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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050040-0 WHERE L ASSIFICATION =' bEVrr .i CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENC~ONFIDENPIALRT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO, USSR aconomle - Crop conditions TIII OOCOrfq COIITa1M Ilropan00 AIM-II TNt M4nolal 0[gI52 01 Till OIIT/O /T*T52 VITllr r_:: 152.151 01 52n0Ia0[ ALT NO L N. 0., l T *I0 52.05 ?51.520? ITI TI*NNbrlON 0I TON apILATOI OI IT/ 005TINTO II IIT rar52l A all 052YTN0II110 PINION 1I rllO. 0II1T05 /T lar. ru0OramOn O! TNII roll, U PIONIIITOO. Sovkhoznaya azeta. INFORMATION 1952 DATE DIST. 5 Mar 1952 NO. OF PAGES 6 REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 3 January 1952 On 1 and 2 January, warm, cloudy weather prevailed in most of the European USSR. Snow fell locally. Temperatures were considerably above normal for this time of year. Around Moscow, they were almost 10 degrees (all degrees centi- grade) higher than the average for many years. Light and moderate frosts con- tinued in the eastern regions of the European USSR. On 2 January; noon temperatures were -13 degrees in Kuybyshev, -12 in Sar- atov and Ufa, - 10 in Chkalov and Kazan',, -7 in Sverdlovsk and Stalingrad, -2 in Vologda, Voronezh, and Voroshilovgrad, -1 in Orel, zero in Moscow, Minsk, Dne- propetrovsk, and Rostov on the Don, I degree above zero in Llvov, 2 degrees in Riga, 3 in Kishinev, 5 in Odessa, 6 in Makhachkala, and 8 in Tbilisi. Temperatures dropped considerably in most of West Siberia, falling to 35-42 degrees below zero during the night. On 2 Januarys daytime temperatures were 30 degrees below zero in Novosibirsk, 20 below in Barnaul. Cold weather prevailed in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. It was 32 below zero in Kzyl-Orda, 11 below in Alma-Ata, 8 below in Dzhambul, 4 below in Ashkha- bad, and 2 below in Tashkent and Sialinabad. 5 January 1952 On 3 and 4 January, the previous warm, cloudy weather continued in most of the European USSR. Snow fell locally in the northern and central regions, lit rain in the Baltic countries.' Light and moderate frosts occurred only in the eastern and southeastern regions. ~CONf1DE~ JMj - 1 - NSR9 DISTRIBUTION Fsl-1~, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050040-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050040-0 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Kazan, -9 1a08arataann'ary noon temperatures were -16 degrees in Ufa, -12 in Kuybyshev, in StaJ Krasnodar, zero is Voronezh, Moscow,n n Kirov, - in Tambov and n Dn on the Don, 1 degree above zero in Kiev, Kursk, and Volo as' 3 degrees deg, and trovsk, 4 in Kishinev, 7 in Odessa, and 9 in Simferopol. in nep rope- snoweIn est Siberia, subzero temperatures moderated, light snow fell, and degrees below zero in Novosibirsk and Barnaul,y13 below eineOmskaturee were 14 Slightly cloudy, cold weather prevailed in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. 8 January 1952 On 6 and 7 January, cloudy weather with snowfalls and local snowstorms wa observed in the central and h s sout ern European USSR. Rain fell in Krasnodar Kray. It became slightly colder in the central regions. During the night of 7 January, temperatures dropped to 8-13 degrees below zero in Smolensk, Moscow, Kalinin, Kostroma, and Yaroslavl oblaets. It was overcast the northern European USSR. and snow fell in On 7 .;anuary, daytime temperatures were 20-25 degrees below zero in the ami below in the Middle Volga Region, -12 in Kirov'-10 in Moscow, -6 Urals, 15-17 , -3 in Arkhangelsk, -2 in Minsk, zero in Krasnodar and Simferopol', 1 degree above zero in Leningrad, and 4 above in Riga. Mostly clear, subzero weather continued in West Siberia and Kazakhstan. 10 January 1952 On 8 and 9 :anuary, warm, cloudy weather continued in the western half of the European USSR. Light frosts accompanied by snowfalls and strong winds were recorded in the eastern, southern, and northern regions. Precipitation in the form of drizzle and light snow fell in the southern central regions, northern Ukraine, and southern Belorussia. Quite heavy rains were observed in the Transcaucasus. On 9 January, noon temperatures were -9 degrees in Chkalov, -7 in Tambov and Voronezh, -6 in Kuybyshev and Saratov, -5 in Arkhangelsk, Kazan', and Eursk, -4 in Moscow, -.1 in Rostov on the Don, zero in Krasnodar and Dneprope- trovsk, 1 degree above zero in Kiev, Odessa, and Simferopol', 2 degrees in Len- ingrad, L'vov, and Kishinev, and 4 in Riga. with most ofSliKazakhstanghtly beriaoderate Januaand frosts continued in -16 in Omsk, -19 in Novosibirsk, and .22 in 9 Barnaul. ytime temperatures were 12 January 1952 On 10 and 11 January, warm, cloudy weather continued in most of the Euro- pean USSR. Light frosts occurred only 1.n the northeast, middle and Lower Volga regions, and Urals. Precipitation in the form of rain and wet snow fell in the western, northwestern, and central regions. Snowfalls were recorded in the northeastern and eastern regions. Snow cover depth increased to 12-20 centi- meters in the central regions, to 20-30 and locally to 40 and more centimeters in the eastern and northeastern regions. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050040-0 04FIbiEinTsa I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050040-0 CONFIDENTIAL CO RDIN11AL On 11 January, noon temperatures were -18 in Ufa, -15 in Chkalov, -11 in Kuybyshev, -10 in Saratov, -8 in Kazan', -6 in Stalingrad and Kirov, -1 in Mos- COW, Minsk, Orel, and Vologda, zero in Arkhangelsk, Leningrad, Kiev, Kursk, and Rostov on the Don, 2 degrees above zero in Kishinev, 3 in Odessa and Kras- nodar, and 5 in Simferopol'. Cloudy weather with moderate frosts prevailed in West Siberia and most of Kazakhstan. On 11 January, daytime temperatures were 10 degrees below zero in Omsk, 18 below in Barnaul, and 20 below in Novosibirsk. 15 January 1952 On 13 and 14 January, it became considerably warmer and precipitation fell in the Urals and Lower Volga Regiot.. In the rest of the European USSR, cloudi- ness diminished and temperatures fell. slightly. On 14 January, noon temperatures rose to 2 degrees above zero in Krasnodar and Kishinev, 1 degree in Odessa, Voroohilovgrad, and Dnepropetrovsk, zero in Rostov on the Don, Stalingrad, and Kiev. Day-time temperatures were -1 in Lvov, Saratov, and Riga, -2 in Orel, Minsk, Kursk, and Arkhangel'ak, -3 in Kuybyshev, Tambov, Gor'kiy, and Kazan', -4 in Moscow, Leningrad, and Syktyvkar, -5 in Vol- ogda, -8 in Kirov, and -12 in Sverdlovsk, Ufa, and Chkalov, Mostly dry weather with moderate frosts prevailed in Siberia. It began to warm up in southwestern Central Asia. On 13 January, the daytime temperature in Ashkhabad was 7 degrees above zero. 17 January 1952 On 15 and 16 January, cloudy weather with light frosts and snowfalls con- tinued in most of the European USSR. It began to warm up again in the western regions, and also became considerably warmer in the Urals. On 16 January, noon temperatures were i degrees in Simferopol' and Kish- inev, 4 in Riga and Odessa, 3 in Minsk, 2 in L'vov, Kiev, and Leningrad, 1 in Dnepropetrovsk and Voroshilovgrad. Daytime temperatures 'sere zero in Kursk and Voronezh, -1 in Tambov, .2 in Moscow, -4 in Gor'kiy and Stalingrad, -5 in Sara- tov, -6 in Sverdlovsk, -9 in Vologda, -10 in Kazan', Kirov, and Arkhangel'ek, and -12 in Chkalov. On 15 January, quite heavy snowfalls and snowstorms were recorded in the northern and eastern regions, western Ukraine, and western Belorussia. Heavy rains fell on the shore of the Black Sea. During the first 12 hours of 16 Jan- ;.ary, snow fell in the Baltic countries, Belorussia, and some of the central regicnr, Winter sowings are in the quiescent stage. Weather conditions for their wintering were good everywhere. Cloudy weather with moderate frosts, strong winds, and heavy snowfalls prevailed in West Siberia. Daytime temperatures rose to 7 degrees below zero in Psrnaul, 10 below in Novosibirsk and Tobol'ak, and 12 below in Omsk. In-East Siberia, the w. ier continued slightly cloudy and dry with daytime temperatures of about 10-14 de- grees below zero. .:onditions for the wintering of sowings were good in Siberia. Snow cover has formed in the northern parts of the Central Asian republics. It became still warmer in Turkmen SSR. On 15 January, maximum temperatures rose to 12_14 degrees above zero in most areas. totlittim" Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050040-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050040-0 CONFIDa"rIAL VI NFIDENTIAL 19 January 1952 On 17 and 18 January, it continued to become warmer in the central Euro- pean USSR and the warmer weather spread eastward. The greatest rise in temper- atures took place in the Volga Region and Urals, where temperatures rose 8-10 degrees in 48 hours. In the Far North, it became colder. It also became some- what colder in the North Caucasus. On 18 January, noon temperatures were 9 degrees in Simferopol', 7 in Tbil- isi, 6 in Odessa, 4 in Voroshilovgrad, 3 in Dnepropetrovsk, 2 in Saratov, and 1 in Lvov, Voronezh, Kuybyshev, Tambov, and Moscow. During the day, the thermom- eter registered temperatures of zero in Kiev, !Minsk, Stalingrad, and Krasnodar, -1 in Rostov on the Don, Gor'kiy, Sverdlovsk, and Riga, -2 in Ianingrad and Ufa, -3 in Chkalov and P.azan', and -5 in Vologda. On 17 January, nuite heavy snowfalls accompanied by strong winds and snow- storms were recorded in the northern regions and Urals. Light snow fell lo- cally in the western and central regions. Warm weather with snowfalls and snowstorms continued in most of West Si- beria. Slightly cloudy, dry weather with temperatures 26-35 degrees below zero continued in East Siberia. In the Central Asian republics, it continued to warm up. Locally, daytime temperatures rose to 8-12 degrees above zero. 22 January 1952 On 20 and 21 January, very warm weather prevailed in most of the North Caucasus, Ukrair~, and Belorussia. Rain fell locally. It became cc,,3iderably colder In the northeastern, and eastern European USSR. It bec,:ze slightly colder and quite heavy snowfalls were recorded in the central regions and the Baltic countries. On 21 January; noon temperatures rose to 9 degrees in 6imferopol', 8 in Krasnodar, 7 in Dnepropetrovsk, and 2 in Odessa and Kishinev. Daytime tempera- tures were zero in Kiev, -1 in Rostov on the Don and Orel, -2 in Kursk and Minsk, -3 in Voronezh, Riga, and Gor'kiy, -4 in Moscow, -5 in Kazan' and Sara- tov, .6 in Stalingrad and Chkalov, -9 in Vologda and Arkhangel'sk, -11 in Len- ingrad and Kirov, .13 in Syktyvkar, and -17 in Sverdlovsk. depth Quite increased heavy corains fell nsiderably in and central during the Ukraine. last days the became regions,over deep locally. As of 20 January, its depth had reached 39 centimeters in Molo- tov, 50 centimeters in Kirov, and 46 centimeters in Arkhangel'sk. Weather con- ditions for the wintering of sowings were good everywhere. 24 January 1952 On 22 and 23 January, the cc-der weather prevailirg in the northern Euro- pean USSR spread to the central regions, the Ukraine, and the North Caucasus. During the night c? 23 January, temperatures fell to 2L-28 degrees below zero in the northeast, 16-19 below in the center, and 9-12 below in the Ukraine. In the central regions and Ukraine, the cold weather was accompanied by strong winds and snowfalls. CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050040-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050040-0 CONFI_ D L Urn Warm and rainy weather continued in the Crimea. to become warmer in the far northwestern portion_ On 23 January, it began 1 On 23fJanuary , noon temperatures were -22 degrees in Kazan' -21 in Kirov -7 in Gor kiy, -16 in Ufa, -15 in Sverdlovsk, Syktyvkar, Tambov, and Voronezh, -14 in Orel, -12 in Saratov and Voroshilovgrad, -11 in Kuybyshev and L'vov, -9 in Moscow and Kiev, -8 in Rostov on the Don and Odessa, and -6 in Kishinev, Krasnodar, and Chkalov, On 22 January, quite heavy snowfalls and snowstorms were recorded in the central regions, Lower Volga Region, and in Molotov and Kirov oblasts. During the first 12 hours of 23 January, snowfalls continued in the Urals, center, and Volga Region. Snow also fell in Rostov Oblast. Solid snow cover has formed in the western and northern Ukraine. Warmer weather accompanied by strong winds and snowstorms has set in in West Siberia, Noon temperatures were -9 in Omsk, -13 in Novosibirsk, -15 in Tobol'ak, and -19 in Barnaul. On 23 January, daytime temperatures dropped to 20 degrees below zero in East Siberia. Very warm weather continued in Central Asia. Maximum temperatures rose to 12-16 degrees and in Turkmenia even to 20 degrees above zero. 26 January 1952 On 24 and 25 January, considerably warmer weather accompanied by strong wlnda and heavy snowfalls Set in in the northern European USSR. Slightly cloudy weather with light and moderate frosts prevailed in the central and southern regions. It became slightly cooler an the Black Sea shore of the Cau- casus. During the night of 25 January, it was zero in Batumi and k degrees be- low zero in Sukhumi. On 25 January, noon temperatures were -18 degrees in Kuybyshev, -17 in Saratov, -15 in Chkalov, -14 in Stalingrad, -13 in Voronezh and Ufa, -12 in Arkhangelsk, -11 in Orel and Rostov on the Don, -10 in Voroshilovgrad, Kursk, Tambov, and Sverdlovsk, -9 in Moscow, -8 in Gor'kiy and Leningrad, -7 in Kirov, and 3 degrees above zero ii: Simferopol' and Tbilisi. On 24 January, heavy snowfalls were recorded in the northern and north- eastern European USSR and also in Chkalov and West Kazakhstan oblasts. During the 'first 12 hours of 25 January, snow fell in the Baltic countries and in some areas of the western and eastern regions. r with moderate itinueCloud.dIny West iberia.frIn EastdSibe it a, n slightl and udy, calms weather with heavy frosts continued to prevail. Y cloudy, calm It was very warm in most areas of the Central Asian republics. 29 January 1952 On 27 and 28 January, overcast weather with precipitation continued in the western half of the L.;ropean USSR. On 27 January, snowfalls and snowstorms were observed in the central regions. Winds of up to 9-ball strength and re.'n were observed in the eastern Ukraine. Rostov Oblast, and Krasnodar Kray. Frosts were recorded in the Transcaucasue during the night. 5 - OHF~DENl~s1~. CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050040-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050040-0 PNFIDEINTLt!. Saratov -peraturee ere -18 in Kazan', sad -13 in hkalov, -9 in Stalingrad, -17 in Gor' _7ikiyin Mos- cow, -5 in VoroneCzh, -2 in Leningrad, Riga, _and8inOreVol, -1logda in Lvov 'Tambov, vov and Voroshil- ovgrad, zero in Dnepropetrovsk, 2 degrees above zero in Kiev, 8 in Odessa and Krasnodar, and 12 in Simferopol'. Moderate frosts prevailed in West Siberia. On 28 January, daytime temper- atures were 11 degrees below zero in Novosibirsk, 14 below in Barnaul, and 16 below in Omsk. 31 January 1952 On 29 January, overcast weather with snowfalls, strong winds, and heavy snowstorms continued in the northern and most areas of the central European USSR. On 30 January, the snowfalls continued in the northern and spread to the eastern central regions. In the western and southwestern regions, precipitation ceased felling and it began to clear up. It became slightly colder in the southern Ukraine and in the Crimea. On 30 January, noon temperatures were -18 in Kuybyshev, -15 in Kazan', -12 in Ssratov, -7 in Riga, -6 in Minsk, Voronezh, and Stalingrad, -4 in Leningrad, Vologda, and Tambov, -3 in Kiev, -2 in Moscow, Dnepropetrovsk, and Voroshilov_ grad, -1 in Odessa, and 3 degrees above zero in Krasnodar. Cold, slightly cloudy weather continued in most of Kazakhstan and West Si- her!'.. On 30 January, daytime temperatures were 19 degrees below zero in Novo- sibirsk, 18 below in Omsk, and 17 below in Barnaul. It was comparatively warm in Central Asia. Day-time temperatures were 7 degrees above zero in Tashkent, 6 in Stalinabad, and 4 in Ashkhabad. Rain fell in the mountain areas of Central Asia. 2 February 1.952 On 31 January and 1 February, cloudy weather with light frosts continued in most of the European USSR. According to reports from those places, snow- cover depth has increased to 35 centimeters in Gor'kiy, 23 centimeters in 3azaa', 26 centimeters in Penza, and 18 centimeters in Kuybyshev and Saratov. On 1 Feb- ruary, noon temperatures were 8-10 degrees below zero in the eastern and northern regions, b-8 below in the central regions, 1-2 below in the western regions, and 4-5 degrees above zero in the southern Ukraine, Moldavia, and the North Caucasus. Moderate and heavy frosts continued in West Siberia and Kazakhstan, On February, daytime temperatures were 18 degrees below zero in Barnaul and Semi_ pa.atinsk, 19 below in Novosibirsk, and 22 below in Akmolinek. Warm weather prevailed in southern Central Asia. Daytime temperatures Jere 10 degrees in Stalinabad, 8 in Tashkent. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700050040-0