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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600400162-7 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCYr REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. DATE CF INFORMATION 195; SUBJECT Economic; Technological - Agricultural machinery, rubber l DATE DIST. duL 1951 WHERE PUBLISHED Moscow DATE PUBLISHED May 1951 LANGUAGE 0- !M[ 0117/D 07AT[0 WIlN1^ 7.. uwwi.. ... ~..._..-__ .." -_ V. 1. C.. 0I AND MAN AN01000. ITS TNANONI[710N ON TM[ 0[II[LATON of ITS N10IT[DO AT TLAW. i IIMODIICIION or TMl/ 000N 0101 t110M ~11TOD. 19 0110 NO. OF PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION, NEW SOVIET MACHOS FOR HARVESTING RUBBER-BEARING CROPS Seed Collection The seed-bearing period of knk-sagyz plants lasts 45-60 days, and the seeds do not ripen simultaneously. When the pod is fully opened, the seeds re- main on the plant several hours, not several days, as is the case with other plants. This makes,it necessary to collect seeds two to three times a day. The SKS-4 se&d collector is based on a combination cf mechanical action and an air current. Beaters mounted on the front of the machine rotate in opposite directions and comb the ripened kok-sagyz seeds. Axle blowers create a suction, which draws the seeds into the receiving chamber. The SKS-4V-seed collector, built by VISKhOM (All-Union Agricultural-Machine- Buildtng Institute) works on the same principle as the SKS-4, but it is somewhat different in design. our beaters with spiral brushes are mounted on the machine, and a single axle blower extends across the breadth of the machine, which covers four row when intervals between rows are 445 milli,aeters. The W.0-2 two-row hand seed. collector made by VISKhOM from plans developed by the Belorussian Institute for Mechanization fo-f Agriculture .7 works on the mechanical principle alone and does not have a blower. These machines gather approximately 60 percent of the seed as compared to hand collection. A number of original machines built by UNDIM JUkrairian Scientific ..? Institute for Macbanization] and by individual inventors have appeared in the Ukraine. STATE ARMY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600400162-7 CONFlDENTIA. Sel?khozmashina., No 4, 1951. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600400162-7 complete testing of the seed collectors was not possible in 1950 owing to unfavorable weather conditions. It Is interesting to teethat for references stto unfavorable weather conditions have been made yearly, collectors. It he eclat that years, in reports on the testing of kok-salty more than climatic conditions are involved. Existing agricultural instructions and regulations for cultivating kok-sagyz unequivocally cite the necessity of gathering seeds from pods which have taken on a cylindrical form and a yellowish color but have not yet opened. This applies to hand picking; for machine picking the pods must be open. However, the wind carries off a. considerable quant_ty of seed f-om opened pods during the collection period. A new technological approach to collecting kok-sagyz seeds, based on the principle of moving the pedl.cles bearing the pods in layers, is called for at this time. This method is feasible because k.ok-sagyz pods can be ripened after ha:`veat- in g by drying them in the cur_. Mowing must be done in layers, so that the first i mowing will be conducted at a~._-fight of 15-20 s the imetersnfromdthe ground. Itei not imp`obable that the period of ripening In a.ted, and. so a second mowing at a height of 10y15ecentimeters fromethe gro nde will at end be necessary, If neceesary, a third mowing ea-lier seer]:-bearing period. The first mowing smust 2bee days carried riedroutano ripening bh gi6-8 days after seed bearing begirs, that The figures cited are approximate and depend on local climate. Once the pods are dried, they are threshed and cleaned just as after hand picking. Large-scale research on tbi_'? proposed process of mowing in layers will make is possible to evaluate its economic expediency aud efficiency. The GSU-2K guayule seei collector, designed by VISKhOM, works on a mechanical principle. Guayule bushes are from 30 to 100 centimeters high, the seeds do not ripen simult&aeously, and ripened eeede scatter easily. Periodic collections of gusyule seeds mast be made. at intervals of 2-3 days. The GSU-?K is drawn by one horse and processes two rows when the intervals between rows are 700millimete..s. An arrangement of brushes- on a drum. removes the seeds from the guayule GSU The at kilograms tue AZaica ani az processes 3.2 ~MachineExperimen al-Sta- found chine weig 20 tion" Cleaning Seeds The TK-?415 hand, used to thresh kok-?sagyz seed, is operated by two men. The seed pods dried before threshing until they have a moisture content of 15-20 percent, The TK-14].5 produced completely satisfactory results Experi- me hour and. when tested at the grindern threehee 25 3O kilograms of seed pods P rh mental ] Station, The e g- to -e gives a seed purity of no less than 90 percent. VIS1OIOM ba.s constructed an experimental model of the OTS-700 tau-sagyz seed han cleaner. This machine is simpler anndmore effective t0 non ee ooldemmaachine, whichs was composed of 16 different aggregates of the new machine at the Sredneaziats=says (Central Asia) Machine Experimental Station in 1949 and 1950 showed that the output of pyre seed was 54.2 percent of the starting material, seed purity was 91,9 percent, and productivity was 30-35 kilograms per hour. The machine, which has been recommenndeddy or seriesrproduc- tion, is driven by a 0.,16-horsepower motor and is ope V;LSIthOM has built a similar machine for cleaning guayule ..eeds which has also been recommended for series production. - 2 .- C0NFIDE11TT.AL s. LSanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600400162-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600400162-7 G4o'fIQNTI L Harvesting 1. The KUKS-l single-row machine is designed for hx-avesting kok-sagyz roots in mineral soils; it is drawn by the IMP-35 tractor. The roots are picked by hand by workers who follow the machine. 2. The UKK-2 two-row machine I.s also designed for harvesting kok-sagyz roots in mineral soils and is drawn by the KDP-35 tractor. This machine cuts the stems off the roots. Both the KUKS-l and the iJH]C:-2 satisfactorily harvested one- and 2-year- old crops of kok-sagyz. Roots gathered were 16-18 centimeters long. Losses were 5-8 p4mcent. A. The TUIOI-2 two-row machine hazve.sts kok-sagyz roots from peaty soil; it is drawn by the KDP-_DPtractor. The roots are gathered and the stems cut off by hand. The TT31U1-2 was tested by the Zapadnaya (Western) Machine Experimental Station in 1.949. With the digging plowshare set to penetrate the ground 30 centi- meters, most of the roots harvested ((82 percent by weight) were 20 centimeters or more long. Lose of roots was from 2.6 to 4.35 percent. in 1950, the Belorus ia.n Institute for !cchanization built and submitted for testing the TUKM-2M machine, which has two narrow (270 millimetern wide) dig- ging shares in front with narrow eie ators mounted behind them, This arrangement reduces the amount of soil fed. to the separating units of the machine. The TUKM- 2M is designed to harvest plantings with between-row intervals of 600 millimeters. 4. The K-1.4 mower, fitted with a medium cutter, is used to harvest seed- lings and sets of guayule. The gathering of seedlings consists of two operations, mowing the part above ground and digging up the seedling. VISBKhOM, together with the Special Design Bureau of the Lyubertsy AZricultural-Machine-Building Plant imeni Ukhtomskiy, has fitted the K-1.4 mower with a medium cutter, which cuts 89.4 percent of the guayule shoots to a height of 5 centimeters above the ground. A sugar-beet lifter fitted with a digging hoe whose cutting edge is 25-30 centi- meters wide is used for diggirg up seedlings. VIMOM has also developed., for use with the U--2 tractor, the GUS-2 machine, which cuts the above-groundi g rt of guayule bushes and lays them in rows. Tests conducted in 1950 showed that the machine cuts no less thar 93.3 percent of the guayule bushes To within 2?-?6 centimeters off the Tround. As a result of tests made in 1950, the Zakavkaz Machine Experimental Station recommends building a. group of these machines and devising stacker for the cut gaayule bushes. Normal conditions for testing machines for rubber-bearing crops must be estab- 13$h?dd at machine experimental stations. Up to now, not one station has had its own savings of rubber-bearing plants. As a result, tests are N ld on sowings of various farms not interested in the experiments. Up to this time, the machine ex- perin ntal stations have not been manned with cadres of skilled specialists. Out- dated. programs and methods of testing hinder a correct, reliable evaluation of a machine's performance. Agrotechnicians and biologists specializing in selective breeding should de- vote more attention. to investigating varieties of rubber-bearing plants, especially kok-sagyz, that will facilitate the use of harvesting machinery. CDNFIDENVAI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600400162-7