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Publication Date: 
September 20, 1950
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340683-6 COUNTRY SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTSa OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD N0. Hungary DATE OF INFORMATION 1950 Economic - Agriculture Daily newspapers Budapest 16 Jun - 26 Jul 1950 Hungarian nu Doeur[YT eoYTAIN[ uro[YAnoY An[cnY~ TY[ ^AnoYAf D[nr[[ or n[ urinD sum ^inu TY[ YuNIYa ar urlaYASn AeT fo Y. s. D.. f 1 AMD fl, AD AY[[O[D. ITf nAllsrls71OY O[ TY^ [[Y[unOY Or ITf DOYT[Mn IY AYT ^s[Y[[ i0 AY YYAYnO[11lO r[NfU[ If rA0? YISInD DY Mr. rt r[OOV CTIOII Or TYIi rOrY I[ nONIDIn D. DATE DIST. ap Sep 1950 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. At a meeting of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Workers' Party, Minister of State Gero reported +,hat estimated harvest of grain will be 2.5-5 million quintals higher than last year. jhe parer used 5-10 million "mazsa" rather than "metermazss," meaning quintal. The Former is as old unit of meas- ure equal to 50 kilograms, while the latter is the more modern unit, of measure equal to one quintal or 100 kilograme. The old unit of measure was probsbly used to mislead urban readers who are not :ikely to distinguish between the two terms] Gero also reported that in ccmparison with the expenditur- cf 696 million forints for agricultu_*al development last year, i.;he appropriation for such pur- poses wns 710,540,000 foriLCS this year, and even this was actually raised to 752 million forints. FALL BARLEY HARVESTED IN CSONGRAD COUNTY -- Budapest S?a,~ad Ner; 16 Jun 50 In Csongrad County 70 percent o~ the fall barley, 20 per~~ent of the rye, and 30 percent of the pea crops have already been harvested. Forty-five cadas- tral yokes of fall barley gave been harvested on the Kiszombor state farm. The Mako "Pioneer" agricultural cooperative completed its harvest of fall barley on 14 June. The members of the cooperative estimate an average yield of 9 quintals per cadastral yoke. This far surpasses individual producers wha estimate an av^rage of 5 quintals per cadaetral yoke. ~he paper uses 18 and 10 "manse" respectively in giving average yield, as distinguished Prom "metermazsa," meaning "quintal."] WHF'AT HARVEST IN SOUTHERN COUNTIES -- Budapest 3zabad Nep, 22 Jun 50 The hot weather has brought fall barley to yellow ripeaes.s in many places, and much fall wheat ie also ready to b' harvested. The recent rain has had a beneficial effect on fall barley and oats. InnucinFNT ~ ~_, ~ CLASSIFICATION coNFIDENTIAL ~,vm w`[Y [ ~~" sl~E NAW NSRB DISTRIBUTION _ ARMY AIR FBI r ?--~- a Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340683-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340683-6 In Csongrad County, the agricultural cooperatives end state farms have 'gaped and stacked 90 percent of the fall barley. Most of the indepPident farmers of the country are also cutting their fall barley and rye. Zhe size of the barley kernels exceeds that of the average of the .last decade, and the stalks are twice the height of last year. Rye stalks on state and agricultural cooperative farms commonly reach 2 meters, and there are often 90 to 120 kernels per head. According to estimates the bread grain yield of Csongrad County exceeds last year's by 25 percent. Seventy percent of th, peasants of the country have laready contracted for threshing. Seventy percent of the fall barley has been harvested in Szabolcs County and fall barley harvest is nearly completed in Gyor-Sopron County. Wheat harvest has been begun in many psrts of Baranya County, but in general, the harvest of fall barley has been retarded, and the same. is true of fall wheat. 20,000 CARS OF GRAIN HARVESTED -- Budapest Friss U,jsag, 23 Jul 50 By 23 July, more than 20,000 cars oi' grain have been collected, in con- trast with 3,065 cars collected last year at the =~-~e time. Most of the peas- ants are also selling their surplus grain to the state. In all, 5,600 cars of grain have been handed in for the C purchasing coupon. ASK NATION-WIDE HARVEST COMPETITION -- Budapest Kis U,jsag, ?_5 Jul 50 The communities of Mindszent and Szegvar are in competition with each other to complete and deliver their grain harvest by 20 August. Communities through- out the country are ,joining in the competition to complete the harvest by 20 Au- gust, the anniversary of constitution of the People's Republic of Hungary. FARMERS' GRAIN A.I.LOWANCE UNCHANGED -- Budapest Szsbad Ne.p, 21 Jun 50 Under a regulation of the Ministry of Domestic Commerce, brand-grain rations for farmers during the new agricultural yesr will remain unchanged. Parsons over 6 years of age are entitled to 220 kilograms, those under 6 to 160 kilograms, and infants ~?ho will be one year old after 1 July 1950 J3.5 kilograms per month until 1 July 1951. As during the last year, a special permit may be obtained for milling an additional 50 kilograms of bread grain for the celebration of a birth, marriage, or silver, gold, or diamond wedding anniversary. The farmer may also obtain a permit for milling his surplus grain after ful- filling his delivery quota on the "C" purchase ticket. GRAIN PRICES FIXED BY GOVERNMENT -- Budapest Nepszaya, 16 Jun 50 The president of the National Planning Board ordered grain prices fixed in accordance with tho Council of Ministers' decision to maintain last year's prices. According to the regulation, the grain prices in forints per 100 kilograms are as follows; on grain required to be turned in (in forints): wheat 60, rye 54, bar- ley 50, and oats 60; on surplus grain turned in voluntarily; wheat 80, rye 60, barley 70, and oats 60. Premium payments and bounties above those eatsblished by the Council of Min- isters' decree are payable for expeditious delivery and for delivery in accordance with transportation agreements. COi~EIDE~~~~l ~~r t Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340683-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340683-6 CON~IDE~~~~:~ Combines will be operating in Hungary this year. The Soviet combine per- forms the work of 70-80 men in harvest. Two Hungarian EMAG combines, designed on the Soviet model, will work side by side with the two Soviet combines at Mezohegyes. So far, ..`~e reapers.and reaper-binders have also been doing very well at Mezohegyes, performing 120-140 percent of their scheduled work daily. The machines have harvested 70 percent of the fall barley and 80 percent of the peas. Next week, the reapers, the reaper-thrashers, and the combines will begin to harvest the wheat. According to a new regulation issued by the Minister of Agriculture, farm tractors may be held in possession only with a farm-tractor certificate and serial registration. A purchaser is required to report a purchase from the fac- tory within 1~E days to the executive committee of the county, or Budapest Munic- ipal Council, and request the tractor certificate and serial registration. The fee for issuing the certificate and serial registration. The fee for issuing the certificate is 30 Porints, and 70 forints for the registration. State agea- cics and factories recover only the sale price. Preliminary permission must first be obtained from the executive committee of the Budapest Municipal Council before altering the tractor, dismantling it cr permanently changing the place where it is stored. cnH~iDEt~~ ~Al Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17CIA=RDP80-00809A000600340683-6