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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 CIA-RDP80-00809A000700040145-5 CLASSIFICATION CONFFIDENT~IALgTi CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTEL IG l E AGENOCY REPORT INFORMP-ION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Economic - Coal HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED USSR DATE PUBLISHED 27 Sep - 13 Nov 1951 LANGUAGE Russian au wa~ur eoa.yn uraunes unenr m uw1 . nn C nt UURU ?nm Inn na UASIN a U,UWI An N ?. R C.niu~u.u uuu~. mtuewmiwam~mun? a in "no" n ur Suu. m u Cu NOMUS NUt. u re man) n "W. nwwenoh a nu ws u nwirn.. DATE OF INFORMATION 1951 DATE DIST. ?. V Jar 952 NO. OF PAGES 4 SUPPLEMENT TO RFPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION MANY DONBASS COAL ENTERPRISES FAIL TO COMPLETE CYCLE PER DAY -- Kiev, Pravda Ukrainy, 27 Sep 51 In mines of the Stalinugol' Combine, 229 faces have been converted to the cycle work schedule, but only _17 of these fulfilled the cycle norm in August and only 58 faces completed one cycle per day. At the Artemugol' Combine, 134 faces have been converted to the cycle work schedule, while only 61 of these fulfilled the cycle norm and only 19 completed one cycle per day. In January, 54 faces of the Voroshilovgradugol' Combine were converted to the cycle work schedule, but only 22 of these have been comuleting one cycle per day. In August the directors of this combine had converted 140 faces to the new work methods, but only 23 of these completed one cycle per day. The situation at the Voroshilovgradugol' Combine has not improved in September and, in the case of the Kadiyevugol' Trust, it has even grown worse. Only ten engineers and 60 technicians are employed as chiefs of sections in the combine and, in the case of ,the Voroshilovugol' and Pervomayskugol' trusts, not a single engineer is to be found among the chiefs of sections. MOSKVOUGOL' COMBINE EXCEEDS PLAN -- Moskovska;a Pravda, 16 Oct 51 Miners of the Moscow Basin are successfully fulfilling the obligations which they have assumed for 1951. The Moskrougol' Combine has exceeded the 9-month plan, delivering a large amount of above-plan fuel. As a result of further mechanization and better production organization, labor F:oductivity in the first 9 months of 1951 has risen considerably over the same period of 1950. In September, 37 faces in the combine were operating on the cycle work schedule. ti TULAUGOL' COMBINE INCREASES OUTPUT -- Moscow, Pravda, 29 Sep 51 On 28 September the Tulaugol' Comgtoe completed the 9-month plan, 2 days ahead of schedule: The output of the combine hqd increased 7:6 percent in com- parison with 1950 and labor productivity bad risen 9.5 percent. The Bolokhov- ugol', Skuratovugol', Tovarkovugol' and Kalininugol' trusts have extracted thousands of tons of above-plan fuel. CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL NU Nsne~~ DISTRIBUTION IX FBI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 : Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 CIA-RDP8O-00809AO00700040145-5 UUNROENTIAI MRCHANI AT7AN OF COAL MINING UP IN GRUZUGOL' CCMBTNE -- Tbilisi, Zarya Vostoka, 21 Oct 51 The Gruzugol' Combine exceeded the 9-month plan for coal extraction with a coal output 21 percent higher than for the same period of 195^ en,' an above- plan production amounting to tens of thousands of tons. Labor productivity was 16.2 percent higher than for 1950. Coal loading at the mine face is now mecha- nized 31.1 percent in enterprises of tb^ Gruzugol' Combine. Conversion of the first mine faces to the cycle work schedule has been successfully carried out. During the first half year, the combine had above-plan accumulations in the amount of 987,000 rubles. CH!LTABINSKUGOL' COMBINE YIELDS HIGH -- Mosc(? , Pravda, 16 Oct 51 Coal extraction in mines and open pits of the Chelyabinsk Coal Basin is steadily increasing. At the end of the postwar Five-Year Plan the average daily coa:'. output in the area was 23 percent above that of 1945 and the 1951 plan is being fulfilled. During 1951, the Chelyabinskugol' Combine has twice von a prominent place in socialist competition. However, miners of the southern Urals can and should work more efficiently and the coal output should be even greater than it is, in view of the vast, unexploited reserves in the area. Mine No 19 of the Kalachevugol' Trust is one of the outstanding enterprises of the basin. All the workers in this mine are fulfilling their norm. A'l sections and shifts are working steadily, increasing the coal output each month and reducing production costs. In the first half year alone workers of the mine saved approximately 400,000 above-plan rubles. Not all the mines are equal in performance. In the thi'-'. quarter of 1951 one third of the enterprises of the combine failed to fulfill the plan, although it was fulfilled for the combine as a whole. The largest mine in the basin, Mine go 4-6 of the Kopeyskugol' Trust, has been lagging for a long time, but in August began to fulfill its quota. However, it had a setback in September ..when the mining combine vent out of ac Lion ana work had to be stopped at face No 54. At Mine No 17 of the Chelyabugol' Trust, workers at face No 12 operat- ing on the cycle work schedule have increased the average daily output nearly 200 tons. TASHKENT COAL INDUSTRY MAKES PLEDGES -?? Tashkent, Pravda Vostoka, 29 Sep 51 Enterprises of the coal industry of Tashkent and Tashkent Oblast (Uzbek SSR) have made the following pledges: 1. To fulfill the year plan ahead of schedule and deliver 5,000 tons of. above-plan coal. 2. To complete the construction of the Angren Briquetting Plant. 3. To deliver no less. than 3 million rubles in above-plan accumulation by reducing the production costs of coal. 4. To reduce production costs 5 percent, increase labor productivity 10 percent, and to deliver 2 million rubles in above-plan profits. CONE: ENT1AL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 : Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for CONFIDENTIAL CYCLE WORK STUB UP KUZBASS COAL INDUSTRY -- Yerevan, Kommunist, 3 Oct 51 Mining operations on the cycle work schedule are on the increase in the .Kuzbass. In August a'Kemerovugol' Combine mine face being worked by this ' method increased its output 12 percent while a Kuzbassugol' Combine mine face increased its output 19.4 percent. During September, faces operating on the cycle work schedule are continuing to yield a greater amount of coal. CHEBX WCHOVO MINERS DELIVER ABOVE-PLAN COAL -- Moscow, Pravda, 23 Oct 51 Miners of the Khramtsovskiy Pit No 1 in Cheremkhovo have shipped train- loads of above-plan coal since the beginning of 1951. They have decided to ship several additional trainloads. by 7 November and to complete the year plan by 5 December. . SUCEANUGOL' TRUST MINE LEADS ENTERPRISES OF PRIMORSKUGOL' COMBINE -- Moscow, Pravda, 10 Oct 51 Workers of many mines and sections of the Primorskugol' Combine are successfully competing to complete the year Plan ahead of schedule. Miners of Mine no 16 of the Suchanugol' Trust have taken Lhe leading place. These w6rkers have exceeded the 9-month plan and they are exceeding their daily quotas regularly both for coal extraction and development work. USSR COAL INDUSTRY RECEIVES THIRD-QUARTER AWARDS -- Moscow, Trud, 13 Nov 51 Results of the 1951 third-quarter competition have been examined and awards have been made as follows to enterprises of the coal industry: The transferable red Banner of the Council of Ministers USSR is to be retained by and additional first prizes are awarded to the following enter- pri.-es: Kemercvugol' Combine; Korkinugol', Tkvarchelugol', Kuzbassuglerazvedka, and Volynskuglerazvedka trusts; Mine imeni Petrovskiy of Shakhtantratsit Trust, Mine No 40 of Krasnoarmeyskugol' Trust of Artemugol' Combine, and Construction Administration No 5 of Mariya-Glubokaya Mine of Voroshilovgradehakhtovosstanov- leniye Trust. The transferable Red Banner of the Council of Ministers and first prizes are awarded to the following enterprises: Mine No 7 of Skuratovugol' Trust, Mine No 11 of Molotovugol' Trust of Moskvougol' Combine, and Mine No 63 of Sverdlovugol' Trust of Donbassantratsi+ Combine. ,The transferable Red Banner of the VTaSPS and the Ministry of the Coal Industry is to be retained by and additional first prizes are awarded to the following enterprises: Shakhtspetsetroy and Chelyabuglerazvedka trusts; Naklonnaya Mine No.18 of Yemanzhelinugol' Trust, Chekist Mine No 10 of Stalinugol' Trust of Stalinugol' Combine, the loading and transport administrations of Rostovugol' and Chelyabinskugol' combines, the Novo-Druzheskiy Mine Administra- tion of I.isichanskugol' Trust, Coal Pit No 1 of Vakhrushevugol' Trust, Moscow Plant No 2 of the Main Administration of the Mechanization of Construction, and Prokop'yevsk motor vehicle base of Kuzbessugol' Combine. ? The transferable Red Banner of the VTsSPS and the Ministry of the Coal In- dustry are awarded to the following enterprises: Molotovugol''Trust of Moskvou- gol' Combine, Kizeluglerazvedka and Soyuzsbakhtoosuaheniye (Union Mine Drainage) trusts, the, loading and transport administrations of Vostaibugol' Combine and Molotovugol' Trust of Kuzbaasugol' Combine, Mine Administration No 4-6 of Skuratovugol' Trust, Ziminka Mine of Prokop'yevskugol' Trust, Nikanor Mine of -3 - CONFIDENTIAL "ONFIDENTIAI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 CIA-RDP80-00809A000700040145-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Voroshilovugol' Trust, Yuzhnaya Mine of Shakhtantratsit Trust, Kapital'naya Mine No 33 of Kospashugol' Trust, Mine imeni 7 Noyabrya of Leninugol' Trult of KeaprovngoI' Combine, Mine No 6 of Kaganovichugol' Trust,-Mine No 14 of Bokovoantratsit Trust, Mine-imeni Beriya of Tkvarchelugol' Trust, Coal Pit No 1 -2 of Karagandaugol' Trust, Coal Pit No 4 of Volchanskugol' Trust, the Mayaohnyy Construction Administration of Bashug] erazrezs troy Trust, and the Kadiyevka Construction Administration of Voroshilovgradpramzhilstroy (Indus- trial Housing) Trust; the Kuznetsk Plant of the Main Administration of the Mechanization of ('onatruction; the Roven'ki Motor Vehicle Base of Donbassan- tratsit Combine. Second prizes were awarded to the following enterprises: Gidromekhanizat- siya, Kuzbasspromdorstroy jndustrial Road Building, Stalinstroymaterialy, Artemuglerazvedka, Sverdlovskuglerazvedka, and Ukrgeolrazvedkontora (Ukrainian Geological and Surveying) trusts; the loading and transport administrations of. the following enterprises: Tulaugol' and Molotovugol' ombines, Nesvetayan- tretsit Trust of Rustovugol' Cam:,ine, Kirovugol' Trust of Vostsibugol' Combine, and Kizelugol' Trust of Molotovugol' Combine; Mine Administration No 5 of Zuyevantrateit Trust and Mine Administration No 2 of Makeyevugol' Trust; Mine No 60 of Tovarkovugol' Trust, Mine No 10 imeni Volodarckiy and Mine No 1-2 of Sverdlovugol' Trust of Donbassantratsit Combine, Mine No 3 of Molotovugol' Trust of Moskvougol' Combine, Mine imeni Stalin of Tkvarchelugo' Trust, Trudov- skaya Mine No 5 and Mine No 7 of Stalinugol' Trust of Stalinugol' Combine, Mine No 142 of Nesvetayantratsit Trust, Mine 153 of Krasnoluchugol' Treat, Mine No 40 of Leninugol' Trust, Mine No 42-43 of ';tai1uugol' Trust of?Karagandaugol' Combine, Shushtalenskiy Tunnel of Molotovugol' Trust of Kuzbassugol' Combine; Coal Pit No 1 of Korkinu ' Trust, Krasnobrodskiy Coal Pit of Belovugol' Trust, Irsha-Borodinskiy Coal Pof Kanskugol' Trust, and Vskryshnyy Coal Pit No 1 of Volchotikugol' Trust. .r- Also the Tomusinskiy construction and installation administration o! Kuz- basspromdorstroy Trust, No 4 construction and installation administration of Trust No 29, Tul'skiy construction and installation administration of Soyuzshakhtoosusheniye, th. Bokovskiy construction and installation administra- tion of Bokovoantratsit Ti it, the Make vka construction and installation admin- istration of Stalindorvodstroy Trust [Road Building and Water System Construc- tion?7, the Dnepropetrovskiy Main Administration of Mechanization of Construc- tion Plant, the Gorlovka Mine Repair Plant of Artemugol' Combine, Plant No 1-2 of Karigandastroymaterialy Trutt, Prokop'yevsk Plant No 3 and Afoninskiy Plant No 5 of Prokop'yevskshakhtostroy Trust; the Baydayevskiy and Korkino geological and surveying groups; the automobile transport offices of Semenovskuglestroy and Voroshilovgradahakhtostroy trusts; the Sverdlovsk motor-vehicle base of Donbassantratsit Combine and the motor-vehicle base of the economic administra- tion of the ministry. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 :