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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330310-0 CLASSIFICATION CoNFID~tTIAL~~~~~Q~~~~A~, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ~ REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD P:O. COUNTRY china SUBJECT Economic -Agriculture DATE OF INFORMATION 1950 OW DATE DIST. yg Jun 1950 WHERE PUBLISHED New York; Hong Kong; Hankow; Shanghai; Canton N0. OF PAGES ~ DATE PUBLISHED 31 May - 1 Jul 1950 SUPPLEMENT TO LANGUAGE Chinese REPORT N0. ixu ooevN~Mi eoN7~le~ INroDV~noN ~mrnN~ ixe a~noN~t Dv~Nn 0/ TN! OMIT{D lTAR! niMU TN! ^1AM111D or w1o11~Y1 ACT r0 v. ~. c., ~1 eNO >t:. ~a ?NUD~D. m ix~esnuwN ox ixa ur~unoN NI~I7[DDNTTL C. 1 Yt~MODUCT1011 01 iVlf -ON1N ~fl ~IIOHI NIT[D. I! ~IIO- NORTHERN AREAS GET NEW FARM MACHINERY; COTTON ACREAGE INCREASED INNER MONGOLIA RECEIVES USSR FARM TOOLS -- New York Hue-ch'iao Jih-Pao, 23 Jun 50 Inner Mongolia, 13 June (Hain-hua) -- The People's government of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous District is strongly encouraging the broad use of modern farming equipment to increase agricultural production. During Rovember 1949, the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry of the Inner Mongolia People's government contracted with the Northeast Min- ia?,-y. of Agriculture and Forestry and the Harbin Farm Implements Plant for the purchase of 300 harrows and 4,500 disk plows; orders were also placed with the Wu-lan-huo-t'e (Wang-yeh-miao) Municipal People's Iron and Farm Implements Plant for over 1,000 cultivators and Sung-nung ~rade mark disk plows. This equipment, totaling over 6,100 machines, was distributed on loan to farmers in the various areas during April and May 1950. A total of 146 machines, consisting of harvesters and mowers, purchased from the USSR in January 1950, has also been distributed to the Hsing-an, Che-li-mu,Hu-na, and Chao-wu-ta areas, and to agricultural and husbandry sta- tions in Na-wen. NORTHEAST TESTS NEW FARM IMPLEMENTS -- Hong Kong Wen-hui Pao, 31 Eiay 50 Mukden, 30 May (Hain-hue) -- Rural areas in the Northeast are now test- ing 13,diPferent types of farm machinery, numbering 3,300 units altogether, in accordance with a definite plan. It is reported that they-have had a salutary effect among the Perming population. The maJority~oP the new imple- ments have been supplied to public Perms, model Perms, and individual farmers on a rental basis. Ia addition, the Northeast Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the agricultural materials offices of each province have selected 40 mutual-aid teams which were loaned a full complement oP the new machines for trial. CLASSIFICATION coRFiDENTIAL NAW NSRa DISTRIBUTION . 5anltlzed copy Hpproved for Kelease ZU11~Uti~:i1 : LIH-KUF'tiU-UUtiUyHUUU6UU:i:iU:i1U-U ~~~~~=~~~~~~~e- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330310-0 CO~FP6E~TiA~ In the spring planting program for 1950, these terms, guided by tech- nical personnel dispatched by the Northeast People's government, have used eight types of machines, included seeders, disks, and two-wheeled plows, w].th signal success; Planting efficienry has been increased as much as fivefold over that achieved by old-style implements, with a corresponding increase in the quality of the planting, For example, in Yu-shu Hsien, Kirin, two teams, using two of the new seeders, planted 510 mou in kaoliang and soybeans in 1.1.5 days.. This represents a saving of 140 workers and 110 horses when compared with the use of old-style implements in 1949- As another example, c~^e foram P-r- Ssu-yuan Hsien, Heihmgkiang, planted 40 mou per day with a saving in laoor of seven men and eight hcrsesa Three catties of seeds per mou were also saved as a result of improved sowing HOPEH FARMERS COt~LETE COTTON FLANTING -- Hong Kong Wen-hui Pao, 2 Jun 50 Feiping ?- During 20 drys steady and rapid labor the farmers of Hopeh Province completed the planting of 14,021,479 mou of cotton in the latter part of April.a This i~ over 2 million more mou than had originally been planned and amounts to almost 30 percent of the to5;a1 area under cotton iu the whole country With an average production of 28 catties to the mou, the people of HopCh will produce about 300 million catties of ginned cotton in 19500 19 MILLION MOU UNDER COTTON -- Hankow Chang-Chiang Jih-pao, 31 MaY 50 Peiping, 27 May (Hsin-hue) -- Young cotton is growing on more than 19,830,000 mou of North China, although the provinces of Suiyuan and Chahar are not included since their climate is not suitable for cotton cultivation, trys Howevers thepcotton hastfailedat acomeuupeincmanynplacese inosome to the extent of half the area planted.. Since there are? many hazards in grow- ing cotton, the author?tiee are active in promoting replanting and protection programs throughout the area, NORTH KIAIdGSU PUTS 3~4 MILLION MOU IN COT~N -- New York Hus-ch~iao Jih-pao, 1 Jul 50 Shanghai, 21 June (Hsin-000)mou ofelandtunderngottonmcultivation during trict placed more than 3,443, this spring This acreage exceeds last year's by more than 800,000 mou- To increase its cotton production, this district has mobilized more than 250,000 farmers since last winter to reclaim vast wasteland areas and to under- take irrigation proiects~ In addition, it extended loans in the form of seeds, farming equipment, insecticides, etc,,, to the farmers Barring natural calami- ties, a bumper cotton crop is predictedo CENTRAL AND SOUTH CHINA COMPLETES PLANTING -- Hong Kong Wen-hui Pao, 31 May 50 Hankow, 30 May (Hsin-hua) -- Spring planting in the Central and South China Regional District has now been virtually completed, aided by sufficient amounts of rainfall In addition to land already under cultivation, another 930,000 mou of idle land has also been opene3 in Honan, Hupeh, Hunan, Kiangsi, and Kwangsi Cotton planting in the provinces of Honan, Hupeh, Hunan, and Kiangsi has reached 11 million mou, exceeding by 730,000 mou the target set by the Central government,, t;VlvriDEI~TIAL ~O~~Gw~~~~~` Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330310-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330310-0 ,' ~E~C'~~QL~T~A~ Horan completed 1rs .ul.ti.vation activities in April, planting a total of 23,500,000 mou in feodstu-~'fs and 3,500,000 mca in cotton- Transplanting of rice in Hunan was 90 pe=cent completed by mid-Mayo In Kiangsi, dry-land rice has been transplanted oa 12 million mou and 20 million mos ellsbhave been en- with late grains, which wi.L.l be transplanted latere Dry p countered in portions of ICwangtung and Kwangsio but the repair and construc- tion of irrigation channels allow transplanting to take place without serious interference In Kwangtung, transplanting has been completed on 30 million mcu of paddy fields and hilly areas have been planted i.n soybeans, peanuts, and grains of various sorts WHEAT HARVEST HEGI[~iS IN CENTRAL AND SOATH CHINA -- Hong Kong Wen-hui Pao, 1 ..Tun 50 Hankow, 31 May lHsin-hua) -- 4Theat harvesting has begun throughout the Central and South Chins arcs- In Kiangsi and Huran, barley, wheat, and rapeseed ere alxeady bn the threshing floors In all the provinces, and particularly in Honen where the land reform has been carried out, produc- tion will meet or exceed the goals: In Honan, the area planted ro wheat amounts to abou+, i0 percent of the total area under cults vation~ This years produ:tion is expected to exceed last year's by 10 to 20 percent, for a total. increase in wheat production for the province of 3,600,000 piculs~ In Kiangsi, 2,160,000 mou are under barley, wheat, and rape In Kiangsi and Hunan, production is expected to average from one to ley piculs of grain per mou The military and political authorities in the various provinces have issued orders to the military and police forces to organize the people for the protection of the grain? NORTHEAST PLANTING SEASON NEARLY OVER -- Hong Kong Wen?hui Pao, 1 Jun 50 Mukden, 31 May (Hein-hua) -- Wheat planting throughout the Northeast was finished by the oad of April., Planting of cotton, hemp and corn will be i'in- ished by the fir :;t of June; 6 million mou are under wheat, an increase of he~gp000T~~~~smountloftlandrundar7oot~onwinlI.laosidFrovincen~la5003000 mau,~isr twice last year's planting? MILITARY TAK1;5 ACTIVE PA122' IN NOP.TH CHINA FARMING -?- Hong Kong Wen-hui Pao, 1 Jun 50 tdilitar,~ units throughout North China have begun large-scale agricultural operations to produce food for themselves They have opened up 100,000 mou of grass lands? They are also farming ten, publicly owned, modernized farms, They have contracted with the various water conservation authorities of the provinces to carry out irrigation pro,~ects along 22 rivers of the area involy- ing 4,950,000 man??dayc of labor and the hsndling of 306,640,000 fang one fang is 10 cubic fe!a7 of earth., The soldiers are also large numbers of domestic aniTa:lo and fowls for food In addition to their agricultural activities, they have opened 357 handi- craft industries largely concerned with processing foods or other materials for their own use,. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000 600330310-0 CO~E~~?~3~~~L ? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330310-0 SINK:T~NG MILITARY EXCEED FL,P.NTING TARGETS -- Canton Nan-fang Jih-pao, 2 Jun 50 Feople's Liberation Army units in Sinkiang have surpassed their spring planting targets by plowing 673,500 mou by 1. May 1950, 122 percent above the goal set, and sowing 43G,000 mou They also carried out irrigation projects to servi.:e one million mou, The soldiers manifested a battle spirit, making their own tools and work- ing t,ll they raised blis*_ers on their hands and foots In Sinkiang, r,he land is alkali and must be leeched before plantings EUPEH, KIAIQGSI PREPARE TAND REFORMS ?-? Shanghai Chieh-fang :lih-pao, 1 Jun 50 Hankow, 30 May (Hsi.n-hue) -- At the recent meeting of secretaries of area (ti-fang) party committee= i.n $upeh, it was revaled that in 90 percent of the province rent reductionshad been carried out.. This has resulted in a refund to the people of 2 trillion catties of grain, and a great saving of government loans for agricultural purposes and relief labor? The conference agreed tc take the notes=ary steps, by 1 August 1950, to carr}~ out ?.he production program far the year and to _arry out land reform dur- ing the autumn In ICiangsi, the conference of area party secretaries revealed that in 60 percent of Kiangsi the reat~reduction pxogra.m was i.n effect, with the people receiving a refund of 500,000 picuis of grain and a resulting.rise in the people's productive capacity. Nearly 300,000 mou of new land have been put under cultivation The conference set up three goals for immediate activity (1} promote a well-organized, efficiently led peasant revolutionary movement, taking into account varying local conditions; (2) promote an increase of grain production for the province of 5 million piculs; and t3) revise the thinking oP cadres who stil..l retain bureaucratic ideaso TSINGHA:I PLkNS AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT ~-- Eong Kong Wen-hui Pao, 31 May 50 Sian, 30 May (Hain-hua) -- The Department of Agriculture and Forestry of the Northwest Military and Admisistrative Committee has dispatched an inspec- tion team to Tsinghai. to survey the possibilities of opening the Ch?ai~ta-mu Basin to agricu].ture~ Included in the party due to arrive in Hsi-ning on 30 May, ass industrial, agricultural, meteoreiogical, animal husbandry, and irrigation special.isis, who will team with the concerned agencies and mili- tary units in Tsinghai to carry out the survey, Emphasis will be placed on the area between Hsia-,jih-ch'ia (1) umbers refer to aggended characters] and Ch?a-han-wu-sa (2} on the Sinkiang-Tsirghai Highways Tsinghai now has an area of 7,800,000 mou open to cultivation, which is only 0,6 percent of the total land surface of the province Tt is estimated that the province has an additional 64,190,000 mou which may be opened to cultivation, most of which is located'in the Ch'ai-to-~mu Basins Preliminary studies indicate that climate, rainfall, soil, an3 other natural conditions are all favorable for culiivation ]C+a TI'+n~ww -- ~~~~4 i~~E''~ ~ s~~. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600330310-0