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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050312-8 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTEL ILIL GENCEEAGENCY RR1i INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Economic; Technological - Tractor industry HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED USSR DATE PUBLISHED 27 May - 18 Oct 1951 LANGUAGE Russian a,C OOCOOCOT e00TYn 101M~p100 #n - In Y11e0LL 0tl001A ". VOtnr STAN, wIn110 "I OYOIN Or DMus! ACT N V .. C.. CI UU IC. Y Yrnrrr. Rr TWrprtlO a T.C flTlLA On OI In COtntl 10 Cr/ -.go To Y ru11T1101iQrr TOOLS 1/ res 01r11C0 OT Nn. 11rS01000TOO 01 ntr N0~ 10 nOdim Cr. DATE OF INFORMATION 1951 DATE DIST. _,I~ Mar 1952 NO. OF PAGES 4 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION SCORE MANAGEMENT OF TRACTOR PLANT; IMPROVE OLD, TEST NEW TRACTORS MINSK TRACTOR PLANT NEGLECTS, MISUSES EQUIPMENT -- Moscow, Izvestiya, 5 Jun 51 An electric steel-smelting furnace at the Minsk Tractor Plant stands idle 2j- hours for every hour it operates. Thus it is not surprising that it costs almost twice as much to smelt a ton of steel at the Minsk Tractor Plant as it does at the Kharkov Tractor Plant. Norms are set so carelessly at the Minsk plant that even under the inefficient conditions described above, one steel smelter turned out seven times his monthly norm. The Minsk Tractor Plant has modern, highly productive equipment, including automatic lines where operations are performed without the aid of human hands, but the plant has neglected the mechanization of auxiliary operations. In the iron foundry, for example, there are several machines for casting parts mechanically, but since there are no belt conveyers for these machines, the foundry workers have to haul the flasks to the pouring place by hand. Instead of filling 200 flasks per shift, which is easily within the machine's capac- ity, the foundry workers fill only 50 per shift. Auxiliary processes are insufficiently mechanized in the forging shops; as a result, the forge hammer drops only once an hour. One of two cranes used for changing dies on forging presses operates occasionally, while the other has stood idle for li years accumulating dust -nd rust. In 1949, the forging shop received a die-duplicating milling machine, which was set up and promptly forgotten. A year later, a worker was sent to the Moscc?r Automobile Plant imeni Stalin to learn how to operate this machine. When he returned to Minsk after 3 months of study, he found the machine covered with dirt, its complex instruments broker., and many of its parts missing. This expensive, vital machine still stands idle while dies are made on other machines which take several times as long as the special machine. OMENTIAL - 1 - CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL STATE NAw NSRB DISTP..IDUTION -77 ARMY AIR Fal Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050312-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050312-8 CONFIDENTIAL Many sections of the machine and assembly shops stand idle for whole days at a time because there are not sufficient iron and steel castings and forg- inge. Yurov, chief of the diesel shop, stated that his shop could produce two or three times more if it were fully supplied with castings and forgings. Suslov, director of the plant, and Kulev, chief engineer, admit that the forging and casting shops are the plant bottlenecks, but say that they are so because of mistakes made in laying the plant out. It is possible that several mistakes were made in designing the plant, but how does the plant management explain the fact that it does not even have a plan for mechanizing labor-con- suming and auxiliary tasks? Khlamov, Minister of Automobile and Tractor Industry USSR, and other leading officials visited the Minsk Tractor rlaut, bur there wap no noticeable improvement in its work. In January and February, the plant exceeded obviously debased plans. When the plant failed to fulfill the slightly increased March plan, the ministry came to the rescue and reduced the plan for the follow- ing month. Such "aid" will hardly improve the situatica at the plant and will not compel the plant management to make correct use of its abundant equipment. FAILS TO MEET MONTHLY QUOTAS -- Moscow, Izvestiye, 28 Jun 51 The Vladimir Tractor Plant did not fulfill its plans for April and May, and is lagging behind badly in June. The plant turns out many rejects. Losses for the first 5 months of 1951 were around 22 million rubles. The schedule for making parts in short supply is disrupted daily. Cherkevich, the plant director, tries to catch up with last-minute rush methods, which further increases the number of rejects. SHIPS TRACTORS TO PROJECTS, SAVES METAL -- Tallin, Sovetskaya Estoniya, 17 Jul 51 In July, the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant shipped more than 50 tractors, many motors, and spare parts to the projects to be credited to the third quarter 1951 plan. Third quarter spare parts orders for the Volga-Don Canal project have already been shipped. A rush order for thermostats and air fil- ters f,r tractors at the Kuybyshev GES project was filled in a very short time. Moscow, Izvestiya, 18 Jul 51 Three innovations proposed by engineer V. Radchenko will help the Chelya- binsk Tractor Plant save 100 tons of metal. Moscow, Komsomol'skaya Pravda, 10 Oct 51 The Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant has shipped more than 4,000 tractors to the construction projects and to excavator "nd scraper plants. More than 1,500 tractors made by the plant are in operation at the Volga-Don Canal project alone. Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, 18 Oct 51 The Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant has decided to double the guaranteed life of the Stalinets-80 tractor. The life of the transmission has been doubled by improvements in design. The transmission formerly operated 1,500-2,000 hours without repairs; now it is good for h,000 hours and more. Support rollers which make the tracks more reliable have been developed. - 2 - CONFIDENTIAL COWIDENMAi Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050312-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050312-8 The Lipetsk Tractor Plant has joined the competition to lengthen the guaranteed life of the machines it produces. Imprc,ements have been made in the motor and track system of the Kirovetc-D-35 tractor. The motor's horse- power has been increased by enlarging the cylinders, thus increasing the tractor's productivity by 13 percent. These improvements did not entail addi- tional expense or substantial changes in the production process. TEST GAS GENERATOR TRACTOR -- Petrozavodsk, Leninskoye Znamya, 29 Sep 51 Experimental models of the SGD-80 (Stalinets gas generator, wood block, 80 horsepower) tractor are being tested at timber managements of the Tyumen'les Trust. The new machine, based on the S-80 tractor, has a gas motor and gas- generating equipment. T:.e tractor is being te..ed by a commission which includes workers from the Kirovskiy Plant in the Urals. KRAR'KOV TRACTOR PLAN: CELEBRATES 20TH ANNIVERSARY -- Kiev, Pravda Ukrainy, 7 Oct 51 The Kharkov Tractor Plant produced 217,000 tractors up to the beginning of World War II. In the summer of 1948, the plant turned out the 15,000th postwar KhTZ-NATI tractor. The plant converted to the output of the new DT-54 diesel tractor without interrupting production. This was a considerable task, since it was necessary to put thousands of new parts into production, to master 5,000 additional tech- nical operations, and to prepare more than 10,000 dies, fittings, and cutting and measuring tools. Most important of all, it was necessary to retrain many workers, setup men, foremen, and technologists. Thousands of machine tools were installed and reassembled, more than 150 assembly lines were set up, new technological processes were developed, and new types of production were mas- tered in a short time. A stockpile of parts and components was gradually created, and the parts of the old tractor were removed from production one by one. Finally, assembly of the new tractor began. For the first time in USSR tractor-building history, conversion to the output of a new model was accom- plished without the slightest interruption in production. Besides the DT-54, the Khar'kov Tractor Plant produces the KhTZ-7 garden and orchard tractor and the KhTZ-12 electric tractor. The plant has successfully fulfilled the September and third quarter 1951 plans. Seven hundred and ten brigades are participating in a socialist competi- ti'n for the output of excellent quality production, 737 plant Stakhanovites operating more than 500 machine tools have adopted high-speed cutting methods, and more than 883 workers are operating three or more machine tools simultane- ously: -- P. Lisnyak, director, Khar'kov Tractor Plant imeni Ordzhonikidze Tbilisi, Zarya Vostoka, 14 Oct 51 In 1949, the Khar'kov Tractor Plant converted to the output of DT-54 tractors without interrupting production. The plant is producing 71 times as many tractors as it did in 1946. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050312-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050312-8 GONFlDENfAL Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050312-8 CONFIDENTIAL ACTOR PARTS PLANT SUFFERS FROM POOR MANAGEMENT __ Stalinabad, Kommunist Tad:.hikistana, 23 Sep 51 Since January 1951, the Stalinabad Traktorodetal' Plant has been sendin'- Glnvtraktorodetal' (Main Administration of Tractor Parts) reassuring figures which indicated that the plant was fulfilling its production plan from month to month. However, failure to fulfill the June plan revealed the disorderly, sporadic work methods which prevail it the plant. Many highly productive machine tools are being used at only 30-40 per- cent of capacity, and there are frequent, protracted stoppages due to poor maintenance of the machine tools. Although no exact record of stoppages is kept, equipment stands idle several thousand hours per month according to rough estimates. Last-minute rush methods disrupt technological discipline, causing many rejects and much reworking. Particularly flagrant violations of technical discipline, causing a lowering of productivity, take place in the machining of pistons for Universal tractors. The tool management is in an exceptionally neglected condition. Low quality and late preparation of fittings and tools, flagrant deviations from blueprints in making tools and fittings, and at times, serious design failings in tools, lead to long stoppages and numerous rejects. The work of the Technical Control Division is crudely organized, it lacks its full complement of skilled workers, and it takes no action to raise the qualifications of the workers it does have. This explains why defective parts reach the finished products warehouse, and why the plant has numerous complaints from con.;amers. The Division of Technical Control fails to check repair work on equipment, and makes reports on repair work only at the end of the month. The plant is supposed to guarantee its parts a corrosion for 6-12 months, but dirt and primitive conditions which prevail during the anticorro- sion coating and the packaging operations have created a situation where there are frequent complaints about corroded parts. Work was started to mechanize labor-consuming tasks in the heat-treating shop last year, but it was not followed through, and these operations are still performed by hand. Two years ago, work was started on a centralized system of coolant supply, but the project was not compiAted, even though money was spent on it, and machine-tool operators carry the coolant by hand as before. Improving working conditions and supplementing technical knowledge are especially important at this plant, where most of the workers are youths. Not only the director _nd chief engineer of the Stalinabad Traktorodetal' Plant, but also the Ministry of Automobile and Tractor Industry and its Main Administration of Tractor Spare Parts are responsible for the situation. MAKES POOR SHOWING -- Tashkent, Pravda Vostoka, 27 May 51 The Krasnyy Dvigatel' Plant, Uzbek SSR, fulfilled its April 1951 plan by only 42 percent.