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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 1 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CDNf1Utl1IIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Economic; Scientific - Biology, plant diseases HOW PUBLISHED Bimonthly periodical WHERE PUBLISHED Moscow DATE PUBLISHED Mar - Apr 1949 DATE OF INFORMATION 1949 DATE DIST. /6 M 1951 NO. OF PAGES 21 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. TNII DOCUMENT CONTAINS NUOINAnor ?rnCI1M THE NATIONAL 011,29:1 M If rfo? o I"% TI.C.. f I ENO HI. a ~riroio. Tin TIUITSININIION 02 THE IIIC.LUTION UNAUTH $11101 NT TLAW. 1 NVNODYCTION Or TNI{ r0 ^ II -IION ISITf o. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Agrobiologiya, No 2, 1949, pp 123-140 NEW USSR DATA ON SUGAR-BEET-OOT DISEASE, / IP ROT7 D. L. Tverskoy, Cand Agr Sci All-Union Sci Res Inst of Beet Culture ffables and figures referred to are appended In some of the rayons of the old beet-growing zone (Chernigov and Sumy oblasts and the rayons of Kiev, Poltava, and Kursk oblasts which border on them) the sugar-beet crop; each year suffers great damage from root disease. In certain years acute infection by root disease is nearly universal. Ob- viously the field management measures for control of root disease were not quite effective and therefore it was urgent that root disease, first of all its ecology, be studied in great detail. In our investigations in 1938, new facts became evident quite promptly which indicated the possibility of infection not only of weakened bitt::A]:so strongly developed seedlings. One of the most instructive cases was reported in 1939 at the Chernigov station by phytopathologist M. K. Fomyuk. The affected sugar-beet seedlings were found in soil having 60-80% of total mois- ture-holding capacity, at atmospheric temperatures of 21-27%, in other words in conditions relatively favorable for plants, which was confirmed by the heavy weight of the seedlings. Although we did not understand this =act at the time, we were prompted to prolong the study of root disease so that we might explain it later. As a first step, we considered it necessary to determine the causal agents of the disease and to determine the role of each of them in their contact with normally developing seedlings. - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 '1 Causal Agents of Root Disease and Their Propagation The first analyses of diseased seedlings taken directly from sugar-beet plantings at the "Sukhanovo" Sovkhoz in Moscow Oblast indicated that a series of microorganisms are found in diseased seedlings and that the fungus Pythium de Baryanum Hesse is particularly widespread. Since this fungus was found in nearly every diseased seedling, there was no doubt that it was responsible for the development of the disease (Tverskoy and Zhukova, 1948). It should be mentioned that in the USSR, P. de Baryanum Hesse was reported in sugar beets only once before, in 1907, by the phytopathologist Trzhebinskiy. It is possible that even earlier, in 1890, this fungus was encountered by Karl- son, which is confirmed by descriptions and sketches. However, up to very re- cent times, there were no rerorts of this fungus being found in the analysis of diseased seedling'. Jn the contrary, some investigators explicitly reported finding in diseased seedlings such fungi as Fusarium, Phoma betae, Penicillium, and others, while the subject fungus was nut detected. Since we constantly found P. de Baryanum in diseased sugar-beet seedlings in Moscow Oblast, it was decided to establish its propagation in the sugar beets of other beet-growing regions. In 1947, soil samples were taken from Voronezh, Kursk, Kiev, and Moscow oblasts and from Krasnodar Kray. The samples were taken at a depth of not more than 10 cm under sugar beets, wheat, and grass (clover and lucerne). In each soil sample were planted sugar-beet-seed clusters which had been treated with preparation 1 of the Scientific Institute of Fertilizers and Insectofungicides (NIUFI-1) and carefully washed in running water. To check the appearance of the sugar beets, they were subsequently gathered and analyzed as far as growth on nutrient media is concerned. In all cases the 'moisture of the soil was maintained at 70% of total moisture-holding capacity. In the results of these investigations, approximately the same microorgan- isms were found as in the previous analyses of diseased seedlings from sugar- beet crops of Moscow Oblast (the analyses'of diseased seedlings were made by Aspirant K. P. Zhukova and B. S. Navsuts, junior scientific coworker of the laboratory). One of the most widespread causal agents was here again found to be P. de Baryanum. The highest percentage of infected plants and the plants most strongly infected by fungi were found in the soil samples taken from Kursk Oblast (in particular from the Deryuginsk Beet Sovkhoz) and-those least infected among the samples taken from the Voronezh Experiment Station. At the same time, fungi of the species Fusarium were found in large amounts in the diseased seed- lings, but they were nearly always accompanied by fungi of the species Pythium. In connection with this, it can be surmised that the development of the Fusarium fungi is closely connected with the previous infection by other relatively more aggressive fungi or follows the weakening of the seedlings under the influence of unfavorable soil conditions. Other fungi, Alternaria, Verticillium, Rhizoctonia, etc., were also found, but in smaller amounts. The Ph. betae are not included, as their presence in the diseased seedlings in our investigations can be attributed rather to incom- plete disinfection of the seed clusters than to their presence in the soil. In general, the degree of propagation of the basic causal agents of root disease in the infected sugar-beet seedlings from various previous crops for an average of all the. tested samples is as shown in Table 1. In 1948, the investigation of the infestation of the soil was considerably expanded. Thirty-five new soil samples were taken from Kharkov, Vinnitsa, Cherni- gov, Kursk, Voronezh, Penza, and Moscow oblasts, and also from Alma-Ata Oblast, Kazakh SSR, and Tashkent Oblast, Uzbek SSR. A somewhat different method was em- ployed for examining the soil and diseased seedlings, primarily with the aim of checking a larger field of moisture-loving fungi. As is seen in Table 2, the mycological analysis of the diseased seedlings in this case indicates that one of the basic causal agents of root disease in nearly all the soil samples was found to be P.. de Baaryanum Hesse. Besides this, a completely new causal CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 I CogIDEPAI. agent, Aphanomyces cochlioides Drechs, was found in the course of this in- vestigaticn. As far as known, this fungus up to now had not been reported in the beet-growing regions, with the exception of the solitary mention in 1907 by the phytopathologist Trzhebinskiy, who stated that fungi were de- tected on two occasions. As seen in Table 2, the Aphanomyces cochlioides were found in nearly all the soils with the exception of the samples from Central Asia and from Penza Oblast, and in quantities exceeding the P. de Baryanum. Among the other fungi found in the an%lysis of the diseased seedlings, nearly all were representatives of the species Rizoctonia and Fusarium, and were particularly widespread in the soils from Central Asia. In all, there were fewer Alternaria fungi in the diseased seedlings, and fever Ph. betas, the fundamental source of which appears to be not the soil but the infected seed. The P. de Baryanum were most highly represented in the soils taken from under grass, the A. cochlioides in the soil from under beets ar.d wheat, the Rhi7nrtnnia from under lucerne, and the Fusarium from under lucerne, clover, and wheat (see Table 3). Thus our investigations indicated that in diseased sugar-beet seedlings planted in the soils of the various beet-growing regions, there were found a fairly large number of the same varieties of fungi, relatively stable in th ,r ratios. However, Pythium de Baryanum, Aphanomyces cochlioides, and Fusarium must be considered to be the most widespread among them. All the remaining fungi were more weakly represented, with the exception of some obviously hav- ing narrow local importance (for instance, the Rhizoctonia in Central Asia). Parasitic Activity of the Cacaal Agents of Root Disease It was interesting to trace in what measure the fungi which we had found appeared to be actually aggressive on contact with normally develop- ing sugar-beet seedlings. To cl,par up this problem, a few tests were set up in containers holding soil which 1iad been artifically infested with each of the investigated fungi. The required amount of fertilizer was introduced into the soil and the moisture was maintained at 70% of total moisture-hold- ing capacity. Table 4 shows the results of one of those tests which was set up in a greenhouse during the summer; and under very favorable temperature condi- tions. A,; As shown in Table 4, the greatest infection of the seedlings for rela- tively normal conditions of development iL produced by P. de Baryanum, A. Cochlioides, R. Aderholdi, R. Solani, and Ph. betae. All the other fungi c+ ;sed only very insignificant infection of the plants, Thus it is clari- fied that the microorganisms which have a part in root disease are totally distinct in their parasitic activity. Under certain soil conditions, some of the parasitic fungi. are able >,o infect normally developed seedlings. Obviously we could not leave out the important characteristic of activity of the causal agents of root disease given by the degree of infection of the seedlings in various phases of their development. Some of the conducted tests indicated that in artificial infection by f. i. of seed clusters of. plants in the phase of ..forging and of those in th'. s% or ,f irst.,pair,of .leaves,, P. de Baryanum niincipslly. attacks the young. seedlings .in the : soil "aid:, plazits in the forking phase. Ph. betae appears to be mo.3t aggressive in the infection of seedlings in the phase of forking and that of the first pair of leaves, in other words, in that period when the young plants are converting to self-sup- ported nutrition and bleaching of the root begins. Fungi of the genus Rhizoc- tonia develop almost equally on young seedlings and on more mature plants (two or three pairs of leaves). However, the degree of destruction of the seedlings decreases ds their development progresses. A. cochlioides, when there is suf- ficient moisture in the soil, strongly attacks plants in the forking phase and in later periods of development, so that we must report the highest degree of development of thi' fungus on plants having three and even four pairs of perm- anent leaves. -3- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 1 From those investigations it follows that in natural conditions when there are suitable causal agents in the soil, root disease can develop over a rather long time. Such a case is rarely observed, mainly in years with protracted high moisture content of the soil in the spring. In the eaumerated tests, we were able also to trace the course of the disease in some detail. It is necessary to cite the characteristic symp- toms of the disease caused by the more aggressive parasites, since up to now the diagnosis of root disease of sugar-beet seedlih,,s has not been covered. External Symptoms of Diseased Sugar-Beet Seedlings A. cochlioides affects only the part of the plant above ground, from the root neck upward. Therefore, it is distributed on the petiole and cotyledon. At the onset of the disease, the infected tissue has a character- istic watery gray-green color. Later, the infected part turns brown, becomes thinner, and finally is converted into a dark-brown of black fiber. time to the infection, in the basic cortical parts of the plant, the leaflets remain turgescent and dark green for a long time. P. de Baryanum in contrast tc the preceding fungus affects the underground portions of the plant and rarely ap- pears above the soil. Only on very young plants is the disease able to go so far as to take in the whole seedling. In the beginning, the disease is charac- terized by the appearance of a shiny, a; if watery, light-brown rot, which in time withers and turns dark brown, and almost black, The development of the disee'i starts in the soil and evidently at a very early stage in the development of the plant, which is why many plants do not come above to the surface. The diseased plants which do appear on the surface show symptoms of withering and have ,ellov-green (lemon) colored leaves. Ph. betae affects only the underground part of the plant, predomin- ately at the place where the radicle and pediclL come out of the seed. In the first stage of the disease, on the affected seedlings there appear small dark- brown or black marks which are difficult to detect and which then spread, blend together, and encircle the seedling. Later the infected part advances above or below the initial locus of the disease, darkens, and assumes the carbon-like color of the ensuing dry rot. At high temperatures, the infected plants wither as if from a lack of water. R. Aderholdi develops on the underground part of the plant in the form of reddish-brown lesions, some of which go so far as to completely encircle the root. Badly diseased plants turn yellow and wither. R. solani, induces relatively less intensive lesions, with a golden brown color on the underground part of the plant. It rarely kills the plant. Fusarium infects mostly the small radicles and the lower part of the main root, developing a dry rot with a dark-brown or yell:'w-brown color. Effect of Temperature and Moisture Content on the Development of the Causal Agents of Root Disease in the Soil It is very important to clarify to what degree the development of the sub- ject fungi is connected with the moisture content and temperature of the soil. Tests were set up in plant containers with artificially infested soil the mois- ture content of which was maintained at 40, 60, and F'% of total moisture-hold- ing capacity. To prevent dustiness;?the soil was first mixed with uncontaminated calcined sand in the proportion of one part of sand to three parts of soil. The tests were conducted in a greenhouse during the summer at a temperature most fa- vorable for growth of the seedlings. The number of dead plants was checked each day. On the thirtieth day, when all the sugar-beet seedlings had developed their first pair of leaves, a check was made, the results of which are recorded in Ta- ble 5. As the table shows, the fungi which we tested,. with the exception of Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP8O-00809AO00600390321-2 CONFIDEtTIAL P. de Baryanum and A. cochlioides, infected the greatest numbe- of seedlings in the soil with 40% moisture content, Under these conditions the seedling; fell prey not only to the more aggressive fungi, but also to the less active microorganisms such as B, cinerea, Fusarium, and A. tenuis. Reduction of the amount of moisture in the soil evidently weakens the plants and they become vulnerable to the attacks of even the lees active fungi. From this we can conclude that where the seedlings have considerably deterio- rated almost to the point of destruction, it is possible for them to be infested by the very harmless saprophytic microorganisms. With increased moisture in the soil, the parasitic activity of subject fungi drops and the aggressiveness of P. de Baryanum and A. cochlioides is increased. In our tests, due to the mixing of the soil with sand in contain- ers and the resulting high moisture content, the physical conditions were com- pletely normal. Consequently, the infection of the seedlings in this series of containers uiust be considered as highly representative of the characteristics of the vit the of the parasitic u,. ti1~y Vl I faItsx. It is clearly apparent from the test that root disease can infect both the weak and strongly developed sugar-beet seedling'., However, chiefly the semiparasitic and even saproph;,-tic fungi attack the weak plants, whereas only some of the most aggressive parasitic fungi develop in the healthy seedlings. From among the group of fungi chiefly attacking the weakened seedlings, the most important in the beet-growing regions is Ph. betae. However, it does. not cause serious damage to the sugar-beet crop. According to the available data on Ph. betae, it is not preserved in soil when crop rotation is applied, and the Sckluucuess of the infection of seedlings by Ph. betae is completely. dependent on the degree it has it?ected the seed. Therefore, treatment of the seed by a fungicide can serve as a very effective method of controlling this causal agent of root disease. The measures for controlling the other less active causal agents of root disease can basigally be reduced to maintaining normal moisture content in the soil, which increases the strength of the plants and their re- sistance to infection. From the group of more active fungi infecting mostly the healthy seedlings, P. de Baryanum and A. cochlioides are particularly widespread among sugar beets. These fungi are permanent constituents of the soil and must be considered the most dangerous causal agents of root disease. Since large-scale development of the subject fungi is invariably connected with an increase in soil moisture, the control of these fungi must involve the elimination of excess moisture, in addition to other measures. According to available data, one of the causal agents of root disease, P. de Barjanum, despite its need for moisture, is pronouncedly aerobic and there- fore develops mostly in the upper layers of the soil. We arranged a little test with dried soil. The test was set up in wood.-n boxes of completely sterile soil, artificially infested with P. de Baryanum. The moisture content of the soil was maintained at around 60% of the maximum moisture-holding capacity. The soil in one box was loosened every 2 days, starting when the seedlings emerged; in the other, it was loosened only twice, once when sprouts emerged and the second time 5 days later. The test was concluded when the plants reached the completely forked stage; then the data arranged in Table 6 were compiled. In the box where the soil was repeatedly loosened, 44,1% of the plants were found to be diseased, and 27.1% of them died. In the other box where the soil was only loosened twice, 91.4% of the plants became infected, and 58.6% died. Thus this short test indicated that for control of moisture-loving fungi such as P. de Baryanum, repeated loosening of the soil was of value. The loosening of the soil, in the first place, resulted in the drying out of the upper soil layer, which destroyed the fungi in the mycelia stage when they are very sensi- tive to lack of moisture. Secondly, the frequent aeration of the soil accel- erated the development of the young plants, which shortened the period of great- est susceptibility to infection. CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP8O-0 0809AO00600390321-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 1 CONFIDE ' AL The data arrived at here is conformed to closely by ?.nvestigations made under field conditions, In tests conducted in 1936 at the Kiev (Mironovski;r) Experiment Station of the All.-Union Scientific Research Institute of Beet Cul- ture, it was found that when the soil was loosened up with a rye harrow 4 - 5 days after sowing, 24.2, of the seedlings were infected with root disease; when it was hoed "bliid," using market plants, 3C,5% were infected; and when it. was hoed after the seedlings emerged, 41,'(% were infected, In other cases, hoeing at the time of the first marking of the rows re- sulted in 22% diseased seedlings, hoeing on the second day after this produced 29% diseased seedlings, on the fifth day 31%, and on the tenth day 47%. In these tests. there was evidenced not only the importance of loosening the soil, but also of the time at which it is carried out. The greatest re- duction in the development of root disease was found when the loosening was done prior to the emergence of the seedlings or at the time when they broke through the surface of thn soil. T'nes,-~ results do not differ from those pro- ducedVin our box tests. Early loosening here produced the same results, the drying out of the soil. As is known, the soil. Is moister during the period of seed germination. Timely loosening dries the soil in the upper levels but does not change the amount of moisture in the lower layers, which leads decid- edly to reduction of the activity of the moisture-loving fungi. Loosening of the soil. after rainfalls achieves the same results, and the sooner this operation is done the more effective it is. Loosening of moist soil is very valuable for other reasons as well. Timely loosening prevents crusting of the soil. Tests were also made on soils from "Sukhanove" Sovkhoz in Moscow Oblast, "Pobeditel"' Kolkhoz in Rakttyansk Rayon, Kursk Oblast; and on soils from the Nemarchansk State Selection Station, In these experiments, ins-easing the moisture content of the soils up to 60-8% of the total moisture-holding ca- pacity also always sharply increased the infection of seedlings by root dis- ease. Analysis of the diseased seedlings invariably Indicated the presence of the fungi P. de Baryanum end A. cochlioides, We chec,ced the effect of temperature on the development of microorgan- isms in the sugar beet seedlings in a polythermostat [incubato,7o Small clay dishes of completely sterile soil were infested with subject fungi and placed in chambeis with the temperature gradients shown in Tel-le 7. Dishes with sterile noninfested soil were used as controls. In each dish were planted 25 seed clusters of uniform size, each of which had been disinfected in a solution of NIUIF-1 and carefully washed. In sterile water. The moisture of the soil was mainiuuincd uL 701, of total mointurc-holding capacity. The test was repeated four times for accuracy. In the course of the test, the appearance of the seedlings and the number of dead plants were recorded. The test was extended until all the seedlings emerged, which action took place at different times in each chamber. The data collected in this test are ar- ranged in Table 7, First of all, the tested microorganisms reacted differently on the sugar- beet seedlings, As in the previous tests, the first four fungi were found to be the most aggressive. The others caused very mild disease in the seedlings, even in conditions which were not favorable for the development of the, plants (faint illumination), The effect of the temperature was shown to be such that the P. de Baryanum and R. Aderholdi. infected the greatest number of seedlings at from 21-25? C, the Ph, betae and R. solani at 210 C, the B. cinerea at 25? C, and the A. tenuis at 32? C. The Fusarium fungi produced only a very low percent of infection at all. temperatures, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 CONFIDENTIAL The infection of the seedlings at different temperatures very naturally conforms to the intensity of growth of the fungi at the same temperatures o-n nutrient mediums in a Petri dish. Previously, we ha, succeeded in determining the dependence of A. cochlio- ides on temperature. As compared to P. de Baryanum, it has a somewhat higher optimal temperature of growth, in relation to which the maximum degree of in- fection of seedlings by it dropped to 29.300 C. The dependence of the growth and activity of fungi on temperature are shown graphically in Figure 1, using as an example one of the most widespread agents of rout disease, P. de Baryanum. The number of seedlings remaining in the infested soil in comparison to the sterile soil control is decreased gradually by the rise in temperature. The number of seedlings killed were found to be; at 9? C - 23.0%, at 12.5? C - 50cult nr. at 210 C - 80..%, at 25? C - 100%, and at 320 C - 83.4,, In Figure 1, it is obvious that the maximum number of killed seedlings and the greatest growth of fungi were found at 250 C. At 32? C the growth of the fungus is somewhat depressed, which is directly reflected in the reduction of the number of killed seedlings. The relation we found, namely, that of a direct connection between the energy of development of the fungi and the en- ergy of growth of the plant, demonstra+:ss that fungi P. de Baryanum has a clearly expressed parasitic nature whoa it affects sugar-beet seedlings. It to be a well adapteli parasite developing best in conditions which are uppcurG the most favorable for the beets. This biological feature of the fungus makes it very difficult to eliminate from sugar beets. Along with this, the intimate connection of the fungus with the plants in the root contradicts the previous hypothesis that healthy sugar-beet seedlings could not be infected by soil fungi (Murav'yev, 1939). What must be taken into consideration is not only the necessity to produce strongly developed seedlings but also the equally important requirement of creating in the soil. conditions which inhibit the de- velopment and accumulation of parasitic fungi. At the same time, we studied the effect of temperature on the degree of infection of seedlings in naturally infested soils with the same moisture con- tent. Sterile uninfested soil was used as s control. The data derived in this test concurs almost completely with the results of the previous test for P. de Baryanum. As is seen in Table 8, the largest number of seedlings remaining alive when all the seedlings had emerged was at the point when the temperature was 12.6? C; the smallest number was at the point when the temperature was 20.7 and 26.50 C. Damage Done by Root Disease In our tests made in the conditions of Moscow Oblast corresponding to severe infection of sugar-beet seedlings by root disease, the productivity of the roots was reduced as much as 80% and the total yield of the harvest as much as 40%. On tt,0 average, for the past 3 years the infection by root disease reduced the sugar-beet yield around 30%. On the basis of the data in our possession we can surmise that in regions where there is constant and severe infection of sugar beets by root disease, the loss due to this disease is arc?ind 25-30%. In 1948, we did some tests which indicated that the harmful effect of root disease is due to the disruption of the carbohydrate metabolism by rea- son of severe infections of the cortical parts through which the circulation of assimilated substances occurs. This disruption is shown in delayed draw- ing off of sugars at night and the slow accumulation of them in the daytime. CONFIDENTIAL. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 In one of these tests the amount of sugar in infected seedlings during the daylight hours was 40% less than that in the healthy plants. In time the disruption of the carbohydrate metabolism leads to: a sharp inhibition of the growth of the plant. The plants are inhibited in passing through their stages of growth and have lower weights than the healthy seedlings (see Table 10). Tests for studying the effect of root disease on the thinning out of a crop of seedlings after emergence were made at "Sukhanovo" Sovkhoz in Moscow Oblast on sugar-beet crops 94% infected with root disease. It was found that after emergence approximately 70% of diseased seedlings remained in the field. Furthermore, about 25% of the diseased seedlings died in the first 2 months; the remainder survived, but their yield was lowered. In one of these tests it was established that in a case of 73% infection of the field after emer- gence, the sugar-beet yield was reduced more than 38%. Thus one important side of the destructive activity of root disease was made apparent, which up to the present had not been paid the attention due to it and which had been frequently ascribed to other factors (principally vermin). Susceptibility of Crops Rotated With Beets to the Basic Causal Agents of Root Disease Since the majority of root disease causal agents are typical soil para- sitic fungi, it was very important to determine in what degree they are able to infect other crops which are rotated with sugar beets and thus be preserved in the soil. Special tests were set up in which some crops were planted in artificially infested soil. The tests were conducted in a greenhouse in broad clay dishes and a quadruple check was used. The moisture' content was kept at 70% of the maximum moisture-holding capacity. Dishes with sterile soil in which the same crops were planted were used as controls. After 30 days a complete record was made, the results of which are arranged in Table 11. As can be seen in the table, A. cochlioidas infected only the sugar beets. All the other crops were shown to be completely resistant to this parasite. The two other fungi were unusually severe as regards the Infec- tion caused by the fungi in beets, peas, clover, lucerne, and exparsette. Vetch and sunflowers were considerably less affected and the grain cultures - wheat and rye - were almost completely unaffected. Tess it has been shown that in beet-crop rotation there are crops which are susceptible to the basic causal agents of root disease. Due to these crops, the causal agents are preserved in the soil. In addition, their preservation can be due to some weeds (pigweed and others). Data can also be citsd on the infection of sugar beets by root disease from previous crops. This data, taken from a report by K. P. Zhukova, an aspirant of the laboratory, is shown in Ta- ble 12. It can be seen from the table that the largest number of sugar beets in- fected by root disease occurred when the sugar beets were planted after beets and the smallest number when they followed grain crops. Very high infection of the seedlings occurred when the sugar beets followed clover, potatoes, peas, and also wheat when the crop preceding wheat was also sugar beets, The above test was conducted in a greenhouse in special boxes and th.:re- fore the length of time any of the crops were cultivated was not observed,here, which was particularly important in relation to the clover, the long cultiva- tion of which promotes the accumulation in the soil of valuable saprophytic flora which aid in the control of parasitic fungi. The data produced here ought to be checked in crop rotation under field conditions. None the less, even now we can assume that, to reduce the preservation of parasitic fungi in the soil, it would be necessary first of all to introduce grassland crop rotation with the greatest possible use of a grass mixture containing those plants of the grass family which our..tests showed not.. to be infected by the ad- tive causal agents of root disease and thus facilitate ridding+the.soil.,of them. CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 1 CONFIDENTIAL Beet sowing should be done after an uninfected previous crop (chiefly after winter grains, which were planted on pure fertilized fallow, on spring graJn after grass), where beets have not been grown for 2-3 years. In addition, it is necessary to carefully control the weeds on all crop- rotation fields... Treating Sugar Beet Seeds With a Fungicide to Control Root Disease Karlson had shown in 1890 that treatment of seed clusters with a 2% solution of blue vitriol cut in half the infection by root disease. Car- bolic acid (2%) showed a milder effect, but did not affect the germination of the seed. In 1905, treatment of the seed by a fungicide was studied by the phytopathologist Trzhebinskiy. After a great number of chiefly labora- tory tests, he came to the conclusion that the best fungicides sefagainst mer- root disease were a 2% solution of blue vitriol and an 0.5% solution curic chloride. A more detailed study of fungicides was made from 1925 to 19by Grushevoy at the Mironov Experimental Selection Station. A great number of different fungicides, containing mercury, copper, arsenic, and other poisonous ingredients, were tested. The tests showed thethefungi- cides cides reduced the infection by root disease only slightly, but preparations commonly impeded the germination of the seed. The mercury putP were somewhat better than the other sabste:.ces tested. From the results, it was concluded that treatment of the seed clusters by fungicides as a measure for controlling rout disease is of little effect and therefore it was not recommended in practice (3). After the tests at the Mironov Experimental Station, the further study of treatment of the seed by fungicides was almost completely discontinued, because the principal causes of root disease were considered to be different types of unfavorable soil factors, the elimination of which would reduce the development of the disease. A minor role was relegated to microorganisms, so that the treatment of the seed by fungicides was considered to be without purpose, which was a premature judgment. Then it was found that one of the most wideaWvAd, causal agents of root disease, Ph. betae, was carried by the seeds. The necessity of treating the seeds with fungicides became obvious, if only for the reason that the seeds had to be protected against this particular fungus. Nevertheless, research on new fungicides capable not only of destroying the infection in the seeds but also possibly capable of protecting the young sprouts from microorganisms of the soil was indi- cated. A decision was made to restudy the treatment of seeds with fungicides. N. V. Perkel', a co-worker of our +-+ed a large selection of contemporary fungicides. Fie found that the ones which were most toxic for the microorganisms and which did not adversely affect the germination of "Granozan the seeds, were the esapikilogr m of seed. dilution 1:30 com! in the amount of 5 grams pletely free the seed clusters of Ph. betae and offer considerable protection to the seedlings r,ainst infection in the soil. These mercury fungicides were tested under practical conditions at the "Sukhanova" Sovkhoz of Moscow Oblast and the"Pyatiletka" Kolkhoz in Rakit- yansk Rayon of Kursk Oblast. The results are shown in Table 13. its shown in the table, the treatment of the beet seeds by the fungicides, in partic- ular by "Granozan," reduced the infection of the crop ;y root disease, in- creased the density of root spacing, and as a final result, produced an in- crease in the sugar-beet yield. In addition to this, it was found that the fungicides did not protect the seedlings in the field in the sam e degree as in the tests using the fungicides against each causal agent of the disease individually. In the crops treated 'nth fungicide, it was found that at CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 R 1 CONFIDEN I IAi first the fungicides promoted dense sprouting and relatively less infection by root disease, but gradually the number of diseased plants increased, rea-h- ing a considerable figure at the end of the test. Special tests were set up to uncover the reasons for the poor protection which the fungicides gave to the seedlings after the seedlings emerged from the soil surface. We had noted the poor effectiveness of the fungicides un- der field conditions in 1946, when we thought that it appeared to be connected with the growth of A. cochliuides on the sugar-beet seedlings. As soon as this fungus was found in infected sugar-beet seedlings and a pure culture of it iso- lated, we quickly proceeded to investigate the effect which fungicides have on it in comparison to the effect the fungicides have on P. de Baryanum. The test was conducted in a greenhouse with the average temperature no lower than 180 C, and the soil was artificially infested with A. cochlioides in one series and P. de Baryanum in the other. The seed used was treated with "Granozan" in the amount of 5 grams pcr kilogram of seed. During the whole series of tests, ob- servations were made on the development of the disease, and the number of dis- eased plants was recorded daily. The results of the tests are Sh:P n in Figure G. It is clearly sewn that treating the seed with "Granozan" protects the seedlings from P. de Bavyanum unusually well. In this section of the test, the treatment by fungicide effectively promoted a high degree of sprouting of the seedlings and their number remained more or less constant up to the end of the investiga- tion. In the other section of the investigation, the subject treatment had al- most no effect on A. cochlioides. In this case, the treated and untreated seed produced almost en identical number of sprouts, but they quickly started to die and were all dead by the end of the test. Thus it is shown that fungicides, in particular "Granozan," protect the seedlings only from P. de Baryanum and do not protect them at all from A. cochlioides, and that this is obviously what takes place when fungicides are used in practice. Surmising that in the given case the difference in the effect of the fungi- cide was directly connected with peculiarities in the development of these fungi, we set up a test .determin ing'the dynamics of infection of the sugar-beet seed- lings in soil artificially infested with P. de Baryanum and A. cochlioides. As can be seen in Figure 3, the development of the subject fungi is com- pletely different in` character. P. de Baryanum develops chiefly in the early stages of seedling growth and usually leaves most of the plants on the four- teenth day after planting, On the contrary, A. cochlioides attacks the seed- lings in the later phases of their growth, so that the greatest number of seed- lings were destroyed by it in the second half of the test. Quantitatively this difference was expressed in about the following decree. If the first fungus on the fourteenth day has der royed 46 seedlings and in the remaining time only 14 plants, then the second fungus destroys only 16 plants in the first 14 days but kills 56 in the remaining 7 days. Thus the first fungus is adapted to the earlier growth stages of the seedling while they are still ger- minating in the soil, and the second fungus is adapted to the later stages and infects them on the surface of the soil. Apparently the fungicide is adsorbed into the soil and prevents infection of the above-ground part of the young plant, either to a slight extent or not at all. In view of this, the treatment of seed with a fungicide, despite its undeniable advantages, will be of limited value until su.:h time as a method can be found for protecting the shoots from attack by the parasitic fungus A. cochlioides, In this connection, a total disinfec- tion of the soil in rows seems to promise the greatest degree of success. In conclusion, it should be mentioned that much of the data given here ob- viously ought to be carefully checked in practice. GUNHUtIN I IAA, L L Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Conclusions It was established in our tests that, contrary to previous, opinion, root disease infects the strongly developed sugar-beet seedlings as well as the weaker ones. In both cases, the disease is caused by microorganisms, but semi- parasitic and even saprophytic fungi attack the weaker seedlings, whereas only the very active parasites attack the healthier ones. Thus, contrary to pre- vious opinion, the fungi in some cases represent directly the determining fac- tor in the development of root disease. The main causal agents in large-scale developments of root disease are the parasitic soil fungi P. de Baryanum and A. cochlioides. Ph. betae is of second- ary importance. This fungus is propagated chiefly from the seeds, from which it can be eliminated by treatment with fungicides. All the other fungi found in diseased seedlings are weakly represented (R. Aderraldi) or they are typical semiparasites or even saprophytes (Fusarium, Alternaria, Penicillium). These fungi are able to develop only as secondary causal agents (more frequently after t Pythium) or else they attack only the weak plants psu?ciy as a rasul~t of faulty field management. Typical parasitic soil fungi s,ause the greatest Infection of seedlings when the moisture content of the soil is high (60% or higher) and the tempera- ture is relatively high (160 and above). Ph. betae, on the other hand, infects the seedlings to the greatest degree when there is a lack of moisture, i.e., when the seedlings are somewhat weakened. These data enable us to provide a.i explanation for large-scale outbursts of root disease and also to check the regions where it is most widespread. The data compiled in this article permit us to assume that the control of root disease should be reduced to the use of suitable methods of field man- agement and some special measures. The field management methods must not only provide for the normal development of the plants, but also create conditions in the soil which inhibit the development and preservation of parasitic fungi. Among these measures the following are recommended at present: 1. Introduction of grassland crop rotation, using a grass mixture of leguminous and grass family plants which promote the greatest reduction of parasitic fungi in the soil. 2. Drainage of wet soil ground water which occurs nearby. 3. Planting the beets subsequently to uninfectable previous crops, pre- ferably after winter grain crops which had been planted in pure fertilized fal- low or after spring grain crops which had been planted subsequently to grass, and replanting beets on an area only after an interruption of 2-3 years. 4. Treating the seed before planting with "Granozan" in the amount of 5 grams per kilogram of seed or with the NIUFI-1 preparation in the dilution 1:300, using the moist type of treatment and letting the seed lie for 2 hours. 5. Loosening the soil over the crop with a light weight harrow (nail type) before the emergence of the seedlings and promptly hoeing after they emerge. In case of rains, the hoeing should be repeated to prevent caking and drying out of the upper layer of soil. 6. Digging the beets out promptly and requiring the collection and removal of all vegetative litter to reduce the preservation of infection in the soil. 7. Careful contra of weeds, since it is known that the root disease causal agents.infect many weeds, as well as sugar beets. Control of weeds should be car- ried out in all crop rotation fields, especially fields left in fallow prior to winter crops, after which sugar beets are planted. CONFIDENTIAL 14 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A00060039032-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 1. Broyakovskiy, N. V., Root Disease of Sugar-Beet Seedlings, Trudy Verkhn- yachskoy Sortovodnoy Stantsii, 1934. 2. Buchholtz, W. F., Crop Rotation and Soil Drainage Effects on sugar-Beet Tip Rot and Susceptibility of Other Crops to Aphanomyces cochlioides, Phytopathology, Vol 34, No 9, p 85. 19 asur 3. Grushevoy, S. Ye., Treatment of Seed C$ustersewith Fur gicides asUMeao re for Controlling Root Disease in Sugar (16), p 149, 1929. 4. Karlson, Em., Wurzelbrand, Izvestiya Petrovskoy s.-kh. Akademii., 1890. ..hods for Controlling Them, Murav'yev, V. P., Sugar-beet ir]sen=s a.n ..u Met 5. Sveklovodstvo, Vol III, Part II, VNIS, 1939- 6. Tverskoy, D. L., and Zhukova, K. P., Relative Aggressiveness of Causal Agents of Root Disease in Sugar Beets, Sakharnaya Promyshlennost', No 3, 1948. 7. Trzhebinskiy, I.N., Effect of the Disinfection of Sugar-Beet Bulbs annoy the Soil on the Intensity of the Root Disease of Crops, vrnmvshlennosti, p 496, 1907, 8. SIbid, eedlings,oVestnik SarkharnoyDPromyshlennostiC,,ppg586, 1907. in Beet rTaules and figures follov_] Table 1. Propagation of Fungi as Affected by Previous Crop De ree of Occurrence of Fungi Previous No of Diseased Seedlings (~) P de Baryanum Fusarium Pb. betae Cron 47 6 13.6 Beets 60.9 41.7 . Wheat 46.4 34eO 60.6 15.E ;1.3 29.3 55.7 16.5 Grass 15.1 Average 51.1 35.2 CONFIDENTIAL 55.3 1 CONFIDENT IAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Table 2. Mycological Analysis of Diseased Beet Seedlings Place From Which Soil Sample Was Taken Preceding Crop Quantity of Diseased Seedlings (') Kharkov Oblast Kharkov State Selection Station Beets Wheat Lucerne 95.8 21.6 67.1 Nemerchanak State Beets 100 Selection Station Wheat 20.9 Clover 65.8 "Chervonyy Zhovten" Beets 39.0 oZ Vladovo-Lyulenetsk Beets 100 Selection Station Wheat 19.0 Clover 30.0 Chernigov Oblast Nosovskiy ROSKh Beets 100 Regional Depart- ment of Minist of Agriculture3J L'govsk Selection Beets 88.0 Station "Strang Sovetov" Beets 57.0 KO "Pobeditel" Kol- Beets 100. khoz - Seedlings Killed Microorganisms N) Before After Emergence 7.5 85..8 50.6 71.6 10.0 15.7 0,.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.3 20.8 65.2 :LO.4 9.0 31.4 9.6 90.4 55.4 -33.9 0 7 0.9 35.0 58.0 20.0 C] . 12.8 27.2 51.1 24.8 u.6 19. o T 10.0 7.0 28.5 28.5 14.2 4 71. 0 17 83.0 35.7 84.2 3.4 T 9.2 . 0 12 2.0 26.8 38 3 40.9 m . 14.0 6.o 44.3 10.5 71.2 34.0 16.0 84.0 54.2 72.0 r 50X1-HUM 7.0 42.0 31.0 55.0 13.7 20.6 0.0 36.0 32.5 67.5 6.8 18.7 28.0. 72.0 30.6 71-0 --. 13.1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Seedlings Killed Microorganisms Quantity of Diseased Before After es barium Rhizome a Seedlings Emergence Emergence Ph hium Uhano c . 20.0 7.5 5.9 83.3 16.5 30.2 11.9 0.0 0.7 . 100 3 25 12.7 0.9 0 70 . 0 0 100 37.8 75.8 u 47 3 100 . 0 0 60 2 9. . 63.1 4.0 25.0 . 9. 0 8 60.0 19.0 14.0 3.0 . 40.0 Voronezh Oblast Voronezh Experiment Station Ramonak Selection Station Preceding Crop Beets Clover Lucerne Beets Wheat Clover Penzena Oblast Beets 100 h S K edsk RO S os Moscow Oblast "Sukhanovo" Sovkhoz Beets Wheat Clover Potatoee Beets Alma-Ata Oblast "Passvet" Kolkhoz Beets "Pervoye Maya",X-a ;$ects khoz, Brigade No 3 Tashkent Oblast Ak-Kayak Agricul- Cotton tural Experiment Wheat Station Lucerne 96.3 0.8 93.0 4.5 59.4 27.0 95.4 0.1 95.3 0.0 0.0 13-.0: 0.0 U.0 2.0 17.0 9.0 35.0 19.0 *.Small amount of fungi, percentage not calculated. U. 88 6 42.3 73.6 8.0 28.0 . 77.0 33.8 53.0 20.9 4 1 27.1 14.2 30.7 r" 19.0 85 9 . 3 25.4 67.2 14.5 24.5 . 5.6 48.0 62.9 16.0 25.3 1 50X1-HUM 0 0 --* . 4.0 15.8 20.0 80.0 4.0 13.7 86.3 3 0 . 16.0 9.8 40.2 50.0 38.8 52.2 13.4 38.5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 CONFIDENTIAL Propagation of Fungi (%) Crop Seedlings (~i) Py hium Aphanonyc Rhizoctoaia Fusarium Beets 73.5 38.4 65.8 12.7 33.6 Wheat 39.5 31.1 52.3 11.3 43.2 Clover 37.2 41.7 17.6 12.3 36.3 Lucerne 42.4 48.3 10.4 25.5 60.4, Averag: 4.3.1 39.9 36.5 15.6 43.4 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Table 4. Percentage of Diseased Seedlings in Soil Infested by Various Fungi Percent of Seedlings Cauaal Agents Healthy Medium and Intensely Diseased Kill ed Control 100 0.0 0. 0 P. de Baryanum 26.4 27.0 36. 6 A. cochlioides 10.6 20.2 59. 0 R. Aderholdi 18.8 26.4 41. 6 R.:solani 56.2 13.4 9. 8 Ph. betae 27.3 38.5 5. 2 A. tennis 92.3 0.0 0. 0 I. cinerea 97.5 0.0 0. 0 Fusarium strain No 1 84.8 4.2 0. 0 - 15 - CONFIDENTIAL CODFIU~cd a L Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Table 5. Effect of Moisture Content of Soil on infect-ion of Seedlings by Causal Agents of Root Disease Percent of Seedlings Causal Agents Health[ Severely DLse~ ar sed Killed Control 100 -- P. de Baryanum 70.0 14.0 9.4 A. cochlioides. 72.5 14.5 8.2 R.erho1dl 3.7 61.0 35.6 R. solani 24.8 47.0 5.7 Ph. betae 27.7 53.7 B. cinerea 69.9 5.8 10.9 Fusarium iitrain No 71 . 67.0 8.0 3.7 A. tennis 66.4 2.8 0.0 Variables of ( the Test Diseased Seedlings s Loosened twice 8.6 Loosened many times 55.9 - Diseased. Seedlings NO Mild Avg Severe: - Killed Seedlings (~) 15.5 6.8 10.5 58.6 5.1 5.1 6.8 27.1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 6cF.1 ent of Seedlings r P Percent of Seedlings e c Medium and Seberely Diseased lth Killed Medium and Severely HealthDiseased Killed y Hea 100 . 10.0 30.5 19.4 38.0 1.2 15.7 78.4 27.3 16.2 50.0 0.0 17,0 88.0 13.5 29.7 37.4 11.7 21.3 52.4 41.5 44.7 0.0 70.0 11.7 1.9 34.1 8.0 69.4 12.1 1.5 87.6 o.6 3.8 95.8 1.6 0.0 86.8 1.4 0.0 97.5 o.8 0.0 81.7 4.1 0.0 94.0 Table 6. Effect of Loosening thA Soil on Infection cf Beet Seedlings by the Fungus P. de Baryanum Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Tr-,'Ole -7. Effect of Temperatufe on the. ection of Seedlings by Causal Agents of Root Disease 250 Percent of Seedlings 3.'^-r Temperatures (?CL 210 16.50 Type of Fungus Diseased Killed Diseased Killed Diseased Killed riseased Killed Diseased Killed Diseased Killed P. de Bar- yeana 100 83.3 100 100 100 80.0 95.2 64.3 60.2 50.8 - -23.0 23.0 R. Ader- holdi 100 100 100 10') 100 79.5 95.2 83.7 75.8 60.8 '10.1 3.2 R. solani 34.6 0.0 73.2 44.1 82.2 20.0 54.8 4.6 38.7 6.2 8.2 3.1 Ph. betae 62.9 8.1 75.6 58.5 78.7 36.1 51.2 24.0 1$.1 0.0 8.3 0.0 B. cinerea 11.1 0.0 4"E.1 8.2 0.0 0.0 9.5 9.5 5.1 3.2 3.8 1.6 A. tenuis 26.2 0.0 l .7 2.8 2.2 2.2 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fusarium strain :..i No 71 5.5 5.5 7.3 8.8 12.2 12.4 0.0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 1 Table 8. Effect of Temperature on Development of Root Disease in Naturally Infested Soil Quantity of Seedlings No of Killed Seedlings Completely Emerged in t ol Before Emergence Aft-3r Emergence Temp (~C ) r Percent of Con 30.7 52.9 4.7 42.4 26.5 30.0 9.0 61.0 20.7 27.7 24.1 48.2 17.2 36.2 19.0 44.0 "0 24.4 12.6 12.-, -) Table 10. Effect of Root Disease on Seedlings No of Seedlings in the Follnwina P ee (d) Ape Wt f One Plant 0 Condition of 1st Pr 2d Pr 3d Pr 4th Pr in Percent of s f L of Leaves of Leaves of Leaves Control Seedling eave o Healthy Slightly infected 5.4 24.3 40.5 29.8 Infected to an average degree 6.) 44.8 48.3 0.0 53.2 Severely infected 15.4 76.9 7.7 0.0 23.1 CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Table U. Infection of Various Crops of Root Disease Percent of 3ee3linas Aphanomyces Crops Healthy Wheat 100 Barley 100 Beets .. .0.0 Peas 100 Vetch 100 Clover 100 Lucerne 100 Bsparikette 100 Sunflowers 100 Rhizoctonia Degree of Infection: Avg and Degree of Infection: Avg and _ Killed Beal Degree of Infection: Avg and Severe Killed Severe Killed. H Severe 0.0 0.0 93.7 0.0 0.0 '2.5 6.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 97.3 0.0 0.0 }.00 0.0 0.0 5.8 94.2 1.2 3-5 95..3 0.0 5.1 83.0 o n 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.3 65.7 0.0 58.3 41.7 0.0 0.0 86.8 0.0 7.9 26.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 9 -. 0.0 93.2 0 0 95.0 3r. 0.0 0.0 1.1 3.3 87.8 . 01- 0.0 0.0 3.5 4'3.4 32.1 18.7 81.3 0.0 0.0 87.5 0.0 10.0 10.0 2.5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 CONFIDENTIAL Table 12. Infection of Sugar Beets by Root Disease After Various Preceding Crops Infected Seedlings (`~) Healthy Preceding Crops Seedlings (% Wheat, wheat, wheat Wheat, oats, PeAs 74.6 68.1 Wheat, spring wheet, peas 28.9 Wheat,'beets, wheat 15.3 Wheat, barley, beets 0.0 ld Average Severe Killed Seedlings Mi 22.0 0.0 0.0 3.4 9.5 5.7 16.8 12.0 0.0 32.5 14.8 11.9 11.1 36.0 14.0 11.7 15.5 39.8 7.2 92.8 Table 13. Results of Using Mercury Fungicides in Practice Place Tested, Name of and Year of Tent Chemical Percent of Reduction of Infection by Root Disease , "Sukhanovo", Sovkhoz Mos- Cnv, 0h1n t (;rattozan in doses of 5 gr per kilo- gram of seed (1947) 36.2 Same (1948) 43.4 NIUIF-1, in 1:300 dilu- (1948) tion 21 4 "Pyatiletka" Kolkhoz Rakit- yanskiy Rayon, Kursk Oblast. Granozan in doses of 5 gr per kilogram of seed (1948) 51.0 *Data by N. V. Perke.l' Increase Density of Sprouts - Density of Planted Roots Yield of Roots 57.3 30.0 15.0* 44.2 29.4 -- 41.0 29.0 16.0+E CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 CONFIDENTIAL Figure 1. Quantity of Seedlings Related to the Total Number of Seeds Sprouted in Sterile Soil and Soil Art1AU,ally Infested With P. de Baryanum. I - sterile soil, II -.infested, III - growth of fungi in a Petri dish h.~ /I y B P. di Ooiyanum 4 r -DAYS Figure 2. Dynamics of the Emergence and Destruction of Sugar-Beet Seedlings for the Planting in Naturally ?3lfested Soil of Seed Treated With a Fungicide and That Which Has Not Been Wanted A Mnye Dynamics of the Dying of Seedlings in Soil Artificially Infested With P. de Baryanum and A. cochlioidas - END - Ct41 WENi0AL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390321-2 .4. o?,h1; o;des I I ,~ I --j 1 J