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Publication Date: 
November 14, 1950
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360192-9 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL 1jO1~FRJL~~'~~ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPOR INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD N0. SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE Economic - Pharmaceutical industry Monthly periodicals Berlin Apr - Jul 1950 German TN If DOCU Y[NT CONTAINS IN CORY ATIOM AI/LCTINO TX[ NA710NAL DLI[YS[ OI TNL UMIi[D STATLS WITNIM TN[ Y[A NIND 01 '~IIO MAO[ ACT LO Y, f. C., 11 AMD fi. AS AY [M0[0, ITf TRANSYIS SIOM OR TM[ R[Y[LATIOM Oi Iif fOMT[Nri IM ANT YANM[R TO AN UMAV TMO RIIID I[RfOX IS IRO? NISIT[D ST LAY. R[IROOU OTION OF TMIf TORY 11 IROXILITI D. DATE OF INFORMATION 1950 DATE DIST./~ Nov 1950 N0. OF PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION DEVELOPMENPS IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY OF SOVIET ZONE GERMANY jumbers refer to appended sources] Ia 198, pharmaceuticals worth 160 million marks were produced in Soviet Zone Germany. Under the plan for 1949 the output was to be in- creased t~ 208 million East marks, and reportedly this target has been met. As has been learned, investments for the expansion of the East German pharmaceutical industry in 1950 will be six times as high as in 1949. The penicillin output is said to exceed domestic requirements at present. Manufacture of tuberculosis remedies and high-grade vita- min preparations will be introduced during the current year. Export of pharmaceuticals is assuming a vital role in East Germany's .fo:reign trade program. Exports will be considerable in 1950. Culti- vation of medical herbs has been carried on intensively since 1947, espe- cially by the people-owned agricultural enterprises. East Berlin has approximately 90 manufacturers of pharmaceuticals at present. The most significant of these, for example, the Scheriag Corporation, the Gruenau Chemical Factory, etc., belong to the zonal Association of People-Owned Enterprises. In accordance with a recent reorganization, the following people-owned plante (YEB).;;;baloag,.ao.the; pharmaceutical group of VVB Berlin, Chemie (Association of People-Owned Chemical Enterprises, Berlin): Dr Remmler Pharmaceutical. Works, Ras- pechemie Pharmaceutical Works, Novopin Factory Pharmaceutical Works, Dickin-Plant Pharmaceutical Works,'Staaken Pharmacy((Dr Albert Bernard, successor). Together these six enterprises produce approximately 150 pharmaceutical articles, tea veterinary preparations, an3 a number of cosmetic products. The most important of these six factories is the Dr Remmler plant, whose yearly output amounts to approximately 1.5 - 2 million East marks. (1) olyrRleu IoN _. ~~ ~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360192-9 - 1 - CLASSIFICATIGN coNFIDENTIAL : ~ONF~DENTIAL' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360192-9 1 ~~Nf 6DENTlAI As a result of scientific research conducted by the Jenapharm Institute for Microbiology, the Schott and Associates Glass Works in Jena were able tc increase their output of penicillin in 1949 to 12 times that of the previous year. The ,joint penicillin outputs of Schott Associates and Madaws in Rade- beul near Dresden nuw amouui:s to 100 times the 1947 output. The Jena plant, which at present produces 60 billion Oxford units per month, not only covers the requirements of the entire Soviet Zone but produces a certain surplus for export. It'should also be noted that manufacturing costs have been decreased to an extent which has made possible red~~ction in the price of penicillin amounting to over 90 percent, compared with 1948. Streptomycin, Vitamin C and D preparations, and vaccines used in the treatment of tuberculosis are also attaining significance as export articles, Other pharmaceutical plants have introduced preparations for the treat- ment of pernicious anemia and improved prophylactics for nose and throat diseases. The Thueringer_ pharmaceutical industry has developed new prepara- tions for the treatment of gall-bladder diseases. A plant in Erfurt has brought out a preparation for use in the treatment of coronary diseases, such as angina pectoris. This preparation also dissolves tubercular bacilli. The RosodoLtwerk, East Germany's largest soa; and cosmetic factory, has developed a toothpaste which is effective in counteracting inflammation of the gums. (2) ` SOURCES 1. Chemische Industrie, No 4, Apr 50 2. Export Echo, No 7 Jul 50 GON~'I~~NTIAi Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360192-9