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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030022-2 CLASSIFICATION RESTRICTED SECURITY ftTr7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGE CYCN RESTRj INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY German Democratic Republic DATE OF INFORMATION 1951 SUBJECT HOW Economic - Chemicals, pharmaceuticals DATE DIST. 6 Nov 1951 PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED Monthly periodical Duesseldorf NO. OF PAGES 3 DATE PUBLISHED Jan 1951 LANGUAGE German SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. T01I IOIUIINT CONTAINS 11FOIIAIOI VIIISU TII SA0uAL u0111 or TOO U\ITOI IUiD 01011 T0I 0u01N or utbNNI AR II 0. I. c., St A00 ILAI AIOIFO. ITS TIAIIIIIIIII OI T0I TRra1OI 01 ID IOOTum 11 LS0 IAS01I TO AI SIASTOCIIiu RIf0I II rro 0111TH II LAC. IIPSOIIRS)I CI TIU FOSS II FIO-11ITII. The pharmaceutical supply situation in the German Democratic Republic is critical. Pharmaceutical plants are unable to cope with the demand fur eveu the most important products. There is an acute shortage of sulfanilamide, para- aminosalic acid, hormone and vitamin preparations, local anesthetics, and other important preparations. It is up to the GDR planning authorities to alleviate these shortages by expanding the pharmaceutical industry, in which 1951 invest- ments are to be six times greater than in 1949. Special stress has been placed on the production of penicillin, which is now sufficient to supply Soviet Zone needs. Production of other important medications such as Tb 1/698, paraamino- salic acid, and vitamins has been stepped up. To ensure an adequate supply of narcotics, the cultivation of poppies for the production of morphine is being encouraged by offers of special premiums. However, because of a poor harvest the yield was far below expectations. The shortage of high-grade pharmaceuticals has led to the establishment of enterprises which, lacking the necessary qualified personnel and proper pro- duction means, have placed on the market widely advertised preparations of dubi- ous quality. Some of the better-equipped establishments have also put out in- ferior products because of the scarcity or poor quality of available rair mate- rials. These conditions have led to the introduction of long-planned reforms in the pharmaceutical industry. The decree of 5 October 1949 pertaining to the regulation and supervision of trade in medicinal supplies provides that all pharmaceuticals produced after 1 January 1951 be submitted to the Ministry of Labor and Public Health for testing and subsequent recording in a register main- tained by the ministry. Since the promulgation of this decree, approximately 4,500 various preparations have been recorded by 510 enterprises. An estimated 40-60 percent of the pharmaceutical plants, anticipating that their products would not pass official tests, did not bother to submit them. According to these figures, some 700-800 enterprises in the GDR are engaged in the production of pharmaceuticals. The Soviet Zone places a value of approximately 160 million East marks on 1948 production, and of approximately 200 million East marks on the 1949 output of pharmaceuticals. RESTRICTED - 1 - PIESTRICTED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030022-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030022-2 RESTRICTED Alth~:'gh there had been little doubt that the pharmaceutical industry was earmarked for streamlining, the reforms were more drastic than had been an- ticipated. Of the 510 enterprises submitting their products for testing, only 200 were registered, as illustrated by the following table: No of Enterprises Who Recorded Their Products No of Enterprises Whose Products Have Been Approved Sachsen 263 84 Sachsen-Anhalt 47 33 Berlin (East sector) 58 31 Thueringen 92 28 Brandenburg 38 16 Mecklenburg ?2 8 As will be noted, Sachsen has the largest number of pharmaceutical plants. However, only nine of these enterprises are of significant size. They are the VVB (Federation of People-Owned Enterprises) Alcid Chemische Fabrik von Heyden (Von Hayden Alcid Chemical Plant) in Radebeul, VVB Pharma Pharmazeutisehe Werke Gehe (Gehe Pharma Pharmaceutical Plant) in Dresden, WB Pharma Pharmazeutische Werke Madaus in Radebeul, Otto Stumpf A.-G. in Leipzig, Dr Willmar Schwabe (special pharmaceuticals), Saechsisches Serumwerk (Sachsen Serum Plant) in Dres- den, Leo-Werke G.m.b.H. (Lea Bork=; in Dresden, Lingner-Werke G.m.b.H. (Lingner Works, Ltd) in Dresden, and the VVB Pharma Vasencl Werk in Leipzig. Sachsen-Anhalt's leading pharmaceutical plant is Organa V4B FaLlberg-List it, Magdeburg. Otherb are VVB Pharma Asid /sic/ Serum institut in Dessau, Chemiewerk Leuna A.-G. (for mineral fertilizers), Stickstoffwerk Piesteritz (nitrogen plant) Farbenfabrik Wolfen (paint factory), and VVB Sapotex Deutsche Hydrierwerke (hydrogenation plant), in Rodleben. The most important East Berlin producers of pharmaceuticals are Kali-Chemie in Niederschoeneweide, and VVB Pharma Schering A.-G. (and R. Schering), VVB Pharma Chemical Factory, Gruenau and lemmler Plants, and Dr Renmler's Chemical and ..harmaceutical Works, Berlin. Thueringen's 140 pharmaceutical enterprises are of merely local significance. Mony of them produce only household remedies After 1 January 1951, not more than 3J percent of these establishments will be in operation, notable among them VVB Jerapharm and the Promassol Works of the VVB for Paper and Chemical Products. Of the Brandenburg chemical plants, only three are significant: Carmol Works 1 and II of VVB Chemie-Papier, VVB Pharma Pharmazeutische Werke Byk in Oranien- burg, and Patermann Brothers Biomalz Factory in Teltow. Mecklenburg does not have any pharmaceutical plants of more than local im- portance. Approved preparations numbered approximately 1,450 for the entire GDR, in- cluding 180 various kinds of teas. Only products of different types were counted in the foregoing total; identical products, i.e., goods packaged or prepared in various ways, were not taken into consideration. Enterprises whose Goods were not approved were forced to cease production on or before 31 December 1950. With the number of producers reduced by 70 percent as a result of this ac- tion, the entire structure of the ODE pharmaceutical industry underwent basic changes. Most seriously affected were the privately owned enterprises whose ubv 112[4! t rl ea LpyApprovedforRelse2Oll/lO/l7:ClARDP8 O9AOOO7OOO3OO222 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030022-2 RESTRICTED high-quality products were frequently not approved, even if such products were not manufactured elsewhere in East Cc tawny. Of the enterprises which have been permitted to market their products after 1 January 1951, about one third are people-owned or trustee-administered. The fact that all large-scale c:.emical- pharmaceutical plants in the GDR are people-owned or SAG (Soviet Corporations) highlights the preponderance of nationalized enterprises over private ones. A similar preponderance is noted with respect to the proportion of products ap- proved. Of 1,450 such products, more than one half have been produced by SAG and people-owned enterprises. RESTRICTER 3- RESTRICTED STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700030022-2