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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010720-9 CLASSIFICATION S-E-C-R-E-T SLCRE 1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Economic - Technological, automobile industry, construction projects HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE Daily newspapers USSR 6 - 12 Jun 1951 Russian THIS DO CV YIN7 CONTAIN! IXFDRYATION AIF[CTIN{ TNl NATIONAL OIFIN lI OF THE UMITID STATES WITHIN TAT WEAPONS O I{FIONASI ACT ID V. !. C.. 31 AND IT. AS AW[SDID DTI TAANINISI1 O N ORTN{REVELATION I{IT FRONIIIT[D. IS PRO TO A HID D IT T LAMS I REPRODUCTION 011M II FORK OIII Newspapers as indicated. DATE OF INFORMATION 1949 - 1951 DATE DIST. D2' Oct 1951 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION MOSCOW AUTO PLANT IMPROVES PRODUCTION; MINSK PLANT LAGS; AUTO PLANTS SUPPLY CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS FULFILLS PLANS ?.. Moscow, Vechernyaya Moskva, 11 Jun 51 The Moscow Small Displacement Automobile Plant (MZMA), which had worked sporadically and failed to fulfill the plan in 1949 and tfrstquIrterc1950, not only fulfilled the 1950 plan, but wiped cut the 1949 deficits. In the qualitative and quantitative indexes in the first 4 months of 1951. same period, rythmic work and waste reduction enabled the plant to save 1,260,000 rubles. Work has been done to improve the construction and to eliminate the defects of the Moskvich automobile. A new gearshift box has been developed with the ever mounted A ng column s cranks bilityihaslbeer i trodu ed, andttheibody and a number ofhunitsfhaverbeend dura- strengthened. To increase plant efficiency, 425 units of equipment have been reorganized. In the chassis, assembly, and body shops, four new conveyers have been set up. Highly productive aggregates for the continuous heat treatment of parts have been installed in the metallurgical shops. Automatic machines for nickel plating and other improved equipment have been developed. ndling Eighteen thousand workers have completed courses forvimprovingdtherhandlinge of machines through increased technical knowledge, and for completing minimum technical courses entitling them to operate machine tools. More than 97 percent of the operating equipment has been put on the socialist T u has sultednin thersaving of hmoree andtnonferrousilization there- first quarter 1951. More than 2,300,000 rubles have been spent on improving the working and living conditions of workers in 1950 and the first quarter 1951. New ventilation systems and sanitation units have been installed. The plant workers have set themselves the task of making their plant an "ex- cellent quality" enterprise by 1 May 1952. ARMY FBI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010720-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010720-9 1 SECRET S-E-C-R-E-T ADVANCED METHODS EARN PLANT STAikNOVITE TITLa -- Moscow, rtoskovskaya Pravda, 12 Jun 51 On 8 June 1951, the collegiu:.t ~_ uc r,iuistry and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of the Automobile and Tractor Industry awarded the Moscow Sta Small Displacement , 1Abrigades, 12asections, athe nd fourhdepartmentslhad received 7 November a o 19vit 5 shops received it the Stak 7t Dehe In The heat t shops, treatment 60 deshop and partment 0121 sections, and 263 by 17 December. . In May.l9595 , brigades joined them, for Every month since April 1950, the plant has exceseeded the commodity at1 gross production in assigned type t plans for labor productivity, and reduced manufacturing cost and labor consump- tion !n tie production of automobiles. To improve the technological processes, r 770 r,.nning meters of roller fortionthelinecrankshhaveaft, fl~nsel, cylinders head, rear axle housing, and other prodf attachments chassis, body, introducedSeandy shops. neveyers have been put into operation One 353 me- Oir~udrec. five e highly productive chine tools have been converted to high-speed cutting. To attain the title of excellent-quality plant, 312 brigades, 242 depart- ments and acme 4,000 Stakhanovites have entered the competition. In recent , and mehods for the introuce rejects; 234c perationsfwerehconvertedtto statis- titc_ t:,e pr p- periodic ticaal ls control methods, while 52.6 percent of all shop controllers work by p control methods. Before the plant could claim the Stakhanovite title, it had first to reduce excess consumption of With curtail and to salvage improveddthecstampingd uof p tydasvg ' parts.t the kart.= and salvaged waste fweig tiandsaccountstfor it automatic shop, worker new receive., metal by The plant saved 74 tons of metal in the first quarter. A great number of workers, including engineering-technical workers, have opened personal accounts indicating their contributions to the efforts economize. They contributed 2.2 million rubles to the savings provisionally planned for the year. icians The ginstruction of workers, Of the numbersofaworkersnputting has been greatly -_ 1 machine-tool workers have au sedeet on the socialist maintenance operate equipment; 1,306 workers, included passed examinations qualifying in the individual cost accounting program, completed short-term schools for in- creasing productivity. Work methods were studied by 485 Stakhanovites, according to the method of F. Kovalev. studied experience is communicated to the rest: 856 workers The adoption of the title imposes new and increased tasks. In particular, motor front the plant has decided to increase the mileagedof the,auto obile before,itnre- rear axle, and by 1952 quires a general overhauling to 60,000 kilometers. BLAME MINISTRY FOR WASTE, INEFFICIENCY -- Moscow, Pravda, 8 Jun 51 The Ministry of Automobile and Tractor Industry is responsible for the failure of the Minsk Automobile Plant to fulfill its production plan for several The efforts consecutive moInh Ap plantexamplehas made le,, theefoundxy, chassis ShopiNoi1a,tchassisrShop suctctioon leg ag. April, - 2 - S-E-C-R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010720-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010720-9 SECRET S-E-C-R-E-T 2, frame, and other shops completed the monthly assignment 3-4 days early. However, the plant again fell behind. The reason is that the plant is far Other short of producing everything necessary fortheaououtput tofbautomoeiles. arrange- enterprises of the ministry furnish many parts ments. The ministry has established interplant cooperation on such a poor basis that the work of the Minsk Plant is retarded. The Yaroslavl' Automobile Plant, which supplies the MinskhePlrequiredant t motors, rotating cams, and other parts, failed to supply Malles as many arrived motors last year. Often motors arrive irregularly; in the last 4 days of April as in the beginning of the month. The ministry"s slipshod arrangments for cooperation have retarded pro- duct-'-)n growtb of the tractor, bicycle, anC other plants, which have grown up on t-e out rims cf Minsk in the course of the postwar live-Year Plan. Several thousand mach-.nes have accumulated in the bicycle plant, waiting for pumps from Podicskov ye- Tr.e mi-:i.stry is saprisingly indifferent to the needs of the new enterprises. MM.nister of Automobile and Tractor Industry, his deputies, and the leaders of tr,e o.'s_n committees are not well informed on the situation in the Minsk plants. Wneneve- t,:e ministry learns of a lack of parts, it orders them to be transported an aU-cn tomc:nd creating superfluous expenses. Forrexthereby ample, to itransportcone motorpro- 1,eT.e.a, from Yaroslavl' to Minsk, in an automobile, costs the plant (3 ,0000 1,000 :~ ..1omlom 1 :.mes as much as transporting it be freight train. The plant paid almost f 265,000 r0bies for transporting motors in the first quarter 195and1. The Smolenskcost expediters, retained by the Minsk Plant at Yaroslavl', , the enne-esss.ry missions, telegrams, letters, and telephone conversations, add n expenditures,. Even though V. Pobedonostsev, Deputy Minister of Automobile and Tractor In- dustry, who visited the Minsk Plant Apri ackn dledged the ministry's failure to admin?.ster its plant properly, nothing has Even while the plant director, was summoned to account in Moscow in mid-May. the un.nistry s caliegium convened and took the "usual measures," the Minsk Auto- mobtie Plant experienced extreme difficulty in its work, because of a lack of rotating -a'i?4 .? Are are a great many other needs at the plant. It seriously needs help in treesexpansion of the production of malleable iron, steel, and nonferrous castings, and in the organization heavier dump truck find herepractiare deficiences in planning. Important questions sr resolution in the ministry. DELIVER -ABOVE-PLAN SPARE PARTS FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS -- Yerevan, Kommunist, 10 Jun 51 In the first half of 1951, the Yerevan Avtodetal' Plant delivered spare parts to the motor vehicles of the great construction projects ahead of time. The plant workers declared that since they had exceeded their program, they could supply parts above plan for the GAZ-AA and ZIS-5 motor vehicles equal in amount to their plan for one quarter, according to the type designations of the construction workers. On 8 June, the Kuybyshev Hydroelectric Station workers asked for 2,600 parts for their motor pool, The Kakhovka Hydroelectric Station workers requested 1.,480 above-plan parts from the second quarter 1951 output for the GAZ--MM and ZIS-5 motor vehicles. The plant workers resolved unanimously to fulfill these supplementary orders. S-E-C-R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010720-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010720-9 1 SECRET S-E-C-R-E-T SUPPLY 10-TON DUMP TRUCKS TO CONSTRUCTION PROJECT -- Moscow, Komsomol'akaya Pravda, 6 Jun 51 The Yaroslavl' Automobile Plant has supplied 10-ton YaAZ-210 dump trucks to the Volga-Don construction project. = Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010720-9