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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360110-9 COl~rl~tN ~ ~H~ ,,4TE~~AFQ~ ~ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORlI INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD N0. HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE Scientific - Electricity Monthly periodical Moscow Nov 1948 DATE OF INFORMATION 1948 DATE D1ST. ~.~ Nov 1950 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. rru ooenrar eorrurr arorr~nor -nrnrr rxr r~noru. ornr~r o- rr[ urmo taro nrru ixr urur or nnorea ?cr ro r. r. c.. ~~ pro u, u ~ruou. m n~rnunor ox *rr rnrunor or m cornrir tr ~r~ urru m ~r ur~utronao nraor a -ro? rump rr ur. nrroournor or tru tort a nrorumo. Elektricheatvo, No ll, 1948, pp 80-81, Ya. M. Chervonenkie Cand Tech Sci The following ie a digest oP an article representing mainly a discussion of the use of compressed dielectric gases in electrostatic generators Interest in electrostatic energy sources has increased recently in connection with the need in nuclear physics for high-voltage generators to obtain homogeneous streams?of high-energy elementary particles. Van de Graaf generators, which are capable of producing up to 10 megavolte (Mv) do with very law currents of several ma, are?used`for this purpose. These generators are also used in high-voltage studies and in gbtaining hard X-rays for therapy and.industriel 'roentgenography. ?In Van de Graaf generators, a fast-moving belt continuously carries electric charges from the earth's potential to a conducting sphere insulated from the earth. The maximum charge density on the belt ,surface is determined mainly by the dielectric strength of the surrounding medium and is theoretically 5.3 x 10'9 coulomb eq~cm for air at atmospheric presets^. In practice,, it is about half se much. The speed of the belt is 20-30 m~sec. Thus, a belt 300 mm wide operating in air can supply current loads up to 0.5 ~? For the given current and voltage, the linear dimensions of the generator are approximately inversely proportional to the dielectric strength of the medium, while its volume is inversely proportional to the cube of tL?e dielectric strength. TWO directly opposite methods can be used to increase the dielectric strength of the medium, namely, filling the generator with gas under high pressure or using a high vacuum inside the generator. A highly compact Van de Graaf generator operates in air or nitrogen at 27 atm pressure. It is designed for 2 My and 0.5 ma, and has a housing diameter of 750 mm with an insulating column 600 mm high. At atmospheric pressure, it coup put out at least 250 kv (1). Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360110-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360110-9 60NFIDEHTIAI. Still more promising is the use of some other gases, in particular Freon (CC12F2) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), xhose high electric strength was first discovered in the USSR by B. M. Gokhberg (1), and is called "elegas" in the? USSR. These two gases provide a given electrical strength with only half tae pressure required when air is used. As studies (1, 2, ~+) made in the Lenin- grad Physico-Technical Institute showed, elegas is slightly better than Freon because it is chemically more stable and has considerably higher vapor tension at room temperature. In a compressed gas, the breakdown voltage between the electrodes is directly proportional to d!.stance over a wide interval of distances. In a vacm+?n, how- ever, the breakdown gradient drops from 2-3 Mv~cral~for distances ,of 1~100~~inf~~;ct~, l00 kv~cm~?'or.distances of 50 tc 100 mm (5)?. A vacuum has uneadellefi~insul8~iag properties, Por..moderate ?woltages but is surpassed by compressed ga`seh for'ver~y'=hY~gh potential differences: .If fl~ture gradients 'of zhe order oP~~~~Ve$sl`1~ivfCSni~a~=~b- rtained at.high.YOlt4ge$, electrostatic effects could b~~usedt:hOt enl,}r for^lbwy?? power un'i~s~~of:~the~typedescribed above; but also for a. newt type~oY'~powerihl ele~C= 'kxisal~,m~c~,il.nea;Lds;e., electrostatic generators and motors. The principles of construction of electrostatic machines have been studied by Soviet physicists and engineers since long before the war. In 1933, N? D? Papaleksi constructed a high-voltage electrostatic generator of the parametric type to obtain audio-frequency currents. This generator developed power above 500 w in an atmosphere of compressed air. Papaleksi pointed out that the operat- ing conditions of electrostatic machines are particularly favorable in a high vacuum (3). A. F. Ioffe and his students iu the Leningrad Phyaico-Technical Institute constructed a number of do electrical generators of various types for voltages from 700 to 900 kv. ?These machines operated in compressed gas or in liquids with high electrical strength (2, 4). A. Ye. Kaplyanskiy worked out the general theory of electrostatic machines and proved that one could create, by the capacitance principle, a number of machines similar to all types of inductive, synchronous collectors of ;:d~E and ac, parametric, etc. He also gave methods for the calculation of high-vacuum electro- static generators. It is possible in principle to use electrostatic units for direct transforma- tion of atomic energy into electrical energy without going through the stage of transformation into heat. 1. B. M. Gokhberg, "Elegas - Electrical Gas Insulation," Elektrichestvo, No 3, pp 15-19, 1947 ~FDB Per Abs 1T2J. 2. B. M. Gokhberg, "IIigh-Voltage DC Electrostatic Generators," ZhTF, No 3, pp 177-198, 1940. fit. A. F. Ioffe. "The Electrostatic Generator," ZhTF, Vol IX, No 23, pp 2071- 208@, 1939? N. D. Papaleksi, "Parametric Generation of Alternating currents," Elek- trichestvo, No 11, `pp 67-76, 1938, J. G. Trump, R. J. Van de Graaf, J. Appl. Phys., Vol~XVII2, No 3, PP 327- 342,. 1947. ~O~FIDFI'!TIAl. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360110-9