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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL I N LLIGENC ''2i'c ?N INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Geographic - Weather reports HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED USSR DATE PUBLISHED 1 - 31 Jul 1951 LANGUAGE Russian Mla 000YxaxT Conn./ IxroxxlnM xglrn11 Txl I .M.99 OF IT- x.1700 0T0T70 *1 x11 TMa x11.111 01 brI..... .IT ao x. a. C.. al AN. 70..11111x070. ITS TWxtnano. IS 170 .TTIUno. 011q COxT[xit ~...T x11111 To 1x Y..YTxOxlt70 .70fo. U r70- xlr1a0 1T ltd. x1MC10Qlo. or Txla 1070 la rxONUiTro. STATE ARMY rontheses refer to appended an u?ces; under- line-.I !1111. rttlor to days of publioatiIM7 1 July Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 15 degrees during the morning, 18 degrees during the day. (1) 2 Jul*. This morning,. rain was falling in mont of the eastern half of the Auopean USSR. Cool, slightly cloudy weather was observed in the Baltic oountrios, Belorasnia, the Ukraine, and in the northwestern and exirome northern European U. S2. !farm, dry weather prevailed in the Crimea, Caucasud, and Lower Volga Region. Temperatures at 0900 this morning worn 10 degrees in Syktyv)mr, 13 in Lfuraanak and Smolen,k, 14 in Riga and Idinnk, 15 in Kalinin and Llvov, 16 in Arklu nrel'nk, Leningrad, Kirov, NSRB FBI REPORT CD NO. DATE OF DATE DIST. /3 Nov 1951 NO. OF PAGES 14 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CONEIOENTiAI DISTRIBUTION 50X1-HUM wp Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 CONFIDENTIAL Gor"kiy, Kiev, and Voronezh, 17 in Vologda, 19 in Odessa, 22 in Molotov, Kazan', Rostov, and Saratov, 23 in Stalingrad, Yalta, Sochi, and Stavropol', and 25 in Kuybyshev and Astrakhan #. Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 10 degreeal it was l6 degrees at noon today. (2) 3 July Daytime ca:;peratures yesterday were I degree on Diksan Island, 9 in Khatenga, 15 in Moscow and Murmansk, 18 in Arkhangel'ek, 19 in Minsk and Tallin, 20 in Kiev, 21 in Riga, 22 in Novosibirsk, 23 in Yalta, 25 in Stalingrad and Sochi, 27 in Sverdlovsk and Kuybyshev, and 32 in Tashkent and Ashkhabad. Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 10 degrees during the morning, 18 degrees during the day. (1) This morning, cloudy weather with rain wan observed in Belorussia, Leningrad, Novgorod, Velikiye Iuki, Smolensk, Bryanek, and Gor'kiy oblaste, and in Bashkir ASSR. Light rain also fell on Kola Peninsula and in southern Komi ASSR. Slightly cloudy weather without precipitation prevailed in the rest of the European USSR. Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 10 degrees in Syk- tyvkar, 12 in Vologda and Nar'yan-Mar, 14 in Murmansk, Minsk, and Kazani, 15 in Petrozavodsk, Riga, Leningrad, Lvov, and Kuybyshev, 16 in Voronezh and Kher'kov, 17 in Arkhangeliak, 18 in Kiev, Kishinev, and Saratov, 19 In Stalingrad, 20 in Rostov, 21 in 0deosa, 22 in Sochi, 23 in Yalta, and 25 in 0hkelay, (2) 1 4-ju Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 15 degrees CONHi NTi?! Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 CUN i NTIA! COIIFI iENTI AL during the morning, 14 degrees during the day. (1) This morning, cloudy weather with clearing prevailed in most of the Airopean USSR, It was slightly cloudy in the ,.southern Ukraine and in the Crimea. Rain fell in southern Arkaagel'sk Oblast, "a.'unnek and Vologda ob]aete, the Belt-le countries, Eelorueoia, and the northwestern Ukraine. Light rain was also reoordea in Saratov and Penza oblaata and in the North Caucasus. Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 8 degrees in lhrmanak , 12 in Kirov, 14 in Smolensk, 15 in Eason, 16 in Oor'kiy, 17 in Kiev, Oral, Saratov, and Molotov, 18 in Sgby shev, 19 in Voronezh, 20 in Kharkov, 21 in Chkalov, 23 in Yalta and Rostov, and 24 in Odessa, Sochi, and Astrakhant. Last night's lowest temperatures, in Moscow was 13 degrees it was 18 degrees at noon today. (2) U14 Daytime temperatures yesterday were 4 degrees on Dikson Island, 9 in Murmansk, n !n Tallin, 15 in Riga, 16 in Nar'yan. Mar`, 20 in Moscow, 21 In Sverdlovsk, 22 in Kiev, 24 in Tashkent, Yalta, and Sochi, 27 in Odessa, and 37 in Ashkd)abad. Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 15 degrees during both morning and the day. (1) Lest night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 11 degreeal it was 20 degrees at noon today. (2) 6w? ulv Daytime '.rmperatures yesterday were 6 degrees on Novaya; ?3emlya, 7 on Dikson Island, 9 in Khatangh, 13 in Tallin, 14 In Riga, 16 it Minsk, ]9 in Nar'yan-?iar, 21 in Moscow, 22 in CGNMATIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 COL'%I?.LHI IA L. Sverdlovsk, 23 in Novosibirsk, 24 in Kiev, 27 in Kuybyshev, Kharkov, and Odessa, 28 in Tashkent, Sochi, and Yalta, 30 in Rostov on the Don, and 39 in Ashkhabad. Yesterday's temperatures in Le-ingrad were 12 degrees during the morning, 16 degrees during the day. (1) This morning, olvidy weather with clearing was observed in most of the European USSR. Rain fell on Kola peninsula, in Leningrad Oblast, and locally in the central regions of the European USSR. Showers ani local thunderstorms were re- corded in the Ukraine and North Caucasus. Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 14 degrees] it was 18 degrees at noon today. (2) 7 July Daytime temperatures yesterday were 7 degrees on Dikson Island, 10 in Murmansk, 11 in Riga, 15 in Khatanga, 16 in Moscow, 20 in Kiev, 21 in Arkhangelsk, 24 in Kirov, Noyo- eibirsk, and Odessa, 25 in Sochi, 26 in Sverdlovsk, 28 in Yalta, 30 in Kuybyshev, and 42 in Ashkhabad. TegterdayIs temperatures in Leningrad were 12 degrees during the morning, 15 degrees at noon. (1) Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 7 degrees in Mar- mask, 1.1 in Kaliningrad and Minsk, L? in Leningrad, Luvov, Riga, and Arkhangelsk, 14 in Smolensk and Kalinin, 16 in Oor'kiy, Ryazan, ^nd Orel, 17 in Kiev, Kazan', Syktyvkar, and Kirov, 18 in Voronezh, 21 in Odessa, 23 in Sochi, 24 in Kuy- byshev ^nd Ufa, 25 in Stalingrad, 26 in Molotov, and 28 in Yalta, Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 5 degrees] it was 19 degrees at noon today. (2) CONFIDENT?AL bUIlt IIEN 114L J Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 vqq1DWiA L AU Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 12 degrees during the morning, 16 degrees during the day. (1) 9ill y This morning, cloudy weather with rain was observed in the Karelo-Finnish SSR, Vologda and Arkhangel'ek obloste, the Middle Volga Region, and the North Caucasus. Showore fell locally in the central regions of the European USSR. Slightly cloudy, warm weather prevailed in the rest of the European USSR. Temporaturee at 0900 this morning were 9 degrees in Mur- mansk, 15 in Arkhangel'ek, Vologda, Leningrad, and Riga, 16 in Kuybyshev, 17 in Stavropol', 18 in Kalinin, 19 in Syktyvkar, Smolensk, and Minsk, 20 in Lvov and Gor'kiy, 21 in Kirov, Stalingrad, and Sochi, 22 in Kiev, Kharkov, Voronezh, and 8.ratov, 23 in Odessa and Rostov, 24 in Yalta, and 33 in Chkalov. last night's lowost temperature in Moscow was 14 degreeej it was 23 degrees at noon today. (2) 10 July Yeetordayts temperatures in Leningrad were 17 degrees during the morning, 21 degrees during the day. (1) This morning, slightly cloudy, warm weather was observed in most of the European USSR. Showers and local thunderstorms fell in the Karelo-Finnish SSR, Arkhangellak, Novgorod, Lenin- grad, Vologde, and Kootroma oblaste, the Caucasus, Rostov Oblast, and the Crimea. Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 8 degrees in Mur- mansk, 15 in Nsr'yan-Mar and Syktyvkar, 17 in Riga, 18 in CONwIUENTIAI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 CONFIDENTIAL Arkhangel'ek, Leningrad, Vologda, Kir.. and Soohi, 19 in Rostov, 20 in Minsk and Pyatigorsk, ;.7 in Smolensk and Kasen', 23 in Oor'kiy and mcgbyahev, 24 in Kiev and Kurd;, 25 in Saratov, Stalingrad, and Odessa, and 26 in Kharkov and Aetro ftal . Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 16 4egreeij. it was 28 degrees at noon today. (2) 11 ju Yesterday$o temperatures in Leningrad wore 12 degrees during the morning, 18 degrees during the day. (1) This morning, cloudy weather and rain were ob,drved in Murmansk and Arkhangelsk oblasts.and Komi ASSR . Occasional showerq fell in Smolensk and Kalinin oblaste and in the North Caucasus. Slightly cloudy, warm weather prsvsiled in the rest of the Fwropean USER. Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 5 degrees in Mar- .sank, 13 in Nar'yan-Mar, 14 in Arkhangel'ek, 15 in Leningrad and Riga, 17 in Petroaavodak, 1S in Syktyvlosr and Minsk, 21 in Kaliningrad and Krasnodar, 23 in Molotov, Voronezh, Sarstov, Kharkov, and Rostov, 24 in Sochi, 25 in Odessa, and 30 is Astrakhan'. Last night'a lowest temperature in Moscow was 16 degreeal it was 28 degrees at noon today. (2) 12 July Daytime temperatures yesterday were 5 degrees on Dikson Island, 8 in Murmansk, 12 in Khatanga, 19 in Arkhangel'ek, 21 in Tallin, 24 in Minsk and Yalta, 25 in Sochi, 26 in Riga, Sverdlovsk, and Novosibirsk, 27 in Moscow, 29 in Kuybyshev, and 33 in Tashkent and Odessa. -6- CONFIDENTIAL CONFIUtNTIAt Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 CONHIMI AL Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 15 degrees during the morning, 21 degrees during the day. (1) This morning, sunny and warm weather was observed in most of the_E1iropean USSR. Showers and thunderstorms occurred In. the Middle Volga Region, Tatar and Chuvash ASSR's, and Molo- tov Oblast. Cloudy weather with local light rains prevailed In Murmansk and Arkhangelsk oblasts and Komi ASSR. Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 9 degrees in Marj. sanek, 13 in Arkhangellsk, 15 in Leningrad, 17 in Syktyvknr,' 3,9 in Vologda and Kazan', 20 in Minsk, Smolensk, Kirov, and Molotov, 21 in Kalinin and Gor'kiy, 22 in Kuybyshev, 23 in L'vov,?Yalta, Rostov, and Sochi, 25 in Kiev and Saratov, 27 in Voronezh and Stalingrad, 20 in Chkalov, 29 in Odessa, and 30 in Astrakhan'. Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 13 degreenj it was 26 degrees at noon today. (2) 13 July Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 15 degrees during the morning, 28 degrees during the day. (1) This morning, sunny and warm weather prevailed in most of the Firopear. USSR. Cloudy weather with rain was observed on Kola Peninsula and in Arkhangelsk Oblast. Showers and thunderstorms were recorded in the Baltic countries. Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 7 degrees in Nar'yan-Mar, 13 in Syktyvknr, 14 in Arkhangelsk, 16 in Mar- mansk, 17 in Kirov, 18 in Kazan', 19 in Kaliningrad, 20 in Gor'kiy and Kuybyshev, 23 in Riga and Smplenhk, 24 in Leningrad, Minsk, Bryansk, Tambov, Yalta, and Sochi, 25 in Petrozavodsk, Voronezh, and Stalingrad, 26 in Kalinin, Chernigov, Kiev, CONFIOENEV. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 CONFIDENTiA1 CONFIDENTIAL Rhar'kov, and Rostov, 29 in Odessa and Aetrakhani, and 30 11revograd. Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 16 degrees; it was 29 degrees at noon today. (2) yt.tllldY. Daytime temperatures Yesterday were 4 degrees an Dikson Island, 13 in Chelyabinsk, 16 in Mar-nak, 19 in Riga, 20 in Tallin, 25 in Novosibirsk, 26 in Arkhangel'ek and Yalta, 31 an Moscow, and 32 in Kiev. i Yesterday Ia temperatures in Leningrad were 24 degrees during the morning, 27 during the day. (1) This morning, slightly cloudy, warm weather continued 1t, the Ukraine, the central regions of the European USSR, and tie North Caucasus. Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 18 degreee, it was 32 degrees at noon today. (2) During the last days, slightly cloudy, dry weather pre-! jailed in the entire Ukraine except its eastern oblasta,wherp thunderstorm-like rains fell. During the last 5-7 days, temperatures reached 30-34 dap:- gross, 35-36 degrees in the central and southern oblaste. The highest temperature, 39 degrees, was recorded on 12 July in the Bolgrad, Izmail Oblast, area. (3) On 14 July, the maxims, temperature in Moscow rose to 34 degrees. This temperature was only 2.5 degrees lower than the all-time high recorded in 1936. (4) CONEIDEH1r l Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 CONHiENTlA. 16 Jill This morning, comparatively cool weather with local showers and thunderstorms was observed in the northern Euro- pean USSR. Showers and thunderstorms were also recorded in the Baltic countries, Leningrad, Novgorod, Kalinin, and Vslikiye Luki oblasts, and in the southwestern Ukraine. Hot, slightly cloudy, and dry weather prevailed in the rest of the Faro- pean USSR. Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 22 degreeei it was 30 degrees at noon today. (2) 17 July ' Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 20 degrees dnrino the mornira,, 23 degrees during the day. (1) This morning, slcudy weather prevailed in the extreme northern European USSR. Showers and thunderstorms were re- eorded in Komi ASSR, the Baltic countries, Leningrad Oblast, Belorgasia, tnt. northern Ukraine, and in the central regions of the European USSR. In the rest of the European USSR, hot, slightly cloudy, and dry weather continued. Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 5 degrees in Mur- mansk, 8 in Nar'yan-Mar, 16 in Riga, 17 in Arkhangelsk and Kaliningrad, 1R in Petrozavodek and Leningrad, 19 in Syktyv. kar, 21 in Mol,.)tov, 22 in Minsk, 23 in Smolensk, Chernigov, Gor'kiy, Kirov, and Kuybyshev, 26 in Kagan' and Sochi, 28 in Voronezh, 29 in Rostov, 30 in Kharkov and Stalingrad, and 31 In Stalino. Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 20 degreeel it was 32 degrees at noon, 33 degrees at 1300 today. (2) CONFIDENTIAL CONfIDENTIA1. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 CUNI:IIkNYIA- 8 Jul Daytime temperatures yostordey ;core 2 :egraos on Novaya Zemlya, 8 on Dilcnon island, 10 in 1brawnsk and Arkhangelsk, 22 in Tolling 23 in Ida, 24 in Novosibirsk, 25 in Svordlovsk, '8 in Minsk, 29 in Yalta, 30 in Moscow, Tashkent, Kuybyshev, and Sochi, 34 in Kiev and Ashkhabad, 35 in Rostov on the Don, and 36 in Odessa. Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 18 degrees during the morning, 17 degrees during the day. (1) This morning, cloudy weather with clearing prevailed in most of the European ITSOR. Rain fell locally in Komi ASSR. Showers and thunderstorms were observed locally in the Ukraine and central regions of the European USSR. There was cloudy weather without precipitation in the southeastern European USSR, Lower Volpa Region, eastern Ukraine, and Belorussia. Temperatures at 0900 thin morning were 6 degrees in Vorkuta, 10 in Murmansk, 15 in MInak, 19 in Lvov, 20 in Kiev, 23 in Gor'kiy, 24 In Yalta, Sochi, and Sverdlovsk, 25 in Kishinev and Molotov, 26 in Kazan', 27 in Odessa and Ufa, 28 In Stavropol' and Ulyanovsk, 29 in Khnr'kov, 31 In Stalin- grad, 32 in Dnepropetrovsk, and 33 in Astrakhan'. Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 18 degrees= It was 24 degrees at noon today. (2) 19 Ju1v Yenterday's temperatures in Lcnirgred were 18 degrees during the morning, 20 dogroes during tho day. (1) This morning;, cloudy weather with clearing prevailed in moot of the European USt;g. Showers fell in the western part of the European USSR, the Baltic eountriea, and in Belorussia. ` CDNHUENTiA1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 CONFII Etfl' I Thunderritorms were reoorded locally iu the Central part of the IDzropean USSR. Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 14 degrees, it was 24 degrees at noon today. (2) 20 July Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 14 degrees during the morning, 17 degrees during the day. (1) This morning, cool, overcast weather with rain was observed in the Karelo-Finnish SSR and Murmansk and P_rkhangel'sk oblasts. $howera and thunderstorms occurred in southern Komi ASSR, the Ut(d3.e Volga Region, eastern Ukraine, Rostov Oblast, and the Baltic countries. Slightly cloudy weather without precipita- tion prevailed in the rest of the European USSR. Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 1], degreeaj it was 17 degrees at noon today. (2) 1 Ju1v Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad wore 10 degrees during the morning, 16 degrees during the day. (1) This morning, cool weather prevailed in most of the Euro- pean USSR, Rain fell in the Karolo-Finnish SSR, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Komi ASSR, Belorussia, and the western Ukraine, Thunddrstorma occurred locally in Molotov Oblast. Warm weather Without precipitation wag observed in the southern European USSR, the Volpe Region, the Caucasus, and Chkalov Oblast. Temperatures at 0900 this morning were 10 degrees in Petrozavodak, 12 in Min-1c, Vil'nyus, and Lvov, 13 in Smolensk, 14 in Leningrad and Kaliningrad, 15 in Arkhangol'ak and Riga, l6 in Kiev and IOmr?'kov, 17 in :;or'kiy, ;8 in Kazan' and GONfli-LNTiAl Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 CONMENDAC Vorunozh, 20 in Kuybyshev and G.ic a, 21 in $ r;tor, Rostov, and Krasnodar, 24 in Soohi, 25 in Molotc-!v Yalta, and Yerevan, 26 in Astrakhant, and 31 in Chkalov. Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 9 degrees; it was 20 degrees at noon today. (2) 22 .Tu 7estc'iyyIs temperatures in Leningrad were 14 degrees during the morning, 16 degrees during the day. (1) 23J'u This morning, cloudy, cool weather was observed on Kola ,Peninsula, in Komi ASSR, and in ArkhangelIek, Kirov, and Molotov oblaets. Temperaturoe at 0900 this morning were 8 in Syktyvkar,i 9 in ArkhangelIsk, 10 in Murmansk, 14 in Kirov, 16 in Lenin- grad and Gor'kiy, 17 in Riga, 18 in Smolensk and Kalinin, 19 in Vologda, Kazan', Minsk, Lvov, and Kiev, 21 in Knybyshr- and Voroneah, 22, in Saratov and Chkalcv, 23 in Odessa, 25 ins' Soohi and Stavropol', 27 in Rostov, and 29 in Stalingrad and Aatrakhan'. Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 9 degrees it was 21 degrees at noon today. (2) 1 Daytime temperatures yesterday were 6 degrees on Dikeon i Island and in Khatanga, 7 in Murmansk, 14 In Tallin, 16 in CONMIUUNTRA! Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 Moscow and Riga, 17 in Arkhangelsk, 19 in Kiev, 21 in Gor'kly, 22 in Rostov on the Don, 23 in Odessa, 24 in Yalta and Sochi 3 0 in Novosibirsk, 32 in Sverdlovsk, 37 in Tashkent, and 44 ii' Ashkhabad. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 CONEIUENTIA! Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 13 degree-) during the morning, 16 degrees during the day. (1) This morning, overcast weather with rain and downpours was observed in the centr::l and northern European USSR. Slightly cloudy weather prevailed in the western European USSR, Crimea, and the Caucuses. Temperatures at 0900 this me-ring were 8 degrees in Citr_ manak, 12 in Smolensk and Voronezh, 13 in Leningrad and Kalinin, 14 in Minsk, Vologde, and Arkhangellsk, 14 In Riga, 16 in Kiev, Kaliningrad, and Saretov, 17 in LIvov, Gorlkiy, and Kazan', 18 in Kuybyshev and Stalingrad, 19 in Stavropol', 20 in Odessa and Rostov, 21 in Syktyvkar, 22 in Yalta and Sochi, and 24 in Molotov, Kirov, and Chkalov. Lest night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 13 degrees; it was 12 degrees at noon today. (2) 25 3n1y Test night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 11 degrees; it was 12 degrees at noon today. (2) 26 3uly No reports supplied for this date. 27 +tv No reports supplied for this date. 28 1y _Daytime temperatures yesterday were 5 degrees on Dikaon Island, 13 in Gor'kiy and Arkhangel'ak, 15 in Kiev and Mar- arnsk, 16 in Moscow, 17 in Sverdlovsk and Kuybyshev, 22 in I Minsk, 23 in Riga and Tallin, 25 in C'iia1ov, 27 in Sochi and Cobida"Tin Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030066-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP8O-00809AO00700030066-4 CONFICFNTIA1 ilta, 29 in Stalingrad, 31 in Taahkent, 32 to Roatoe on the Don, and 38 in Ashkhabad. Yesterday'e temperatures in Leningrad were 15 degrees during the morning, 21 degrees during the day. (1) 29 'IX Yesterday's temperature, in Leningrad were 17 degrccu during the morning, 23 degrees during the day. (1) 30Ju3Y No reports supplied for tale date. 11 July Daytime temperatures yesterday were 6 degrees an Dikson Island, 15 in Sverdlovsk, 17 in Z5v'mansk, 18 in Tallin, 19 in Xrkhangeltek, 20 in Riga, 25 in Moscow and Kiev, 26 in Yalta, 27 in Soohi, 30 in Novosibirsk, 35 in Tasbkent, and 41 in Ashkhabad. Yesterday's temperatures in Leningrad were 15 degrees during-both the morning and the day. (1) Last night's lowest temperature in Moscow was 34 degreel) it was 23 degrees at noon today. (2) Sources Leningra4, Leningredekaya Pravda 2. Moscow, Veohernyaya Moskva Kiev, Pravda Dkrainy 4. Moscow, Pravda CONNENTIAL ? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP8O-00809AO00700030066-4