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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060026-5 r CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. USSR DATE OF Economic; Technological - Electrical INFORMATION 1951 - 1952 PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED USSR DATE PUBLISHED 11 Oct 1951 - 18 Jan 1952 LANGUAGE Russian COUNTRY SUBJECT HOW TOPS OOOONNT CONTAIII{ INrOINATON drcCnx{ TNI NOTIONAL O[rcxt{ Or M% Nx1T!{ )TAru --- M -.- Or rctIONA{! ACT IO V. {. , l l ANO )!. AI A.NO.1. Ih TIAxINIIIION OR Txt Iffy. ION 01 UTI NT LA Ix ANT ^ANNI{ TO A. ONA NI!!O III- 11 1I0. NI{IT{O {T LAV. W..OO RI ON Or THIS IIN OI{ .1 IIOVII ITIO. INCREASE OUTPUT AND VARIETY OF SOVIET TELEVISION, RADIO SETS MASS-PRODUCING TELEVISION SETS -- Tbilisi, Zarya Vostoka, 25 Nov 51 The Moscow Television Center is providing high-quality television trans- mission with a picture definition of 625 lines. The industry is mass-produc- ing such high-quality television receivers as the T-1 Moskvich, T-1 Leningrad, KVN-I+9, T-2 Leningrad, and others. According to Professor P. V. Shmakov, Soviet scientist, if the antenna of the television transmitter were elevated by aircraft to a height of 10,000 meters, the program of the Moscow Television Center could be received through- out European USSR. Television is rapidly growing. In May, the Kharkov Television Center was put into operation, and new centers are being set up in other large cities. Scientists and specialists are now working on color and three-dimensional tele- vision. SEEK BEST DESIGNS FOR TELEVISION RECEIVER -- Tbilisi, Zarya Vostoka, 23 Oct 51 The Ministry of Communications Equipment Industry, together with the All-Union Scientific Engineering and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electrical Communications imeni A. S. Popov, has announced a contest for the best designs for a mass-produced television receiver. Models of television receivers should be accompanied with explanatory notes describing in detail the design of the receiver. Seven prizes have been established. The competition will extend to 1 August 1952? communications equipment DATE DIST. 1? Apr 1952 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060026-5 J Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060026-5 marke. t However, the Ministry of Communications Equipment Industry has not ere tion Comm and service during the p pared properly for their installa- 8 guarantee period. The installation of these setc has been delayed. Beginning 1 October, work on the installation of television sets and antennas is scheduled for the workshops of the Ministry of Communications Equipment Industry, but the opening of these shops has been delayed. The assembly of television sets by amateurs is prohibited by parts shortages. Research on television antennas is progressing too slowly and must be accelerated. p n e of by Moscow Television Center. It is diffi cultptot bta nvuninterruptedioperationhe of a television receiver after the lapse of the factory guarantee period. The necessary tubes, receivers, and spare parts are not always available. Coaxial cable for antenna installation is scarce. New T-2 television sets are now o th Many shortcomings are a arent 1 th URGES TELEVISION CENTERS FOR RELAYING PROGRAMS -- Moscow, Vechernyaya Moskva, 11 Oct 51 The organization of centers for television reception, from which the progroms may be relayed by wire transmission, permits a significant saving in the n,imber of tubes used by the subscribing television receivers. Such re- ceivers require no more than four or five tubes. In complexity, they differ little from the ordinary Moskvich receivers, and if mass-produced could be inexpensive. Questions relating to the wire transmission of television have not yet left the stage of laboratory development. The Ministry of Communications In- dustry pays very little attention to them. - 1951, a group Retransmission Networks et o pia center forofwirethe Moscow d television City Radio a house at 31 Bol.'shaya Serpukhovskaya Ulitsa, Even with small mass broadcasts (50 to 100 outlets) wired television centers would permit wide reception in hotels, sanatoriums, asylums, and individual homes. Such centers could become a principal medium for the advancement of television to the kolkhozes of Moscow Oblast and other nearby oblasts where, with an antenna and a sensitive television receiver, telecasts could be re- ceived from Moscow. DELIVERS TWO-WAY RADIOS TO UKRAINIAN MIS -- Moscow, Izvestiya, 21 Nov 51 The Urozhay two-way radio, produced by the Dnepropetrovsk Radio Plant, is used in a great many MTS in the Ukraine. The plant's 1951 plan will be completed by 7 November but before the end of 1951 it will still deliver hundreds of two-way radios to the MTS. The plant is organizing the production of new radio receivers in the second and third classes. These are the Ukraine, and the Dnepro, of which samples have been produced. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060026-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060026-5 TO REPLACE MINSK R-7 RADIO WITH NEW MODEL -- Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, 28 Nov 51 The Minsk Radio Plant of the Ministry of Local Industry Belorussian SSR has discontinued production of the Minsk R-7 radio-phonograph. The seven- tube set has a mechanism for automatically starting and stopping records. The plant has developed a new modernized design for a radio-phonograph which it plans to produce in 1952. TO PRODUCE TEN-TUBE RADIO RECEIVER -- Moscow, Trud, 4 Jan 52 The Riga Radio Plant imeni Popov has begun series production of a new six-tube radio receiver, the Riga-6. In the near future, the plant will produce a ten-tube receiver of the first class, the Riga-10. The Riga Electrical Machine Building Plant is preparing to convert to the production of new products. New equipment for electric trains iB made here and the plant is organizing the production of improved washing machines. DECRIES ABSENCE OF BATTERIES, RADIO TUBES IN KESTEN'GA -- Petrozavodak, Leninskoye Znamya, 8 Dec 51 There are no batteries or radio tubes for sale in Kesten'ga. As long ago as May, Vasil'yev, chairman of the Rayou Consumers' Union, was given an order for 42 sets of radio equipment. The order has not yet been filled. ORGANIZES PRODUCTION OF PLASTIC LOUD-SPEAKERS -- Stalinabad, Kommunist Tadzhikistan, 18 Jan 52 The Riga Electrical Fixtures Plant has organized the production of a new type of plastic loud-speaker. Hundreds of thousands of such loud-speakers will be produced this year. -3 CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700060026-5