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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600380787-7 CLASSIFICATION SECRET SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM 1 FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. SUBJECT Economic; Technological -Chemical industry HOW DATE DIST. J~Apr 1951 PUBLISHED Monthly periodical, daily newspapers WHERE PUBL'fSHED' ' Duesseldorf; USSR N0. OF PAGES b DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE DATE OF INFORMATION 195. - 1951 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. INIf DOCYN[Ni CONTAIN/ INTOtYAT10M A//[CTINO TN[ NATIONAL D[/[Mil 0I TMl YMITID tTAT[i NITNIN TNN YtANINO OI [/IIONAOI Att 10 Y. i. C., it AMO ti. Ai AY lMD10. 1Ti 7[AN[NliilOM ON TNt N[yilAT10M 01 1Tf CONTtMTi IM AN1 NANMtt TO AN VNAVTNONIiiO /lNiOM If INO? NlilitD iT LAN. NI/tODYtt10M 0/ TM1i IONN 1i /AONI i1T{D. DEVffi,OP ftEW FERTII.IZERS, GLA83 BRICK, LUMIAESCENT PAIRT gXPERIMLN'P PITH 11E41 FSRTIIAIZSEiS -- Duesseldorf, Chemiache Industrie, fto 8, Aug 50 According to the Russian press, anew fertilizer, "nitragin," hen been developed. It contains root bacteria, which assist the plants in assimilat- ing nitrogen from the air. About 1.5 liters of nitragin per hectare will at least double the crop yield. A 1.5-million-hectare area has recently been irrtilized with this preparation. Besides fertilizers containing potassium, nitrogen, calcium, and phos- phorus, combinations of other elements are being added more and more fre- quently in the case of certain types oY soil and certain plants. For exam- ple, fePtilizera containing boron and manganese are~used for suger'beeta, or copper preparations for peat soil. The importance of using small quantities oY such substances has been rightly appreciated in the USSR. In different areas, ezperimen~e are being carried out with combinations of molybdenum, cobalt, iodine, manganese, copper, zinc, etc., to increase the crop yield by small supplements. According to plea,5.1 million tone of nitrogenous, potassic, and phos- phorous fertilizers are to be put out in 1950, including approximately 1.3 million tone of nitrogenous fertilizer (about 270,000 tons of ft); 1.1 million tone of potassium salts (about 700,000 tons of K20); sad 2.7 million tons of phosphorous fertilizer. It is possible that the actual production is all three groups will be still higher. For a long time, the USSR has been able to export potassium salts, and recently nitrogen compounds have also been supplied to bther~?couatx`ies. Australia may get her import requirements of ammonium sulfate from the U38R in the future. CLASSIFICATION SECREP SE6AET __ STATE ~ NAW NSRB DISTRIBUTION ARMY AIR FBI I 37-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600380787-7 SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600380787-7 ~Fc~F~ DEVELOPS GLASS BRICK, COLORID PLATE GLASS -- Moscow, Vechernyeya Moskva, 30 Jan 51 New light-weight, durable, hollow glass blocks, which can be used succes~- fully in various types of construction work, and high-quality colored plate glees for automobiles, the production of which has now been mechanized in Soviet plants, are examples of the numerous items developed in the laboratories of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Glass, which has contributed much toward the progress of the Soviet glass industry. All the types of glass-forming machines used in the Soviet Union, and most of the forms of glass known to our native technique, have been developed with the assistance of the institute. New, highly effective materials such as fiberglass, fosmglass, stalinite, and others, have been created there. Many workers at the institute have won Stalin prizes. In certain branches of glass technology, Yor example, in the study of glass-forming processes, the institute holds a leading place in the world. Representatives of industrial enterprises and scientific institutions in Moscow and many ether cities are participating is the scientific meeting celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the glass institute; which opened today. It will last for 3 days. SPEIDS UP PRODUCTION OF MIF.ROR GLASS -- Baku, Bakinskiy Rabochiy, 6 Jan 51 The Lvov Glass Plant has developed a new method of speeding up produc- tion of high-quality mirror glees. The method was suggested by the chief of the Main Administration of Technical Glass of the Ministry of Construction Materials Industry. As a result, the productivity of machines has been in- creased and the quality of output greatly improved. Under the old method, the machines had to be stopped after every 100 hours of operation, to be prepared for the next working period. This delay hen been eliminated. Earlier, glass was drawn off by a method which lowered, its quality. This situation too has been corrected. Previously, one machine, could draw only an 18-20 meter length of.5-millimeter glass strip per hour, whereas it now draws 38-40 meters per hour. This glass, as it comes Yrom the machine, is fully suitable for the production of mirror glass. The plant has already put out about 100,000 square meters of first-grade glass by the ner method. Without substantial capital expenditures, plants throughout tti6 country wil]. be able to increase their output more than 30 percent, as a result of this innovation. The method eliminates two labor-consuming and costly opera- tions, grinding and polishing. The production cost of one square meter of mirror glass is almost 20 times less than under'Yormer methods. A glass plant has gone into operation in Chirchik, Tashkent Oblast. It hsa the latest equipment, and is developing a type of window glass made from local raw materials. At the Yarvakandi Yarvakanditekhased Glass and Woodworking Combine, a new method of baking glass has been suggested, whereby the temperature and the bak- iag period wire changed. The n~:w method has improved quality, and cut down defects and breakage during the processing. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600380787-7 r ~ SECRET New methods of laying the patterns which also have been worked out have revolutionized the whole cutting process. Y.t is natr possible to get twice as much first-grade technical and window glass Prom one sheet, and breakage of glass in the process of laying the patterns has been completely eliminated. The chief engineer oP the combine and the foreman of the ceramics shop have developed a new machine for the preparation oP special ceramic clay used 1n molding. This work is now mechanized, treeing 15 men for other opera- tions. All of these innovations will be a source of great savings to the state. Already, a new shop for the production oY ornamental glass has been built at the combine with the funds saved through innovations. Associates at the laboratory workshop for luminescent, decorative paint- ing have developed a palette of the basic, moat widely used luminescent paints. They become luminous under the action of ultraviolet rays, but are not visible in ordinary light. The new luminescent paint is already being used in layouts for advertis- ing, and for theatrical decorations and actors' costumes. ARMENIAN TIRE, M[TI.I,I'1'E PLANTS COMPLEFE PLANS -- Tallin, Sovetskaya Estoniye, 16 Jan 51 The Yerevan Tire Plant completed its 1950 and Five-Year Plans at the end of November 1950. The plant started series production of new-type tires for ZIS-150 trucks in 1950, although this task had been as"signed Yor 1951. The Yerevan N[ullite Plant completed its Five-Year Plan in October 1950, and by the end of 1950 had exceeded it by 48 percent. KAZAKH SSR STEPS UP OU'1'P[lT OF SULFURIC ACID -- Alma-Ata, Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 6 Feb 51 The following figures, issued by the Statistical Administration of Kazakh SSR, indicate the percentage of 1949 production fulfilled in 1950 its Kazakh SSR. Peres. Sulfuric acid 117 Borate 125 Phosphate fertilizers 119 Iron beds 99 Cara, wagons SS Aluminum ware 85 Galvanized ware 166 Crude spirit 120 -3- sECREl' ~~~~~~ -- -- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600380787-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600380787-7 ~. "'1 s~~~~~ Alms-Ata, Kazakhstanakaye Pravda, 24 Jan 51 The following totals were published by the Statistical Administration of Alma-Ata Oblast on the production of various items in the oblast and in the city oP Alma-Ata is 1950: Perce Fulfillment of Produ 1950 Plan (96)' in 19 ntage at 1949 ction Fulfilled 50 Aluminum ware 71 91 Oalvaaized were 74 192 Crude spirit 119 90 Yerevan, Kommunist, 4 Feb 51 The following production figures for Armenian SSR have been released by the Statistical Administration, Armenian SSR: Perce Fu].fillmeat of Produ 1950 Plan (~,) in 19 ntage of 1949 ction Fulfilled 50 Barite 100 109 Calcium carbide 95 90 caustic soar l02 115 Superphosphate 105 130 ~ Cyanamide 93 116 Mullite in blocks 106 95 Aluminum ware 72 145 Moscow, Moskovsksya Pravda, 4 Feb 51 The Moscow City and Moscow Oblast Statistical Administrations give the following totals on percentage fulfillment of 1949 production in 1950 by enterprises in Moscow and Moscow Oblast: Percent Sulfuric acid 114 Synthetic dyes 106 Caustic soda 111 Superphosphate 128 SECREP ~C~~ ~ -..., Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 .CIA-RDP80-00809A000600380787-7