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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360450-2 ~ CLASSIFICATION SECRET SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. SUBJECT Economic; Technological - Chemical industry, drugs HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers; monthly periodical PUBLISHED 15 Aug - Sep 1950 LANGUAGE Russian; German TNIS OODUY[NT CONTAINS IN IO RYATON A/YED11Ni TN[ NATIONAL D[YlN3t Of TN[ UNIT[D !?AT[S MITNIN iN[ Y[ANINO OR [S IIO NAi[ ACT NO U. S. C., !I AND Si, A! AY{NO [O. IfS TRANSYI!lION OR TN[ p[Y[LATIDN O! ITS CO NT[Ni! IN ANT YANN[R TO AN UNA UTNORI[IO ItR30N If IRO? NI [IT[0 !T LAM. R[IROOUOTION Of TNI! TORY IS IpONI RIT[O. DATE OF INFORMATION 195G DATE DIST. Oy Nov 1950 N0. OF PAGES 3 Sl1PPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. SOURCE Newspapers and periodical as indicated. REPEAT REQUEST FOR 1951 CHEMICA.T, REQUIREMENTS; WILL PRODUCE AN 1vnERCU1.OSIS DRUG SELL REAGENTS, OTHER CHEMICALS -- Tashkent, Pravda Vostoka, 15 Aug 50 The, Tashkent Chemical Reagent Base and wholesale-retail stores of Soyuzreak- tivabyt announce to e11 consumers that they have a large variety of reagents for organic and inorganic compounds, acids, alkalies, and solvents. They are supplied by annual statement or individual requirement. Stores are taking orders for parcel post delivery. Address: Base: No 78, Ulitsa K. Tsetkin, Tashkent; Store No 1: No 23, Uzbekistanskaya Ulitsa, Tashkent; Store No 2: No 60, Ulitsa T. Shevchenko, Alma-Ata. -- Advertisement TO PRODUCE DRUG FOR TUBERCULOSIS -- Dusseldord, Chemische Induetrie, Sep 50 The Soviet Union will put out large quantities of parsaminosalicylic acid under the name "Pask," for treating tuberculosis. STATE NAVY ARMY AIR sECREr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360450-2 EXTENDS DATE FOR ACCEPTING STATEMENTS -- Vil'nyus, Sovetskaya Litva, 16 Aug 50 The Riga Chemical Reagent Base, Soyuzreaktivabyt (Union Reagent Sales), of the Ministry of Chemical Industry USSR announces to consumers of chemical re- agents that the term for accepting statements on chemical reagents for 1951 ex- Special albums and price lists are furnished upon request at 4 rubles per copy. Inquiries ~n prices and statements on chemical reagents should be directed to 25 Komsomol'ska a Nabe zhnaya, Riga, telephone 2-24-52 and 2-83-45. -- Adver- tisement Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360450-2 ~'ECRET SECRET MOSCOW, LENINGRAD CHEMICAL PLANTS COMPETE -- Moscow, Vechernyaya Moskva, 17 Aug 50 Competition between the leading chemical enterprises in Moscow and Leningrad is becoming wider in scope day by day, Many thousand workers of all trades and professions are participating in the cooperative project, Competition between the Moscow Kauchuk Plant and the Leningrad Industrial Rubber Products Plant is of particularly wide scope. They have pledged to?complete their annual plan by 5 December, and are systematically exchanging production ex- periences. Individual production charts were worked out at the Kauchuk Plant at the suggestion of the Leningrad engineers. Both plants have converted to pressure casting on a large scale, and have begun mechanization of vulcanization the press shops. The Moscow Dorogomilovskiy Plant imeni M. V. Frunze and the Leningrad Okhtinskiy Chemical Combine are also competing. They have established close production ties and mutual assistance programs. For 2 weeks s delegation Prom the Okhtinakiy Plant has been visiting the Moscow plant. Both enterprises have begun to draw up contracts between shops and individual workers. PRODUCE NEW DYES FOR TEXTILE INDUSTRY -- L?eningradskaya Pravda, 18 Aug 50 In the course of their visit to the Moscow Dorogomilovskiy Plant imeni M, V. Frunze, representatives of the Okhtinakiy Chemical Combine have become familiar with the experiences of the Moscow Plant and have told about their own achieve- ments in the production of e%i:eiient semifabricated goods and new types of dyes for the textile industry. HITS SUSPENSION OF PHYTOSTEROL PRODUCTION -- Petrozavodsk, Leninskoye Znamya, 15 Aug 50 Academician 0. Podvysotskaye recently published in the weekly newspaper Medit- ainskiy Rabotnik an article on a new ointment made on a phytosterol base. Phytos- terol is a chemical which serves as the base for various important medical prepara- tions, The new ointment tested in hundreds of cases, has shown definite healing properties in curing such serious diseases as psoriasis, Podvysotskaya's clinic and the Leningrad Industrial Timber Academy are getting large numbers of inquiries about this ointment, although the pharmaceutical administrations do not have it as yet, Last year the Segezh Cellulose-Paper Combine started to manufacture phytos- terol from ~.-aste cellulose products. However, production was suspended because the combine could not come to terms with the medical industry, which must use phy- tosterol as a raw material for its medical preparations. This is an insane situ- ation. The Segezh workers, in collaboration with the Industrial Timber Academy imeni S. M, Kirov, should perfect the technology of production, and put out as much high-quality phytosterol as possible. SELL DRUGS WITBOUT DOCTORS' PRESCRIPTIONS -- Moscow, Vechernyaya Moskva, 17 Aug 50 Moscow drugstores are selling the following items without doctors'?prescrip- tions: 1. "Gidroperit" in tablets, Contains 30-35 percent hydrogen peroxide. For use as a disinfectant. Glavmedprom (Main Administration of the Medical Industry), Moscow Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360450-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360450-2 SECRET 2. Ferrohematogen. A blood preparation containing iron. Used as a tonic. Glavmyaso (Main Administration of the Meat Industry), Leningrad Meat Combine imeni S. M. Kirov. 3. Glycerophosphate granules, A phosphorus and calcium preparation, neces- sary for both adults and children. Contents; calcium glycerophosphate, 10 parts; sodium glycerophosphate, 2 parts; sugar, 88 parts. Ministry of Health USSR, Glavmedprom, Riga Pharmaceutical Plant No 3. 4. Atophan, Used for gout. Moscow City Drug Administration. -- Advertisement 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360450-2