Grodno 19.3 48.3 26,1 35,1 90.1 41.7 57.1 In 1951, the cotton yield in the republic was 24 percent greater than i^_ 1950. In 1952, 12,000 hectares of cotton will be irrigated in cotton-growing oblasts of the republic.(15) In 1951, kolkkho,es of Chernovitsy Oblast obtained a sugar beet yield of 253 quintals per hectare; in 1950 this figure was 251. The average sugar beet yield in kolkhozes of Ternopol ' Oblast in 1951 was 239 quintals per hectare, in Kamenets-Podol'sk Oblast 221, in Kharkov Oblast 213, in Sumy Oblast 195, and in Vinnitsa Oblast 192. Kolkhozes of Kiev, Poltava, and Kirovograd oblasts received lower sugar beet yields in 1951 than in 1950.(16) In 1452, grain yields in Kiev Oblast are to average 20 quintals per hectare, in- cluding averages of 22 for winter wheat, 35 for maize, 220 for sugar beets, and 180 for vegetables and potatoes.(17) In 1952, 8-10 metric tons of local fertilizers are to be app_ _? hectare p1 te'_ c! sugar beets to the re7''*04^ Kolkhozes of Kamenets-Podol'ak. Vinnitsa, and several other oblasts have met this requirement, but kolkhozes of Poltava, Kirovograd, Chernigov, and Susy oblasts have fulfilled it only 20-25 percent.(16) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070105-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070105-6 In 1951, MTS of Kiev Oblast received 932 tractors (15-horsepower units) and 1,118 combines.(17) In 1951, MTS of Chernigov Oblast received 1,255 tractors (15-horsepower units) and 538 combines.(18) Moldavian SSR In 1951, kolkhozes and scvkhozes of the republic laid out 4,023 hectares of new vineyards and 4,486 hectares of new orchards.(19) In 1951, the area on which spring harrowing of winter fallow was carried out was 2.6 time that of 1950, harrowing of winter crops 1.5 times, cross sowing of grains four times, square-nest method of planting of miSae nine times, and shallow plowing of stubble three times.(20) The following table represents percent fulfillment of the 1952 plan for supplemental fertilization of winter crops by okrugs of the republic: Okrug 5 Mar (21) 15 Mar (22) 25 Mar (23) Kagul'ekiy 61.5 71.1 105.1 Bel'tskiy 22.5 31.0 57.6 Ttraspol'skiy 34.3 45.0 56.2 Kishinevskiy 25.1 32.1 47.9 Total 31.3 39.9 62.3 The following table represents precent fulfillment of the 1952 tractor repair plan by okrugs of the republic: Okrug 5 Mar 21) 15 Mar (22) 25 Mar (23) Tiraspol'skiy 92,1 95.9 100.1 Kagul'skiy 80.4 83.7 99.4 Bel'tskiy 85.1 87.4 92.9 Kishinevskiy 80.0 84,6 88.9 Total 85,9 89.3 94.2 In kolkhozes of Tbilisi Oblast, where the majority of the area sown to grain in the republic is concentrated, the art sown to spring crops in 1952 will be extended by 30,000 hectares. Kolkhozes already are sowing thousands of hectares of wheat, barley, oats, sunflowers, etc. Supplemental fertilization of winter wheat a]resA?v has been carried out on am sv.- 41ve times that of 1951 (2 Abkhaz ASSR has laid out 3,286 hectares of new tea plantings, 4,940 hectares of new orchards, and 376 hectares of new vineyards in the postwar period. In 1951, kolkhozes and sovkhozea of Abkhaz ASSR delivered 13,913 metric tons of graded tea leaves to the state; this was 10,477 metric tons more than in 1940.(25) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070105-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070105-6 Armenian SSR In the fall of 1951, the area sown to winter crops in the republic was in- creased 11 percent over 1950, inclading an increase of 14 percent for wheat. At the end of 1951, 74 percent of the kolkbozea in the republic were electri- fied. (26) Azerbaydzhan SSR In 1951, the volume of tractor work performed in the republic was 708,000 hectares greater than in 1950. In 1951, 11 new MTS and two new AnimaliHusbbaandry Stations were established. Many }~S leaders throughout the frequently fail to fulfill the tasks delegated them: work is not done on time and shows poor quality, this contributes to low yields, and in turn pre- vents kolkhozes from fulfilling their obligations i:o the state. Two full pages continuing in the same vein of severe criticism of MPS leadership in the re- public have been omitted) At present, the republic tractor park has 1.8 times the capacity of 1940. In 1951, Mf8 of the republic performed almost 30 percent more tractor work than in 1950. At present, there are 85 MTS, four Mechanized Animal Husbandry Stations, and one Mechanized Extermination Station in the republic.(27) In 1951, kolkhozes of Penza Oblast increased their total sown area 7.2 per- ^_ent over 1950; in the seven postwar years they have increased it altogether 11 percent. In 1951, kolkhozes and sovkhozes of Stavropol' Kray increased their total sown area by 123,000 hectares. In 1951, kolkhozes and sovkhozes of Stalin- grad Oblast increased their total sown area 318,000 hectares.(28) In 1951, the total sown area in the republic increased 10 percent over 1950. In 1951, A7 percent of the area sown to grains was harvested with com- bines.(29) In 1951, the area sown to wheat in West Kazakhstan Oblast was 74 percent greater than in 1940 and the cut area of perennial grasses was 7.6 time that of 1940 and three times that of 1945. In 1951, crop yields were low in the oblast due to the drought which set in at the period when grains had reached the milky maturity stage.(30) The following table represents percent fulfillment of the 1952 plan for Bowing spiked spring grains in kolkhozes of the republic: Oblast 10 Mar (31) 20 Mar 32) 25 Mar (33) Kashka-Dar?ya 69.5 80,I 84.3 ;;Zaxar. DR- 7 Tashkent 58.1 78.6 86.2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070105-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070105-6 Oblast 10 Mar (31) 20 Mar (32 25 Mar (33) Aamangan 45.0 71.3 92.2 Samarkand 30.6 42.5 50.5 Tadzhik SSR In 1951, spiked grain yields averaged 21.6 percent higher than in 1947 throughout the republic. During the same period, oil flax yields increased 18 percent.(34) Weather conditions in Gissar Valley and in Leninabad and Kulyab oblasts are such that a great deal of rain falls in April, May, and even June. In given years, poor weather conditions hinder the development of cotton. After heavy rainfall, a crust forms on the soil which chokes the orouth of the cotton Plant .(35) Kirgiz SSR The Council of Ministers and the TeX KP(b) Kirgiz SSR have decreed that conversion to the new system of irrigation shall be carried out on a total of 202,000 hectares in the republic In 1952. This figure is broken down as follows: Oblast Area to Be Converted (ha) Osh 36,300 Dzhalal-Abad 29,800 Talass 28,000 Frunze 67,600 Issyk-Kull 30,000 Tyan?.Shan" ]0,300 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9? 10. U. i2- -4. 15. Moscow, Sotsialisticheekoye Sel'skoye Khozyaystvo, No 3, 1952 Tallin, Sovetskaya Estoniya, 13 Mar 52 Riga, Sovetskaya Latviya, 20 Mar 52 Vil'nyus, Sovetskaya Litva, 7 Mar 52 Ibid., 18 Mar 52 Ibid., 27 Mar 52 Ibid., 30 Mar 52 Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, 28 Mar 52 Ibid., 2 Mar 52 :Sid., 9 Mar 52 Ibid., 18 Mar 52 it-id" 5 tar 52 9enr Mss- 52 Kiev, Pravda Ukrainy, 26 Mar 52 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070105-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070105-6 16. Ibid., 20 Mar 52 17. Ibid., 28 Mar 52 18. Ibid., 30 Mar 52 19. Kishinev, Sovetskaya Moldaviya, 21 Mar 52 20. Ibid., 13 Mar 52 21. Ibid., 7 Mar 52 22.. Ibid., 15 Mar 52 23. Ibid., 25 Mar 52 24. Frunze, Sovetskaya Kirgiziya, 2 Mar 52 25. Tbilisi, Zarya Vostoka, 21 Mar 52 26. Yerevan, L'ammmist, 9 Mar 52 27. Baku, Bachinskiy Babochiy, 11 liar 52 28. Moscow, Izvestiya, 28 Her 52 29. Alma-Ata, Kazakhstanakaya Pravda, 27 Mar 52 30. Ibid., 20 Mar 52 31. Tasbkent, Pravda Vostoka, 13 Mar 52 32. Ibid., 22 Mar 52 33. Ibid., 27 Mar 52 34. Stalinabad, Ko "1 at Tadzhikistan, 20 Mar 52 35. Ibid., 30 Mar 52 36. Sovetskaya Sirgiziya, 9 Mar 52 -7- COHFIDE9MAL EL- 01111111111111111 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/1 9: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070105-6