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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330789-0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY China; US SUBJECT Political; International HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED Hong Kong; Canton DATE PUBLISHED 13 - 17 Jul 1950 LANGUAGE Chinese THIS DOCUIINT CONTAINS INFOINATION AIIIOTIN? THI NATIONAL DIPINII OS THE UNITID STATES WITHIN THE MEANING Of ISPIONASI ACT $0 H. I. C., 11 AND 31. AS AWINO1D. ITS TIANERISIION ON THI IIVILATION 01 ITO CONTINTS IN ANY ^ANNER TO AN ONAUTHONI.90 PERSON 15 PIO? DATE OF INFORMATION 1950 DATE DIST. /y Aug 1950 NO. OF PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CHARGES US USING UN AS TOOL OF AGGRESSION; ANTI-US MOVEMENT BEING INSTITUTED EDITORIAL FOLLOWS SOVIET PROPAGANDA LINE -- Hong Kong Wen-hui Pao, 13 Jul 50 Since the outbreak of hostilities in Korea, the UN has become the tool of US aggression. The "Northern Expedition" launched by the puppet troops of Syngman Rhee which led to the clash was originally planned by the US imperia- lists; the UN Security Council was coerced into intervening in the internal struggle of Korea by the US State Department. After skillfully maneuvering the Security Council into endorsing the sending of UN troops to Korea to aid the reactionary Syngman Rhee, Truman im- mediately announced that the US sea, air, and land forces would be sent to Ko- rea and Taiwan to help the reactionary elements of these areas. It may be seen from the above that the UN is rapidly becoming a dog tied to the leash of the US imperialists. On 7 July 1950, the UN Security Council was maneuvered into approving a bill, sponsored by pro-US France and England, which authorized the US to di- rect the military activities of the UN troops in Korea, gave Genera]. MacArthur complete command of the UN troops, and approved the use of the UN flag by the troops commanded by MacArthur. Aside from the fact that this bill was passed during the absence of the USSR delegation at the Security Council, it violated the basic principle of the UN Charter which specifically prohibits interfer- ence in the internal affairs of a nation. The fact that the UN condemned the Democratic People's Republic of Korea without permitting its representatives to sit and defend itself at the UN meetings will also invalidate this action. The UN was organized for the purpose of preserving world peace. The use of this organization as a tool of aggression by such imperialists as the US is endangering its very existence. The main reason why the US has attempted to prevent the seating of the delegates of the People's Republic of China is be- cause she feels that it will mean an end to her aggressive aims. The US knows that the USSR with the help of the representatives from our government will be able to prevent her from running this world organization. CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL STATE NAVY NSRB :1~~ DISTRIBUTION F& _ - ARMY AIR 1XI ? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330789-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330789-0 Therefore, to preserve the UN from complete collapse and from being used as a tool of aggression, the people of all peace-loving nations throughout the world must demand that their governments support the seating of the represen- tatives of the People's Republic of China. It is the only way to prevent a future war and to preserve the peace of the world for which the UN was formed. NORTHEAST INSTITUTES CAMPAIGN AGAINST USA -- Hong Kong Wen-hui Pao, 17 Jul 50 Mukden, 16 July (Hsin-hua) -- A conference was held at Mukden on 14 July 1950 by the Northeast Federation of Labor to institute the so-called "Na- tional Campaign Against US Aggression in Taiwan and Korea" in the Northeast. Some 17 democratic organizations were represented at the conference. A deci- sion was adopted to spread this movement throughout the area by means of ra- dio broadcasts, mass meetings, etc., to arouse the people to oppose the ag- gressive policy of the US imperialists. CCP LEADERS CRITICIZE US POLICY -- Canton Nan-fang Jih-pao, 15 Jul 50 On 13 July 1950, a meeting of the representatives of institutions of higher learning, democratic parties, and other circles was convened at Canton under the sponsorship of the Canton Nan-fang Jih-pao to discuss the national campaign against US aggression in Taiwan and Korea. Opinions expressed by the leading representatives at the meeting are summarized as follows: Li Fan-fu (1) Lumbers refer to appended characters], deputy chief, Propaganda Section, South China Sub-Bureau, CCP Central Committee: "Korea will win the battle because she is fighting for that which is righteous., The inability of the imperialistic nations to make a good showing in their aggres- sion in Korea and the armed strength of the USSR and the People's Republic of China have prevented the US from starting a third world war. Even before the US announced her intention of preventing any invasion of Taiwan by the CCF, her naval vessels were already anchored in Taiwan waters.. Regardless of this fact, Taiwan will be liberated by our forces. Any declaration of war by the imperialistic nations against the democratic powers will lead to their doom; it will help to shorten the length of time it will take for the democratic peoples to gain their ultimate victory." Ti Min-hsin (2), member, KMT Revolutionary Committee: "Every effort must be made to expand this movement. Special efforts must be made to arouse the interest of the people of Hong Kong and Macao to this movement because they are more exposed to the propaganda work of the reactionary elements:." Chen Hsu-ching (3), president of Lingnan University: "The 13 years of war in China have been fought mainly to achieve peace, not only for China but for the world. China and the world are seeking peace. Each nation must be permitted to solve its own problems. US intervention and aggression in Ko- rean's internal affairs have aroused the opposition of the people of the world Chou Yung (4), dean of Kuo-min University: "The students of the univer- sity have been discussing the possibility of another war as a result of US im- perialistic intervention in Taiwan and Korea. They felt that it was improb- able that another war would break out. They also felt that more effective propaganda must be employed to counteract the propaganda of the reactionary powers that is being spread in Hong Kong." Huang Hsing-wen (5), principal of the middle school of the Chung Shan University: "All teachers are of the opinion that the US will be defeated and that the war will lead to her economic collapse." Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330789-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330789-0 Yang Tung-chi (6), president of Kwangsi University: "I concur with the statement made by Chou En-lai in which he criticized the imperialist US ag- gression in Korea. China must strengthen and expand her united peace front movement to prevent any aggression by an imperialistic power." Ch'iu Che (7), member of Farmer-Worker Democratic Party: "The US will meet her doom as a result of her meddling in the internal affairs of Korea." Chen Ch'i-yu (8), member of Chih-kung Party: Any declaration of war by the imperialistic nations will lead to the disintegration of their unity while the peace-loving nations will become stronger." Wang Li (9), professor Lingnan University: "Aggressive war must be op- posed while war of liberation must be pursued. Those who seek aggression will be defeated in the end." Liao Pi-kuang (10), a professor: "The war in Korea will prove that the democratic principles pursued by the peace-loving nations of the world will emerge victorious and that the reactionary camp, led by imperalist US will be defeated. Hsieh Liang-ch'ing (11), an overseas Chinese leader from Indonesia; "The overseas Chinese in Indonesia have supported the resistance war against Japan and are behind the struggle for liberation. If the imperialistic US dares to attack China, they will stand behind the people of China to crush the US aggressor." ri AL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330789-0