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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390013-4 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390013-4 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO, DATE OF INFORMATION 1950 - 1951 DATE DIST. 1A Apr 1951 HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers COUNTRY china SUBJECT Economic - Agriculture WHERL hanghai; Fetping; Cantony Hong Kong NO. OF PAGES 4 PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED 17 Dec 1950 - 8 Max 1951 SUPPLEMENT TO LANGUAGE Chinese REPORT NO. THIS DOCUN[NT CONTAINS INFORMATION Attt-ln. ... _. _ -1-0 ACT ITS TRANSMISSION OSR ITN[ RCV[LATIOM TO A OF STMC.. 31 IAMO SST AS AY[MDM[D THI U.AUTHO MI5IT10 IV ULAN. IN ZpRODUAMY OF THIS FORM ISI FPOMI,RIT[O, IS P.O. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CENTRAL AND PROVINCIAL GOVERI26NTS SEl rxOUicaSSIVE AGRIC'L'flf'JRAL GOALS FOR .951 The Government Administration Council of the Central People's Pepublic has set agricultural and forestry goals for 1951 at 107.1 percent of 1950 production for food, 6.9 percent for cotton. Afforestation goal is set at 2,200,0 mou LI mou is 1/6 acre7. The longer an area has been liberated1the larger is its production quota Iraanzttung provincial authorities have set goals for agricultural production ranging from 5.2 over 1950 for food crops to 47.1 percent increase for cured tobacco. The food crop,ingrrease called for amounts to the equivalent of 5,411,000 tan of rice. fl tan is 133.33 pounds? Irrigation and flood prevention projects to benefit about 20 million mou LL mou equals 1/6 acre7 are called for. Controlled cutting of 50,000 cubic meters of timber, is planned. In Chahar and Suiyuan, 49,million mou of winter wheat have been experimentally planted and 33 million mou were planted ln'the north- west. Areas planted in wheat in North China have been reduced to permit for greater cotton cultivation in 1951. Government seed loans in East and Central China amount to approximately one-fourth the entire amount seed required. Use of improved seeds and seeds treated against disease is encouraged. Improved fertilizers are also being adopted. Thirteen types of Soviet horse-drawn farm machinery, used in soil preparation, planting, cultivating, and harvesting, saved much human labor and reportedly increased yields in the Northeast during 1950. Tobacco culture in Shantung is being revived. In 1950, an acreage of 191,700 shah mou pruAuced 26,317,700 phis chin of tobacco r ehih mou equals 0.1647 acre and 1 ehih chin equals 1.1 pound. CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390013-4 y Tah grain for autumn 1950 is reported nearly all collected in most parts of the country. Kwangsi reports only 20 percent collected. Much damage to tax grain resulting from faulty handling and storage is re- ported from South and Central China. Many millions of catties are in- volved. ICr1ANGTUNG AUTHORITIES SET SPRING PLANTING GOALS -- Canton Nan-fang Jih-pao, 8 Mar. 51 The Kwangtung Provincial Authorities have set agricultural and afforestation goals for 1951 to implement the national goals set by the Government Administrative Council. of the Central People's Republic. In view of the improved military and political conditions in the province, as compared with 1950, a general in- crease in agricultural production can be expected. Comparative goals for 1951 production are as follows: Increase Over 1950 (in *) 5.2 Food crops Sugar cane 18.5 Cured tobacco 47.1 14.8 Hemp 25. Silk 41.2 Rape Work animals 3. The total goal for food production increase in 1951 over 1950, reduced to term3 of paddy rice, is 5,411,000 tan. In the Tung, Hsi, Pei, and Han river valleys, sufficient flood prevention work should be carried out to protect 18,863,923 mou from flooding. In the river valleys of Kwangtung, 623,000 mou should receive similar protection. Small- scale irrigation and drainage projects are planned to benefit a total of 1,570,000 mou. The forestry program calls for protection of the present forests and groves on newly distributed land, new afforestation of 160,000 mou, and the controlled cutting of timber for 50,000 cubic meters of lumber. v6 ~~b j~ Y IAL . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release I ., .. . _. 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390013-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390013-4 I CCN"F ENTIAL WINTER WHEAT BEING TRIED IN NEW AREAS -- Peiping, Jen-min Jih-pao, 18-Dec 50 In Chahar and Sulyuan provinces, 49 million mou of land have been experiment- ally planted to winter wheat during the autumn of 1950. In the Northwest, 33 million mou have been planted to winter wheat. In some of the older winter- wheat-produciug areas of North China, the wheat acreage is less than last year because many farmers expect to plant increased acreages of cotton-in-1951. Wheat seed loans by government agencies for autumn planting in East and Central China have amounted to 180,100,000 catties, a sufficient amount of seed to provide for one fourth of one third of the total need sown in the areas affected. In Pingyuan and Shansi provinces, promotion of improved seeds, such as "No 438" and Pi-yu, has resulted in the sowing of 57 million catties of these seeds. In East China and the Southwest, 9,100,000 cattles of improved seeds have been planted. In all areas, much of the planted seed was treated against disease. Rust-free fertilizers and greater use of fertilizers should considerably iIICrCabr. the tJt.. of ,..inter wheat harvested in 1951. .. - - SOVIET FARM MACHINERY SUCCESSFUL IN NORTHEAST -- Shanghai, Hsin-wen Jih-pao, 18 Dec 50 Mukden, 16 December (Hsin-hua) -- Over 3,300 items, including 13 different types of late-model Soviet horse-drawn farm machinery -- seeding, cultivating, and harvesting implements -- have been successfully employed during 1951 on state-operated farms, agricultural training farms, and by selected mutual-aid groups in Manchuria. The mutual-aid groups using this machinery had the benefit of advice from government technicians. The superior efficiency of Soviet machinery over the old native types was well demonstrated, especially in the matter of deeper and finer cultivation and the saving of manpower In some areas, production per mou was definitely in- creased by the use of the new machinery. TOBACCO CULTURE EXPANDS IN SHANTUNG -- Shanghai, Hsin-wen Jih-pao, 25 Dec 50 Modern tobacco culture in Shantung began in 1912 when British and American tobacco interests found good conditions for it in certain hsiens there. Later, the Japanese entered the field. The record of acreage and production for selected years is as follows: Acreage (shih mou) Production shih chin Year 356 28,000 19 8 123,180 21,400,000 1935 301,614 80,322,800 1941 129,649 15,178,933 1949 144,732 16,524,210 1950 191,700 26,317,700 At present, production is chiefly in 11 hsiens along the Tsinan-Tsingtao railway line. The projected acreage for 1951 is 400,000 shih mou, which, at an estimated 160 shih chin per mou, should yield 64 million shih chin. REVEALS SPOILAGE OF TAX GRAIN -- Peiping, Jen-min Jih-pao, 17 Dec 50 Serious inroads on the tax grain supplies through faulty handling have occurred in a number of places this autumn. The following statistics are illustrative: t'nNra ,0Fi?il9AI VVt~^ 1WIn o~ Y 4678. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390013-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390013-4 1 Kwangsi (yang-shuo Hsien) Eastern Szechwan (Chiang-?ching Hsien) C0HFiD--LjTL Quantity 42 million catties 2 million catties (nearly one fourth of the amount stored) Weevils, sprouting, mildew Large quantities in Mildew various areas remount unspecified] MUCH TAX GRAIN DAMAGED IN CENTRAL AND SOUTH CHINA -?? Hong Kong, Wen-hui Pao, 25 Jan 51 Hankow, 24 January -- Because of rainy weather during the harvest season and the haste urged by the grain tax collection cadres in Central and Southeast China, a great deal of damp grain was put into the grain depots. This grain is now heating and becoming weevil infested. The Military and Administrative Committee of Central and South China has had to issue a directive to all those charged with the care of tax grain warehouses to do their best to get this damaged gain dried out as quickly as possible and give carefur attention to granary ventilation. FARMERS THROUGHOUT NATION TURN IN TAX GRAIN -- Shanghai, Chteh-fang Jih-pao, 17 Dec 50 Peiping, 17 December -- Farmers in Inner Mongolia, the Northwest, and the Southwest have been bringing in their tax grain from autumn crops with alacrity and collection has been practically completed in all these are. . In Central and South China, approximately 70 percent of the autumn tax grain had been turned in by the end of November. In Hunan and Kiangsi, the delivery was entirely finished. In Kwangsi, only 20 percent had been turned in. In Chahar, tax grain deliveries were entirely finished during November. In Hopeh, the people have organized grain protection squads to make sure that there will be no loss of grain to KMC special agents. IAL Sanitized Copy Approved r...... ,. , ..... ...... ..... .. ., .._ , ,,. .. ..k.>.~. for Release 2011/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600390013-4