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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390707-4 CLASSIFICATION atUHt r S-$-C-R-15-T CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. DATE OF INFORMATION 1950 SUBJECT Sociological - Education Scientific - Miscellaneous, institutes HOW DATE DIST. 46 Jun 1951 PUBLISHED Daily newspapers, manuals LANGUAGE WHERE PUBLISHED USSR DATE PUBLISHED 1950 THIS DOCUNINT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFRCTINO TAN NATIONAL DIFININ OF TNN UNITED STATES NITHIN THE NRANIIIS OF E5PIONAUE ACT SO U. S. C.. at AND IS, AS AMR RON D. , ITS TRANSMISSION OR TNN SINILATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHOSIIED PERSON IS PRO. MISITID BY LAN. RIPNODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS FAONISITIO. KA^?AM AGRICULTURAL ;u"STITJ E CET "BR=ES 20TE A 1NIV RSARY [Numbers in parentheses refer to appended sources] History and Organization The Kazakh State Agricultural Institute, now 20 years old, opened in Alma-Ata in autumn 1930 with 120 students. it is now one of the largest institutes in the Kazakh SSR, with a student body of over 1,100. (1)) The institute graduated 153 persons at the end of the 1949 - 1950 school year, and admitted 325 new students at the beginning of the present school year. (e) Since it opened, the institute has graduated 1,500 highly qualified agricultural specialists, including agronomists-husbandrymen, pomiculturists, bacciculturists, agricultural, mechanical, and electrical engineers, and con- servation and forestry engineers, who now work in all parts of the USSR. In addition, the institute has retrained over 4,000 agricultural administrative personnel, such as directors of MTS and sovkhozes, heads of rayon soviet agriculture sections, and MPS mechanics and agronomists. (1) Entrance Requirements _ The instit9te is open to any Soviet citizen, 17 - 35 years of age, of either sex, who has completed secondary school and who is able to pass entrance examinations in mathematics, physics, chemistry, Russian language and literature, and Kazakh language and literature. Students who have been awarded gold and silver scholarship medals upon graduation from secondary school are exempted from entrance examinations. Applications for entrance are accepted each year, from 20 June to 31 July. The applicant must indicate the department (fakul'tet) and specialty in which he intends to do his work, and submit an autobiography, diploma of graduation from secondary school, identity card to be presented upon arrival, three STATE ARMY 9 NAVY AIR 4 NO. OF PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION ,I'% Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390707-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390707-4 7, SECRET S-E-C-R-E-T Entrance examinations at the institute are usually given I - 20 August, registration of students takes place 21 - 25 August, and instruction begins I September. (3) The fee for instruction at the institute, by decree of the Council of Peoples' Commissars, No 1860, 2 October 1940, is 400 rubles a year. Decree No 1696, 15 October 1942, exempts Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Uigurs, and Tatars ?rom payment of the fee. Disabled war veterans and their dependents, and disabled pensioners and their children are also exempted from payment of the fee. (4) Scholarships All students enrolled in the institute are provided with a monthly stipend, ranging from 140 rubles during the first year, to 160 rubles the second year, 185 rubles the third and fourth years, and 210 rubles during the fifth year. In addition, students who receive a grade of excellent in all their school work receive an additional of 25 percent. Outstanding students, chosen by the academic council, receive, in addition to the amounts listed above, a Stalin Stipend of 500 rubles per month. (4) Departments, Chairs, and Courses The institute has six departments' Agronomy, Pomiculture, Agricultural Mechanization, Agricultural Electrification, Water Resources Development, and Timber Management. One section in each department carries on instruction in the Kazakh language. The institute also has a Department of Correspondence Education, which provides instruction in Agronomy, Pomiculture, Water Resources Development, and Timber Management. (3) Fifty chairs and laboratories have been set up at the institute. (1) Work in specialties under the Agronomy and Pomiculture departments may be completed in 4 years and 7 months; work in specialties under the departments of Agricultural Mechanization, Agricultural Electrification, Water Resources Development, and Timber Management require 5 years and 6 months to complete. (4) Officers and Faculty The director of the institute is A. Zhumatov. The Chair of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, headed by Professor A. V. Mukhlya, Honored Scientist of the Kazakh SSR, has done much work on agricultural utilization of the natural resources of Central Kazakhstan. Mukhlya is. one of the pioneer scientists engaged in research on the arid, and semiarid regions of the republic. The Chair of Pomiculture, under the direction of A. P. Dragavtsev, Honored Scientist of the Kazakh SSR, has introduced a number of agronomic improvements The Chair of Farming, headed by Professor V. Ye. Kazakov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, is working on the development of an improved grassy, layer for the dry steppe area of Kazakhstan. On the basis of his extensive experimental work, Professor Kazakov has worked out practical methods for the rapid. growing of such a grassy layer. 50X1-HUM S-E-C-R-E-T SECRE? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390707-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390707-4 The Chair for Organization of Agricultural Enterprises, until recently directed by the late K. B. Babayev, Honored Scientist of the Kazakh SSR, has almost completed a project on the problem of. agricultural distribution AW.- e~:ecialization in the various regions of the republic. This work ins besed yp a the development of a system fcr increasing the crop yield.ando-c*ttlepro ductivity in all oblasts of Kazakhstan. The head of the Chair of Repairs is Docent A. 0. Proskuryakov, Candidate of Technical Sciences. The head of the Chair of Hydraulic Structures is Docent I. M. Volkov. The head of the Chair of Agricultural Conservation is Docent V. I. Alekseyev. During the past 5 years, dozens of, scientific research works have been completed in the various chairs of the institute, )nd 24 resulting improvements have been introduced into socialist agricultural production. The 500 members of the institute's student scientific society have been assisting in the research. Individual research is carried on by the teaching staff, which includes eight professors and doctors of sciences, and 36 docents and candidates of sciences) 30 of the 38 staff members holding academic degrees and titles are Kazakhs. The institute also performs a variety of other functions directly aiding agricultural production. In addition to propagandizing the fundamentals of Michurin biological science and giving regular lectures and talks on agricul- ture, workers at the institute give direct aid to iffS and kolkhozes in the course of periodic visits. At the suggestion of the institute's party organization and the academic council, many of the institute's scholars are devoting their services to the new 3-year courses for training skilled kolkhoz workers. (1) New Facilities Two new school buildings, plus a shed for tractors and agricultural machinery have been erected. A complex hydraulic-engineering laboratory has been set up for use by students in their practical training; other student training is done on the leading kolkhozes, MPS, and sovkhozes of the republic. (1) 1. Alma-Ata, Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 12 Nov 50 2. -.Alma-Ata, Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 24 Jun 50 3. spravochnik dlya postupayushchikh v vysshiye uchebnyye zavedeniya Soyuza SSR v 1950 g, Ministry of Higher Education USSR, Moscow, published by Sovetskaya Nauka State Publishing House, 1950, pp 5 - 9, 139 4. Vysshaya Shkola (Basic Degrees, Orders, and InstructionA., compiled by M. I. Movshovich, edited by A. M. Khodzhayeva, All-Union Committee on Higher School Affairs,. Council of Peoples' Commissars USSR, Moscow, published by Sovetskaya Nauka Publishing House, 1945, pp 65 - 75 -3- S-E-C-R-E-T SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390707-4 d ?