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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360852-6 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL ~ONFIDENT~AL INFOF2MATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. iX13 OOCVY[NT CONTAINS IX IOpYAT10N Aif[CtINO TNt NATIONAL Ot1[M]t 01 TNR UNIT[D fTAT[f NITNIM TNt N[A NINO Of [7110 NAO[ ACT t0 V. S. C., f 1 AND ti, At AY[N D[D. I/! TN AN7 NI7fI0N Op TN[ RtY[LATION Of ITf CONT[NTf IN ANT YANN[R TO AM UNAVTNORI7[D 1[RlON If INO? NI pITtD tT LAN. N[IRODV CTION 01 iNlt TORY If IRONIpI Tt D. DATE OF INFORMATION 1950 DATE DIST. / ~- Dec 1950 NO. OF PAGES 4 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION KwaRgtung?s land reform program will be spread over 3 years. It will be carried out in only three hsiens and certain special administrative districts in Cadres are warned against collusion with landlords. All people have a duty to report sabotage of the program. Consciousness of individual responsibility for preservation of crops, promotion of seed selection, deeper. plowing, and 20- percent expansion of area under cotton in 1951 are urged by the Central government. Farmers in East and Central China are criticized by authori- ties for extravagence in spending of income from 1950 crops. Agri- cultural leadership cadres in Shantung are criticized by people for lack of interest in their responsibilities. The Shantung Branch of the People's Hank will make autumn agricultural loansp largely in cash at one percent per month interest. Trading companies in Chekiang have organized buying up fall crops and distributing consumers'goods. Present renters who plant winter crops are assured they will not lose investment when laud gets new owners in land-reform program. Short-term schools for training agricultural workers in the Northeast increase from Your to ten and pupils from 81 to 1,812. KWANGTUNG ISSUES ORDERS ON LAND REFORM -- Hong Kong, Wea-hui Pao, 28 Oct 50 Canton, 27 October 1950 -- Since Kwangtung is a newly liberated area the land-reform program in Kwangtung Province will be spread over a 3-year period. Three hsiens and certain special administrative districts will be selected for carrying out the program this winter. The provincial authorities have issued the following iastructians to guide local administrators: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360852-6 COUNTRY China SUBJECT Economic - Agriculture HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED China DATE PUBLISHED 1 Sep - 28 Oct 1950 LANGUAGE Chinese Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360852-6 ~ONFI~~~~'~~~! 1. All cadres and military personnel in areas where land reform is pro- ceeding should meticulously observe the provisions of the land-reform law. Any attempts on the part of landlords to obstruct the program or violate the pro- visions of the law shall be promptly and severely punished. No person shall enter into collusion with landlords to hide property or accept bribes for ne- farious purposes. Violators of this order shall be prosecuted. 2. In areas outside the hsiens where the land-reform program is being carried out, the rent-reduction and production movements should be promoted, together with bandit suppression, special agent elimination, and opposition to evil landlords. There should be strengthening of basic governmental struc- ture and promotion of all people's organizations, including the armed parti- sans groups, in preparation for the land reform to be carried fonaard during next 2 years. 3. Whether in land-reform areas or in other areas, all revolutionary progressive programs should be combined with rehabilitation and expansion of production. Care should be taken to preserve industry and commerce, the income of the workers, the principle of securing the crop to the planter, ownership of land, the privilege of hiring labor, mutual bargaining over wages, and free borrowing with repayment assured and interest rates decided by mgolr~e~magnt of parties concerned. Landlords should be prohibited from selling, ing, or giving away land, slaughter of, felling of trees, or destruc- tion of farming equipment or crops. Violators should be vigorously prosecuted. 4. Everyone has the duty of reporting all forms of sabotage and attempts to create disorder. It is hoped that all the people in the province will con- form to these regulations to assure the success of this historic reform. ADM[NISTRATIVE COUNCIL ISSUES ORDER ON AUTUMN AGRICULTURE -- Tsinan, Ta-chung Jih~pao, 1 Sep 50 Peiping, 30 August 1950 (Hain-hua).-- The main points of .a directive of the Finance and Economic Committee of the Administration Council of the Peo- ple s Government of China with regard to care of the autumn harvest and plant- ing of winter crops are as followsa 1, promote public consciousness of the people's responsibility for pre- servation of the fruits of their labors. Continue elimination of the operations of special agents with a goal of delivering the agricultural population from all losses from such sources. 2. Continue and intensify the seed selection movement. 3. Promote speed and depth in autumn planting. 4. Although expansion of winter wheat planting is being urged, land should not be planted to wheat to the exclusion of the plan for expanding cotton planting for 1951? A 2U-percent expansion is planned. Wheat seed should be selected and given treatment to destroy deleterious plant disease bacteria before planting. On land where certain plant diseases have been prevalent for some time there should be a rotation of crops not affected by such disease. 5. There should be a greater effort to improve the leadership in carrying out the agricultural program. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360852-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360852-6 coNFIDENTIAL 50X1-H U M PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENTS URGE AUSTERITY ON PEASANTS -= Hong Kong, Wen-hui Pao, 25 oct 50 Peiping, 24 October 1950 (Hsin-hua) -- The authorities of Fukien, Hupeh, South Kiangsu, and South Anhwei are in the midst of an educational campaign among the peasants of these provinces to promote better attention to produc- tion and austerity. The campaign is occasioned by reports that since the recent harvest of a bumper crop some of the farmers have been squandering their income on super- stitious worship of the gods, gambling, and extravagant gastronomical excesses. In one area the people, though ordinarily in poor circumstances, bought so much fish that the price of this commodity rose 40 percent in 10 days. In a number of countries in Shantung Province the leadership has failed to pay attention to the problems of the farmers in carrying out promptly the autumn harvest and autumn planting program. In some areas there is a shortage of work animals which the authorities have failed to take notice of and find a solution for. Cadres are asleep and do not regard a Yew days? delay in farming operations as important. In some areas there are many families of cripples, widows, and other folk who cannot hRTVP. (i~: fnr th@lIl?@1VfF, The CAdreB h9Ve npt Cf1TICeT'1'led themRe lVPa with ht+l p_ ing these people. The autumn agricultural loans of the Shantung Branch of the People's Bank for 1950 will be mainly in cash, but certain amounts of grain, fertilizer, and insecticides-will be loaned in kind. The bank insists that local authorities should carefully investigate and apportion the loans according to the local needs, with regard to topography, soil fertility, prevalence of crop pests, etc. The cooperatives should play an important part in the handling of the loans., The interest rate will be one percent one month. The various financial and trade agencies of Chekiang Province have or- ganized to buy up the fall crops sad supply the consumers' goods the farmers will be able to purchase with their crop income. Both public and private capital sad agencies are involved, and the consumer cooperatives will be mo- bilized to help iu the collection of crops and distribution of goods. There are 350,000 piculs of cotton, 60,000 piculs of hemp, and 45,0000 piculs of autumn silk cocoons to be handled in the province. INSTRUCTION ON PLANTING DURING LAND REFORM -- Chekiang Jih-pao, 19 Sep 50 To protect the interests of the farmers during the period of land re- form the East China Military and Administrative Committee has issued the following instructions: COI~~B~7~~1~~~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360852-6 ~0~~~~~~~I~L Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360852-6 ~io~F~~~~~~~~ 1. In the areas where land reform is to be carried out this winter, under the general policy that the cultivator should reap the fruits of his labors, present planters shall determine by consultation with those who re- ceive new title to the land as to the division of expense and income, or the new owner shall reimburse the planter for all of his costs of seed, labor, and fertilizer in .putting in the winter crop. 2. In areas where land reform is not being carried out this winter, rent reduction shall be thoroughly carried out, landlords shall carry out the reduction according to the law. Opposition by landlords shall not be permitted. After the legal reductions have been made, the people should pay their rents in accord with the law. SHORT-COURSE SCHOOIS PROSPER -= Hong Koag, Wen-hui Pao, 24 Oct 50 Mukden, 23 October 1950 (Hsin-hua) -- Short-term schools in Manchuria for the preparation of intelligent industrial and agricultural technicians have rapidly expanded from four tc ten, and the number of students from 81 to 1,812. The students in these schools are more serious minded and harder xork- ing than those in the ordinary middle schools. The chief courses are na- tional language and arithmetic.. Many students who, when they entered school, could not write a halting composition of more than 200 or 300 characters, can naw write a very lucid one of 70o nr 8nn characters. Others who had no know- ledge of arithmetic on entering school now perform the four basic operations. Both teachers and students are confident they can easily finish the re- quired work in the 3 years allotted for the course. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360852-6