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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340861-8 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION ISSUES NEW REGULATIONS FOR MACHINE-TRACTOR STATIONS IN BULGARIA Machine-tractor work throughout Bulgaria is constantly increasing in volume and importance. Soft plowing operations in 1949 covered 11,418,000 decares, and 80 percent of all agricultural work was done by tractor. Since October l9491on tractor work has been paid for in kind. Before the end of that year, decares of soft plowing had been paid for under this system. In. spite of this progress, many shortcomings still prevail in MTS, the most serious of which are: 1. Poor leadership and laxity on the part of the Ministry of Agriculture in assisting and controlling k7S; 2. Political directors, their aooistante, and other supervisors have in- sufficient authority to insure plan fulfillment. Because of this weakness, the 1949 plan was fulfilled only 91.5 percent. The NITS are late in sending their machines to farm workers' cooperatives, and fail to complete their work promptly and properly. 3. The late signing of contracts between MPS and fas supervisors cooperatives and failure of both parties to fulfill them properly. MT S failed to insist that cooperative farmers clear their fields. This failure has caused the breakdown of many tractors, and the tractor operators were fined for the accidents. Fuel and lubricants have not been furnished on time. 4. The MPS are not used to full capacity, working time is not fully utilized, and too little attention is paid to economy and cost reduction. 5. Prevailing wage rates tend to equalize work and are harmful rather than stimulating to individual. effort. 6. Agricultural and repair work lack a unified program and do not follow the experience of the Soviet MPS and their operators. The people's soviets and Party committees do not cooperate sufficiently with the MPS in helping to solve their problems. 7. Too frequent changes of political directors and other supervisory per- sonnel disrupt the work. I'istrict committees of the Communist Party sometimes dismiss capable supervisors and appoint individuals much less suited for the job, without consulting the Ministry of Agriculture. - 1 - _ CLASSIFICATION CO1 'fDENTIAt CONFIDEN II AL STATE ARMY NAW IN AIR K NSRB FBI DISTRIBUTION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340861-8 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM OR RADIO BROADCASTS REPOR CD NO. COUNTRY SUBJECT FOREIGN DOCUMENTS Bulgaria Economic - Machine-tractor regulations DATE O INFORM DATE D F ATION IST. 1950 4 Sep 1950 HOW PUBLISHED WHERE Daily newspaper NO. OF PAGES 8 PUBLISHED Sofia DATE PUBLISHED 25 Jun 1950 SUPPLEMENT TO LANGUAGE Bulgarian REPORT NO. 7X11 OOCUNINT CONTAIN/ INBOI10N 1C71NI TAO NATIONAL D11`1052 O/ TNf UNIT" 110111 011NINNA7iMt 1111111 or OIBIONAII ACT $0 V, 1. C.. I I AMO ..... *010010. ITt TIAN$NI1{ION OA TNl NIVILATION 01 I11 CO NTI NTO IN ANT NANKIN TO AN UNAUTNONIII1 BCA$ON It BIO? NIIITIO BY LAW. IIBIODUCTION OB 111$ BONN 11 /IO NIIITII. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340861-8 CONFIDENTIAL . Since the introduction of payments in kind and the transfer of MPS to the state budget on 1 January 1950, the role of MPS as a moving force of the admin- istration has strongly increased. They are now the main instrument for the socialist reconstruction of agriculture. To improve their. operations, the Council of Ministers and the Central Com- mittee of the Bulgarian Communist Party have issued the following decree: Strengthening and Imnrovement of MPS 1. The Ministry of Agriculture, the district and okoliys people's soviets, and committees of the Bulgarian Communist Party are directed to improve their control and supervision of MPS. Unconditional plan fulfillment must be reached by every MPS and brigade. The main purpose of MPS will be to expand the area worked by MTS on farm workers' cooperatives, increase the yields, increase the use of the tractor park, improve work operations, and insure the pr~opertcompleti nhofsfa m work according to the agricultural calendar, early produce for payments in kind according to the plan. MPS plans can be fulfilled onlytiowhen he n, spring moowwing, oharationsghave been completed. spring plowing, , p n6 and threshing, stubble-field plowing, deep plowing, preliminary fall sowing, and fall sowing. The plans for all these operations must be fulfilled according to quantity and quality. The agriculturists of the okoliys people's soviets will act as state controllers of MIS work with regard to quality and quantity, and will be pro- vided with special instructions from the Ministry of Agriculture. 2. The MTS and the farm workers' cooperatives will conclude standard agreements. The area to be cultivated by tractor must be established before the end of November and is to be specified in the contracts, which must be concluded before the end of January. MPS supervisors must report the progress of operations twice yearly to the farm workers' cooperatives and to their gen- eral assembly. 3. The Ministry of Agriculture is directed to improve the work of the MPS by the with Sovmore iet efficient leadership Administriistion, methods the adopted atations and follow more closely th Within one month, the agricultural departments of the people's soviets will appoint inspector-instructors for every five to eight MPS, and the Ministry of Finance will release 2,500,000 lava to pay the salaries of 14 of these super- visors. 4. The district and okoliys people's soviets and committees of the Bulgarian Communist Party are not authorized to suspend efficient supervisors of MTS without previous authorization from the Ministry of Agriculture and the agricultural de- partment heretofore.ert in permanent positions and granted better living conditions 5. The Ministry of Agriculture is directed to establish training courses to improve the qualifications of MTS personnel. 'MPS directors will organize 3- month winter courses, to be held 2 hours daily after -working hours, to train operators, brigade leaders, repairmen, etc. The ministry will also improve the courses in machine-tractor schools and establish 10-month courses for operators, who will. also be trained as mechanics. CONFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340861-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340861-8 6, The Ministry of Agriculture is improve the MTS repair shops, to equip the new b'TS with a greater nnn her of mechanic's tools, and to provide 9. sufficient number of measuring and fitting instruments, according to the 1950 plan The MTS are authorized to keep 30 automobiles and 45 motorcycles on hand. The gasoline will be char$Ed to the savings made. The Ministry of Agriculture is directed to improve the four enterprises 'statiished to overhaul threshing machines and tractors and produce spare parts, which are located in Pleven, Tolbukhin, Ncva Zagora, and the Bru_sevtsi-Lomsko Fs.ilroad Station. Before the end of 1950, .33 thrashing machines and 88 tractors are to be overhauled, 36 wagons manufactured, and the plan for spare parts fully e.ccomplished.. 7, The Ministry of Agriculture is directed to maintain proper control and economy in all MTS, to establish strict personal responsibility for machine operators, and to combat waste of fuel, lubricants, and other materials. Violations will be penalized. by fines, and more serious failures will be prosecuted under the penal law. Strengtbeing and Im2rrovement of Tra2Lor_Briftades 1: Brigades will be established as the essential units for tractor work, and will be equipped with a permanent staff and machinery. The brigade will con- sist of three to six tractors of the caterpillar or wheel type, and an adequate number of machine attachments 2. MTS directors are instructed to establish annually, before 15 February, the permanent location of the brigades and of their staff and property. The equipment, including tractors, threshing machines, machine attachments, tools, fuel and lubricant containers, etc., will be registered on the personal docu- ments of the members. The brigade leader will be responsible for the proper maintenance and dispatching of the machines to their assignments. A transfer from one brigade to another may be authorized only on presentation of a written permit from the agronomic or technical supervisor. 3. To prevent the depersonalization of brigade work, MPS directors are in- structed to attach the brigades for at least 2 years to a specified district and farm workers' cooperative. Before 15 February, brigade leaders must be furnished with the year's work and finance plan, and 10 days before the start of seasonal campaigns, they shall receive an outline of their seasonal assignment, including the exact specifications and scope of every operation. 4. A senior operator will be appointed to take charge of individual tractors and machine attachments. The technical supervisor will be responsible for the entire machine-tractor park, and the brigade leader for all machinery of the bri- gade. 5. The brigades will be set up as follows: one brigade leader; one accountant-manager; one senior operator and one shift operator for every cater- pillar tractor of the s-8o, STZ-NATI, KD-35, and other types; one senior opera- tor for wheel tractors of 21 to 44 horsepower, with one shift operator for oper- ations on two shifts; and one operator for light tractors not exceeding 26 horsepower. MPS directors are instructed to operate all caterpillar tractors on two shifts. -3- CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340861-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340861-8 II, CONFIFNIItAL 6. Farm workers' cooperatives are directed to dispatch their members to operate the machine attachments.. The personnel will be assigned for at least one full season. They will be trained in courses by MPS directors. For work on private farms, machine-attachment operators will be furnished by the MPS and paid. by the ind.ividual farmers. 1 The previous system of wages based Cu the area covered daily is abol- ished. %, The following rates are established for every type of agricultural Starting 1 July 1950, payments in cash and kind will be as follows: (a) senior operators on S-80 tractors will receive 980 leva per shift and 9.6 kilograms of wheat free; (b) senior operators on STZ-NATI and Bulldog 55-horse- power tractors will receive 770 leva per shift and 7.7 kilograms of wheat; (c) senior operators on KD 35-horsepower, Bulldog 45-horsepower, and Hanomag LHan- noversche Maschinenbau Gese.llschaff 50-horsepower tractors will receive 700 levy per shift and 7 kilograms of wheat; (d) senior operators of 38 to 40-horse- power Hanomag tractors will receive 675 leva per shift and 6.75 kilograms of wheat; (e) senior operators of Bulldog 35-horsepower, McCormick 30-horsepower, and Hart-Parr 18 to 36-horsepower tractors will receive 640 leva per shift and 6.4 kilograms of wheat; (f) senior operators of Deutz 28 to 30-horsepower, Case 32-horsepower, John Deere 32-horsepower, and Qliv ?? '0-horsepower tractors will receive 595 levaper shift and r, 95 kilograms 'f wheat; (g) senior operators of Fordeor. 34-h:,rsenower; Va'_l-'.s ` sicr 30-horsepower, John Deere 27-horsepower, and Bulldcg, 25-horsepower tractors will receive 570 levy per shift and. 5.7 kilograms of wheat; (h) senior operators of Universal 22-horsepower and other light tractors will receive 500 leva per shift and 5 kilograms of wheat.. 'Shift operators will receive 10 percent lees than senior operators. Brigade operators will receive 25 percent over and above the average wage of the senior operator of the brigade, and accountant-managers will receive 60 percent of the wage of brigade members. Thus, for example, when a tractor brigade employs three senior operators who are paid 120, 140, and 100 leva a .day respectively, the average will amount to 360 divided by 3, or 120 leva. The brigade member will receive 120 Nip 2' perccnt, or - -- 150 lev xnd the accountant-manager 90 leva. 3. Apart from their wages, brigade members, tractor operators, and accountant-managers will receive extra compensation for proper cultivation, plan. fulfillment, observing agricultural calendars, work in excess of the norm, and prompt completion of assignments. The premiums will range from 15 to 30 per- cent of their wages. 4. Wages are paid for work actually completed. Poor performance will be rejected and the work will not be paid for; the operation will be dupli- cated at the expense of the careless employee. Tractor operations will be checked every day by the field brigade leader of the farm workers' cooperative, who will record work standards and sign the work sheets of tractor personnel. Immediately after completion of the operations, and not later than Friday, the work sheets must be signed by all MT8 and cooperative supervisors concerned, and they payments due from the cooperative will be computed on this basis. If tractor operators fail to plow to the depth prescribed in the con- tracts, 50 percent of the fuel and lubricants required to repeat the operation will be witheld from their wages, and 10 percent will be deducted. for each decare if the work does not have to be repeated. CONFIOEN~'IAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340861-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340861-8 CONFMP MM1 5 P9.yments in kind. will be ma,de twice. a month. In wheat or other grain of the same price- The grain will be supplied from the warehouses of the Main Grain Supply Administration at ceiling prices, plus one levy for the cost of delivery, It will. be delivered upon rer! of the proper document stating that MPS have paid for the amount of grain released to the individual tractor operators for payments in kind. 6. If the operations on farm workers' cooperatives do not produce the yield expected according to the contract, the brigade's payments in kind are reduced by 10 percent, The yield is established by the end of the year. However, if the failure is due to natural causes, payments will not be reduced. A 60-percent share of the payments is distributed every month and the balance at the end of the year, before l December- 7. Tractor personnel and other brigades employed. on state farms are paid the same rates as MTS personnel.. 8. When the yield of the area cultivated by tractor exceeds the plan, tractor personnel will receive additional payments in kind at the same rate as those paid to cooperative members for exceeding the plan. 1.. Single threshing machines will be operated by a crew of four, twin ma- chines by a crew of five. The senior operator is the head. of each crew and has full responsibility for the quality and quantity of the grain and its proper delivery. MTS directors are instructed to establish 5-day training courses for threshing-machine personnel. 2, New wage rates for the personnel, effective 1. June 1950, will consist of payments in cash and kind. They will vary from 16 to 25 leva and from 0.8 to 1,5 kilograms of grain per ton of grain threshed for brigade members, and from 28 to 50 leva for accountant-clerks. Repair personnel will be paid 16 to 18 leva and 0,6 to 1.1 kilograms of grain per hour. Work achievements exceeding the daily norm will be rewarded by addi- tional payments in cash and kind. Premiums will also be awarded for high-standard, accurate work performance and for good maintenance of machines. They will range from 3,000 to 5,000 leva., Threshing personnel on state farms will be paid the same rates as in MTS. Wages of Combine Personnel 1. Personnel employed on 15-foot combines will receive wages ranging from 12 to 16 leva per decare and from 1 to 1.6 kilograms of grain for every ton of grain threshed. The remaining regulations correspond to those for tractor per- sonnel. 2. Personnel working on state farm combines will be paid the same rates as on MTS. 1. The following regulations will be binding on land blocks exceeding 70 CCNFID'Nr! Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340861-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340861-8 1 CONFIDENI!At The MiniBt r, of gar:_ultuxe mr,v redo-e or ir^rease agricultural work norms -up to 15 percent for every MTS according to coil and terrain conditions, relief, plowing depth, area of :and, and work productivity. The Ministry of .Agri:ulture is ilrected to establish, before the end of 1950, the norms for agricultural work and. expenditures for fuel and lubri- cants, and to put them into effect in 1951.. The MTS directors are likewise authorized to adjust the norms by 10 to 15 percent and the limit of fuel and lubricant e.xpendi.turee by up to 10 percent, according to local conditions. The bonuses awexiei for caving fuel and. lubricants will range from 5 to 42 percent of the of the materiel saved. (computed at ceiling prices). For saving used oil, tractor operatcrs will receive 25 percent of the price of the oil allotted to them On the other hand., tractor personnel will be penalized for rxceeeive use of oil. and fuel by fines ranging from 5 to 75 percent of the price of the material wasted. 3, MTS directors are instructed to e=_Lsbllsh weekly work norms and norms for the use of fuel and lubric.ant.E. Work in excess of the norm and savings of fuel and lubricants will be rewarded by bonuses established at the end of every week and payable at the end of the month The average norm for fuel. used on STZ-NATI tractors is 840 ki.lograme per 420 de-axes 4, Proper work performance on two consecutive shifts will be rewarded by a bonus of 5,000 leva for the tractor operator., 6,000 Ieva for the brigade mem- ber, and 3,000 levy for the accountant-manager. 5. Good maintenance of tractors and machine attachments will be rewarded by a bonus. of 10,000 leva at the end of the year. .6. All bonuses will be paid from the MTS budget. Technical MAintenance of the Machine -Tractor, Park 1. MTS directors are instructed to train their personnel within one month for the proper maintenance of their machinery. 2. Threry M' will set uo monthly mans for repair and Maintenance work. The machines will be admitted for repair only on presentation of. a certificate signed by the technical control authorities. The technical supervisor must keep a file of all machines and. tools allotted to his station. 3. The tractor personnel and work brigades will also be in charge of repair work, which is to be done at the end of every agricultural campaign and must be concluded at least 10 days before the beginning of the next campaign. They will be paid at the rate established for repair workers. 4. MTS directors are instructed to establish repair norms, rates for pay- ments by the job or individual unit, and the premiums for repair work completed ahead of schedule. Bonuses for Supervisory Personnel 1. MTS supervisory personnel will receive bonuses equal to their monthly salary for the prompt and proper fulfillment of agricultural plans. 2. Mechanics and repair-shop supervisors will receive bonuses equal to their 2-weeks' wage for proper plan fulfillment. CONFIDEN IM, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340861-8 IM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340861-8 1 CONFIDENTIAL NrI.^ wer.k_ " wane frr the f r , :. :ol-1e,t pr-f,e, .r k:a, sot tb, i.on of the necessary g'-arn m rovem-n+. of Li e?nr coniltt 1, MTS p=r to . .:ne category es the c,rr ?? ni,_. _yi k a.:9 ape t tr ._. p o_r..l=': ?-0V_10? on toe _s - foot nq_ w^-k'. cons of soap t'.: tie .: y 9.n:1 1?=O for t0 ,:se cf MTS workers Pa.vmen'_ In tint wtil be paid in e i are not subject to nompulsory dc...lver:. E, LSocial. ....tar.* :cntribt,tlaia wi... be ra.s i. on pa.,'meni:, in cash and kin", and will he pa:. rv 'he MPS, 1. The work of tea.-:tor operators will be Qre.i':d goci, fair, :tnd unse.tie- fac_tory, The ar.aying will be done by th- leaders of the farm workers' -o;?perative will be enterel on the work sheets of tractor personnel Disagreements will be the i!.:irtct people's soviet 2. 0uteta.ndiug workers will be rews,-i>: by presentation of the Outstanding MPS Operator ineign;e 7, rovement of Pol iii : al S tanis.r9_ 1, The main aeec,znmente of M TS colttlc =:~ ,`:ere-r.or= viii. be. (a) to strengthen party, trade-;;t,ior, y.ud Di,r.itro-)v Youth. A=._oci':tlon organizations, and to activate the entire persoon for the prompt end proper fulfillment of the agricultural ant. r.ep+_r plan.; !h) to assure count re:l.ations between the MTS and farm workers' cooperatives, the ee.rly,ier. of contracts, and their accurate ful.fil.Lnent; i^-! to organize competitions, control work. achievemen+s, create the proper conditions for higher achievements, and.con- si.stentl,y the experience of the Soviet MTS, (d.) to supervise the proper fulfillment .of government regulations; (e) to strive for the- consolida- tion of collective work methods by strengthening the administrative soviets of MTS 2. The Ministry of Agricultureis directed to improve the political leader- ship of MTS and to coordinate its work with the activities of the Central Com- mittee of the. Bulgarian Conpnunist Party, A large-scale competitive work program is to be established with the cooperation of the agricultural and mine-workers' trade unions and the Central Committee of the Dimitrov Youth. Association. Improvement of Financial Standards and Accounting 1. The Ministry of Agriculture is directed to put into effect strict fin- ancial discipline and an accurate accounting system for all MTS. The directors of MTS are instructed to report all agreements for ray- ment6 in kind and. cash. and to keep accurate accounts of every MTS activity., Ad1a1R'1irna , e ^ uunririci I LA! 50X1 -HUM I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340861-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340861-8 ('0 NF1OE,nfi r IAL 2. The Ministry of Finance is directed- (a) to provide the funds necessary for exceeding the plans; (b) to issue directions to the financial departments of people's soviets to take over the debit statements of the MTS within one month, beginning 1 July 1950, and to instruct the MTS to prepare their list of debits by the same date. 3 The Bulgarian National Bank is directed to advance to those MTS which exceed their quarterly plans the-funds requirei for their extended activity. The Council of Ministers The Centrel Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party l-wuw.w~..Aw. .. !UIrIutII ML Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340861-8