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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060215-5 r CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTE LIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS ON RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT HOW DATE OF Economic; Technological - Agricultural machine - INFORMATION 1951 - 1952 PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED USSR DATE PUBLISHED 2 Jun 1951 - 24 Feb 1952 LANGUAGE Russian building industry DATE DIST. 2. My1952 THIN OOCUNINT CONTAIN' INroNNMWN AIRRI.. TOE NALUNAL 0171x31 OI THE UNIT'O STATUS VITxlx Tx1 N'ANIN. o1 tl"IO.AN1 ACT NO N. N. C..'1 Mo N'. AN AN1.... ID TNMNYI'flOx ON Tx1 N[YItATION oI IB ONT'NT' IN ANT ^..NIA TO AN UNAUTNONn1o FIN5Ox IS ISO. NUITIN NT LA.. ANINONUC-N 0' TNIN roNN O INONUIIIO NEW SOVIET AGRICULTURgL MACRINERY FINDS WIDE APPLICATION DELAY PRODUCTION OF GRAIN DRYER -- Moscow, Pravda, 25 Jun 51 In 1950, the All-Union Scientific Research Thermotechnical Institute imeni Dzerzhinskiy conducted thorough tests of the new VTI portable grain dryer and found that grain could be dried rapidly at high temperatures with- out destroying its food quality. In comparing the air-blowing VTI dryer with the old Kuzbass and VISKhOM dryers having the same productivity, it must be noted that the VTI is simpler in design, five times cheaper, consumes four times _'ss metal, handles any stage of initial moisture content, can be heated with coal, and is fireproof. The grain dryer is transported on a 3-ton truck and is convenient to set up and operate. In the rainy weather of 1950, five VTI ;yers used in Naro-Fominskiy Rayon saved the harvest from serious losses then other grain dryers could not handle the wet grain. The dryer has been sent to an experimental station of the Ministry of Agriculture USSR, but.tests were not started until all the wet grain was gone so that no conclusions could be reached. The mass construction of these dry- ers must be started while there is still time so that they can be used in the coming fall harvest. DEVELOP SUGAR-BEET COMBINE -- Moscow, Moskovakiy Komsomolets, 16 Oct 51 The new SKEM-3 three-row sugar-beet combine can harvest 3 hectares (that is, about 6,000 goods) of sugar-beets per day. The machine is trac- tor-drawn and replaces several dozen men in harvesting operations. AIR J FBI - ; --r--J T-~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060215-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060215-5 ? MAKF WIDESPREAD USE OF FODDER GRINDER -- Petro-.avodsk, Leninskoye Znemya, 23 Nov 51 The IK-3 fodder grinder has found wide application in agriculture. It replaces' a number of fodder-processing machines, the chaff cutter, the silo cutter, the root cutter, and grain, salt, and chalk crushers. 'Me fodder grinder is equipped with a 4-7 kilowatt motor and can also be driven by a horse. One '.o three men are needed to operate the machine, de- pending on the type of work being performed. USE NEW SEED CLEANERS -- Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, 24 Feb 52 EMS-1 electromagnetic seed cleaners are being used to clean the seed of perennial grasses in Minsk Oblast. The machines clean a ton or more of seed daily. GOMEL' PLANT BOOSTS OUTPUT; CUT PRODUCTION COSTS -- Minsk, Sovetskaya Belo- russiya, 2 Jun 51 The Gomsel'mash (Gomel' Agricultural Machine-Building) Plant fulfilled its 5-month plan for gross and commodity production on 20 May 1951, 11 days ahead of time. The assembly shop has completed its 6-month plan for the MK-1100 thresher. Riga, Sovetskaya Latviya, 17 Aug 51 The Gomael'mash Plant has turned out the first group of ensilage com- bines designed by plant engineers and scientific workers of the All-Union Scien.iflc Research Institute of Agricultural Machine Building (VISKhOM). This combine speeds up the harvesting of ensilage five to seven times. Moscow, Pravda, I Oct 51 The Gomselsmash Plant has assumed the following obligations for the remainder of 1951: to fulfill the 1951 plan for gross production by 5 Decem- ber, to increase labor productivity 1.5 beyond the plan, to reduce rejects in casting by 9 percent, to lower production costs 500,000 rubles beyond the plan, to reduce labor consumption of products by 20 percent as compared to 1950, to save 1.2 million rubles by adopting innovations, and to raise the qualifications of 500 workers. Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, 4 Nov 51 Workers of the Gomsel'mash Plant have promised to produce 250 additional silo cutters for straw from saved materials by the end of 1951. Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, 15 Dec 51 The Gomsel'mash Plant reports that it completed the 1951 plan for gross and commodity production ahead of time, lowered production costs 3 percent beyond the plan, produced 250 silo cutters above the plan from saved metal, and converted 31 percent more machine tools to high-speed methods. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060215-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060215-5 CONFIDENTIAL IMPROVE METEODS AT KIROVOGRAD PLANT -- Kiev, Pravda Ukrainy, 21 Jun 51 To fulfill its plan for increasing seeder output, tbt Kirovograd Kras- naya Zvezda Plant had to mobilize the efforts of all its workers. This was especially true in 1948, when the plan for seeder output was increased to more than twice that of 1947. A general survey of the plant's technology led to basic improvements in parts production. Labor consumption in making agricul- tural machines was reduced by 20 percent, and labor productivity in a number of sections increased 40 percent and more. A plant technical council was organized, and more than 20 perwanent com- plex brigades were formed. In 1950 - 1951 alone, ..onnplex brigades in th, shops adopted 1,471 valuable proposals resulting in a yearly saving of almost 2 million rubles. The plant has organized 59 Stakhanovite schools for studying casting, welding, assembling, and machining operations, and 589 workers have been trained in these schools. IMPROVE PROCESSES; REORGANIZE LAGGING PLANT -- Moscow, Izvestiya, 30 Sep 51 Two machines for electric contact heating of parts have been adopted for use in production at the Frunze Agricultural Machine-Building Plant imeni Frunze. Use of the new machines has raised productivity ten times and eliminated rejects. Tempering of a part, which formerly took 30 minutes, now takes 3-4 seconds. Frunze, Sovetskaya Kirgiziya, 20 Feb 52 For a number of years, the Frunze Agricultural Machine-Building Plant imeni Frunze has not been fulfilling its plans, and in 1951, the plant failed to deliver a great number machines. of mowers, tractor rakes, and other agricultural In 1951, 40 major technical and organizational measures were put into effect, including the complex mechanization of the malleable iron foundry and the construction of 25 constant-flow lines for machining parts and assem- bly units. In January 1952, the plant exceeded its entire products-list plan and successfully met the plan for the production of farm-machine spare parts which were in short supply. -- B. Shipulin, director, Frunze Agricultural Machine-Building Plant imeni Frunze PRODUCE MORE COMBINES Leningradskaya Pravda, 27 Dec 51 On 26 December, the Krasnoyarsk Self-Propelled Combine Plant fulfilled its 1951 plan. The plant produced 25 percent more combines than in 1950 and saved 1,600,000 rubles by lowering production costs. Tallin, Sovetskaya Estoniya, 28 Dec 51 The 100,000th Stalinets-6 combine has come off the main conveyer of the Rostsel'mash Plant. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060215-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060215-5 r PLANT GIVEN INCREASED PIODUCTION TASKS -- Moscow, Moskovskaya Pravda, 8 Jan 52 The 1952 production quota for the Lyubertsy Agricultural Machine-Building Plant imeni Ukhtomskiy is larger and more complex than the 1951 plan. Although the plan has been raised only 15 percent in terms of the price valuation of the goods produced, it has been increased one third in terms of labor consump- tion. In 1952, the plant will start large series production of flax c.nbines and the three bar, tractor-drawn K-6 mower, which mows 2.7 hectares per hour. It is no small task to increase the volume of production by 31 percent, using existing production space and increasing the number of workers only 7 percent. Two important technical measures are being taken to ensure a suffi- cient number of castings for the above-mentioned goals. First, loading opera- tions in the charge-mixing yard are being mechanized, and second, hand opera- tions in the cleaning of castings are being cut to a minimum. -- S. Popov, acting director, Lyubertsy Agricultural Machine -Bui]ding Plant imeni Ukhtamskiy Moscow, Vechernyaya Moskva, 10 Jan 52 The Lyubertsy Agricultural Machine-Building Plant imeni Ukhtomskiy saved 4.5 million rubles in 1951 by adopting over 400 innovations. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060215-5