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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700020037-7 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL COi~FI~~~dTIAI . `.. _ ' -~SECURITX INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE 'AGENCY- REPORT USSR - Azerbaydzhar. SSR DATE ~F INFORMATION 1951 Economic - Plan fulfillment Daily newspaper Baku 11 May, 19 Jul 1951 THIS DO CU PENT CONTAINS IN lORYATION AfFECTINO THE NATIONAL DEPFNSE Ol THE UMIT EO STATFC WIT XIN iH[ YEA HIND OE ESPIONAGE ACT EO U. 3. C., 31 ANO SE, AS AYENDE D. ITS TRANSMISSION ON THE ft[VELATION OP ITS GO NTEN TS IN ANT Y'.N NER TO AN UNAVTNO RIIEO PERSON IS PR O~ NIEITED BT IAW. R[PRD DUCTION O/ TNIS lOftY IS PRO NIBI IE D. DATE DIST. 3~ Oct 1951 NO. OF PAGES 5 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION AZERBAYD?,HAN SSR REPORTS FIRST AND SECOND QUARTER FLAN FULFILLMENTS The Statistics Administration Azerbaydzhan SSR reports that Azerbayd- zhan industry completed 98 percent of the first-quarter 1951 gross-production plan, including 97 percent by Union enterprises and 99 percent by republic and rayon enterprises. The seco:~d-quarter gross-production plan was fulfilled 106 percent, including 104 percent by Union enterprises and 108 percent by republic and rayon enterprises. In the first quarter 1951., gross production of industry increased 18 per- cent over the first quarter 1950; industrial production in the second quarter 1951 increased 13.5 percent over the second quarter 1950. quarter plans as follows: 1st Qu 51 in 2d Qu 51 in Ministry of Petroleum Industry 96 104.5 Ministry of Chemical Industry 1JO 108.5 Ministry of Electric Power Stations 98 95 Ministry of Electical Industry. 101 95 Ministry of Automobile and Tractor Industry 105 98 Ministry of Construction Materials Industry 94.5 108 Including republic enterprises 106.5 110 Ministry of Timber Industry 112 156 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700020037-7 _ _1_,_ t>} .CLASSIFICATION. CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700020037-7 COi~FIDEf~TIAL 1st Qu 51 in ~, 2d Qu 51 in ~, Ministry of Light Industry Including republic enterprises 102 102.5 102 102 Ministry of Fish Industry 90 107.5 Including republic enterprises 9U 108 Ministry of tdeat and Dairy Industry 89.5 124 Including republic enterprises 89 125 Ministry of Food Industry 103.5 110 Including republic and rayon enterprises 102 109 Ministry of Agricultural Frocur~ment 99.8 114 Ministry of Local Industry 99 107 Ministry of Automobile Transport 86 90.5 Administration of Polygraphic Industry,?Publishing, and Book Trade -- 110 Azerbaydzhan Council of Industrial Cooperatives 100 102 Azerbaydzhan Union of Invalids' Cooperatives 102 110 The following minisi:ries, while meeting or exceeding the first-quarter gross-production plan, failed to fulfill the plan for the items indicated: Ministry of Timber Industry -- matches, cupboards, various tables, and side- boards; !?lnistry of Light Industry -- woolen yarn, suits, and dresses; Minis- try of Food Industry -- soap, vegetable oil, nonalcoholic beverages, and salt; Ministry of Construction Materials Industry -- bricks and iron castings; Azerbaydzhan Council of Industrial Cooperatives -- lime, bricks, roofing tiles, metal beds, and other products; Azerbaydzhan Union of Invalids' Cooperatives -- nails, soap, hard leather goods, knit underwear, and other products. During the first quarter 1951, the following enterprises fulfilled or exceeded the plan both for gross production and for quantitative production of chief types of goods; the metalworking plants imeni Stalin, imeni Dzer- zhinskiy, imeni Lenin; imeni 1 Maya, "Bakinskiy Rabochiy," and "Bol'shevik"; Kishlinskiy Machine-Building Plant; radio plant; steel-casting plant; steel cable plant; Baku Trartor Repair Plant; Baku Brick Plant imeni Kalinin; Ala- tavinskiye, Binagadinskiye, and Beyukshorskiye stone quarries; Kirovabad As- phalt Combine; alabaster plant; "Aztrikotazh" Plant; Nukha Cocoon-Winding Factory; Nukha Silk-Twisting Factory; "Karshelkprom" (silk industry); "Ordubad- shelk"; Nukha Silk Combine; Shoe Factory No 2; artificial leather plant, Daku Refrigerator Plant, Daku City Dairy, Kirovabad Meat Combine, Azerbaydzhan Bakery Trust, Baku Dakery Trust, caramel factory, bisquit factory, Baku Tea- Sorting Factory, Baku and. Kirovabad breweries, glass plant, glass container plant, and others. The following enterprises, while meeting the first-quarter gross-produc- tion plan, failed to meet the plan fc+r quantitative production of certain types of goods: Dfetalworlcing Plant imeni Vol.adarskiy, Baku Electrical Machinery Plant, electrical machinery plant, machinery plant, Kuba and Sal'yany brick plants, "gazha" (alabaster) plant, furniture factory?,.cloth Factory, ^Azmaslo- prom" Trust, light industry combine, and others. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700020037-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700020037-7 1 rQ ~~ 1.~~,~If~L The following enterprises failed to meet the first-quarter plan for gross productions "Leninneft "' Trust, "Azizbekovneft'" Trust, "Kaganovichneft "' Trust, and "Stalinneft "' Trust; "Bukhta I1'icha" Oil yield; metalworking plants imeni Kirov, imeni Budennyy, imeni Sardarov, metals combine, Lenkoran' and Kirovabad brick plants. Cement Plant imeni Vorovskiy, combine for asbestos- cement and ceramic products, match factory, Textile Combine im^ni Ordzhonikidze, cotton batting factory, "Azmekhshuba" (Az?rbaydzhan Fur Coat) Factory, Shoe Factory No 1, Leather Plant No 2, Sewing Factory imeni Volodarskiy, ice creem factory, Baku Meat Combine, Baku and Kirovabad soap plants, plant for non- alcoholic beverages, "Azduztrest," and others. The following enterprises failed to fulfill the second-quarter plan for gross production: "Azizbekovneft "' Trust, "Kaganovichnefi:'" Trust, "Stalin- neft "' Trust, "Bukhta I1'icha" Oil Field; metalworking plants imeni Volodar- skiy, imeni Stalin, and imeni Budennyy; ARZ rutomobile Repair Plant?7 imeni Lenin Baku Electrical Machinery Plant, geopr~~~ical instruments plant, railroad-car repair plant, Lenkoran' and Kirovabad brick plants, "gazha" plant, match factory, Textile Combine imeni Ordzhonikidze, Nukha Silk Com- bane, Azerbaydzhan Fur Coat Factory, Shoe A'actory No 2, fine leather goods factory, Azerbaydzhan Knitwear Factory, Apsheronskiy Fish Plant, fishing administration, Azerbaydzhan Office of "Kishpredukt," nonalcoholic beverages plant, "Azduztrest," Baku Soap Plant, and others. The first- and second-quarter plans for production of chief types of industrial goods were fulfilled as follows: 1st Qu 51 1st Qu 51 in y6 c? 2d Qu in 96 1st Qu 5U 51 in gb Petroleum 100.1 106 101 6 Electric power 98 109 9 pump piston rods 103 111 113 Caps for well casing 101.5 122 107 2 Core bits 102 95 9 3-blade bits 89 108 107 Deep pumps 100 1 111 103 1 Balancing machines 114 95 10 Bearings 101 121 97 61 Transformers 100.2 99 10 Sulfuric acid 104 106.5 3 caustic soda 93 127 109 Cement 75 139 12c Window glass X19 120 95 62 153 83 Brick 160 92 Lime 97 100 Tube radio receivers 103 600 ' Nails 86 106 99 111 Cotton fiber 102 175 0 Woolen fabric 101 106 1 5 10 Cotton fabric 101 118 6 9 4 Silk and semisilk fabric 96 100 10 115 9 91 Hosiery Knit outerwear .3 79 149 69 Knit underwear 95 131 94 0 Hard leather goods 93 109 3 1 10 Artificial leather (plastic) 104 103 3 Footwear 95 119 99 124 Meat 55 123 Sausage 115 1.25 122 06 Fish catch 112 145 1 -3- .CONFIDENTIAL GO~i~I~~~~~it~L . _ra_ .__..__.__ . ___.._~___._... ___.~_.-.. __.__..___~___._F___-_.__~._A~._,_~.,~.~. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700020037-7 ~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/23: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700020037-7 C?Pv~~i~Ei~TIAL As of 20 April, the following increase in planting over the same period of ig50 was noted; spring crops, 17 percent, including 22 percent cotton; and perennial grasses, 7 percent Plowing of fallow for winter crops increased 3.7 times as compared with the same period of last year, and tractor work in- creased 72 percent over 1950 Repairs of agricultural machines by MTS increased as follows over the same period of 1950: cultivators, 34 percent; threshers, 62 percent; and combines, 48 percent As of 10 July, the following '_ncrease in agricultural work over the same period of 1g50 was noted; harvesting of grain cr:,ps, 32 percent; mowing of sown grasses, 44 percent; ensilage vork, 24 percent; cultivating by MTS trac- tors, 36 percents Tractor work increased 47 percent over the same period of i95o~ In the first quarter 1951, average daily carloadings on the republic s railroads increased 70 percent ever the first quarter 1950 The first- quarter plan for average daily carloading was f+.ilfiiled 106 percent, including 104 percent for petroleum, 108 percent for construction materials, 114 percent for cement, 111 percent for raw cottony and 104 percent for cotton seeds The Administration for Utilization of Small Rivers for Transport ful- filled.the first-quarter haulage plan 103 percent and increased the volume of hauling in the first quar?tex 1951 2i percent over the first quarter 1850= The Ministry of Automobile Transport Azerbaydzhan SSR fulfilled the first- quarter plan for freight haulage 104 percent in tons, and 110 percent in ton- kilometerso The plan for passenger transport ?aas fulfilled 149 percent. The Be:xu City Streetcar System fulfilled the first-quarter plan for passenger transport 108 percent As compared with the Yirst quarter 1950, passenger transport increased 16