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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600350628-6 COUNTRY SUBJECT PUBLISHED WHERE PUBEISHEQ DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENVAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. Military - Bandit suppression Daily newspapers China; New York 23 Jun - 29 Sep 1950 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF ESPIONAGE ACT EO U. S. C.. SI AND $I, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO' VISITED ST LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. DATE OF INFORMATION 1950 DATE DIST.,2S Oct 1950 NO. OF PAGES 4 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION COMMUNISTS REPORT SUPPRESSION OF 256,063 BANDITS FROM JANUARY TO JUNE 1950 BANDIT SUPPRESSION ACTIVITIES IN NORTHWEST -- Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao, 7 Aug 50 Hsi-an 6 August (Hsin'=hua) -- The Northwest Military District has announced that during the first 6 months of 1950, over 3,800 bandits were killed or injured, 24,,700 captured, and 28,300 surrendered voluntarily, and 68 artillery pieces, 500 light and heavy machine guns, and over 17,000 rifles and guns were confiscated. It was also announced that, at present, bandits are confining their operations to the border and mountainous areas of the various provinces. SOUTHWEST SUPPRESSED 122,000 BANDITS IN MAY -- Shanghai Chieh-fang Jih-pao, 23 Jun 50 T, Chungking, 22 June -- The Southwest Military District has announced that in May 1950, 66,878 bandits surrendered voluntarily, 12,655 were killed or in- jured, and 42,693 were captured, and at the same time, 39 artillery pieces, 561 light and heavy machine guns, 1,984 rifles and pistols, and other military sup- plies and equipment were captured. OVER 77,000 BANDITS SUPPRESSED IN SOUTHWEST IN JUNE -- Hong Kong Wen-hui Pao, 4 Aug 50 Chungking, 2 August (Hsin-hua) -- the Southwest Military District has an- nounced that in June 1950, 5,325 bandits were killed or injured, 25,280 were captured and 46,462 surrendered voluntarily, and 50 artillery pieces, 380 ma- chine guns, 50,000 miscellaneous weapons, 500 artillery shells and 500,000 rounds of ammunitions were confiscated. nnurinriTIAI - 1 -LUIiP ULN i i8L STATE ARMY ~!~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600350628-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600350628-6 6ONFIDEN TIAL CENTRAL AND SOUTH CHINA SUPPRESSED 42,000 BANDITS IN MAY -- Shanghai Chieh- fang Jih-pao, 5 Jul 50 The Central and South China Military District has announced that during May 1950, 3,983 bandits and special agents were killed or injured, 17,880 were captured and over 20,200 surrendered voluntarily, while a large quantity of mil- itary supplies and equipment were confiscated. NINGHSIA SUPPRESSED 1,435 BANDITS IN 8 MONTHS -- Shanghai Chieh-fang Jih-pao, 5 Jul 50 Hsi'-an,28 June -- It has been reported that during the past 8 months, 1:435 bandits were suppressed in Ninghsia. Of this number, 141 were killed or injured and 1,294 surrendered. It was further announced that although most of the bandits in Ninghsia have been annihilated, the campaign will continue until all are wiped out. 4,700 SINKIANG BANDITS SUPPRESSED IN 3 MONTHS -- Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao, 15 Jul 50 Urumchi, 14 July (Hsin-hua) -- The Sinkiang Military District has announced that between 5 March and 25 June 1950 as a result of the six campaigns against bandits, 3,127 were captured, 1,023 were killed or injured, and 559 surrendered voluntarily, and 52 light and heavy machine guns, 1,147 miscellaneous weapons, one artillery piece, over 11,000 rounds of ammunitions, 3,100 draft horses, etc., were captured. 11,800 GUERRILLAS IN CHU-CHIANG AREA ANNIHILATED IN 8 MONTHS -- Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao, 3 Aug 50 Canton, 2 August -- The Chu Chiang Military Sub-District has announced that from October 1949 to July 1950, over 11,800 bandits and KMT guerrillas were an- nihilated, and 219 artillery pieces, 2,577 miscellaneous weapons, 5,994 artillery shells, 9,734,000 rounds of ammunitions, etc., were captured. MORE KMT REMNANTS SUPPRESSED IN CHU CHIANG AREA -- New York Hua-ch'iao Jih-pao, 30 Aug 50 Canton, 17 August -- During May, June, and. July 1950, over 2,000 KMT rem- nants in the Chu Chiang area were killed or injured, while another 2,000 were captured. Recently, the Communist government published an open letter urging the KMT remnants to surrender voluntarily and give up their hopeless cause. KMT SPECIAL AGENT RECEIVED DEATH PENALTY -- Canton Nan-fang Jih-pao, 31 Jul 50 A well-known KMT special agent, Chen P'ei-tung (1) umbers refer to ap- pended character, was sentenced to death on 22 July 1950 by the Provisional People's Court at Fort Bayard for his participation in subversive activities. The decision was submitted to a higher court for approval. From 1944 to 1945, Chen held various important posts with the KMT army. During the period between 1946 to 1948, he acted as chief of the KMT Kwangtung Office of Education. In March 1948, he came to Fort Bayard where he became a leader in KMP activities. UU111FIULI1 i 014L Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600350628-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600350628-6 CONFIDENTIAL After the liberation of Fort Bayard, Ch'en P'ei-tung retreated into the rural areas where he formed the KMT Kwantung-Kwangsi Border Area Raiding Column for the purpose of overthrowing the local Communist government. This plot was uncovered by the Fort Bayard Public Security Bureau and led to the capture of Ch'en and his followers. WU-HAN UNCOVERS KMT SUBVERSIVE ORGANIZATION -- New York Hua-ch'iao Jih-pao, 12 Aug 50 Hankow, 27 July (Hsin-hua) -- The Wu-han Public Security Bureau has un- covered two of the largest KMT subversive organizations in the area. Sixty KMT special agents, who have been causing unrest in Ching-shan, Han-ch'uan and Ying Helen area of Hupeh were captured. Those who were captured included Hu Tzu-min (2), Hu Chih-pin (3), Kuo Hsieh-ch'ing (4), and others. Evidence cuu- fiscated included documents, small arms, legal seals, plans for building a ra- dio transmitter, etc. This is considered the largest KMT special agent un- covered in Wuka'n since the liberation of the area. MEI HSIEN SMASHES KMT UNDERGROUND ORGANIZATION -- Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao, 17 Jul 50 The Mei Hsien Public Security Bureau smashed a KMT underground special agent organization which was operating under such names as the Fukien-Kwang- tung-Kiangsi Guerrilla Fourth Detachment of the China Kuo-min Revolutionary Army, the "0241" Detachment, the Fourth Detachment of the East Kwangtung De- tachment, etc. Thirty-five members were captured including the leaders Chung Chou-chang (5), and Liao Ping-chung (6). Documents, registers, posters, money, weapons, and other evidence were confiscated. Nan-p'eng Tao was liberated by units of the Chinese Communist forces in- cluding troops of the Kwangtung T'ai-shan Military Sub-District in a 2-hour operation on 9 September 1950. Four hundred and twenty seven bandits were cap- tured and ten killed, while one transmitter, 12 boats, two heavy and ten light machine guns, 110 rifles, 48 pistols, etc., were confiscated. MEASURES TAKEN TO PREVENT INFILTRATION OF SPIES -?' Hong Kong Kung-shang Jih-pao, 14 Jul 50 Macao, 13 July -- Since the onset of the Korean conflict, Chinese Com- munist military authorities have taken added precautionary'measures against in- filtration of spies into Communist territory. One of the steps taken is to place Communist troops at all bus stops along the highway between Macao and Shih-ch'i, Kwangtung, to investigate and to search all visitors entering the territory. TUNG-KUAN CITIZENS PLEDGED TO AID BANDIT-SUPPRESSION ACTIVITIES -- Hong Kong Wen-hui Pao, 4 Aug 50 At the time of registration at a district delegates conference, citizens of a village in Tung-kuan Hsien, Kwangtung, the majority of whom were formerly bandits, signed pledges to abstain from further participation in subversive activities and also to aid in suppressing KMP special agents and bandits. D FIDE TEAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600350628-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600350628-6 KMP SPINS TO BE EXECUTED -- Shanghai Chieh-fang Jih-pao, 2 Jul 50 T'ao Hsueh-sheng (7) and Hung Kuan-k'ang (8), both natives of Shanghai, were sentenced to death in May and June 1950 for their participation in KMP spy activities against the masses and the People's government. CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600350628-6