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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600380101-7 1 'COUNTRY SUBJECT HOW WHERE DATE PUBI~SHED ~. IA6FORMATIOH FROM FOREIGN DOCUMEMS OR~RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO CEMt'RAL INTELLIGENCE -AGENCY RED CLASSIFICSITION coxFZnE1~rIAL GOt~F~~ENt~~? Poland Economic Chemical industry Monthly periodical Sosno~+iec Aug 1950 tMro sxrrsn egn~n urrpanor ?rrarnra na ranrra pram' or tra ormo rtam ~~mu Tp r~~p nor oi~iw ar~~ a. a. e.. n. Me sa.1arr usu. m 7rar}r rrnn awnrn ~r ?rr Yuu~ or npiu rMOn u r~ioenrt~ia n wa n~gts g;ur. ~ urroarpn -SOURCE c~AssIFlcAno Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600380101-7 DATE OF INFORMATION 1950 DATE DIST. ~ ~ Feb 1951 N0. OF PAGES k SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION FAIL TO ACffiEVE SULFURIC ACID PLAN _ Work ^.ompetition between the sulfuric acid plants of the 'chemical industry and those o? the Association of Nonferrous Metals to increase production, im- prove quality, and achieve higher productivity has bean active since Aril 1949- The chemical industry's plants held the first three places in to smote ~~ ~gct 194q and the first and second place in the first quarter 1950, os p tes was hot that the over-all production plan for sulfuuic acid and superph pha achieved 100 percent. When the State Economic Plannil~g Commission published a report at the end of 6 months, the crews which exceconferencelof repres~entativessoYpthetinorganic Through their initiative a 2-day . chemical industry was called at Torun. The Torun Conference was preceded by iadivlduel plant conferences at which workers of each plant discussed troductionsinotheirlown planthieve the plan and the possibilities ~?_ increasing p The Torun Conference, which was very succecsfixl, shored natapped reserves which could be released to complete the plan for the second half of 1950, thus permitting the yearly plan to be achieved 100 percent. Sulfuric Acid Plant No I in Katowice had completed its P='ofortthe indu.kry and the workers were surprised to learn that the over-~tpnlan be allowed to had not been completed. It was decided that the plan ductivity of cer- bog down for lack of diF:ipline, carelessness, and the low pro taro crews., ich the plant has no ai3cey:t caa- Disregarding~outside difficulties over ::h trot, such as import of raw materiel and lack of new machiner?'end equipdent, it was decided that the plan could be achieved better and more cheaply with the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600380101-7 .7 ~~~~~"~~~ ~ 1~~, pres~!:* equipments by taking the following steps' (a) raising the index of pro- du=t,ivi+..v, which differs in various plants for the same type of work, as high ss pcs~ibl~; Bbl improving preparation by repair teams and maintenance divisions and ?has i:~c??aeir.._ the productivity of equipment; (c) increasing the productiv- it:/ iad~x of raw materials by economic and efficient handling; (d) increasing vigilance against damage to machines; (e) eliminating completely unjLStiYied ab- sence= :till occurring in some plants; introducinffinnovationsvfromsone planet to acid ?.. superphosphate plants; end (g) B ether plarrts wish the greatest possible speed. I4INOVATIONS CREDITID TO 41ANDER PLAPT HATIOftALIZER Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600380101 In a recent irterview~ Edward Wiatr, a worker at the Wander Plant, member of the Chemical Workers' Union, one of the top rationalizers and shockworkers in izakow, and one of the initiators of work competition, described the innovations he has introduced at the plant. Wistr joined the work competition program on 1 May 1948 as a worker in the pharmaceutical division. AYter achieving limited success, he called oa heads of divisions to join the movement and production contmoredefficiientvoperationsa that his chief aim was to improve quality through His first innovation was a blow-type dryer for drying barium sulfate. The plant had two vacuum dryers capable of producing 500 kilograms of barium sulfate. These dryers were also used for dr;~ing other preparations. Wiatr's new dryer l,as a capacity of 3s000 kilograms of barium sulfate. The vacuum dryers were re- leased for other purposes, thus reducing production costs. His second innovation pertains to hydrochloric acid. In the production of barium sulfate, a certain volume of waste liquid was being washed clown the drain. Wistr took a sample of this liquid for a laboratory test of its chemical composi- tion. :t was found that the liquid contained a 7-percent concentration of hydro- chloric acid which could easily be recovered. The plant now obtains 7,000 kilo- grau!s of hydrochloric acid from one month's production of barium sulfate. His third innovation is in connection with the dryer, for which the pleat's boiler could not produce the required volume of steam. When the plant started production of "garbon,",a preparation for tanning leather, it had difficulties because garbon loses 5 percent of its efficiency if dried in the cold. Wietr utilized the hot water collected in the hotdwatienr j~ would osto200h000 zlotys denser for drying the garbon. An ordinary ry B to build, but Wiatr and his colleagues huilt one from material on hand at no cyst to the plant. The plant is now utilizing the heat to dry the garbon and otter products such as "tanalbiae." Wiatr usually exceeds the norms. Using the same equipment, he exceeded the norm of 3 kilograms of "aluzal" per hour and gradually increased his output to 7 kilograms per hour or 151 percent of the norm. He obtained the T heo~e~atison barium sulfate. He exceeded the original norm of 5 kilograms pe now producing 8.50 kilograms per hour or 156 percent of the nom. The mater cf pram}ums has been very badly~Ohanlotds fromatheedirectors~fi ciency in t!a:ium production, Wiatr received 5, Y fund. For separating the hydrochloric acid and for the dryer, he ~s000tzlot s ceived a premium to date. 'He was originally awarded a premium of 49, Y ~ later cut to 24,000 zlotys, but to date he has receivedjnon~^of oh^"roonty. Wiatr matter has been delayed since January and nothiii$ i.c uoa...~y ......- -____ _ _ . fceis.that since tk:.:~ factory has derived great benefits and savings from his Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600380101-7 r '~ innovations he should receive the premiums due him. This state of affairs is a poor example for others who might be interested in improving the efficiency of the plar.*_. The recovered hydrochloric acid which at first was being utilized by the Eomanowicz? Plant ;= accumulating and is nut being utilized. The Romanowicz Plant n.~w rF3uires s lORpercent acid and is no longer interested. The supply of r.he re:overe3 acid, of which there is new 15 tons, is constantly increasing. 7t. ~~ hiah tim= *hst someone looked into the matter. ThF edi*_o= of Pracownik Chemiczny would also '_ike to know who has buried Wia*?~~ ir..:ovsticns and premiums, and why nothing is being done. He would like +.o know what dimensions the supply of hydrochloric acid must reach before the Associated Pharmaceutical Plants become interested and distribute it to those whc; need it and who; like Wiatr, are fighting to achieve the Six-Year plan. CHEMICAL pLAPTS pi~DGE INCREASES, SApIlQGS,,. +n Rnr~nik PTZBIRVSlu Od- ThP various divisions of Czarun Willa La......-~--o -- ------- - rodzone Polski (Polish Industrial Yearbook), Czarna Huta produces activated lampblack in Tarnowskie Gory pledged additional production valued at 129,140 zlotys calculated at base year prices. Pawel Pietryka, a turner who ~dsed to railroad track screws one inch in diame.ier and 160 millimeters long, p 8 make 55 instead of k0; his usual ou;,put in an 8-hour day. The workers of Plant Z of the Slask Dabrowski Phosphorus Plant pledged as increase iu the daily production of superphosphate from nine to ten chamberfuls by a systematic utilization of innovations and a further shortening of produc- tion cycle. They also pledged to reduce production costs to such an extent as to make their product the cheapest in the industry. The technical engineer and the innovators pledged to mec'nanize partially the loading of raw materials, to organize special brigades to guard against damage in the diluting room, to eliminate manually operated trucks in transport- ing material t?o the packing room and adopt the use of storage battery carts, to consume less raw material in the production of superphosphate then any other plant and at the same time comply with the technical quality ,norms by a system- atic control and inspection of technological processes. The packing crew pledged to pack en additional 40,000 bags, or 2,000 tons of superphosphate to hasten the scheduled consignments of fertilizer for the fall program. The following divisions of the Azot fiitrogen Plant in Chorzow also pledged their cooperation ss followe. The analytical laboratory pledged to save 60,000 zlotys in the next quar- ter by care in the use of glass equipment and chemicals. The conveyor crew, Skwarzynski and Semba, pledged to work singly instead of in twos Crane operators in he furnace room pledged to work in pairs instead of in trsees .. Crew t of. the carbide furnace in the calcium carbide plant pledged to re- r,~ir --hP i,zrnace in half the usual time. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600380101-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600380101-7 The ML Division of the Research, Laboratory pledged to economize in the use of raw materials, chemicals, and auxiliary materials? to exercise care in the use of equipment effecting a saving i^_ time and costs of 5 percent in labora- tory glass Fquipm=_n:, and 2 percent in electrical equipment and metal parts. A brigade of ?he ~itrst.e Division pledge3 to reduce waste in potassium salt, K~O, by o-^-e D?rCe:!t as ~omp~rod to Augus+... Th= :A; Division pledged to speet~ up the repair of the air compressor by 6 days 3D~7 '. h= o>:ygen compressor by L days. T?:~- Electrical Division agreed t~ adopt the high.=speed method on the ma- chines in the shop and to make transport more efficient by using carts of their own proiucti~n. NEW TARGETSy PRODU~S F'CR CHEMICAL INDUSTRY The Six.=Year Plan foresees great development. for the chemical industry. _ v,,,q,,.. v..;o...~tri nnA in KPdzierzvII existin? plants 1II LWCry Lt'Hi. Vowici. iiu, i.u uiv...... ....~,.----a --- ___ ___ _ _ will be expanded and new plants built. Production of soda will increase 178 perc:n+, ever 14!+9 production and production of pigments will increase twofold. Nitrogen content in fertilizers will be increased fourfold and phosphorus con- tent 2..5 percent. Production of insecticides will increase ninefold and production of phar- maceuti.cals eightfold. The value of the rubber industry?s production and the production of synthetics will increase 2~+3 percent, with an increase of 78 per- cent in industrial employment. Production of tires will increase fourfold, and tractor tine production will increase to 56 percent of the over-ell production of the rubber industry. Rayon cord will also be used to a great extent in the manufacture of tires. Production will be modernized by adopting automatic mixers, universal calend?rs, high-speed extrusion, and automatic vul- canizing presses. The fire plant will be expanded and a new reclaimed rubber plant will be built. Production of sulfite cellulose from pine wood will be greatly increased and a viscose plant will be activated. The sulfite plant will be completed within ttie Six=Year PLan, two peper an3 cellulose combines and a viscose plant will be activated, a cellulose bleach plant will be rebuilt and a straw cellu- lose and newsprint. plant will be activated. Technological processes and menu-. factoring equipment will be modernized, Obsolete machinery will be gradually replaced with modern machines. Two new electrical porcelain and acid-resistant-cla~?.,roducts factories will be built in the 6-year period. Two new glassware plants, one laminated? glass plant, ati^_ one glass fiber plant will be activated. Production of con- struction glassy glass fiber, laminated glassy and special stained glass not manufactured to date will be activated. Automatic production of glass bottles will be introduced. 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600380101-7 . ~~~fFiD~f~TlAL