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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360326-0 CLASSIFICATION SECRET SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY USSR; Baku SUBJECT Economic; Technological - Automobile industry HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers DATE,OF INFORMATION 1950 DATE DIST. 16 Nov 1950 WHERE PUBLISHED' USSR NO. OF PAGES 3 DATE PUBLISHED 10 - 25 Aug 1950 LANGUAGE Russian SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS IN TOR NATION APPECTINS THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF ESPIONAGE ACT SO U.S. C.. SI AND SZ.AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OS ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- HISITED ST LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. ORDER DILAPIDATED FOREIGN CARS OFF BAKU STREETS; ASK MORE COMPRESSED-GAS SERVICE STATIONS During the last few years, the city of Baku has acquired a consider- able number of Soviet-made cars which enhance the beauty of the city. How- ever, there are still a number of old, dilapidated vehicles in circulation which cause traffic jams and accidents. For this reason the Executive Committee of .he Baku City Soviet has decided to prohibit the operation of certain automobiles within Baku and its environs, the decree to go into effect 20 August 1950. Models ruled off the streets include the Opel, Adler, Ford, DKW, Praha, Hanomag, Willys, 3/4 LEon! Dodge, the Fiat, and Soviet automobiles, the appearance of which is unsightly. HIT INADEQUATE STORAGE, SERVICE FACILITIES -- Moscow, Pravda, 25 Aug 50 A gas-cylinder truck, operating on local rUkrainia 7 natural, petroleum, and industrial gases, saves up to 12 tons of gasoline annually. In Stalino Oblast, there are many cheap gases available in the form of industrial waste r.aterials. However, gas-cylinder trucks are operated largely on gasoline rather than gas. This is the fault of the Ministry of Motor Trans- port and its Ukravtogaz (Ukrainian Automobile Gas) Trust. The gas filling stations of Ukravtogaz have not made the necessary prep- arations for servicing the growing number of gas-cylinder trucks. They do not supply even half the vehicles with flask gas. Frequently, these stations cease to operate entirely because of technical difficulties. For instance, last year the Mxkeyevka station did not fill gas-fueled trucks for more than 40 days. I-Ls lack of adequate containers for storing the compressed gas ac- counts for the fact that vehicles must wait for hours before they are filled. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360326-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360326-0 SECRET A single filling of low-caloried coke gas is enough to run a truck 100 kilometers. At very little cost, the gas can be enriched and the run increased by half, but the ministry is paying no attention at all to this problem. On the contrary, Deputy Minister Khablo has ordered that impure coke gas be used instead, which can only lead to a premature breakdown of the gas apparatus. Serious criticism must also be directed at the Ministry of Auto- mobile and Tractor Industry USSR, which is not releasing spare parts for the gas-generator cars. Moreover, the ministry ignores the opinion of truck park employees who point out substantial shortcomings in the de- sign of compressed-gas trucks. It is time to give serious attention to the use of gas-cylinder trucks. It is a matter of great importance. -- K. Chernovolot, engineer MINISTER NOTES SHORTCOMINGS IN MINSK PIJU;P -- Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, 18 Aug 50 At a joint meeting of party and management personnel held on 1 August in the Minsk Tractor Plant, the report of the Minister of Automobile and Tractor Industry USSR regarding the construction and operation of the plant was discussed. In his report, the minister pointed to the necessity of pushing the construction of the iron casting and tractor shops and the improvement of conditions in the living area as welJ as in a number of shops. He cited examples of inefficiency in the repair and. casting, tool, diesel, and other shops. He dwelt on the importance of producing several hundred tractors bearing the Minsk label by the end of this year. Director Suslov recognized the justice of the criticism of staff and party members and expressed confidence that the current shortcomings would be eliminated in the immediate future. The Moscow Low-Power Automobile Plant guarantees to its consumers that any troubles appearing in a Moskvich car will be immediately re- paired upon request. A Moskvich, No MK-20-66, owned by Uchpedgiz (State Pedagogical Press) has already been sent three times for repairs after a run of only 5,114 kilometers. Each time the car has come back with an unrepaired oil leak. The plant will not permit a customer to be present during the repairs. The plant's "guarantee" is more in the nature of an insult. -- M. Khod'ko, driver A driver of a ZIS-5 truck has accomplished, through careful preven- tive maintenance, a 241,000-kilometer run of his vehicle without resort- ing to capital repairs. He hopes to bring up his achievement to the 300,000-kilometer mark. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360326-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360326-0 1 TALLIN OPENS STORE -- Tallin, Sovetskaya Estoniya, 10 Aug 50 Tallin is opening a store for the sale of automobiles. It will sell low-power Moskviches, Pobedas, motorcycles, and bicycles. It will also carry spare parts for the automobiles. In addition, the store will have a shop for the repair of cars and motorcycles. IRKUTSK WORKERS DRIVE POBEDAS, MOSKVICHES ?-- Vechernyaya Moskva, 17 Aug 50 More than 200 workers in the city and oblast of Irkutsk acquired Pobeda and Moskvich cars this year. OFFERS MOSKVICH CONVERTIBLES -- Tbilisi, Zarya Vostoka, 10 Aug 50 The Georgian SSR office of Glavavtotraktorosbyt has just received 110 Moskvich convertibles for popular sale. MINERS BUY ..JTOMOBILES -- Moscow, Trud, 11 Aug 50 At the Dzheskazgan mine, more than 30 workers, engineers, and tech- nici:.ns acquired Moskvich and Pobeda cars last month. Moscow, Komsomol'skaya Pavda, 22 Aug 50 Many Karaganda miners have their own automobiles and motorcycles. Workers of mine No 50-52 of the Molotovugol' Trust, alone, have acquired this year 18 automobiles, 70 motorcycles, and more. than 300 bicycles. HELP WANTED -- Vechernyaya Moskva, 22 Aug 50 Glavmotovelprom (Main Administration of the Motorcycle and Bicycle Industry) requires the following personnel for its peripheral plants: chief plant accountant, chief of labor division, engineer in nonferrous metal casting as chief of casting shop, chief technologist, tool shop chief (engineer), machine shop chief (engineer), power station chief (electrical engineer), technologists in cold working of metals (engi- neers), construction engineer. Quarters provided. Apply at Neglinnaya, No 23, 2d floor, Room 203. Telephone K 0-19-00 -- Advertisement -3- SECRET SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360326-0