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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320588-4 CLASSIFICATION szciET SECRET; CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Military - Biographical HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED USSR DATE PUBLISHED 6 Nov 1949 - 4 May 1950 Tula !OClunT COYTAIOS INFORMATION AFFECTING ISO NATIONAL OUERSI or Thu YNIn! STATES WIDIU nE MONIB Of UPIONASR ACT a! a. a.. C., al All! SE.A0 AN,NRO. ITS nAUAYUUIOD ON VON SO!4T1ON Y4YTNORRUS P15SON IS Fab OF ITS WMTENTS IN ANY WARNER TO AN NISITEO ST LAY. 01F000UCTION OF TO roil IS -ROUISOES. DATE DIST. J Jul 1950 NO. OF PAGES 4 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Parades were held o- 1 May 1950 in many cities in connection with the celebration of May Day. Orders of the day were issued by both the USSR War Minister and the USSR Navy Minister. Garrison commanders issued parade orders during the week preceding the holiday. Military units from local garrisons and military schools paraded to start off giant civilian demonstrations. The emphasis this year, as shown by the relatively short duration of the Moscow military parade, was predominantly civilian. Most provincial newspapers de- voted less than half a column to the local military parades. The following information on the parades and celebrations was taken from local newspapers. Numbers in parentheses refer to the appended sources. Guards General-leytenant S. Kozak, commander of the Kishinev Garrison, issued Order No 49, dated April 1950,to troops of the Kishinev Garrison, as follows: Troop units of theKishinev Garrison will participate in the parade. The deputy commander of the garrison will lead the parade, which will be reviewed by the commander. Summer parade uniforms will be worn. Colonel of Militia Pashchenko, chief of the Kishinev Militia Administration, will be responsible for the maintenance of order during the parade.(1). The parade was reviewed by Guards General-leytenant S. A. Kozak. Other officers on the reviewing stand were I. L. Mordovets /Minister of State Se- curity, Moldavian SSRJ and F. Ya. Tutushkin Minister of Internal Affairs, Moldavian SSJ.(2) General-leytenant Kosyakin, commander of the Kiev Garrison, issued Order No 11, dated 25 April 1950, to troops of the Kiev Garrison, as fol- lows: Military school and troop units located in Kiev will, participate 1 SECRET::L DATE OF INFORMATION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP80-00809A0006003205 88-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320588-4 SECIL T in the parade. Guam; General-polkovnik Grechi;o, commander of the Kiev Military District will review the parade. General-leytenant Kosyakin is designated as parade commander. Summer parade uniforms will be worn. Gen- eral-mayor Trantin, commandant of the Kiev Garrison, will be responsible for maintenance of order during the parade.(3) Guards General-polkovnik A. A. Grechko reviewed the military parade.(4) MINSK General-polkovnik 'hibisov, cons ander of the Minsk Garrison, issued Order No 46, dated 27 April 1950, to troops of the Minsk Garrison, as fol- lows: Marshal of the Soviet Uniin Timoshenko, commander of the Belorussian Military District, will review the parade. General-polkovnik Chibisov is designated as parade commander. General and officers will wear parade uni- forms; privates and nonc,)mmissioned officers will wear summer uniforms. The chief of the Minsk Militia Administration ',rill close pedestrian and all trans- porttraffic at 0800, 1 May, on the following streets: Sovetskaya, Moskovsk- aya, Nemiga, Goi'kiy, and adjoining side streets. The Minsk Garrison com- mandant and the chief of the Militia Administration will be responsible for the maintenance of order during the parade.(5) Marshal S. K. Timoshenko received the report of General-polkovnik Chi- bisov, parade commander, took his place on the reviewing stand, made a short speech, and reviewed the troops.(6) // The Commander of the Petrozavodsk Garrison issued Order No 20, dated 30 April 1950, to troops of the Petrozavodsk Garrison: Military units and members of administrations and institutions located in Petrozavodsk will take part in the parade. The commander of the White Sea Military District will review the parade. Summer parade uniforms will be worn. The commandant of the city of Petrozavodsk will be responsible for the maintenance of order dur- ing the parade.(7) The order of General-leytenant Gerasimenko, commander of thp,Riga Gar rison, to troops of the Riga Garrison was probably printed in Sovetskaya Lat- viya on 29 or T,:) April. However, neither of these issues is available in CIA. The parade was commanded by General-leytenant G-srasimenko and reviewed be Ceneral of the Army I. Kh. Bagramyan, commander of the Baltic Military Dis- trict.(8) The May Day order of the commander of the Tbilisi Garrison to troops of the gerrison was not published in Zarya Vostoka. The parade was commanded - 2 - SECRET SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320588-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320588-4 SECRET by General-leytenant A. Tarasov (9), a role usually deleGated to the commander of the Tbilisi Garrison. No mention is made of General-mayor Yushkevich, who, as corm=der of the Tbilisi Garrison, issued the order to troops of the Tbilisi Garrison for the '7 November parade.(10) General of the Army A. Antonov, commander of the Transcaucasus Military District, reviewed the troops at the parade. Cadets of the Nrkhimov Naval School and other military schools, as well as troops of the Tbilisi garrison, partici- pated in the parade.(9) The Nay Day order of the commander of the Tashkent Garrison was not pub- lished in Pravda Vostoka. General of the Army I. Ye. Petrov, commarder of the Turkestan Military District, inspected and reviewed the troops. Cadets of the Tashkent Infantry: Talk and Suvorov schools, together with units of the military garrison, par- ticipated in the parade.(ll) VIL' i YUS General-mayor 01ev, commander of the Vil'nyus Garrison, issued Order No 9, dated 30 4zril 1950, to troops of the Vil'nyus Garrison: Troop units located in Vil'nyus will participate in the parade, under the command of General-mayor Olev. Summer parade uniforms will be worn. Abramyan, military commandant of .11'nyus, will be responsible for the maintenance of order. Zadorozhnyy will carry out the artillery salute.(12) Only Party and government officials were listed among those reviewing the parade in he four lines devoted to the military part of the May Day parade.(13) The commander of the Yerevan Garrison issued Order No 10, dated 30 April 1950, to troops of the Yerevan Garrison: Units of the garrison will assemble and form according to instructions of the Yerevan Garrison commandant. Summer pelnde uniform will be worn. The Yerevan Garrison ccmriandant will be respon- sible for maintenance of order during the parade.(14) Units of the Yerevan Garrison were reviewed, anc.then passed in parade.(15) General-polkovnik A. Luchinskiy, commander of the Leningrad Military Dis- trict, issued order No 6, dated 30 April. 1950, to troops of the Leningrad Gar- rison: Units of the military acadercies and schools, and army and navy troops will participate in the parade. General-poll:ovnik A. Luchinskiy will review Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320588-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320588-4 SECRET the parade, which is to be led by General _polkovnik Iiovalev. General-mayor Paramzin, commandant of the city garrison, will be responsible for maintenance of order during the parade.(16) Party and government officials, accompanied by representatives of the army and navy, reviewed units of the Baltic Fleet based in Leningrad. General- polkovnik A. Luchinskiy inspected the troops, received the report of the parade commander, and then reviewed school and army and navy units stationed in the city.tl7) Military parades were also held in Frunze, Stalinabad, and Tallin, with naval and military reviews in Baku and Vladivostok.(18) The demonstration in Alma-Ata was entirely civilian.(19) Turkmenskaya Iskra published in Ashkhabad, Turkmen SSR, the only remaining republic center, is not available in CIA. 1. Sovetskaya Moldaviya, No 86, 30 Apr 50 2. Sovetskaya Moldaviya, No 88, If May 50 3. Pravda Ukrainy, No 102, 29 Apr 50 If. Pravda Ukrainy, No 105, If May 50 5. Sovetskaya Belorussiya, No 88, 30 Apr 50 6. Sovetskaya Belorussiya, No 90, If May 50 7. Leninskoye Znamya, No 87, 30 Apr 50 8. Sovetskaya Latviya, No 105, If May 50 9. Zarya Vostoka, No 91, If May 50 10. Zarya Vostoka, No 219, 6 Nov 49 11. Pravda Vostoka, No 103, If May 50 12. Sovetskaya Litva, No 103, 30 Apr 50 13. Sovetskaya Litva, No 105, If May 50 14. Kommunist, No 103, 30 Apr 50 15. Kommunist, No 105, If May 50 16. Leningradskaya Pravda, No 103, 30 Apr 50 17. Leningradskaya Pravda, No 105, If May 50 18. Izvestiya, No 105, If May 50 19. Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, No 92, If May 50 - E N D - -4- SECRET OEM 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/10: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320588-4