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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060155-2 CIASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL SECtJRI INTELLIGCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Economic; Technological - Bearing industry HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers, bimonthly periodical WHERE. PUBLISHED USSR DATE PUBLISHED Mar. 1940 - 9 Feb 1952 LANGUAGE REPORT CD NO. DATE OF INFURMATION 1940 - 1952 DATE DIST. Apr 1952 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO, TOn OOCOROT COITW t nTO49OO ?000018 TOO OLTIOOAL olllITO OT TOO 111111 OnnO Wfli TOO Igon0 CI gMOUh. ?0T /O o. I. C.. OI uo ILLS NOOOU. In TlOOpnoloo 0o TOO onIWnoo OT In COOnon n LIT tlu i, To no oo*OnoolTto 11111. IT PO0? OoOno OT YO. OOroOOOrnoO o1 Ton roll to "OOnITlo THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Newspapers and periodical as indicated. BEARING PLANTS BOAST OUTPUT, $AMETAL BR10Nov AKING51PLABT SAVES METAL, FULFILLS PLANS EARLY .,.. Moscow, Vechernyaya Moskva, Precision bearing shop No 1 of the Moscow First State Bearing Plant imeni L. M. Saganovich has already completed its 1951 plan. Small series shop No 1 completed ahead of time bearings for enterprices filling orders for the construc- tion projects. Forge shops of the plant saved more than 1,000 tons of metal in 1951 by adopting innovations. Moscow, Moskovskaya Pravda, 21 Nov 53. corkers of the forge shops of the Moscow First State Bearing Plant promised to kilowattswve-1hours,600 tonsofof metal, tens of tone of fuel, and tens of thousands of electric power by the end of 1951. On 20 November, the first results of the competition were announced. The forge shops had saved 1,900 tons of high-grade steel and 'exceeded their other obligations. According to indivi- dual economy accounts, workers, engineers, and technicians saved 6J million rubles for production. An attachment 'sed in the roller shop enables one worker to operate two machine tools. Moscow, Moskovskaya Pravda, 1 Dec 51 Workers of the Moscow First State Bearing Plant have promised to complete t'ie 1951 plan by 20 December. Precision bearing shops No 1 and No 2, the roller wearing shop, the roller shop, and the consumers' goods shop have already ful- filled their?1951 plan. Workers of the roller shop have promised to turn out one million rubles' worth of above-plan production by the end of 1951. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060155-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060155-2 The plant fulfilled its 11-month plan according to basic technical and economic indexes, and will deliver millions of rubles worth of output to the state. Inventors and innovators saved 10 millic'i rubies for the state, and above-plan profits in this period amounted to several million rubler. Moscow, Vechernyaya Moskva, 12 Jan 52 Workers of the Moscow First State Bearing Plant have promised to save 3 million rubles and to complete the first quarter 1952 plan by 28 March. Moscow, Pravda, 12 Jan 52 Workers of the Moscow First State Bearing Plant have promised to save 210 tons of metal in the first quarter of 1952. Moscow, Pravda, 9 Feb 52 The Moscow First State Bearing Plant fulfilled the postwar Five-Year plan ahead of time and exceeded the prewar output of bearings l- times. In 1951, the plant saved more than 11 million rubles by adopting innova- tions, and exceeded the state plan in all basic indexes. Two thirds o; he in- crease in output was achieved by increasing labor productivity, which rose 18 percent in the course of 1951. Production :osts were reduced by 12.3 percent in this same period. In 1952, the plant must increase the volume of bearing production by 10 percent, using the present production area and the same number of workers as in 1951. Thus the planned increase in production must be achieved entirely by in- creasing labor productivity. The plant must organize the production of new types of bearings, mainly large size and high precision bearings. At present, the plant is working in close cooperation with 17 scientific research and educational institutes and planning organizations. Thirty-seven scientific research and experimetal prcjec.ts have been developed and utilized in production. Plant workers have assumed the obligation of fulfilling the 1952 plan in all indexes by 21 December. -- V. Devyatov, director, Moscow First State Bearing Plant imeni L. M. Kaganovich GIVE 1940 BEARING REQUIREMENTS FOR TRACTORS Moscow, Stalinets-65 ('rgan of the Management of the Chelyabinsk Plant imeni Stalin), Mar/Apr 1940 On 30 March 1940, 100,000th tractor came off the main assembly line of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant. These 100,000 tractors required 5 million bearings, which were supplied mainly by the Moscow First State Bearing Plant. ADOPTS HIGH-SPEED METHODS -- ,Moscow, Moskovskaya Pravda, 15 Nov 51 .The Moscow Second State Bearing Plant is adopting high-speed grinding, using spindle speed.- as high as 60,000 per minute. This increases labor pro- ductivity and improves the quality of the finished product. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060155-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060155-2 Moscow, Vecheimyaya Moskva, 22 Dec 51 The Moscow Second State Bearing plant completed its 1951 plan on 21 De- cember and increased output ~,y 20 percent as compared to 1950. .'he Moscow Bearing Repair. Plant has completed its 1951 plan and produced several hundred thousand rubles, worth of above-plan output. Tallin, Sovetskaya Estoniya, 25 Dec 51 The Moscow Second State Bearing Plant organized the production of 11 new types of bearings in 1951, and adopted 660 inventions and innovations, for a saving of 2 million rubles. SUPPLIES FAIT. -- Moscow, Moskovskaya Pravda, 26 Dec 51 Eight shops, 16 sections, and 79 brigades of the Moscow oe'ond State Bear- ing Plant have von the title "excellent quality." The ball shop has doubled its output, as compared to 1945, without increasing production space., is Mainly the fault the plant fails Serp to fulfill is i fill its plan regularly. s supposed oed failure the Moscow Second State Bearing which sup- Plant with ball wire and ganged metal. In quarto, 1951, the Serp i Molot Plant failed to deliver 13 tons of ball wire and t~suged metal. In the fourth quarter, only 143 tons of metal have been delivered instead of 240 tons, and only one-fifth the quantity of ball wire ordered has been delivered. Moreover, the Serp i Molot Plant starts delivering metal, as a rule, only in the second 10-day period of the month. The Stakhanovites of the ball shop of the Moscow Second State Bearing Plant appeal to the workers of the Moscow Serp i Molot Plant to supply metal on time, and to stop substituting one shape of metal for another. ADOPTS INNOVATIONS, SEIPZ BEARINGS TO PROJECT _.. Kiev. Pravda rainy, 5 Jan 52 blion ob of 465 innovations saved the Saratov Bearing Plant more Ina 1951, Milliothe Leningradakaya Pravda, 15 Jan 52 The Saratov Bearing plant, which hao been asst large quantity of bear prod the task of making a ti .he first consignment if for the Volga-Doc Canal project in 19~2, has shipped of bearings in n this this order to the project. BEARING PLANT EARNS STAKBANOVITE TITLE ??- Moscow, Moskovskaya Pravda, 5 Dec 51 Ti' December 1950, the Sharikopodshipnik (Ball Bearing) Plant became an Enterprise of Collective Stakhanovite labor, and now the plant is trying to earn the title "excellent quality." As of 1 December 1951, there were five shops, 109 sections, and 788 bri- gades turning out only excellent-quality production. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060155-2