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Publication Date: 
January 22, 1951
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600370499-8 1 COUNTRY SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO ~ i. .~ CLASSIFICATION SECRET ~rV~,~ I ' Economic - Mining, metallurgy Daily newspapers USSR 12 Oct - 8 Dec 1950 TMIf DOCV N[MT COMTAINf iN-ONNATON AT7tCTIMI TN[ NA710MAL Dt/tNit 01 TNl YNInD ITAT[t ?ITNIN TN[ YGNINI 0/ tlt100A1[ ACT 10 Y. f. C., fl AMO ft.M AN[NOtO. ih iNANtY Iff10M ON TMf N[Y[LA7ION Ot ITf CONT[MTf IN ANT NMM[N TD AN YNAY7N011[[D ~lR[ON It -NO? NIl1TlD t1 LAt. l[tNODY CTION 0Y iNlf tONN I/ 7NONIf1Tl D. DATE OF INFORMATION DATE DIST. ~~Jan 1951 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. .'-lINIf~, ME`Pr.LLURGY JOBS ADVEf?TI?~; SCRAP EDICT ISSUED '~ ""' METALLURGY WORKERS RECRUITED -- Kishinev, Sovetskaya Moldaviya, 26 Nov 50 The Minsk Oblast Office of Organized Worker Recruitment is recruiting workers for enterprises of the Ministries of the Heavy, Metallurgical, and Timber and Paper Industries in the cities of Leningrad and Serov, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Zashchita Station, Altay Kray, and in the Karelo-Finnish SSR. For, information; apply: in the rayons of Minsk Oblast -- at the rayon representa- tive oP the Office of Organized Worker Recruitment, rayon executive commit- tees; and in the city of Minsk -- ulitsa Vokzal'naya, 11; Torfyanov pereulok, 1-s; Minsk Sel'akiy Rayen Executive Committee; and ploshchad' Svobody, 12~ Rm 105. MINE ENGINEER POSITIONS OPEN -- Alma-Ata, Kazakhstanekaya Pravda, 24, 25 Nov 50 The following are needed for work in the North on a contract basis: mine engineers and technicians, including those in mine exploitation, planning, work-standard setting, surveying, concentration, drilling, and electromechanics; geological engineers and technicians, mineralogists, paleontologists, .arid construction engineers. Apply: Alma-Ata, ulitsa Kalinina, 87, corner of uli- tsa Chaykovskogo. Vil'nyus, Sovetskaya Litva, 25 Nov, 8 Dec 50 The following are needed for work in the field on a contract bas#s: mine engineers and technicians; geological, construction, hydraulic engineering, highway, and sanitation engineers and technicians. Apply: Vil'~yus, ulitsa Yanonio, 2 (formerly Kafedral'nesa plc,ehchad') on Wednesdays and Fridays frgm 1700 to 2000, and on other days apply during the same hours by telephone 2-18- 71, extension 11: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600370499-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600370499-8 1 S~'T METAL PROSPECTING TRAINING OFFERED "- Alma-Ata, Kazakhstanskeya Pravda, 15 Nov 50 The "ICazme'tallopromrazvOdlc~" (Kazakh Metal Industry Prospecting) Trust is recruiting students to take courses which trainpersonnelrDepartmente wAlma- secondary education will be accepted. Apply: Ata, ulitea Proletarskaya, 90. NEEDS FERROUS METALS PLANNER -- Tallin, Sovetskaya Estoniya, 18 Oct 50 A planning economist in ferrous metals is urgently needed, preferably knowing both Russian and Estonian. Apply: "Glavmetallosbyt" (Main Admin- istration of Metal Sales), Tallin, Suur Kar'y-s, 3d floor. MOSCOW PIPE PLANT NEEDS WORKERS -- Moscow, Vechernyeya Moskva, 19 Oct 50 The Moscow Pipe Plant needs the following workers: lathe operators, construction workers; shop workers, electric welders, plumbers, freight handlers, stokers, electricianspersonnelsDepartmentraMoscow,rFiliicles on railroad roadbeds. Apply: SCRAP OFFICE HAS JOBS -- Riga, Sovetskaya Latviys, 20 Oct 50 The Riga Automobile Transport Shop of "Glavvtormet" (Main Administra- tion of Procurement and Sale of Scrap 'Metal) needs auto mechanics, fitters, tractor drivers, crane operators, drivers, and 'freight handlers for auto- mobile transport. Apply: Riga, Moskovskaya ulitea, 128. Sovetskaya Latviya, 29 Nov 50 The "Riga Glavvtormet" Office (Riga, ulitea Miyesniyeku, 1, 2d floor) needs the following wor~sera: mechanical engineer, senior automnobile mechanic work-standard-setting engineer, technicians in the fields of spare parts, rubber, and fuel, and garage dispatcher. Apply at the Personnel Department. Also needed are automobile mechanics, electric Welder, radiator anRiBarbM s- for mechanics, drivers, and automobile freight handlers. Apply: , kovskaya ulitea, 128, "Glavvtcrmet" garage. WARNING ISSUID ON SCRAP -- Vil'nyus, Sovetskaya Litva, 12 Oct, 12 Rov 50 "Glawtormet" of the Ministry c~f the Metallurgical Industry USSR warns all directors of enterprises and organizations that those guilty of sending metal scrap and waste products to dumps or of mining metal scrap and wastes with rubbish in enterprises or organizations will be held criminally rec*~on- sible. "Gl,B.rotormet" issues ~ this warning on .he, basis of Decree No 29_..i of the Council of Ministers USSR of 18 J~IY 1950? SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600370499-8