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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700020106-0 ? ~ CLASSIFICATION cOrk'IDENTL4L COI~f ~~A~7~ 1 ~F9~ SECURITY INFGRMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM EIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD P:O. COUNTRY FOR China ; DATE OF NFORMA TION 1951 SUBJECT Economic -Agriculture, land reform DATE DIST. ,~~ Nov 1951 HOW PUBLISHED WHERE Daily newspapers OF PAGES N0 4 PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED Hor.~; Kong; Shanghai A r 20 Sep 1951 3 p - . LANGUAGE Chinese SUPPLEMENT REPORT N0. TO TNIS DOCU YENT CO NTAINS IN TORY ATION AETECTIN6 THE NATIONAL 0[iENSt 4F THE UNIT FO STATES NIIN IN THE YEA MIN4 OF ES PIONADE ACT 60 U, S. C.. ]1 AND ]E,AS AYENDE O. IT] TPANS YI]SION OR THE R[VELATION Oi ITS CONTENTS IM AMT YANN[R TO AN UNAU TNO PIEFO PERSON IS IRO? NISITED DT LAN. R[PRO DU CTION OF TNI! TORY 1] PPO NIDITE O. -J REVIEWS LAND REFORM DURING 1950 = 195% WEALTHY PEASANTS FLEE KWANGTUNG During 1950] i28 million rural inhabitants of China in four Administrative :cegiona have benefited ',y the land-reform program. By regions the numbers are as follows East Chinas EO million; South and Central China,. 50 million; Northwest China, 7.3 million; and Southwest China, 11 million. The estimated grand total of agricultural people affected, through- heavily populated areas to 10 mou in sparsely populated mountainous From 25 to 50 percent of the agricultural populace is now in- cluded in the peasants? associations, and from 2 to 5 percent are in the militia. Wealthy peasants are reported attempting to flee Prom Kwangtung in large numbers. report of land-reform progress given by Fang Fang, vice-chairman of the program in approximately 2 years. Authorities on Hainan Island haveplans for :ompleting land reform there by the autumn of 1952> SUMMARIZES LAND-REFORM PROGRESS SINCE MID-1950 -- ftong Kong, Ta Kung Pao, 2 Jul 51 In the four administrative regions where land-reform activities have been completed during the year since the promulgation of the new Land Reform Law in 1S50, 128 million of the rural population have been affected. AIR . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700020106-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700020106-0 In East China, 60 million of the agricultural 6 percentnhaveebeennin~ fected. With the exception of Fukien, where only 3 P volved, this represents 80 percent of the total rural population. In South and Central China, approximately 5C -^illion peasants have been affected. The breakdown by provinces is asmillion~ Kwangtung,24mmi11ion;Handh~ $,5 million; Hunan, 14 million; Kiangsi, 9 Kwangsi, 2.1 million, The total for Northwest China is 7.3 million, including: Shensi, 6.8 mil- lion; Kansu (pne Special Administrative District), 0.4 million; and Ninghsia (two Special Administrative Districts), 0.09 million. The total for Southwest China is 11 million, including: Szechwan, 10.6 million; Sikang, (three Special Administrative Districts), 0.3 million; Kweichow (seven hsiens), 0.25 million; and Yunnan, 0.08 million. Distribution of Land In Central and South China, 40 percent of the cultivates land was distri- buted to 60 percent of the agricultural population. In Honan, the average in- dividual received 2-3 mou, in Hupeh and Hunan 1-2.5 mou. In East China, the average individual received 2 mou, except in Fukien where the average was one Southwest China, 60 percent of the cultivated land was distributed I n among 70 percent of the rural population. In Northwest China, 20,3 percent of the cultivated land was distributed to 30 percent of the people, The general average individual portion was 1.5-2 mou. South of the Wei Ho the average was 1.5 mou, North of the Wei Ho 4 mou, and in mountainous areas 10 mou. Assuming that renters were paying an average of 100 newtowners onathep150 millionamou of land distributed willramount tovaboutolOhe million tons a year. Since the land-reform program has been carried out, agricultural associa- cultural population.inTheapeople?srmilitianforcesrnowsincludepfromn2 to 5hperaent of the rural population. At present, in both old and new liberated areas, approBimareas the numbers agriculturists have benefited by the land-reform program. Y are as follows: Before 19.50 33 million Northeast 60 million North China 45 million East China 1.8 million Northwest China 15 million Central and South China 156.8 million Total 1950 - 1951 Additions 60 million East China 50 million Central and South China q,3 million Northwest China 11 million Southwest China 128.3 million Total 285,1 million Grand total - 2 - CONFIDEI~'PIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700020106-0 coNFiDENTIni. 41EALTHY PEASANTS FLEE KWAI~GTUNG -- Hong Kong, Hsing-tao Jih-pao, 17 Sep 51 r Canton, 16 September -- During the first half ?ardspwhilerattemptingnto0flee wealthy peasants were apprehended by the military gu over the border from Kwangtung Province to Macao or Song Kong. They had been frightened into attempting flight by the severe penalties imposed upon prominent and wealthy landlords. K4IANGTUNG CONFERENCE PIANS TO COMPLETE LAND REFORM '- Hong Kong, Hsing-tao Jih-pao, 17 Sep 51 Canton, 16 September --`g'-e second All-Circles Delegates Conference of Kwangtung Province, after a s~udy of present conditions, passed a resolution to complete the land-reform program in Kwangtung within 2 years, except for a few backward areas where it may be necessary to go into the third year. THREE STAG~:S IN KWANGTUNG LAND REF0;3M --` Hong Kong, Hsing-tao Jih-pao, 20 Sep 51 According to the report submitted by Fang Fang, vice-governor of Kwangtung, at the second provincial All-Circles Delegates Conference, land reform has been carried to the point of laProvincetribution among more than 4.5 million people in 13 hsiens of Kwangtung Statistically the campaign shows the following results: landanimalsbdisa to farmers, 1,638,400 shih mou ~ne shih mou equals 0.1647 acre7; tributed, 18,632 head; implements distributed, 349,172; gra~nroom units;anfurni- tributed, 69,174,800 catties; buildings distributed, 123,37 ship,d13180,000a andhmilitianforces8en~olled,c150,000asant Association member- Preliminary steps of the land-reform program are2nowObOipersonsie200n000 85 hsiens of the province with the participation of 7, 95, 1 wicked land- of them being activists. Acton ~asaibeeeturnedato peasants in~rent-reduction lords, 20 percent of the tota_. 400 000 catties, benefiting 5,630,000 and rent-deposit refunds amounts to 435; , ros- people in 78 hsiens. These activities have already500i000 OOOdcatties.crPro- pects for 1951 for the province are estimated 3Pars. , , duction in 1952 is expected to exceed prewar y- The conference set up three stages for the completion of land reform in Kwangtung. 1', Anti-landlord, anticounterrevolutionary, rent-reduction and rent-de- posit refund movements, development of basic cadre forces, reduction of the beocarried onjbetweendthessummer andpautumnngrainjtaxdcollectionrperiodsrofto Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700020106-0 7 1951? d redistribution of land, differentiation 2? Confiscation, expropriation, an of classes, recognition of the enemy, smashing of the landlord economy and des- truction of the landlord class, and an all-out campaign against all who act against the interests of the people tc be carried out 2~andhcompletely finished between autumn harvest and spring planting, 1951 - 195 , after the 1952 spring planting. .3. The mopping-uP stage will be carried out after the autumn harvest of 1952, except for a few special areasThisrwilleincludetreinvestigating land owner- be possible till sometime in 1953? ship and issuing land titles, rooting out feudal remnants, continuing the organ- ization of the masses, promoting unity and education among the masses of poor and hired farmers who have been raised in class status, and preparing for increased Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700020106-0 -3- CONFIDENTIAL ~1t6td~U~2~~~~- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700020106-0 CONFIDENTIAL Important factors essential to the program are training, unification and rectification of the cadres, and the development of a large group of activistso Forestry, water conservation, and salt field problems will have to be settled by the provincial governments INTRODUCING I1~ND REFORM ON HAINAN -~ Shanghai, Ta Kung Pao, 3 Apr 51 Hanlcow, 2 Anrii (Hain-hua~ -- The Hainan Miiii;ary and Administrative Commit- tee has already formulated and issued e,n A11-Hainan Land-Reform Program geared to the conditions of progressively expanding work in the villages of the island and to the demands of the peasants Experimental lend reform is ,just getting under way in 100 rural villages under the guidance of the Committee on Lsnd Reform, e bcdy which has been formally set up and which will lead the way in future worko The more preferable experiences gleaned by this committee are be- ing used. in guiding and directing land reform activity throughout the islando The commit~ec ~...= already organized three Land Reform Action Units and sent them to the eastern s~~?tor of Ch'iung-span Hsien to carry out the more important features of the experiment. Land-reform work on t?he '_sland is to proceed under a plan divided into three stageso Stage includes creation of experience from which to work, the training of managesent cadres, and edvance planning for completing the project before autumn of 1951, Stage two stretches from the end of autumn t~ the spring of 1952, and land reform is to be completed in a region with .a population of 900,000 including 30U villagesa stage three, from the spring of 1952 to the following autumn, all phases of land reform or, Hainan must be completed. With reference to those regions where land reform has not yet been put into operation, the Hainan Military and Administrative Committee to open bandit extermination campaigns, to opnose the hated gate the newly modified rents, etce During this work,. the and reorganize peasants associations, build up the militia, women? and youth on a broader scale, enable the proletariat ant class, aid the people?s courts? vigorou_ly suppress and tionaries and lawless landlords? anu prepare the conditions reform, _1}_ CONFIDENTIAL warlords, to investi- committee will unite organize the peasants, to become the domin- punish counterrevolu- for large-scale land Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700020106-0