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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 CLASSIFICATION cONFnpsRCIAL CENTRAL SECURITY INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS COUNTRY China SUBJECT So 1 1 o ogical - Religion PUBI.ISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED Peiping; Shanghai; Canton DATE PUBLISHED 1 Jan - 31 Dec 1951 LANGUAGE nu OOCOOOr COInuu nro.~~noll u.,rnll, n..1nOO,? om.n o, no 051100 !1170$ V.7075 ml O0*Oq? O. U.I000OI AR .O I... C.. /i BOO n,0t AO[OC.0. In nAO)OIUWO oO TO. 1[004901 or In CO.nOn lO ut boor, to ~, VgtlnOORto ...... It PIG. 5111700 It M9. OVOOOOC9o, o, tOl, roll 11 9rofhIlno. REPORT CD NO. DATE OF INFORMATION 1951 DATE DIST. /.t. May 1952 NO. OF PAGES 14 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION TREATMENT OF RELIGIOUS REFORM MOVEMENT BY CHIREBE COMF4lJRIST PRESS DURIRG 1951 For this survey of the religious reform movement, as presented in the .Chinese Communist press, three Chinese Communist newspapers -- the Peiping 4e-min Jih_)ao, the Shanghai Chieh-f -- were selected for ih-thy and the Canton Nan-fang Jih- Coesnuniat Party organs of nenorth, central, andtsouthChina,prespectively. All available issues, numbering 988, of these newspapers from January to December 1951 were examined. The Peiping and Shanghai newspapers closely paralleled each other in subject matter, quantity, and time of appearance, The Canton press coverage was approximately half that of the other two papers. The surve?? -evealed'that the Chinese Communists did not attack religion per Be, but co...entrated on the elimination of so-called imperialistic influ- ence in churches and other such institutions by means of take-over, disbandment of reactionary organizations, and deportation of nonconforming religious per- sonnel. This was done in conjunction with the Resist America, Aid Korea Move- ment; the Patriotic Movement, the Regulations Governing Registration of Cul- tural, Educational, Belief, and Religious Institutions Receiving Foreign Sub- lies or Which Are For21gn Controlled Financially; tb-Thrte-Se1P'Reform Movement ,(self'-rule,'aelf-support; And-self-preaching);.and-the-Law on Punish- ment of-Counterrevolutionaries. Much of this religious reform movement was directed against the Catholic Church. The statistical table below shows that a total of 417 items were con- cerned with the Catholic Church, 68 were concerned with the Protestant, `and 11 were concerned with the Buddhist and Moslem churches. Of the 417 items on the Catholic Church, 128 items were about the religious reform movement, 38 were concerned with the patriotic movement, 51 attacked Catholic-operated orphanages and nurseries, 107 were directed against Catholic dignitaries such as Antonio Riberi and'Jean de Vienne, and 87 attacked Catholic organizations, such as the Legion of Mary. STATE ARMY NAVY AIR Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 The press articles were of three tyne@ and lave been divided into the fol- lowing categories: A. Items reporting official action taken with regard to religious organi- zations and personnel. B. Items reporting spontaneous moves by -el'gious organizations and person- nel to advance the self-reform movement and eliminate imperialistic influence In churches. C. Reports and editorials other than Categories A and B. The greater part of the material, by far, fell into Category B. Limited samples of this type of item are presented in Section IV. With regard to Cat, gory A, the majority evidence is that official activity against religion is being taken by the various military control commissions. Summaries of all items of this category appear in Section III. There were relatively few items of the type falling into Category C. Three articles of this type appear as Section V. Section I is a table showing the number of items dealing with religion that appeared in the Peiping Jen-min Jih-pao, t?.e Shanghai Chieh-fang Jih-pao, and the Canton Nan-fang Jih-pao during 1951. Section II gives the titles of items on the Legion of Mary that appeared in the Shanghai Chieh=fang Jih-pao July - October 1951. This shows the type of propa- ganda build-up-leading to a desired objective -- in this case, the disbandment of the organization. I. TABLE SHOWING NUMPER OF ITEM ON RELIGION IN PEIPING JEN-MIN JIH-PAO, SHANGHAI CHIEH-FANG JIH-PAO, AND CANTON RAN-FANG JIH-PAO, DURING 1951 A. Peiping Jen-min Jih-pao (1 - 3 May, 25 - 31 Jun, 3 Aug, 1, 14, 21 - 31 Dec issues unavailable) Take-over of foreign sub- sidized or oppeZated re- ligdous in- stitutions Jan Feb Mar Apr L%Z Jun Jul ?M Oct Nov Dec US cultural 3 1 4 4 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 aggression of China through churches, .. etc. Protestants., 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 1 C 'Reform move.. sent 3 ,Vatriotic 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 movement Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 Jan Feb ft &-r ft Jun Jul p ? Oct Rov Dec Remarks Buddhist, 2 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Moslem pa- triotic movement Catholic Reform 13 1 movement Patrio*ic 10 1 1 0 0 movement Organiza- 0 0 0 tions 0 4 2 0 0 0 2 1 Mostly Oil Riberi Mostly on Legion of Mary B. 9hsaRhi Chieh-fang Jih-pao (2 Jan, 6 - 12 Jul) all of Nov and Dec issues unbvailable Take-over of 9 institutions 15 U3 cultural 1 aggression Protestant 1 0 Reform 3 arivement 0 4 Patriotic 0 movement 1 1 0 0 0 Buddhist, Moe- lem Patriotic 2 movement 1. 0 1 0 0 Jytholic Reform 7 movement 4 7 0 3' 9 25 Patriotic 3 movement 1 3 3 0 0 0 0 7 0 Orphlnages 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 6 Dignitaries 0 0 0 0 8 11 0 2 14 0 Mostly on Riberi Organiza- 0 tione , 0 8 6 8 3 46 Mostly on Legion of Mary Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 C. Canton lan-fantt Jih-P&0 (1) 3 May, 6 - 12 Jul, 20 - 25 Dec issues unavailable) Jan Feebb Mar, &r HEY J!m LU-1 Aug Rep Oct Nov Dec Remarks US cultural 5 aggression Take-over of 2 institutions Protestant Reform 1 movement Patriotic movement lam Patriotic 0 movement Refor3 0 movesant Patriotic 4 movement Organiza- 0 t,,,ns 1 0 6 3 0 1 2 1 2 0 2 0 5 6 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 7 2 8 1 0 0 0 1 ?0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 8 0 5 0 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 C 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 13 1 0 8 1 0 1 Mostly on Riberi 0 0 0 0 3 6 2 0 1 0 0 II. TITLES OF ITE ON LEGION OF MARY IN SHANGHAI CRIER-FANG JIR-PAU, JULY - OCTOBER 1951 Title or Subject of Article Tientsin Military Control Commission Orders Disbandment of Tientsin Legion of Mary Peiping, Jen-min Jih-pao editorial: To Protect Just Religious Freedom, Disband the Legion of Mary Criminal Activities of Tientsin Legion of Mary Tientsin Patriotic Catholics Support Government Disbandment of Tientsin Legion of Mary Reprint of Tientsin Chin-pu Jih-pao article: Criminal Activities of Legion of Mary at Hsi-k'ai Middle School Page on Which Item Appeared Date 1 16 Jul Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 Title or Subject of Article Page on Which It er Appeared Date (Article attacking Legion of Nary) 3 8 Aug Teinan Legion of Nary Members Withdraw Membership 3 8 Aug Tsingtao Military Control Confession Orders Disbandment of Teingtao Le io f 6 10 Au g n o Mary. Move Supported by Democratic Parties and Religious Circles (Article against Legion of Mary by a Shanghai student) 3 g 11 Aug Tsingtao Legion of vary Disbanded. Officials Arrested as Counterrevolutionaries (Text of Confession by Fang Sung-lin, official of the Te ingt ao Le ion f M 3 3 22 Aug 22 Au ei t p g ary. Admits organization ie fascist o Yen-t'ai Legion of Mary Disbanded 3 g lO Sep Shanghai Patriotic Catholics Establish Resist America, Aid Korea Sub i 1 17 Se comm ttee, Demand Disbandment of Shanghai Legion of Mary Study Materialb Concerning Legion of Mary'(Furnished by the Propaganda Department, Shanghai Branch, Resist America, Aid Korea Committee) Catholics in Shanghai Demand D Mary icoandment of Legion of 2 1 p 1 Oct 3 2 Oct Plenary Session of Shanghai Municipal Consultative Council Su est Di b 1 4 Oct gg s s andment of Shanghai Legion of Mary Editorial: Support Consultative Council's Suggestio -? n Concerning Disbandment of Shanghai Legion of Mary Shanghai Public Security Bureau Arrests _Legion of Mary Officials for S 1 1 4 Oct 4 Oct py Activities (given picture of arms confiscated) Criminal Record of Heu Sing-ch'iao, Shanghai Legion of Mary Leader. 4 4 Oct Shanghai Patriotic Catholics Support Consultative Council S g gestion Conce i D 1 5 Oct S y rn ng isbandment of Shanghai Legion of Fu-tan University Accusation'MeetingExposes Imperialistic Crime Committ d b 1 5 Oct e y Members of Shanghai Legion of Mary Shanghai P'an-shah Primary School Sends Letter to Shanghai Munici al Co t l 3 5 Oct p n ro Commission Dems fling Disbandment of Shanghai Legion of Mary How Shanghai Legion of Mary Carried Out Reactionary Activities i O 3 5 Oct n ur School, by a Fu-tan University student - 5 - CONFID! MIAL 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 Shanghai Captures Two Imperialists, Suppo Michele and Cuono Makeo; Used Shanghai Legion of Mary to Carry?pat Sabotage Activities (includes pictures of transmitter= receiver set they used) Shanghai Subbranch of Resist America, Aid Korea Committee Issues Statement Supporting Consultative Council Sug- gestion Concerning Disbandment of Shanghai Legion of Marv Title or Subject of Article St Francis Middle School Accuses Shanghai Legion of Mary of Sabotaging Patriotic Movement in School Page on Which Item Appeared Date 1 6 Oct 1 6 Oct Shanghai Student Union Appeals to Members and Nonmembers 3 6 Oct of Legion to Support Disbandment of Legion of Mary Former Catholic School't'eachers and Students Study to 3 6 Oct Wipe Out Legion of Mary Reactionary Ideology. Many Legion of, Mary Members Pledge to Withdraw Cartoon entitled: "Hurry Up and Get on Land," by Mi Ku (shove patriotic Catholics, under banner of People's .Republic of China, pulling out a person from a "sea of death" named Legion of Mary) I Am Determined to Withdraw My Membership From the Legion 3 6 Oct of.Mary, by a Fu-tan University student (Letters to the Editor column carries letters from Shanghai 3 6 Oct students expressing support of the Consultative Council's suggestion to Disband Legion of Mary) Catholics Hold Meeting. Demand Swift Disbandment of Legion 1 7 Oct of Mary Shanghai Federation of Labor Issues Statement Supporting 1 7 Oct Consultative Council Suggestion to Disband Shanghai Legion of Mary Shanghai Hospital Staff Holds Accusation Meeting Against 3 7 Oct 7V' Legion of Mary, Urges Disbandment Shanghai Military Control Commission Orders Disbandment of 1 8 Oct Shanghai Legion of Mary Because of Public Demand (issues .regulations pertaining to registration for membership with- drawal) Just Religious Beliefs and Freedom Legion of Mary National Office Reactionary Officials, William McGrath, C. Predost, E. Gabriel Quint, Arrested by Shanghai Public Security Bureau, Accused of Counter- revolutionary Activities Editorial: Disbandment of the Legion of Mary Will Protect 1 8 Oct CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 Page on Title or Subject of Article Which Item (S i APDeared Date er es of 18 cartoons describing innumerable crime committ d b s e y the Legion of Mary in China) 5 12 Oct (Another series of 18 cartoons on same subject) 5 13 Oct III. ARTICLES REPORTING OFFICIAL ACTION TAKEN WITH REGARD TO RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS AND FdRSONpaL ANNOUNCEMENT Feb 5 OF SHANGHAI MCC REGISTRATION OFFICE -- Shanghai, Chieh-fang Jih- The following announcement was made by the Shanghai Military Control Com- mission's registration office for cultural, educational, relief, and religious institutions receiving foreign subsidies or which are foreign controlled finan- cially: Since this office assumed the responsibility of registering all cultural, educational, relief, and religious organizations either receiving foreign sub- sidies or who are under foreign financial control, many of the organizations concerned have complied with the announcement of the Shanghai Military Control Commission dated 19 January 1951 and our announcement of the same day by ob- taining the necessary registration forms from our various designated suboffices for the purpose of completing them. For the purpose of starting investigations at an early date and completing registration within the allotted time, all organizations concerned should observe, the deadline frv the filing of their registration forms and note the following points: 1. Forms must be filled out truthfully and filed before 28 February 1951, with the designated suboffices; there will oe no extension of the deadline. 2. Organizations which have not called for their forms should do so im- mediately aed file them by 28 February 1951; there will be no extension of the deadline. 3. All organizations which received subsidies from abroad or who were foreign-controlled financially before liberation must obtain the necessary forms for completion and filing before 28 February 1951. There will be no extension of the deadline. These organizations must comply with Regulation 2 of the di- rective adopted by the East (.aina Military and Administrative Committee at its 43d session on 9 January 1951 governing the aforementioned organizations. 4. During the registration period all responsible authorities of the organizations concerned should protect all the property and financial assets of their organizations and must not remove, conceal, transfer, or destrcy them. They should cooperate .with the Registration Office to prevent any illegal trans- fer, concealment, or destruction of such property. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 5. Thooe refusing to register, or who fa-sify their reports, transfer conceal, or destroy their pro ert , p y and financial assets will be reported to the Military Control Commission for stern punishment if such acts are verified by this office office. Director, Hsia Yen Deputy directors: Huang Rua, Shen T'e Lan, and Ts'ao Man Chih RESTRICT US AID TO CHINESE CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATIONS Pao, 23 Apr 51 -- Shanghai, Chieh-fang Jih- From 6 to 21 April 1951, the Religious Affairs Office of the Committee of Culture and Education, Government Administration Council, of the Central Peo- ple's Government, convened a Conference for the Supervision of US-Subsidized Christian Institutions. The expressed purpose of the conference was to make all Christians Lrotestant7 close ranks with government circles in resolutely break- ing all ties with US imperialism and to exorcise all US cultural influence. The conference discussed and then passed a Method of Procedure for Regulating Chris- tian Institutions under US subsidy which is now pending approval by the Govern- ment Administration Council. Also passed was a Joint statement of the All-China Representatives of Christian Churches and Institutions. ACTIVITIES OF CATHOLIC RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS COUNCIL RESTRICTED -- Shanghai, Chieh- fang Jih-pao, 16 June 51 On 6 June 1951, the Shanghai Military Control Commission, after receiving demands from the people to defend religious faith and freedom, ordered all ac- tivities of the Catholic Religious Affairs Council halted immediately, pending a government decision regarding their operations. The registration office for cultural, educational, relief, and religious institutions has appointed officers to investigate all activities, publications, and political tendencies of leaders of the Catholic Religious Affairs Council so that a decision may be handed down by the people's government. TIENTSIN MCC ANNOUNCES REPRESSION OF LEGION OF MARY -- Shanghai, Chieh-fang Jih- Pao, 16 Jul 51 Tientsin, 14 July -- The Tientsin Military Control Commission announced, on 13 July 1951, the actual repression of the imperialist-dominated, reactionary, and secret organization, the Legion of r "Holy. Mother Defense Team" and "Holy Mother S o c i e t y , " is ' The lemon of Mary, also known as imperialist-dominated international ly counterrevolutionary organization for the purpose of carrying on destructive activities against People's Democracies. SEVEN IMPERIALISTS EXPELLED FROM AN-CH'ING -- Shanghai, Chieh-fang Jih-pao, 20 Aug. 51 The FiftL People's All-Circles Representatives Conference of An-ch'ing un- animously passed the decision to oust from their area seven foreign imperialist elements, including Mei-keng-kuang An-hui-te, Ho-kg Shu-ch'ing (female) ~hinese approximations of'foreinn ".Jung-hua' End- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 DEPORT IMPERIALIST A::2ONIO RIBERI -- Peiping, Jen-min Jih-pao, 5 Sep 51 Antonio Riberi, an imperialia.. spy, acting under the cloak of religion has been expelled from China by the Nanking Military imperialist espionage ~h Control Commission. Riberi activities, such as the Legion of Mary, an il- legrl secret organization. The request of Chinese Catholics that he be expelled has been carried out. During his 4 years in China, Riberi openly took part in a war against the Chinese people by joining the American imperialists and bandit Chiapg Kai-shek. He secretly used base and shameless methods to make Catholic organi.ations the tools of imperialist aggression. ASKS LEGION OF MARY BE BANNED -- Shanghai, Chieh-fang Jih-pao, 8 Oct 51 The Shanghai Military Control Commission has commanded that the reactionary t' rorist organization, Legion of Mary, be disbanded. William McGrath and other imperialist elements have been placed under arrest while its members and officers are uirected to register and renounce their membership at the request of the peo- ple and patriotic Catholics for the continued security of the nation. SHANGHAI MCC DISBANDS LEGION OF MARY -- Shanghai, Chieh-fang Jih-pao, 8 Oct 51 On the recommendation of the sixth plenary session of the Shanghai Munici- pal Consultative Council and in compliance with the demar. of the people of the entire city, the Shanghai Military Control Commission hat issued a notice ef- fective today disbanding the Legion of Mary, an international, anti-Communist secret reactionary organization cloaked in religion and controlled by imperial- ists. At the same time, regulations have been published governing the regis- tration of all members of the Legion of Mary at designated public security bu- reau registration offices. The Shanghai Military Control Commission notice states that the Legion of Mary is an anti-Communist reactionary organization and that before the libera- tion of Shanghai, imperialist elements, Antonio Riberi and William McGrath re- cruited reactionary elements to form the core for the Legion of Mary as a means to obstruct liberation. After the liberation of Shanghai, their reactionary activities became more intensive. RULES FOR REGISTRATION AND RENUNCIATION OF MEMBERSHIP WITH LEGION OF MARY -- Shanghai, Chieh-fang Jih-pao, 8 Oct 51 The Shanghai Military Control Commission has published regulations effec- tive 8 October 1951 pertaining to the personal registratior of members of and renunciation of membership with the Legion of Mary. This included all foreign members. In addition, those who are or have been officers of presidium level or above, rust submit two, 2j x 2 inch, photos of themselves at the same time. The regulation further states that Legion of Mary members must surrender to the registration office all documents or articles belonging to or pertain- ing to the Legion of Mary. All registrants who renounce their membership and cease to engage in further legion activities will not be further dealt with by the authorities. On the other hand, those ho attempt to defy the regulations will be dealt with se-?erely. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 TIENTSIN BUREAU ORDERS DEPORTATION OF JEAN DE VIENNE -- Peiping, Jen-min Jih- pao, 29 Oct 51 On 28 May 1951, the Tientsin Public Security Bureau ordered the deportation of the imperialist, Jean de Vienne, who operated within the Catholic Church. He was deported for carrying out the reactionary orders of the Vatican during his residence under the Chinese flag and for the crimes against the Chin-se people's revolutionary enterprises. IV. ITEMS REPORTING SPONTANEOUS MOVES BY RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIQNS AND PERSONNEL TO ADVANCE THE SELF-REFORM MOVEMENT AND ELIMINATE IMPERIALISTIC INFLUENCE IN CHURCHES CATHOLIC MANIFESTO URGES INDEPENDENCE -- Peiping, Jen-min Jih-pao, 8 Jan 51 A manifesto issued by a group of over 500 Catholics assembled on 30 Nov- ember 1950 by Father Wang Liang-teo, a Catholic living in Kuang-yuan Hsien, North Szechwan, advocated severance of relations with the imperialists and institution of new churches based on independent administration, maintenance, and preaching. Catholics in Suiyuan, Chungking, Nan-ch'ang, Wuhan, Chia-chiang in West Szechwan, Yueh-ch'ih in North Szechwan, and'other areas responded to this call. For example, early in January 1951, Shih Ming-liang, suffragan bishop of the Chungking diocese, and 695 parishioners, issued an "independent sad new church movement" statement. - As evidence thrt this reform movement is winning widespread popular sup- port, large bodies of Chinese Catholics have signed "new church movement" reso- lutions. All patriotic Catholics, moreover, who cut their interrational reli- gious attachments, are guaranteed freedom of religious worship and activity. However, to enjoy this freedom, it was made clear that Chinese Catholics must disengage themselves from "conspiratorial activities di- 'ted by higher organs of the Catholic .lurch in Rome and the US." DISCUSS CATHOLIC REFORM MOVEMENT -- Peiping, Jen-min Jih-pao, 21 Jan 51 Ma Hsu-lun, vice-chairman of the Committee of Culture and Education, an- nounced the establishment of a Religious Affairs Office on 17 January 1951. The announcement was made at the conclusion of a reception tea attended by 40 leading Catholic clergymen and laymen of North China at the invitation of the Committee of Culture and Education. The Catholic leaders were convened to exchange views on the Catholic Re- form Movement. Catholics attending included: Li Chun-wu, suffragan bishop; Wang Ju-chi, chief secretary of the cardinal's public affairs office, Ch'i Yueh-tien, vice-chairman of the cardinal's public affairs office, Chang Pi-te, bishop of Chiu Hsien diocese, Lei Chen-hsia, bishop of Fen-yang Hsien dio- cese, and Wu K'o-chai and Nieh Kuo-ping, members of the preparatory committee of the Tientsin Catholic Refjrm Movement Council, priests from Peiping Catholic rburches, and principals from various Catholic schools. Following a welcoming speech by Vice-Chairman Ma Hsu-11n, Vice-Chairman Lu Ting-1 delivered an address. Lu told the group that since July 1950 when Protestant personalities initiated the self-rule, self-support, and self- preaching patriotic reform movement, more than 90,000 Protestants had signed the reform movement proclamation. The 14th Annual Conference of the National Council of the Church of Christ in China, meeting in Shanghai on October 1950, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 passed a resolution to support the Protestant reform proclamation and to rally all Protestants to achieve the objectives of self-rule, self-support, and self- preaching. As fur the Catholics, Lu said that Wang Liang-tso of North Szechwan, head of the Catholics, had issued a proclamation for an independent reform movement in November 1950. Subsequently, Catholics in the Yangtze area and in North China had issued bimilar proclamations. Pointing out that for the last 100 years imperialists have been using the Catholic church as a tool for. their ag- gression, Lu called for a severance of relations between the Catholic church, and the imperialists and for the establishment of the Catholic church a4'n independent Chinese enterprise. Chairman Chou En-lai, speaking extemporaneously, said that the government supports and endorses the Three-Self Movement, a patriotic movement, among re- ligious circles. He pointed out that people of all faiths, including Catholics, should be patriotic, saying that patriotism anc: the love of one's country are not contrary to the principle of "Under heaven all members of one faith belong to one fa-ily.". He emphasized that members of the faith cannot include rotten ele- ments and that Judas-like imperialist elements and tools, such as Yu Pin, cannot be considered as members of the faith. Finally, Chou said, Catholics and Prot- estants cannot become strong by depending on others and not relying on their own efforts for self-transformation; those who are independent have a future. k'a Speaking for the Catholic group were Chang Pi-te; Le Chun-vu; T'.ien Chih- ng, lecturer of Fu-jen University; and Chang Huai, professor at Fu-jen Uni- versity. Li Chun-wu said that after a year's experience the government has proved its policy of religious freedom and "we must support and follow all the policies of the government." Chang Huai said, "We must firmly oppose imperial- ism and not allow religion to become a tool of the imperialists. We must carry out the movement fur self-rule, self-support, and self-preaching. Catholics in Peiping cannot fell behind others in this movement." PEIPING CATHOLIC LEADERS HOLD CONFERENCE -- Peiping, Jen-min Jih-pao, 27 Mar 51 The preparatory committee of the Peiping Catholic Defend World Peace and Oppose American Aggression Committee held a conference, on 25 March 1951, which was attended by 160 principals and teachers from 21 primary and middle schools and universities. Among those attending the confereuce were Chang Han-min, Chu Fu-hhiang, and Chen Jo-yu. The conferees unanimously advocated: aid to the people's government in its determination to purge secret counterrevolutionaries in the Catholic Church, severanc, of all relations with imperialists, and the exposure of the US-Chiang bandits' poisonous distortion of the Catholic Independent Reform Movement. Liu Fu-tong, chairman of the preparatory committee, stated that patriotic Catholics must voluntarily search out secret counterrevolutionary elements in the church. If this is not done," he said, "we do not love our religion." He said that the failure to do so would be injurious to the church. Liu referrer to recent press reports of special agents concealing themselves in the Catholic Church for the purpose of carrying on activities destructive to the people's government. This is P disgrace to the church. Catholics must search out the counterrevolutionary elements before the faith can be strengthened and the past disgrace washed away. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 PEIPING MOSLEM DRAFT COVENANT -- Peiping, Jen-min Jih-pa-, 16 April 51 On 14 April 1951, the following patriotic public resolution was drawn up at the Resist America, Aid Korea Conference of Peiping Moslems: 1. Support Chairman Mao, the communist party of China, the people's government and policies of the people's government. Comply with the la'7s of the people a government. 2. Support the proclamations and decisions of the World Peace Council and the joint Five-Power Peace Treaty. Defend world peace. Oppose the unilateral US-Japanese Peace Treaty and the US remilitarization of Japan. 3. Resist American aggression in Taiwan and in Korea. Continue to strengthen the Resist America, Aid Korea Movement to lend real assistance to the Chinese People's Volunteer Army and to the Korean People's workers and peasants will produce with all their energy and Mos]mindustrial- ists and merchants will comply with the financial and economic policy of the e'nent~they will oppose profiteering, defrauding of the revenues, and de- lay taxes. They will work toward a smooth interchange of com- mor:ities between city and country. Moslem activists will do their jobs well and Moslem students will study hard and strive to propagate the Resist America, Aid Korea spirit. 4. Support the government's suppression of counterrevolutionaries and assist in wiping out special agents and land brigands, ferret out concealed special agents, stop rumors, protect public and private property, and put an end to sabotage by special agents. 5. Love, respect, show deference to, trust, and aid fellow racial minori- ties throughout China. Solve the nationalities problem peaceably and reason- ably. Oppose disruptive groups who would wreck the spirit of brotherly love. NANKING DIOCESE ISSUES SUPPORT I ATEMENT -- Shanghai, Chieh-fang Jih-pao, 25 May 51 On 31 March 1951, Catholics of the Nanking diocese issued the following statement: Fellow Chinese and Catholic brethren: The imperialists, in their inner nature usurpers, have, since the Opium War,'stretched a demonic paw into China And, with every manner of unequal treaty, encroached upon our sovereign ter- ritory. They have placed our people in bondage; and have gone on to utilize Catholicism in their aggressive march. Since there are, in the church, men of Yu Pin's cast who are willing to be used by the imperialists, the spiritual chastity of our congregation has been defiled. That our patriotic coreligion- ists should so disg.?ace and pollute us with this imperialist liaison, is a fearful calamity. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, it appeared we would not upprnssed in the old manner, for the Chinese people of today have arisen. But the US imperialists, despising the Chinese people, increased their aggressive activities. They supports;: the undertakings of cdnspirators and sa- boteurs on the mainland, committed military aggression against Taiwan -_ our sovereign territory -- and against our Korean neighbor, and, in a final breach of international trust, carried througn a unilateral treaty with Japan and re- armed that country. These facts amply expose their evil conspiracy. In their minds, they intend not only to subjugate China, but also tb- entire world. a~arr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 In the name of the UN, they slander the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and our People's Republic of China. This tactic of making right out of wrong is deceiving and cheating the people of the world. We Catholics of Nanking and other cities know that our coreligionists and all the people of China belong to one great whole. All that is required is the complete destruction of. the imperialist plot befo re- ninci the construction others of in our the new drives China, re we start the peaceful We patriotic Catholics do not want to fall be- under the great patriotic banners of Resist America, campaign Aid Korea and and desire Defend to Rome, put all Protect Fatherland. We are detersined to support our patriotic fervor into future drives. willthis comply with governmental d,rees, support the same basic principles, work harder, produce more, and decisively expurgate from our church all traces and influence as imperialism. To reach the goals outlined above, we must effectuate, in a RQsitive manner, the Three-Self principles -- self-rule, self-support, and self- preaching -_ and, with the exception of religious me- ers and articles of faith, we will.oppose church interference in the government of China and will separate' Ourselves from political and economic entanglements. We will be sustained, ruled, and taught b?, our. own countrymen and will tolerate no foreign aid or domination. Under se direction and guidance of Mao Tse-tung and all strata of leadership in the people's government, we will strive to create a peaceful, democratic, and independent new China' The- Catholics of China have the same orientation as the Chinese masses; t4ey have a fervent patriotic duty to love mankind and peace, and they now dust choose whether or not to display their patriotism for the benefit of the Fatherland and the people. We must now respond as one man to the call to Resist America, Aid Korea; Defend Rome, Protect Fatherland; and oppose US rearming of Japan; strive for lasting world peace, and build a new China. V. REPORTS AND EDITORIALS OTRER THAN OFFICIAL ACTION AND SPONTANEOUS ACTION OF RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION AND PERSONREI, CANTON FOREIGN ORPHANAGE MISTREATS ORPHANS -- Canton, Nan-fang Jih-pao, 11 Mar 51 IiyCanton, 12 March (gain-hua) Indescribably inhuman treatment of orphans orphanage run by the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception here has resulted in the deaths of 2,116 children in the past 18 months. This is a death list of no less than 94 percent of the total charges who passed through this incredible murder factory. This so-called orphanage was set up by a Canadian Convent and in charge of five Canadian nuns, namely, Antoinette Coubrettee, Germain Gravel, Elisabeth Lemire, Germaine Tanguao, and Ismelda La Pierre. P".TRIOTIC CHRIST 'NS R TSINGTAO ACCUSE KU JEN-EN 27 Mar' 51 -- Peiping, Jen-min Jih-Pao, Many Christians in Tsingtao have sent to the Tsingtao Jih-nao accusations deagainstceiving the the masses, renegade, Ku Jen-en, for his crimes Of rumors , and slandering the government, and demanding peoples government immediately arrest and take severe action against him. claaKu confessed to faith healing at the Chiming Chieh Baptist Church. He him de the government he goeby public assertion that personnel sent to seize -healing preaching mission in Shanghai by the Shanghai Military Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A0007000 60173-2 _J Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2 Control Commission quietly left the meeting after they had observed his healing of the Sick. Details on how Ku practiced his faith healing were recited by two Christians, Hang Chung-sheng and Wang Feng. Chen, director of the Tsingtao Public Health Bureau, wrote to the Tsi o Jih- so in response to questions raised by the above-mentioned patriots. '2hris- tiana, and pointed out that Ku's claims of healing the blind, deaf and dumb, and persons afflicted with other disease contravened science and were a fraud. Several Christians from Ch'i-lu University at Tsinan also expressed the feeling that they cannot tolerate the crimes of Ku Jen-en. KU JEH-ER ARRESTED -- Shanghai, Ch.:eh?fang Jih-pao, 28 Mar 52. The Tsingtao Public Security Bureau, conforming to public demand, has ar- rested Ku Jen-en for carrying on counterrevolutionary'activities under the guise of his clerical activities. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060173-2