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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030364-3 ~,i1!@JECi HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PU@LISHED OATS PU@USHED LANGUAGE SECUR 0 CENTRAL iNTELUGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FORGON pOCUM[NTS OR RACHO BROADCASTS CD N0. CLJ,351FICATIOtJ CO-~TION~ONFIDEfdTIAL Ililitery -Defense activities, probleas Da17~ newapspers China; IIoag Keng k Jun - 28 Bep 1951 DATE OF INFORNUTION 1DLITARY ACTIYI4'IES IA SOTlfH CffiAA ASH 1951 C T - ~hmbers in pareatheeee refer to nppendeQ sources.,] In reviewing the available copies of the Ceaton Aaa-fang Jih-pao free 1 June through 28 September 1951, sad certain issues of other Chinese Co~unLt newspapers of the same period, it Se evident Lhat the Chinese Co~m+nists are emphasising the defense of South Chian apparently in fesr of coastal lavasion is this area. Militia groups hove been organised to support the arced forces ib their efforts to suppress undercover activities, while cadres have been trained to assist, various military activities. Programs for the euppressioa of subversive elements end counterrevolutionaries have been iateneified. The troops in this aces have participeood-controi! lend refo~rm,bu~L~c~~~~n~an activities, ouch ds harvesting, T , progsu. Possible friction betxeen the People's Liberation Arty sad civilian ela- nents in South Chim are indicated by ouch Stems ae the questionnaire QietrS- Duted by the Capton People',s Govarnmeot to the district governmerts eskir~ vlhether there ere any differences betxeea Etas armed for-ee, locsl governaeat, sad residents, and xhether the mnseec "have cultivated love for the PIA. That the morale of the Chinese Co?unist soldiers may be for Se suggested by the fact that activities have been organised to msi~sin "high spirits among the men." in qua ya ..Y.,ao..,... ..._ attending the Second Kwangtuag All-Circles People's Delegates Conference, Lhe importance of national defensn ras emp'nselzeQ particularly for Kxangtung since it, Eating the ocean, is considered to be the first line of mtional defenso. The propagends line urged the people of the province to support the strengthen- ing of South China deienee.(1) Speakers at this conference including Yeh Chien- ying, lsng Fnng, and &+ieo Hsieng-~uag, all stressed the importance of intensi- fying the mtiooal, coastal, and border defeose efforte.(2) SCJ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030364-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030364-3 ~~1NFIDEN~ iE~' The 1C-mcr'~s' activit..r.:? :c?Tra+. ;. -re: KM e.rgtung People's Government given by Ks Ta-~s'r~, dep~ity chairman. -t Let provincial government, exhorted tae people cf ?.;a province :o strengtLPt: the defense of 1LS borders end take preparatloos to foi: any attempts to attack rbe Kvangtung coastal area. (3) B~phasizing the importance. of dafenr:e to the minority .ace delegates at- tsndlag the coc:inreace~ Kvsagtung Chairaan Yeh Chiea-ying told them that he bopad teat the mioority races, fisharmea and peasants ?ould unite to protect Baiasn and io atrengtlien its defense rgain9i any enemy attacks.{4) Kvangtuog iirh 3;700 kilomeaero- of rc:estline ens 729 i:;lets popula- ted by 700; 000'ishermen and salt laberar+, *::5 becn vulne-able to R}!1' attacks. After the Fi.rat iCvangtuug A].l-Clrclea Pecp:e?e UAl~gatee Coefrrance, steps uses taken r,c :-io!orce. the crsetse] Taie ied tc ion icrmstioa of the Border 1~!?fe:,E,e P.areau, ]slnrd Aim?n!:-*re*t~ err~ngtl:.~3) In July 195:. the ~entrri an3 you,p in advaace.for permit from the public security bureau or subburenu of the hsiea or municipal people's government of the traveler's native piece or his place of deetinatioa. -5- COAFIDEQPIAL CONFlar~dTiAl Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030364-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030364-3 3. 0-ere._se Chinese returning or going abroad vin Hong Kong or Mnceo era sabsoet tc control Dy the Provisional Regulations Governietg the ]Sotry and 3~it o! 0-erseat. Chinese a praswlgated by the Mtnietry of Public Security of tDs Control Peo;ie's Government, Republic of China. k. yloreig-. nationele costing into or leaving the county via Hong Kong e+el lYpo are zub~ect tc control by the Regulet!.onr Governing Foreign 1lationals. S. Trnveirr~ to and from Hong Kong and Macao, when going through the dasigsstad, should have their personal luggage and the abovemn- tionad doeuaeate of identification ezestin~ by the oxasining sgencfes of tLs fa'eatier security sad public ^ecurity organs of the local people's govaranat HtLout fail, is accordance with the Goveraseat Admialstratioa Council's Provisional Principles on the Ezaminntioa of Travelers' Iuegage. 6. Perrone discovered com,p to the frontier security and public security aaaainia~ ageu2y of fies~l ide~atify hie as~anoverseas Chinese and toeeaablarsths ~ori 0arti- Mat to accord hie the propor care. people s govass- ~. Gnrseas Chinas leavlag tyre eouatri ~itea the country of doatiaatlaa~... DM aa! yrt aatablishad diplaaeLie relations eith the PeopL'a 1lopablie as Chlms, sM7~ agLitit dsau~eats of identification issued by the eh'u sad baiaad ~- iia! ae orarsesa CLiaaw aganclas of tbR people+e Baverasrat, to the balsa ar? wiasptl pnD11e pcurlty agenq of hie nrt've pLce or Lin place of rasiQasca~ to yP],T far u alit posit to leave tha~ country via a dasigastad plaer. -:~ VLaa such ewraeas Chiaew cater or leave the cousts7i ties sbo-a.ass- usMd pas~'t, stc., pereeanl luggage, sad other articles, rLt,il ba snbaaot ZO asiaimatles b7 tDa lreatiar security aid public socnrity e:wainatioa sgeacy a~ tDs local D~01? s government concerned pithout fail, 1a accordance with the Gotsrrsnat Adaiaistzntioa Council's Provisional Principles Governing the ESrasina- tias of 'Travelers' luggage, CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030364-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030364-3 COI~FIDENTl~, 5. o.+tr.eaa Chiaeae eateriag or i.svsag the couetrJ nsth pasepaate, Lte., !i? eflretiw date of vhleh Las ela~eed, aLall be s+aquised b7 the t:'e~tio7r ee- aatlt,~r ead pnblie eeennt~ esaaiaatioa ageaq egeia to go thtoagli tba oStiaial ya~eau o1 appiicatioa, befan being peialtted to eater er 3aare. 6. b :stifles bJ tLa C:sveasat Adalaiatsatioa Ga~cii, tine aassm~ie eLsi1 Ue pxo~ulgitea aaa ls4luaatea b7 t>se lflairtsP d PaDlic Becarit,~. Ae tse~ the date of i~ieratotiob, esieting 1eaa1 aaaeasee nMeh are !a ooatra- 7ealin to tLe ebo~e otipnL+.~oaa aba7.1 be toetlerith mnuea.(15) 1. Gatos, lfaa-flag Jih_Dao, 31 Ang 51 2. Ibid., 3 Bsp 51 3. Ib1d., 18 Sep 51 b. ibis., 11 Bop 51 5. Ibid., 20 Aug 51 776. ibis., g Sep 51' 8. Hants:, Chsag-Chiang Jih.pao, 13 Jni 51 Gatos, llaa-lead Jih-peo, 21- Jul 51 9. ibis., 12 Bsp 51 lo. Ib1a., 25 Jhl .:, u. ibis., k Bep 5l ]2. Ybid., 2 ep 51 13. ibis., 30 Aug 51 ]1-. Ibid., 1T Bep 51 15. Paipiag, Jea-tia Jih-pep, 3 Aug 51 16. Haator, Chaai_cLiaaB Jih-peo, 13 Aug Si iT. Gatoa, itaa-tang Jih-peo, 28 Bep 51 18. Ibis., a6 Jul 5l 19. Ibis., I7 Aug 51 20. Ib1a., 10 Aug 51 ~1. Ibid., 21 Jua 51 22. Tbid., lh Aug 51 8 .Ibid., #.Aug 51 :R~. ibis., 5 Aug 51 a5. ~g fig, Ta 1C~ag Pao, 17 GP 51 26. Caatoa, Ilan-tang Jfh-pao, 10 Jha 51 2T. Ibid., 16 Bap 51 28. Ibis., 28 Jql 51 29. Ibis., !, Jtm 51 30. ibis., 8 Bep 51 CONFIDENTit~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030364-3