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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360324-2 1 DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE SECRET 70 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. USSR Economic; Technological - Agricultural-machine building Daily newspapers USSR 9 - 22 Aug 1950 TEIS DOCOMIIT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING Till NATIONAL DEFERS! Of THE UNITED STATES WITHIN TWO MEANING C! SSPIORASI ACT ER N. S.. C.. ST AND !E. AS AMENDED. ITS TAAIINMISOOS ON THE NETOLATIOS OP ITS CONTESTS IN ART MANNER TO AD UNALTMOOIIEO PERSON IS PlO? NISITED ST LAW. 2EPS000CTIER OF THIN PORK IS PROHIBITED. DATE OF INFORMATION 1950 DATE DIST. / , Nov 1950 NO. OF PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. WASHER SHORTAGE STALLS PLOW, CULTIVATOR OUTPUT; MISSING BOLTS STOP MACHINE TOOLS RED TAPE IN MINISTRY STALLS PLANT'S OUTPUT -- Moscow, Pravda, 22 Aug 50 The desk of Director Solomentsev of the Chelyabinsk Agricultural-Machine Building Plant is piled with letters and telegrams from all corners of the USSR -- the Ukraine, Tambov, Kishinev, etc. They all clamor for the delivery of plows and cultivators. The plant is not meeting its production schedule. In the first half of the year, its total output showed a deficit of 2,500 cultivators, 500 plows,'and several hundred thousand rubles' worth of spare parts. At Vle last staff meeting, Solomentsev spoke at length of the inefficiency pre- vailing in certain shops. The press forging and tool-making shops were not up to par. Ths production of hardware was lagging. Rejects were causing great losses. However, he only touched on-the crux of. the problem, namely, the ill-starred spring washer. This simple. little item, weighing only 6 grams, is responsible for the entire backlog. Every cultivator requires 377 such washers and every plow, 170; but the washers are not made in Chelyabinsk, they axwlbimportbd from all parts of the USSR -- Leningrad, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Tashkent, etc. As a rule, they are not available when needed. During the first 6 months of this year, 'the p lint dispatched 76 telegrams and letters to the Ministry of Agricultural Machine 'Building, Glavsnabsel'mash (Main Administration of Agricultural Machine Supplies), and various slants, requesting that the deliveries of washers be expedited, that,they be sent by plane, in what- ever condition they might be. The plant would assume the cost of transport, temp- ering, and other responsibilities connected with their shipment. In consequence, the plant spends twice as much as it should on this item. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360324-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360324-2 1 The washer is a vezy )rdinary product, and any automatic could turn out in a few days enough washers to cover the plant's needs. But all of the plant's ex- hortations fall on deaf ears within the ministry. The latter has shown complete lack of interest e=ther in insuring an adequate supply of washers or installing an automatic in the plant. It does not even trouble to answer the letters. Moreover, the plant receives hundreds of tons of different types of metals, but ie unable to get a few dozen tons of the type that is essential to its pro- duction. As a result, its premises are stocked with metal, but it ie unable to assemble any machines. It is time to put an end to the planlessness, red tape, and bureaucracy in the Ministry of Agricultural-Machine Building. -- Sitov, Pravda correspondent. PLANT LAGS -- Yerevan, !Communist, 16 Aug 50 The Echmiadzin Machinery Plant is the only enterprise in the Ministry of Local Industry Armenian SSR which produces plows, harrows, and other implements for the republic's kolkhozes. This plant invariably fails to meet its norms. It fulfilled the 1949 plan only 24.7 percent and the first quarter of 1950 only 21.7 percent. The situation changed somewhat with the appointment of the new director, D. Afrikyan. A pneumatic hammer, turning lathe, and milling machine, which had stood idle, were repaired and put to use. However, the successes thus ob- tained were not made permanent. In June, production began to fall again. For instance, a 70-ton crank press stood idle for .O days in the molding shop be- cause it lacked two bolts, which could have been easily made in the machine shop. A polishing machine stopped working for lack of a nut. Chief Engineer Bagdadyan ordered the machine tool taken apart and the shaft dismounted and threaded to fit a nut that was available; this operation took 18 days. Many examples of such gross inefficiency are to be found in this plant. Another intolerable situation in this plant is the manner in which it is supplied with tools and materials by Mestpromsnabsbyt (Local Sales of Industrial Supplies). For a long time, the plant has been unable to obtain such necessary tools as drills, chucks, and screw tgps. For want of Texrope drive belts, a drilling machine had to be stopped. The plant's personnel consists mainly of young people, who built the plant only a few years ago and then took their places at the machine tools. They are still quite inexperienced. The Ministry of Local Industry Armenian SSR Lad the Echmiadzin Rayon Party Committee must give serious attention to the opera- tion of this plant. WARN NEw DIRECTOR ON PLANT CONDITIONS -- Frunze, Sovetskaya Kirgiziya, 9 Aug 50 Enterprises in Uzbek SSR which are subordinate to all-Union ministries have been performing poorly this year in comparison with last. Plan fulfillment index for these plants during the first half of 1949 was 100.6 percent. First quarter 1950 was met only 93.2 percent, and the second quarter 98.8 percent. One of the worst offenders is the Frunze Agricultural Machine Building Plant imeni Frunze. It is behind in the delivery of number of items. The cause of the situation is pool labor organization, excessive rejects in the molding shop, and irregular supply of wood and metal stock. Shipulin, the recently appointed. director, had better take steps to correct the situation. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360324-2 ~Wl Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360324-2 SECRET 50X1-HUM PLANT PUTS OUT INCOMPLETE HYGROMETERS -- Tashkent, Pravda Vostoka, 15 Aug 50 Last year, a number of cotton-raising kolkhozes were unable to dispose of their product because their cotton contained to much moisture. Much time was wasted in shipping the cotton back and forth. Thereupon the Ministry of Local Industry Uzbek SSR assigned to the Tashkent Metal Products Plant the task of producing hygrometers for the koLchozes. The plant was to put out 80 such hygrometers in June and 120 in July. However, it failed to meet the schedule. It produced only 150 of these instruments; and even these are useless because they are not equipped with weights and thermometers. The management was able somehow to put 50 of these hygrometers on the market; the rest are still lying about in the assembly shop. The ministry and plant manage- ment blamed plants of other cities for their failure. However, a check-up showed both the ministry and the plant to be at fault inasmuch as the order for the production of these items was issued too late. REJECT SUGGESTION -- Tashkent, Pravda Vostoka, 15 Aug 50 Olender,foi?eman in the brush shop of the Util 'promkombinat (By-products Industrial Combine) Artel, and Engineer Sedel'nikov of the Tasheel'mash Plant have designed a cheaper and more durable brush for the cotton-picking machine; the existing type does not last more than one or two seasons. Though the new brush eliminates the need for materials which are in short supply and reduces the number of drilling operations, the brush is not being put into production. The Tashkent Plant approved the design at first. Later, Chief Designer Panov rescinded an order for testing the brush because, he said this would involve a complete change in the design of the separator. However, everyone in the plant knows that the new design would bring the plant great savings. SECRET (K' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360324-2