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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010320-3 ~CGntt COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Economic -Agriculture, crop conditions HOW ,PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED USSR DP.T E PUBLISHED 4 - 29 MgY 1951 LANGUAGE OIISTN E[ UNEI[D SIATI[4! WITNpM ATN[ Y[ANI NID DDf E[SPIO MALL DA[T N[D Y S C., SI AMO !1. A! AY END[D. ITS TRAN SYISSION OR THE R[V[LATIDN M IBITLD[YT TL I~WS I R[PRODVETIDM Of iMl! TORY ~SI PRDMI ERITEO_IS PNO~ SOME DATA ON USSR CROPS AND HARVESTS AS OF MAY 1951 umbers in parentheses refer to appended sources, CLp,SSI~ICATION S-E_-C-R-E-T CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGEtJCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BRGADCASTS CD NO. Newspapers as indicated. f boa 1951 5.5 million more hectares of spring crops had been sown 5 Y DATE OF INFORMATION 1950 - 1951 DATE DIST. 22 Sep 1951 NO. OF PAGES 7 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION ~ Aso than by the same date in 1950.(1) By 1 May, sowing of all spring crops had been completed in Stavropol' Kray, Azerbaydzhan SSR, Krasnodar Kray, Kabardino ASSR, and Ismail Oblast. By this date sowing of spring grains had been completed in Dagestan ASSR, Grodno Oblast, in the kolkhozes of Moldavian SSainsahadnbeen fulfilled byaall obla~stsiBi~an~83aye The plan for sowing of spring gr of the North Caucasus, Ukraine, Georgia, and Uzbekistan, and by Voronezh Oblas in the central chernozem belt. By 1 May Chkalov Oblast had sown 500,000 hectares more to spring grains than by the same date in 1950. Field work began much ear- lier this year in Siberia. The area sown in April 1951 was almost ten times larger than that sown in April 1950? The sowing of maize has been completed in Stavropol' Kray, Crimean Oblast, Azerbaydzhan SSR, andBe well asuin Voronezhts of Ukrainian SSR. Kolkhozes in the southern regions, the plea for sowing sugarsbeetsis~heddas].omwe~gbeen completed forithe entirelUSSR~ The warm, humid weather facilitated the rapid growth of winter crops, and the sprouting of spring crops. In Azerbaydzhea 3SR, and in the western oblasts of Ukrainian SSR winter wheat entered the tube stage in mid-April. Notice of the excellent condition of winter grains has been received from the Kuban and Ukraine.(2) During the week 10 ~ 17 May, rain fell over wide areas of the USSR: in Transcaucasue, Nin Belorussian SSR eCentrallAsie, Western Sibereatrand6lntthes of the country, Ukraine. This hag~~eatly stimulated the growth of crops. Grains an grasses have sproutedsunflow~rs 'cave deke0lopedttheefourtheleaf, andibeets~theasecondley are bushing, -1 _ - s~cREr STATE AyMY NA_VY_ ,__ .._ AIR S-E-4-R E-T DISTRIBUTION r Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010320-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010320-3 1 SECRET cro s has been adjudged well in pair ~f leaves. The condition of winter and spring good to excellent for the country as a whole. Grains ainsdarelflow,gering in of winter grains began there 10 days earlier than the Ukraine. The heading in the central chernozem usual. In Izmail Oblast, rye has flowered. Winter gi' tbsou h the Crimea and in Azerbaydzhan SSR. Rye hed QBdu~ of a line running g belt. Spring Brains have sprouted ev:ryw the day- Minsk-Moscow-Gor'kiy-Molotov. In the Urals, the warm weather dur ng wheat ens, and other time has resulted in the early aprrssaes hassbegun in the south -- in the re- crops. The wholesale harvest of g North Caucasus, Astrakhan and publics of Central Asia, Transcaucasus, Crimea, Stalingrad oblasts, and in a nunb~he Uk~n~niaThd volume of hayacutsto date grasses is proceeding rapidly is almost five times that cut at thie time last year.(3) Notices of completion of spring sowing were received from all parts of the country during the period 18 ~ 23 MgY- Kr~lkhozes and sovkhozes of Tambov Ob- last have fulfilled the plan for sowing grain and fOl~nracveek.earlier than kolkhozes of Lithuanian SSR completed their sow ng P sowed 34,000 hectarn4 morel+heat this year last year. Kolkhozes of Altay Kray of spring crops hasjneteecnorthtof theScountrytinT~eO - than last. The sowing last. Spring field work is in full swing and sowing is proceeding at "white nights" have set in in Karelo?~Finnish SSR, night Harvesting has begun 1n Gorno-Badakhehan Autonomous Oblast. Select ve omedskiy, K,Yurdamirakiy, Udzharakiy, harvesting of barley has begun in Kazi-Mag and several other rayonsao~.Pveloped fine heads.xYWeathertconditionsehaveignt below Stalingrad, and sins. Ir. the larger pant of the European USSR general favored the growth of gr winter crops are in good to exce ndnRoetd 10bZaet,Iryehissflowering,sand in o Ukrainian SSR, Stavropol KraY, places has attained a height of 160 centime~ers. InWinter wheatf iaeflowering and in the central chernozem belt, Cotton isaburd~ding in the cotton areas of in the Kuban and Stavropol Kray? took place. Reports received Prom Cherno- Azerbaydzhan SSR where early sowing vitsy Oblast indicate the sugar beet crop is in excellent condition. Bee s are also growing well ladduSaraOtovaoblaatsrvand hasgbegunsl0adayslearlier than in Rostov, Stalingrad, last year in Chkalov Oblast.(4) ent oP win- Copious rains followed by warm weather have aided the developminter grains ter and spring sowings and oleaginous atePe land BprinB 3dainathave entered the have everywhere entered the flowering g ~ , and yoroahilovskiy rayons tube stage. Kolkhozes and sovkho?n large ecgle sowing of soybeans. The area of Primorakiy Kray are carrying sown on fallow, plo~+- has been increased, and it is now being advantage under this crop land, and grassy turf. The kolkhoz uortheiroapring field work. tln 'the oblast of favorable weather, are finishing P crops has already been more than two thirds of the lheatahastbeenfcomplet d. Spring crops are already sown. The sowing of spring '? of potatoes continues in the ob- sprouting in some areas. iarge~scale planting leat.(5) S-E-C-R-E-T Armen...,- inn SSR According to data of the Ministry of Agriculture Armenian SSR, ercent. Of 15 May the plan for sowing of spring crops had been fulfilled 90.3 P the area allotted for grains, 97.1 percent had been soo .apTi~ wheatowas overly wheat had been completed 90.5 Percent. Sowing Basargecharskiy, spring ons: Alnverdskiy, Aparanakiy, prolonged in the following ray Krasnosel'skiy, Spitakskiy, and several Gorisskiy, Gukasyanskiy, Kafanskiy, others. SEC.R~T - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010320-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010320-3 1 SECREt , S-E-C-R?E-T The plan for supplemental fertilizationof winterrcrops 943sPercent m pleted 81.1 percent, and that for harrowing ra ons: AkhurYanskiy, Zangi- This work has been completed in the followinand Senanskiy. basarskiy, Norbayazetskiy, Oktemberyanskiy, The plan for sowing Perennial grasses has been completed 91.6 percent; 13 rayons have completed this work. Ks~ianskiy, NoyemberyansklyayKirova- behind in this work: Echmiadzinskiy, kanskiy, Gukasyanskiy, Vedinskiy, and Azizbekovskiy. The sowing of silage crops is far behind schedule. Only 59.7 Percent of the planned area has been sown. Of the area allotted for Yodder root crops, 55.2 Percent has been sown.(6) Azerbavdzhan SSR During 'the Fourth Five-Yearcentn~andetheearea sown toecottonAincreased Bazarskiy Rayon increased 35 Pe 66 percent.(7) Belorussian SSR sowing The following table shows percentage fulfillment of the 1951 spring plan by oblasts: ~~ 1 Ma 10) 20 Ma 11 2 Ma 12 Oblast 30 A r 8 10 Ma ) 64.8 71.6 77.2 61.2 Brest 50.3 67.5 73.8 X7.6 62.7 Baranovichi 43.4 64.9 71.1 43.3 53.5 58.2 Polesa 6P.7 71.0 43.2 55.4 59.0 Pinsk 69.7 76.3 42.1 54.9 61.1 Gomel' 68.6 74.8 4~_.6 56.0 60.9 Grodno 63.3 70.3 34.9 50.7 56.0 Bobruyak 79,6 49.7 60.4 71.1 Molodechno 26.0 44.6 53.1 64.2 73.7 Minsk 21.6 56.0 67.0 76.0 2u.o 44.5 Polotsk 4 70.9 38.2 47?3 59? Mogilev X5.2 42.3 56.1 67.4 Vitebsk 11.7 33'1 The following table shown percentage fulfillment of the 1951 plan for sowing spring grains by oblasts: S-E-C-R-E-T SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010320-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010320-3 l Brest Baranovichi Polesa Pinsk Gomel' Grodno Bobruysk Molodechno Minsk Polotsk Mogilev 'Jitebsk SECRET S-E-C-R-E-T 30 A r ~8) 10 May (~ ~ ~ ,~ 10 100.5 92.7 100.9 70.9 82.2 86.2 107.5 113.4 113.8 75.3 88.5 87.9 [ ic] 98.6 102.5 103.6 76.2 92.0 94.8 72 7 96?g loo.l 36.0 72,7 79.9 36.7 69.9 79.6 32 3 63.4 74.5 31.1 70.4 80.4 18.8 47.4 58.0 The following table shows percentage 88.7 104.5 97.5 101.9 86.7 88.8 85.6 91.9 73.1 fulfillment of the 1951 plQn for sowing flax by oblasts: 11) Oblast ~0 Apr (8) 10 Ma ) 1 Ma 10 20 Ma Brest 24.2 48.9 60.1 74.1 Baranovichi 28.5 53.1 59.9 68.1 Polesa 51.1 1 75? 82.3 88.6 73 8 Finsk 40.3 63.9 70.2 . Gomel' 32.3 69.7 78.2 84.2 46,9 71.9 Grodno 5.1 27.2 Bobruysk 21.5 46.6 54.2 65 ?!} Molodechno 6.2 27.1 50.0 70.0 Minsk 9.2 49.6 66.7 78.4 Polotsk 9.4 45.2 73.0 88.0 Mogilev 7.9 43.7 63.8 87.6 6 1 3 52.0 75.8 Vitebsk 7.2 ? Estonian SSR 79.9 88.0 82.1 75.5 84.4 81.3 94.9 95.0 89.2 The Ministry of State Farms Estonian SSR reports thaltana~6 perOeMty inY khozes of the republic had completed the spring mowing p eluding grains 81 percent. There are 86 sovkho2es in Estonian SSR.(13) S-E-C-R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010320-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010320-3 SECRET S-E-C-R-E-T Spring sowing is proceeding in an unsvgigaskiy~ myanaer in many kolkhozes Vil yandiskiy, P 1'tsamaskiy, Khiyuma- of the Koseskiy, Vyruskiy, Otepyaskiy, and other rayons. Partand Vastnel~inaskiy raYonsystillehave skiy, tive committees of E1'vaskiy, Ab'yaskiythe defzcte in their leadership oP not taken appropriate action to remedy the TaK KP(b) of Estonia. 3ow- spring field work indicated in a statement by ing is still far behind schedule. To this date many rayons have not only not begun sowing, but have not even completed preparation of the soil. In E1'vaskiy Rayon, spring plowing is yet to be done on 5,000 hectares. The situation is no better in Tartuskiy, Otepyaskiy, Vyruskiy, and Vastselinaskiy rayons. Tractor parks ar. animal traction have been poorly utilized. The planting of vegetables has been poorly organized in many rayons.(14) Kazakh SSR sins Sovkhozes of Kazakh SSR completed the 1951 plan Zor sowing springheat 10 days earlier than last year. They sowed 18,000 hectares more spring this year than last. Much of it was durum.(15) lan 2 weeks Kolkhozes of Karaganda Oblast completed thTisPrwheat~asgPulfilled 106 earlier than last year. B88e8li~fPercent,~and fcnir silage crops 114 percent.(16) percent; for perennial gr Kirk At the end of 1950 there were 1'~5 golkhozes in the republic with en in- come of one million or more rubles. Every sixth kolkhoz in the republic was a millionaire kolkhoz. The average sown area per kolkhoz in the republic in 1950 (ell crops) was almost 800 hectares.(17) Lithuanian :'~'.: Cultivation of flax is concentrated in ghyaulyayskiy and Klaypedskiy ob- lasts. Soil and climate conditions are very favorable for flax here, and high yields are obtained. The proximity of the sea guarantees even rainfall and temperature pl"?s high humidity. Flax must be sown within a short period to obtain mauimum Yields. In this area sowing shouldercen~ofethe flaxisowing in 1950, the Lithuanian SSR had completed only 8 P plan by 15 Ma,y.(18) Kolkhozes of Panemunskiy Rayon, Kaunas Oblast, are lagging behind in the sowing of spring crops this year. The kolkhozes of the rat n hectares.l~The hectares of spring wheat. As of 5 May they had sown only 79 most favorable period for the sowing of this crop is now past. Sowing of in- dustrial and fodder crops is also behind schedule. The plan calls for so~ing 250 hectares of flax and 1,990 hectares of fodder grasses. As of 5 May, hectares of flax and 141 hectares of fodder grasses had been sown.(19) As of 10 May, 4,61+9 hectareshectares of grains sAs ofnlO Maygs 8yhectares The plan calls for sowing 12,015 of flax had been sown in the rayon; the plan calls for 976 hectaxes.(20 Moldavian SSR In Moldavian SSR there are 1,645 kolkhozes. They include 97.1 percent of the peasant households in the republic. These kolkhozes are served by 108 MTS.(21) S-E-C-R-E-T ~ECI~ET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010320-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010320-3 -I SECRET S-E-C-R-E-T Pledged crcp yields for Moldavian SSR in 1951 are ea follows (in centners per hectare): wheat 20, maize 30, sunflowers 17, sugar beets 300, and cotton 6.(22) RSFSR All ko],khozes and sovkhozes of Altay Kray have completed the sowing of spring wheat.(23) Kolkhozes and sovkhozes of Chk000vhectarescabovetplan a In sowing of spring crops on 10 May. They sowed 95, 1 sov- 1951, 475,000 hectares more spring wheat were sown than in 1940. In 195 , khozea of the oblast sowed 56,000 hectareu more spring grains than in 1950? The sovkhozes sowed 44,000 hectares more spring wheat this year than in 1950.(24) Tadzhik SSR cotton growers of Tadzhik SSR have pledged to spread 1.3 million tons of manure and other local fertilizers on the cotton fields of the republic in 1951?(25) Ukrain` SSR In 1950, the Ukrainian SSR grain-Procurement Pludswof wheatlthanaina1949.(26) t~e? mhc republic gave the state 81 million more p According to data of the Ukrainian ServicBIIdwdevelop- conditions so far this year have been favorable for the sprouting aiallyffavorablesforTthe developmentrofgcropsthe~ Teithan 201millimetersrof pre- cipitation were recorded during the first 10 days of May in the northwest half of the republic, Suety Oblast, the central rayons of Poltava and Kirovograd ob- lasts, and the northern rayons of ~r1B~e0period inoZakarpatskayalOblastrsthe precipitation were recorded during mountain rayons of the eaRovno,CandaTernopolanoblastenumber of rayons in Kiev, Kamenets-Podolsk, Volyn, As a result of favorable weather conditions, the heeding of winter crops in the Ukraine began 10 days earlier than usual. Winter rye is now heading' throughout the an3lChernigov oblasts.thRyexhastbegunftohflowerein southern Iz- rayone of Suety t of a man. Winter wheat has mail Oblast, and in places has reached th_ heigh in several southern rayons. everywhere entered the tube stage, and 1s heading Spring grains have entered the tube stage in the extreme southern Ukraine and eastern oblastsa OInaKiev,hVinnitsacoandetKamenetstPodolskgoblasts~ kok-sagyznd has begun to flower.(27) Uzbek_SSR In 1950, the average yield of sugar beet root inIlIIZi950 SUzbek SSR?overnt- ners per hectare. This was 46 percent of plan.(28) fulfilled the planned deliveries of kenaf stalk and seed to the state.(: 9) Cotton growers of Uzbek SSR have pledged to spread 6,5 million tons of manure and other local fertilizers on the cottoh fields of the republic in 1951?(25) S-E-C-R-E-T ~SEGREi` Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010320-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010320-3 1 SECRET S-E-C-R-E-T 1. ALna-Ata, Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 10 May 51 2. Moscow, Komsomol'skaya Pravda, 9 MaY 51 3. Moscow, Trud, 18 May 51 4. Ibid., 24 May 51 5. Yerevan, Kommunist, 24 May 51 6, Ibid., 18 May 51 2, May 51 7. Baku, Bakinskiy Rabochiy, g. Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, 4 May 51 9. Ibid., 13 M8Y 51 10. Ibid., 18 May 5l 11. Ibid., 23 May 51 12. Ibid., 29 MaY 51 May 51 13. Tallin, Sovetskaya Estoniya, 13 14, Ibid., 24 May 51 15. plena-Ata, Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 17 May 51 16. Ibid., 20 May 51 17. Frunze, Sovetskaya Kirgiziya, 8 May 51 18. Vil'n;~us, Sovetskaya Litva, 9 May 51 19. Ibia., to May 51 20. Ibid., 13 MaY 51 21. Leningrad, Leningradskaya Pravda, 24 May 51 22. Moscow, Pravda, 23 May 5l 23. Moscow, Izvestiya, 24 May 51 24. Chkalov, Chkalovskaya Knmmuna, 27 May 51 p5, Tashkent, Pravda Vostoka, 22 May 51 26. Moscow, Pravda, 15 May151~y 51 27. Kiev, Pravda Ukrainy, 3 28. Tashkent, Pravda Vostoka, 12 May 51 29? Ibid., 24 May 51 -7- S-E-C-R-E-T SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010320-3