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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 : .',IA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENT/ALCONFIDENT1A CENTRAL MEMTWO' REPOI4 INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Geographic - Weather reports HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED USSR DATE PUBLISHED 1 - 31 Aug 1951 LANGUAGE Russian SIM SOCONSOT CONTAINS 111,01111,11011AFISCTIRO 11/11 minonal 01111131 OF TVS VITITRO ISATIS 111,1111 fl NUSUIP. OF 111.1011A4111 ACT SO V. S. C..11 AIN flu ITI TRASISIIISSION OR TITS 1111111.1111011 OF Ill CONTENTS III MT own TO AO 1111111171101111. PRIMO 15 FOC. SIOITIO Of SAN. RIP*01110101. OF TNIS PORN IS 1110.11?4120. SOURCE 50X1 -HUM DATE OF INFORMATION 1951 DATE DIST. /7 Jan 1952 NO. OF PAGES 15 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Newspapers as indicated. USSR WEATHER REPORTS FOR AUGUST 1951 gusibers in parentheses refer to appended sources; under- lined dates refer to days of publication; all temperatures are given in degrees centigradej Llama untaluyia temperatures in Leningrad were 17 degrees during the morning, 20 dogreon during the day. (1) Last night's lowest temperature in Monson wan 11. &grown it waft 20 degreon st noon tmlay. (2) A Aununt Daytime tompwalmvan yastorday wart, 14 dvgreea in kir. mannk, 15 in Tal]in, 17 in Novosibirsk, 20 in Yonne', Riga, and Arkitungolink, :11 in Sverdlovsk, I. in Sochi, 25 in Stalin. grad, 36 in Tashkent, and 45 in Anhkhabad. Yenterdayin tosperaturen in LoningradAere 17 degrees during the morning, 20 dogreon during the day. (1) Thi F morning, oloudy weather with local light rein pre- Wailed in the control UlTaine, Krannedar Kray, and Vorennsh 1CONFIDENTIA1 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL STATE NAVY NSRB omnunumon ARMY AIR F8 I I I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy .Approved.1..m? Release 26 /10/31 nIA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 : -2,IA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 ; CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 -HUM ?bleat. Slightly cloudy weather without precipitation was observed in the rest of the European usm. Temperatures at 6900 this morning were 11 degrees in Ihrmanyk and Narlynn -Mar, 15 in CA' -Tayllma and Orel, 16 in Petrozavodak, Riga, and Kharlkov, 17 hn Minsk, Voronezh, and Kazan', 18 in Leningrad, Kaliningrad, Kiev, Vologda, and Kirov, 19 in Lovov, Odessa, Rostov, and Sochi, 20 in Stalin- grad, 21 in Gozokiy, 23 in Chkalov, 25 in Yalta, and 27 in Molotov. Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 12 degrees; it was 22 degrees at noon today. (2) Aurust Yesterday's temperature in Leningrad were 18 degrees during the morning, 22 degrees during the day. (1) This morning, showers and thunderstorms were recorded locally in the eouthern central regions of the Ehropenn USSR4 the eartern Ukraine, Rostov Oblast, and the North.Caucaeua. Slightly cloudy weather without precipitation was observed in he,rest of the Fhropean USSR. Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 14 degrees; it was 22 degrees at noon today. (2) During the last daya, the weather in most of the Turkmen SSR V158 vary hot and dry. Daytime temperatures reached 42-46 degrees. On 1 August, the temperature in Ashkhabad was 46 de- grees, the highest temperature this year. At eome places in Aehkhabad Oblent, the temperature at the surface of the ground wee 67-68 degreco. (3) - 2 - CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Appmaelirmi. Relealia.1111111111111111111111111 CIA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 : IA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 CON FlULif 14L Ci!peIpE71,AL 50X1-HUM Temparaturen yosterday murning won) 7 degree in Narlyan. Mar, 13 on Dike= Island, 16 in !toed", on the Don, 17 in Stalin.. . grad and Minn, 18 ir Kiev, Arkhangellok, Marmanek, and Sochi, 19 in Odoena, 20 in Mouses, 21 In Kuybyshev and Omsk, 24 in Yalta, 28 in Chkalov, and 33 in Tashkont and Aehkimbad. Yenterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 20 dogreea during the morning, 26 degrees thwing tho day. (1) Last nightie lowo.t tempwrialnru In Mnfleow wan 12 oogreenj It wan 23 degroon at noon today. (2) Temperat..tree lieetemd4y...4=raw,g wur, 13 degrees in MUr- mansk, 14 in Sverdlovsk, 16 on Dllson Taland, in Novosibirsk, and Riga, 18 in Tallin, 20 In Moscow, Kiev, t;'21 in Yalta and Arkhangel'sk, and 29 In Tashkent. Yesterday's temperatures in Ilmingrad were 20 degrees during the morning, 23 degreeo Jx,rinE the day, (1) LAucaal This morning, cloudy weather with rain wan obaerved in Yologda and Ullyanovek oblasts. Showoro and thunderstorms were reoorded locally in the central regions of the European USSR and in the western Ukraine. Slig.Ltly oloudy weather without preoipitation was observed in the rest of the Duro- peen USSR, Tomperaterea at 0900 this morning wore 13 degrees in Murmansk, Narlyan-J, and Arkhangellak, 14 in Yologda and Petroaavodek, 15 in Gorikiy, 17 in Leningrad and Molotov, 18 in Tallln, Kazan', Saratav, and Kuybyshev, 19 in Kirov, CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENPAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 : rIA-RnpRo-00809A000700040050-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 : .',IA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 CONFIDc,IHAL CM.71-.DEN7IAL 50X1 -HUM Ealiningrad, and 1.01/ov, 20 in Villnyua, Voronezh, and Kharkov, 21 in Smolensk and Stavropol', 22 in Riga, Minak, end Kiev, 23 in Poltava and Sochi, and 25 in Odessa and Yalta. Lent night's levant temperature in M0300M was 15 degrees; it was 19 degrees at noon today. (2) This morning, cloudy weather was observed on Kola Penin Iola, in northern Arkhangellsk Oblant, and in Komi ASSR. Occasional showora fell in tho southern and eastern central European USSR, the Ukraine, Chuvash and Bashkir ASSR's, and In!yanevek and Chkilov oblaets. In the rest of the European USSR, slightly cloudy weather without precipitation prevailed. Temperatures this morning wore 13 degrees in Arkhamgellek, 14 in Kalinin, 15 in Kuybyshev, 16 in LIvov, 17 in Voronezh end Ohkalov, 18 in Gorlkiy and Leningrad, 19 in Murmansk, Riga, and Kirov, 20 in Syktyvkar, Vologda, and Minsk, 21 in Kiev and Kras- nodar, 22 in Odessa and Saratov, 23 in Rostov, 24 in Sochi, 25 in Astrakhan', and 26 in Yalta. Last night's lowest temperature in Moaeow was 11 degrees; it was 18 degrees at noon today. (2) Llama Daytime temperatures yesterday were 3 degrees on Dation, Island, 19 in Moscow, 20 in Arklangellsk, 21 in Sverdlovsk, 22 in Novosibirsk, 24 in Tallin, 25 In barmansk, 26 in Kiev and Yalta, and 36 in Ashkhabad. , Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad wore 18 degrees during the mornine, 23 &green during the day. (1) This morning, cloudy weather wan ohnerved in Smolensk, -4- CONFIDENTIAL CONHDENENL L_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 : nIA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 CIA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 MIFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 -HUM P17,1w,-, Orel" ?Ponzse,. Ulm,. and Saratov oblaete .010.411, the 04Pteru.1114.4no. ?Showers and.onoadonal,tinnder- 'Atom oocurrad Per!. Si jghtlyL olcuft, roweather. without pre- 10001;ft,,PrIMI14di In thkreat:or, the. DAropeau - Te5Peraluzell..itk..0900, this,, rerulug were 13 degrees, in , Wwnsly, ir- N5r7n.4 .18.1U L!voy,. Poltava, and 441149,19,4n VAT,. 20. In Arithengellak, 21 in,Vologda, Mori - rp,And Stalingrad, 22 in Molotov and Yalta, 23 in Leaingiad, liahinev, 25 in Sochi, and 26 in Stavropol'. A4.8t,nIght4 lowest temperature in Moeocw was 15 degrees; it was118,0egreaeat noon today. (2) Temperatures yesterday morale, mere 2 degrees in P.r.e....m ;Cavan, 5 an Dikson /eland, 13 in Murmansk, 17 in Moscow and jNerlyan-Mar, 18 in Minsk, 19 in Kiev and Novosibirsk, 20 in 1Ta11in, 21 in Sverdlovsk, Kuybyshev, Gorlkiy, and Vologda, 22 Sgvastopoll, 23 in Kirov and Odessa, 25 in Sochi, 27 in Stalingrad?, 30 in Tashkent, and 34 in Ashkhabad. Yesterdayle temperatures in Leningrad were 23 degrees during the morning, 27 degreas at noon. (1) Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 15 degreeel it was 19 degrees at noon today. (2) 3,O aupust Daytime temporatures yesterday were 5 degrees on Dikeon isalnd, 15 in Novosibirsk, 19 in Moscow, 25 in Kiev and 1A2r- . mansk, 26 in Riga, Minsk, Sverdlovsk, and Arkhangel'sk, 27 in Tallin, Yalta, and Sochi, 28 in Stalingrad, 30 in Rostov on ? he Don, 34 in Tashkent, and 37 in Ashkhabad. - 5 - CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL L_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy C A=M=M111...11111111111111111111111111 IA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0pproved for Release 2011/10/31 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 : IA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 -HUM Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 21 degrees T-ouringtfie morning, 26 degrees at noon. (1) Lest night's lowest temperattre II4Opsow vas .15 degrees; it vas 18 degrees at noon today. (2) --1114;et Yesterday's tesperatures In Leningrad were 20 degrees during the morning, 23 degrees at noca. (1) Zest night's lowest temperature in Nosoow was 17 degrees, it ma 24 degrees at noon today. (2) ia.ANOLNI /it, reports pub1ish/0,7 1.1.&11OLKI Last night's lowest temperature in MO3COW was 16 degrees; it was 20 degrees at noon today. (2) Aurust Temperatures yesterday morning were 2 degrees in Rueskaya Oman, 5 on Dikson 'eland, 8 in larmanak, 18 in Marlon-Mar, 16 in Minsk, Tallin, and.Arkhangellek, 17 in Riga, 18 in Mos. cow, Vologda, and Novosibirsk, 20 in Kiev, 24 in Stalirgrad, 25 in Odessa, 27 in Yalta, 29 in Tashken+ and Soohi, and 81 in Ashkhabad. , Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 17 degrees during the morning, 25 degrees during the day. (11 This morning, cool weather mostly without precipitation wee observed on Kola Peninsula, in Arkbangellek Oblast, and Komi *SL. The weather was als mostly warm and dry in the rest of the European USSR. . Rain was recorded only in the - 6 - COIF DENTIAL CONFIDEN fIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Immiefieiiiii11.1111111111111111111 CIA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 CIA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Western Ukraine, Kalinin and Yaroslavl' oblistsi-andAn SM Tatar ASSR's, lest night's lowest temperature in Desoow was 26 degrees; it was 26 degrees at noon today. f2) 31-Ammal ' Daytime temperatures yesterday were 3 degrees on Dikson Island, 20 in Nargyan -Mar, 28 in Murmansk, 19 in Tallin, 20 in Arkhangellsk, 22 in Riga, 23 in Kirov, 25 in Minsk, 27 in Odessa, 28 in Kiev and Yalta, 29 in Moscow and Sochi, 34 in Saratov, and 35 in Ashkhabad and Kuybyshev. Yesterdays.' temperatures in Leningrad were 19 degrees during the morning, 26 degrees during the day. (1) . Lest night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 20 degrees; it was 30 degrees at noon today. (2) 2,6 AURUB Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 27 degrees during the morning, 20 degrees during the day. (1) This morning, cloudy weather with rain was observed on Kola Peninsula, in the Karelo-Finnish SSR, northern Komi ASSR, and Arkhangellsk, Leningrad, Novgorod, Velikiye Luki, and Smolensk ',blasts. Showers and thunde] .torme occurred in Belo. rusela, in most of the Ukraine, and in Bryant* and Kursk oblasts. Lset night's lowest tempereture in Moscow was 29 degrees; it was 28 degrees at noon today. (2) 611101:i Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 28 degree', was 26 degrees at noon today. (2) CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 IA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 ? CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 18 Auraet Yesterday's temperature. in Leningrad were 16 degrees during the morning, 18 degreee during the day. (1) Thin morning, cloudy weather with rain wee obeerved an the aaathern pert of Kola Peninsula, in Arkhangellek ?bleat, Karelo-Finnish SSR, northern Komi ASSR, and in Moscow, Ryazan, and Vladimir oblast. Rain was also reoorded in the western Ukraine and the Moldavian SSR. In the rest of the European USSR, elightly cloudy weather prevailed; it wee cool in the western half, warm in the eastern half. Last night's lowest temperature in Moecow wae 14 degrees; it was 18 degrees at boon today. (2) 19 AIMS% Daytime temperatures yoatorday wore 2 degree, on Dikson Mend, 12 in Murmansk, 13 in Nar'yen-Mor, 15 in Minek, 18 In Tellin and Arkhangellak, 19 in higa, 21 in Moscow and Kiev, 26 in Odessa, 28 in Sochi, 31 in Kuybyshev, and 33 in Stalingrad. Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 16 degrees during the morning, 19 degrees during tho day. (1) go AugusI This morning, it was cool and over ist and rain fell locally in the for northern Furopoun 11:.;F.R. Cloudy weather with rain wan alno recorded in Moscow, Kuluga, Ryazan, Tula, Ivanovo, and Kontroan ?blasts. Mostly slightly cloudy weather without precipitation wan observed in the rest of the Euro- pean USSR. Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 7 degrees in Nerlyam. Mar, 12 in Murmansk, 14 in Potroznvodsk and Leningrad, 15 in - 8 - CONFIDENTIAL CONK Eli [AL 1 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approvedri A _R npRn_ons09A000700040050-0 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 IA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 -HUM Smolensk and Livov, 16 in Minsk, 17 in 71ga, Orel, and Kiev, 18 in Syktyvknr, 21 in Voronezh and Odessa, 22 in Molotov, 23 in lharlkov, 24 in Renton, 26 in Saratov, Stalingrad, Yalta, and Sochi, 27 in Kazan' and Kuybyshev, 28 in Chkalov, and '1 in Gurlyvv. Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 14 degrees; it vas 17 degrees at noon today. (2) AUPUE1 Daytime temperaturee yesterday were 7 degrees an Dikaon Inland, 18 in Novosibirsk, 19 in Arkhangellak, 20 in Murmansk, 21 in !know, 24 in Tallin and Kiev, 26 in Riga and Gorlkiy, " 28 in Odessa and Yalta, 30 in Sverdlovsk and Sochi, 33 in Kuybyshev, and 36 in Tashkent and Ashkhabad. Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad wore 14 degrees during the morning, 21 degrees during the day. (1) Today, the temperature in Moscow was 14 degrees at 0900, 21 degrees at noon. (2) 2 August Daytime temperatures yesterday were 2 degrees on Dike= Island, 9 in Nartyan-Mar, 21 in Moscow, Murmansk, and Arkbangellak, 25 in Tallin, 26 in Riga, 29 'n Kiev, :" in Tashkent and Odessa, 35 in Stalingrad and Rostov on the Don, and 36 in Aaliktabad. Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 18 degrees during the morning, 24 degrees at noon. (1) Tempovaturea at 0900 this morning were 7 degrees in Narlynn. Mar, 8 in Kirov, 10 in Syktyvkar, 12 in Molotov and Corlkiy, 15 in MurmAnsk and Vologda, 16 in Arkhangelisk and Kalinin, 17 in Riga, 18 in Leningrad, Voronesh, and LIvov, 21 in Kiev, -9- CONFIDENTIAL CONOUtirhAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 201 1/10/31 : ri A -R nPRn-00809A000700040050-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 ? .-;IA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIMINTIAL 50X1 -HUM 23.1n Knybyshev,.25 in Kbeekov, Krasnodar, and Barstow, 26 in Odessa, 27 in Rostov and Yalta, and 28 in Ohkelov. Laet night's lowest temperature: in 'keeps was 8 &greets; it wan 19 degrees at noon today. (2) 23-ingul Daytime temperatures yesterday were 4 degrees on Tibial Island, 11 in Rusekaya Gann, 12 in Narlyan-Ner, 15 in Byer& lovsk, 19 in Novosibirak, 20 in Moscow and thrmanek, 25 1 Vallin, 27 in Riga and Kuybyshev, 29 in Kiev and Yalta, 30 in Sochi and Ode..., 33 in Saratov, 34 in Tashkent, and 36 in Stalingrad, Ashkhabad, and Roetov.on the Don. Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 18 degrees during the morning, 24 degrees during the day. (1) 'Thiel morning, .lightly olcudy, cool weather was observed in most or the European USSR. Rot, dry weather prevailed in the eoutheastern Enropean USSR. Rain was recorded in Krasnodar Day. The weather we. olcud5 with local light rains in Voronesh, Tambov, Ryazan, and Kaluga oblaate. Last night'. lowest temperature in Moscow was 9 degrees; it wee 19 degrees at noon today. (2) Anzust Daytime temperature, yesterday war') 3 degrees in Da - tang., 10 in Novosibirek, 14 in Sverdlovak, 19 in Rigs; 20 in Kiev, 22 in Deem and Aulminek, 23 in Gorlki;,7 Ohkalov, and Arkbengellek, 24 in Tallin, 26 in Rostov on the Don, and 27 SA ,Yalta and Sochi. Yeeterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 17 dogma during the morning, 23 degrees during the day. (1) - 10 . CPIFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approvec. I for Release 201 1/10/31 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 co/if mai-1'1AL comProsmAL 50X1 -HUM This morning, ?lightly cloudy weather without precipitation prevailed in most of the European USSR. Cloudy weather with light rain was observed in eastern Komi ASSR and In the Middle and Lower Volga regiona. Showers and thunderstorms were re- corded locally in Orel, Kursk, Tambov, Voronezh, and Voroshilov- grad oblants, Krasnodar Kray, sad along the Black Sea connt of the Caucasus. Temperatures at 0000 thin morning wore 13 degrees in Molotov, 14 in Marlynn-Mar, Tallin, Riga, and Kursk, 15 in, Vologda, and Voronozh, 16 in Leninerad, Villnyua, ..111 Minsk, Lovov, Kishinev, Kiev, Khniakov, Poltava, Kazan', and Kirov, 17 in Kaliningrad and Kuyhynhov, 3 ROyktyvkar, Gor:kky, and Saratov, 21 in Stnlino, 23 in Rostov, 24 in Stavropol!, 25 in Sochi, 26 in Yalta and Curlyev, and 27 in Stalingrad. Last nightle lowe-t temperature in Moncow was 10 degreeel it was 22 degreen at noon today. (2) - 2.2_tamaat Yesterdayin temperatures in Leningrad were 16 degrees during the morning, 24 degrees during the day. (1) This morning, slightly cloudy weathr without precipita- tion prevailed in most of the European USSR. Cloudy weather with local rains and thunderstorms was &served only i the southern pert of the central region md in the northern Ukraine. ? Temperatures-at 0900,tisie morning were 11 degrees in ihr. manak, 13 in Narlyan-Mer, 15 in.Vologda, Kiev, Petrozavodak, and Kaliningrad, 16 in Arkhengellsk., Leningrad, end Minak, IIPIAL ceffaIDENUAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 - _ , . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 IA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIVATIAL 50X1 -HUM 26 in Yalta and Pyatigorek, and 28 in Astrakhan' and Sochi. Imat night's lowest temperature in Moacow wee 13 degrees; it was 19 degrees at noon today. (2) 2LiMittfa Daytime terperaturee yesterday were 3 degrees in Russia,* Gavin, 5 on Dikson Island, 16 in Mbrmensk, 20 in Kiev, 21 In Vologda, 22 in Minsk and Kirov, 23 in Moscow and Arkbangellek, 25 in Clorskty, 26 in Riga, 27 in Tallin, 28 in Odessa and IOU, 29 in Sochi, 30 in Stalingrad, 32 in Stalinabad and Rostov on the Don, and 34 in Aahkhabad. Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 16 degrees during the morning, 25 degrees during the day. (1) ;27 Ansnot This morning, cloudy weather with rain was observed in Tambov, Tula, Ryazan, Kaluga, Moscow, Smolensk, Vitebsk,' and Mogilev oblast. Showers and thunderstorm' were recorded in Voronezh (blast and the Caucasus. Slightly cloudy weather without precipitation prevailed in the rest of the Europmuz USSR. Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 8 degrees in Karim. Mar, 15 in Petrozavodsk, Vologda, Molotc.4 Chernigov, and Minsk, 16 in Syktyvkar and LIvov, 17 in Itrmanak, Riga, and Kalinin- grad, 18 in Arkhangellak, Leningrad, Kirov, Kalinin, Kiev, ltharlkov, Voronezh, and Voroshilovgrad, 19 in Stalingrad and Rostov, 2 in Gorlkiy and Saratov, 22 in Kasen', Chkalov, and Krasnodar, 23 in Kuybyshev and Odessa, 24 in Simferopol', Sochi, and Amtrakhenl, and 26 in Tbilisi. . Last night's lowest temperature 14 Moscow was 17 dwireesj -12- CONFIDERIAL ? CONFIDENTIAL IL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for 1....iiiiiiiii.1111.11111111 nPRO-00809A000700040050-0 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 : IA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 .? 3, CONFIDENTIAL COhFIDENTIAL it was 21 degrees at noon today. (2) 50X1 -HUM a-Mad Temperataree yesterday morning wore 4 degrees on Dilzon Island, 12 is Novosibirsk, 13 in Sverdlovek, 17 in Tallin and Riga, 18 in Moscow, Kiev, and Arkbangellek, 19 in Stalingrad, 20 in Yalta, 22 in Tashkent, 23 in Odessa, 24 in Sochi, and 27 in Ashkhabad. Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 18 degrees during the morning, 22 degrees during the day. (1) This morning, slightly oloudy weather without preolpita. tics prevailed in most of the European USSR. Shnwers were recorded locally in the central area of the European USSR and in Belorusaia. Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 9 degrees in Nerlyan-Mer, 12 in Murvanek, 16 in LIvov, Orel, and Riga, 17 in Kaliningrad and Molotov, 18 in Leningrad, Minsk, Petrone. Vodek, Voronezh, Kiev, Arkhangellek, and Syktyvkar, 20 in Kishinev, Corlkiy, aad Kharlkov, 21 in Stalingrad and Rostov, 22 in Kilybyshev and Pyatigorek, 23 in Chkalov and Odessa, 24 in Yalta and Astrakhan', and 27 in Sochi. Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 15 degreeal it was 22 degrees at noon today. (2) 29 Aurust Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 18 degrees during the morning, 24 degrees during the day. (1) Last night's lowest temporature in Moscow was 13 degrees; it wee 20 degrees at noon today. (2) During the night of 27 August, it became much cooler in - 13 - CORFIDERTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 : rsI ft_IDnoRn_flnclnAAn00700040050-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 : IA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 CONAKATIAL 50X1 -HUM Turkmenistan dao to the litrusian of cold air masses has the north. The drop in temperature was accoeTenied in the 'opt - Dag foothills by ctroog 15 to 18 metev per awed cast winds end violent &stators,. In all regions, both daytime and nighttime atmospheric and soil temperate:roe fell sharply. At some points in %shins, Nary, and Chardshcn ()blasts, the temperature at 0500 was only 5-8 degrees; it was 12-14 degrees in Ashkhabad. (3) Miami Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 19 degrees during the morning, 23 degree. during the day. (1) Thlia morning, cloudy weather with rain was observed on Kola Peninsula, in Komi ASR, and in Arkhangellek Oblast. Shower. and thunder/atoms were recorded in Kostroma, Oorlkir, Tambov, and Rostov ?blasts, the southeastern Ukraine, and the North Caucasus. Warm, mostly slightly cloudy weather prevailed in the rest of the European USSR. Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 13 degree. In Mhr- menek, 14 in Syktyvkar and Kalinin, 15 in Vologda, 26 in Rige, Voronezh, and Alarlkov, 17 in Leningrad and Kiev, 28 in Minsk, 29 in Arkhangellek, dorakly, Llvvv, Rostov, and Stavropol', 21 in Molotov and Odessa, 22 in Kazan', Saratov, and Sochi, 23 in Kirov, Kuybyshev, and Stalingrad, 25 in Astrakhan', and 26 in Chkalov and Yalta. Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 14 degrees; it was 21 degree, at noon today. (2) alinaval Tewporatures yesterday morning were 5 degrees on Dikecn Island, 14 in Novoeibirct, 15 in Tallin and NOrsensk, 16 in - 3.4 - CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 Psi A in ninon nnsmoLnnn7M040050-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/31 : IA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 -HUM loam and Alia, 17 Si* 18 1 Arldlanoleak, 20 in Over& Urn*, 21 in Odeon', 22 in Soda. 25 in Stalingrad, 25 In toieldcinti and 31 In danidiabsd. Tistirdars tomnp.reatursa in Latingrad ware 17 &Woos dtning gar morning, 22 degrees daring Us day. (1) Ind night's lomat tesparainre In Moscow WAS 23 dogma; it was 21 degrees at'.noon today. (2) SCORCO R. laningradakaya Pravda 2. Moscow, Veohernyaya Moskva 3. Aabkhabad, Turknanaloya Iakra - 15 - ? CONFIDEVTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 201 1/10/31 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700040050-0